Hey JaKaTaK
I started using TheCore recently using the hotkey trainer and the thing I find more dificult right now is the control groups, but that is because I didn't trained that much yet. But I'm realy diggind into it and finding more fun and simple.
I use the TRM version for the US keyboard and I've made already some customization.
The first thing is mostly because I'm used to using the tab in the standard l needed a key in my keyboard that did that to, so since the backspace was not being used, i added to the function to go to the next sub control group. If I need to reach to it I can use the tumb or the index finger.
The second chance is because right now I'm using a keyboard that does not allow rapid fire, but I came up with a way to have rapid fire even in a keyboard that doesn't allow it. The only condition is that your mouse must have more that 5 buttons, and currently many more mouses have that property, or have enough buttons that the mouse has both a keyboard settings and a mouse settings when you right click on it. Then you set the mouse keyboard settings (I know it's confusing) and do the same as you would do on a keyboard. Afterwards you can add that buttons to the hotkeys in the same way you would do to rapid fire. Usually I found that those extra buttons are mapped to keys like page up and page down, so I had to change the zoom keys to home and end. (If you didn't understand tell me and I'll try to explain better or PM me.) But basically it's a way to have rapid fire even if you don't have a keyboard that does not support rapid fire.
Thanks for this amazing layout.
The first thing is mostly because I'm used to using the tab in the standard l needed a key in my keyboard that did that to, so since the backspace was not being used, i added to the function to go to the next sub control group. If I need to reach to it I can use the tumb or the index finger.
The thumb?! That is some crazy reach. I would advise against this. Try swapping the enter key function with the backspace. Much faster and easier on your wrist.
Cool work around for rapid fire. However, all keyboards support rapid fire, just not rapid fire worker splits or injects. Those 2 are special 
Glad you're digging the layout. Feel free to stop by TheJaKaChaT group on the AM server and hang out/play games with us
The thumb?! That is some crazy reach. I would advise against this. Try swapping the enter key function with the backspace. Much faster and easier on your wrist.
Very nice idea, I'll be sure to try that.
I didn't explained myself clearly in the other post, but this trick was to solve the problems with this two special ones. xD If you have a seven mouse button you can for example put button 6 for idle worker or base camera and button seven to the rapid fire or other option you want, that way you can do rapid fire injects or rapid worker splits even if the keyboard does not support it.
Cool Now we're on the same page. Wanted to make sure you knew you could use normal rapid fire without pressing 2 buttons.
Hey, I just wanted to ask if there are any proven benifits reducing wrist pain while using the core.
No Clinical Trials. But individual players have reported reduced wrist pain. Foxy Mayhem (Co-creator) has some serious wrist issues and did a lot of research for himself that we applied to TheCore to make it as ergonomic as possible.
At GM level would it be usefull to switch? im a BW player.. i really like the normal setup but i would like to be different idk!
If you want to be different, now's the time to get on TheCore boat early. Then you can say you used TheCore before it was cool. Because it will be cool! Oh yes, it will 
Basically the more APM you use, the more useful TheCore is to you, because it takes time off each action and action combo you do. GM is probably one of the sweet spots for learning TheCore, you're not a pro yet, so you can afford to take the time out and learn the layout, and you also have lots of dicipline, and training knowledge that will help you learn quickly. We've found that the better players tend to learn TheCore faster.
GLHF! Let us all know how it goes
If I want to use The Chameleon or I don't have the side buttons on my mouse which one do I use? right side, zerg, medium hand.
I've been using the old Core and think I should upgrade with HOTS
TheCore ZRM is the best layout for you based on what you're saying. Customize Next Subgroup to be on Enter and you're good to go 
As a side note, for anyone that can't play with TheCore because they don't have a keyboard that works with it. Go to a thrift shop. They got piles and piles for around $4.
Speaking of keyboards, is there one that is particularly good to use with TheCore? On my cheap Dell keyboard, I find it's uncomfortable to hold down the shift key without hitting any of the other keys. I think the ideal might be a keyboard with a large shift key and a wide key (or two keys) between Ctrl and Alt that can be popped out, leaving a big space for the thumb.
To improve the efficiency of the backspace method on the core you may be able to bind commands to the side mouse buttons on your mouse. If you do not have a mouse with side buttons you may be able to layer the left and right mouse buttons with a key on the keyboard. Example would be Shift+Left Click. I think the core is well optimized for most other forms of injects but the backspace method is one area where the core is lacking imo. Hopefully this helps someone Love to hear thoughts!
Hey, I started to use TheCore a few weeks back and i love it so far. It was really hard, and also fun, to learn a new hotkey setup and I finally feel like using thecore is more fluent than my old hotkey setup. So thanks a lot for all the work you put into this.
I am using ZRM and only made 1 change so far. I swapped the center base hotkey from strg+alt (german keyboard) to a side mouse button, so now i can decide if I want the camera to be centered or not. There is still one problem i am facing from time to time, and that is the K button. Sometimes i forget to press shift (or am a little to slow with my thumb, i dont know) and end up building extra queens or tell my units to stop. As the queens can be cacled, the stop command is my main problem. So i am thinking about removing the stop command from the K button, as I normally do not use it at all. Is there any big advantage of the stop command compared to hold position, that I am not aware of / Is there any situation in the game, where to stop command makes your life easier compared to hold position?
Also, as I am playing protoss and terran from time to time, I wondered, if there is a big drawback in using RRM instead of ZRM for playing zerg? btw: I am using the camera location + manually selct my queens for larva injecting, as my keyboard can not handle the rapid fire inject -> jkkkkkkkkkkk So the layerd P controle group will not be missed.
There isn't a huge advantage of having both stop and hold position. Technically there is an advantage to having both so we put it in TheCore, but since you're customizing, go for whatever feels good to you.
Since you've already learned TheCore, learning a different version has significantly diminished returns. I would stick with what you have, but I have heard of someone learning all 3 and changing when playing a different race.
Ok, thanks for your answer. I think I will just go with the standard hotkey setup for the other two races then, as it really takes some time to get does hotkey setups down, and i am not playing enough for that.
Also i wanted to note, that the TheCore Visualizer sems broken for the german keyboard layout. At least all the hotkeys for the german keys (ö,ä etc) are not displayed. It is not that big a problem, as it is possible to change the keyboard layout in windows to USqwerty, but I do not know if you are aware of this issue.
Wait... YoTcA, you can use the version of TheCore you know now to offrace. It has been specifically designed to do so. Much easier than standard.
Visualizer is broken to some degree. Can't fix it till I learn the language it was coded in.
YoTcA, you can use the version of TheCore you know now to offrace
I'm a right-mouse-hand, us-qwerty, default grid, platinum zerg (but I'm not sure if I'll be zerg forever) looking to try out The Core, and I'm not sure which version to choose. One of the things that really appeals to me is being able to play all races with the same hotkey setup.
It seems like I should just learn the 'random' version of The Core to be safe, but it's unclear what the differences actually are between Z/P/T/R. What would be a good reason to use each of the race specific versions over using the random version? Sorry if this has been answered before, but the thread is over 300 pages and I didn't see this in the FAQ.
I think that is an excellent question 
You should pick the race you play the most. For 1.0 TP and R are identical. So really, it's a question of how much zerg you play. This will change for TheCore 1.1 (but that is a while off) No matter what you pick you will be able to efficiently play with all races, it's just a matter of how the efficiency leans.
On February 17 2014 14:40 JaKaTaK wrote: For 1.0 TP and R are identical.
Could you elaborate on what's different about Z and what the thinking is behind it?
Also, your youtube videos are excellent, I've watched almost everything on the channel today and subscribed 
Thanks for all your hard work.
Thanks! I'll keep making them as long as I can. The more views we get, the longer I can make them, so tell your friends 
This is a common question. I think I'll make a video and post it up instead of typing it out. Easier to explain that way. Brb