On December 18 2013 06:33 JaKaTaK wrote: EDIT: In other other news... I'd really like to start tracking how many people are downloading TheCore and stumbled upon this article:
Anyone have the skills to know if this or something else will work to track how many times a file in TheCore folder of my SkyDrive is downloaded?
i not a web pro and i am not sure you can track how often it is downloaded but maybe you can track how often the link is clicked - i found this http://www.clickmeter.com/
I'd like to offer some thoughts and maybe start a discussion about zerg rapid fire inject and zerg creep spread.
Side note: I will refer to ZRM in the following text.
Let me start a week ago: I really wanted to include the the rapid fire inject method into my play and into my hokeys. If you are not familiar with it head over here
and come right back after it... I have a keyboard which supports the inect method. So far so good. The next thing I needed was a key combination. I did not want to change the core very much because I am really pleased with most of it. I wanted to keep inject as well as "TargetChoose" on o. So I needed a good key for base cam. I started searching for "free" keys in range and I found out, that period (aka .) was just an alternative for cancel which I never used so far. In my first attempt I used period for base cam and found out that it was horrible. It did not matter if I tried to press it with my index or with my thumb I missed it quite often and even more I just did not press it simultaneously with o. I kept thinking of it and came to the conclusion that in order to press 2 keys mostly simultaneously I need those keys right next to another. At least for me it simply does not work properly in another way. Long story short: I chose ctrl+i for my base cam. I know, ctrl+i is already used for another cam in the current TheCore. I will talk about that a little later. With ctrl+i you can hold ctrl and then press i+o simultaneously. For me it works like a charm... You could say: Wait! For selecting my queens I need to press shift+p. Switching from shift to control is not that easy. That is correct. So I did another change: I added ctrl+j as an alternative for selecting queens. So my rapid inject cycle goes in a smooth movement from left to right: 1) press and hold ctrl 2) press j to select queens 3) optionally press i to center your screen on a base if you don't find the center by yourself 4) center your mouse 5) press and hold i+o to inject all your bases
For me this is as optimal as it can get at the moment: All keys are on the home row. The movement is smoothly from left to right. Let me know of your oppinions.
Now I would like to take a few words about the only possible downside and why I think it is just a theoretical downside: I am sacrifying camera 6 which is on ctrl+j and ctrl+i. So in theory we have a creep spread cam less than before. But honestly I don't think that many people are using the creep spread method. I have no real evidence about that but I am pretty sure that most people don't even know that method. Additionally the finger movement is quite awkward (compare this post: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=341878¤tpage=287#5724). And even more: I personally don't see it very useful. For me the reasons are the following: 1) I rarely spread creep in exactly 2 lanes. 2) I find it quite difficult to recall cam, move view point and set cam when I just could click the minimap once. For me clicking the minimap feels even faster. Maybe because I don't need to move my view point after that. 3) 2 lanes are too unflexible.
As a conclusion: In my oppinion it is far more superior to use ctrl+j and ctrl+i for rapid inject than for creep spreading cams. I would like to hear other oppinions and hope to make TheCore better and better in the end.
It seems odd to me that of the home row fingers, the weakest one (the pinky) is used for the most important command (attack move). Was there some other pressure that lead to this decision? Are the control groups actually used more? I just watched Jakatak's making-of video and he stated that according to their replay analysis attack move was the most issued command.
I've been using my pinky in SC2 and WoW a lot now and I can say that it's become very comfortable but it does feel like my second slowest finger after my thumb
I just started playing again after about a year. I decided to learn a new race and a new keyboard layout being that I'd have to relearn everything anyways.
Any suggestions for cycle sub group? I really don't like having it on my mouse keys. I'm using the PRM layout. I've been putting gates/robo/stargate on one control group and trying to cycle through. I don't know how I feel about it. I used to play as Terran and I put each set of production buildings on a separate hotkey which worked really well. Or maybe it would be best to place them on three different keys instead of changing the cycle sub group keys? I don't think the cycling method is more efficient or works that well. Maybe Nexus/Forge on group one, gates on group two, robo group three and stargates group four. Well, maybe it would be better with cycling because it's not mass production like a terran. It would definitely feel better on a key and not on mouse buttons especially trying to keep production up while in combat using your mouse.
I remember reading a comment about someone using a Keypad with the Core. I just got the Razer Orbweaver for Christmas and I was looking for suggestions for set-up...
first off, thanks a lot for such a great tool. The thinking all the people put into this is just incredible.
I have two questions:
1. If I remember correctly (watching some of your youtube VODs, I've watched a lots of them, actually I understand one of the key principles of TheCore is to avoid finger repetition. Now, I use PRM, and the idea of the 'Alt' key for putting the selection in the screen is very interesting - when 'Alt' is to be pressed with a thumb. The key question actually is, did you guys crafted TheCore so that one should switch among control groups primarily with pressing a control group key just once and following with 'Alt' instead of double tapping a CG key?
It's been my 4th day only with TheCore, however, I try to practice it deliberately, especially with the famous multitask trainer (running away from a ling with a probe whilst macroing/microing...) and I must say after a few solid days of practicing I'm like 50/50 on the two methods for switching between control groups, I don't know which way to practice this...
Could you please elaborate on what the primary intention was for the method of switching among control groups: double tapping or one-tap plus 'Alt'?
2. Also, what I'm missing for this is to see some high level VODs of somebody who's been using TheCore for some time. It would be nice to see if somebody at least from Masters could showcase the true potential in real games...
I want to say that I'm really enjoying The Core layout. As I said a few posts earlier, I am returning after not playing for a year. It's taken me quite a while, but I'm finally STARTING to get used to The Core. I still don't know all the hot keys really well, but I've got a great feel for most of the important stuff. It definitely makes things easier using the same keys across all units/production structures. I've played about 53 games so far, and it's really starting to come together. 53 might sound like a lot, but keep in mind that I was never very good when I played before and it's been a year. This is basically like starting over from scratch.
My macro has definitely improved. Once I figure out how I want to hotkey my army units, my control should go way up as well. I've been using [ for my whole army, - for colossi, and = for MSC. I sometimes put Zealots on 9 and Stalkers on 0. I can't figure out how I want to do High Templars. Maybe ; would be good. I still have a problem controlling multiple army groups and find myself control clicking on units during combat to do things like focus fire Vikings with my Stalkers. I think I need one army hotkey to move them across the map and then start micro managing them with multiple hotkeys.
Anyways, from an awful player's perspective, The Core is helpful. It feels intuitive to me. The game should be come this way out of the box. I guess my only gripe would be the center camera key and set camera key being the same. I try to set my camera hotkeys right at the start, but I have to deselect my Nexus before setting the second camera or it snaps back to my main. I could probably just remove it though.
And an update from my previous posts. I've gotten used to using my mouse buttons to cycle my production. It's not bad at all really because it's just warp gates, robo, and stargate. I just started protoss so I haven't even tried doing a stargate yet lol.
Hi, been using the core for a while now. I love it and will definitely never go back.
I have a little issue, at the beginning of SC2, I had a Mac and there was an easy short cut to switch from full scrren to window mode but I cannot find it on my PC. I searched through the option\shortcut window ingame but sadly wasn't able to find it.
Is anyone here knowing what is the command I am looking for, I am using RRM btw?
Sorry if this question does not belong to this thread but i fear I won't have the correct answer on another section.
Anyway thanks a lot for the Core, it is just AWESOME! thx in advance
Hello, I've been trying to use The Core since yesterday (ZRM French AZERTY) but encounter some problems to assign groups. All the combos using letters are not working (ctrl shift H/M/L/P) while the ones using digits are working. So I can assign to groups > 4 but not the first 4 groups.
Any idea about what the problem is? I tried with both my laptop keyboard and an usb one.
On January 05 2014 18:29 Mogzor wrote: Hello, I've been trying to use The Core since yesterday (ZRM French AZERTY) but encounter some problems to assign groups. All the combos using letters are not working (ctrl shift H/M/L/P) while the ones using digits are working. So I can assign to groups > 4 but not the first 4 groups.
Any idea about what the problem is? I tried with both my laptop keyboard and an usb one.
make sure no other program that runs at the same time as sc2 that has shortcuts on this keys (close all other programms) and check the shortcuts from your OS