On October 21 2013 16:32 SixtusTheFifth wrote:Show nested quote +On October 26 2012 14:04 Lancerx wrote: I have question for the creator of Core layout. I am just getting back to SC2 after a few seasons off. I was ranked top 8 masters and used to playing at a fairly high level. What I had done was use a grid setup with a Razer Marauder because I just love the feel of the Marauder personally. I turned my spacebar into an alt key and using the Grid layout, I would use control A for example to create control group 6 and then if I wanted to select it I would simply press spacebar and hit A, or Alt-A.
Numbers 1-5 which is what I would us 90% of the time, i would use normally. I bound my mouse two side buttons to control and shift, and use those to create and modify control groups without having to use control/shift on keyboard.
I was reading over your core layout and I am a bit confused about it. I understand that you claim this is the best optimal layout to use, and that it is hard to get used to but once you are used to it, it is supposed to be better.
Could you explain what makes this layout so much more advantageous and why I should take the time to relearn a new system? The control groups seemed to be laid out with no rhyme or reason, and they are in wierd spots, including the right side of the keyboard, which is very strange to me. Nothing about it feels comfortable, for obvious reasons being that I am not used to it. But still, could you explain why you did what you did with this layout, and why it is better, and why I should take the time to learn it? I am very open minded and look forward to hearing from you about this matter. Thanks Show nested quote +On October 21 2013 15:12 Lancerx wrote: Im a little sceptical about this layout. I am a former high masters player who is just getting back into sc2 after a long while off, never laddered yet in Hots and find myself having to start over, learning everything again.
Having to start over again has me thinking of trying out something like Core since I am going to be bad anyways, I might as well learn something that is better.
However I am a little skeptical that this layout is better, I want to believe lol. Did thos pro players you quoted really have those nice things to say about it? Are there really that many GM players and high masters using this key setup?
Also and probably the most important is that I have a razer blackwidow and razer Orbweaver and I have to say that the orbweaver is just amazing in SC2, I have never used it but the keys are all mechanical and in straight lines so you never have a problem hitting the key you intend to. I think I could make core work with the Orbweaver but what do you think about this? I have for years used my mouse thumb buttons as control/shift and my thumb for alt and backspace basically.
I really look forward to hearing from you about this. thanks Just how many times do you take seasons off and come back to the Core?
At first I was like, wtf? October 26 is quoted before the 21st? Isn't it october 21st today? Then... I saw it... 2012 Get on TheCore Lancer! You will not regret it 
@Iceman Thanks! I'll have a more complete version for tutorial central coming in relatively soon. (we've learned a bit about rapid fire since then
On October 21 2013 20:54 Lancerx wrote: I am looking forward to learning my cameras now and figuring out the best way to bind my gateways and pylon camera so I can warp in faster.
I am am glad to say: I am excited as you are :D in less than 25 hours i am back into Platinum league Eu where I was belong with new TheCore hotkeys. I am still not at my 100% muscle memory there for i am playing slower then i think i can, although my APM showing 20 more than the old hotkeys!
i am toss and i use :
9 0 - = (nexus) (gates) (robo) (stargate)
O P [ (army) (stalkers) (MSC)
L ; (templar) (harasing unit or scouting)
Camera hotkeys ------------------------------------------------------------------
9 0 - = base1 base2 base3 base4
hope it helps. it works great for me.
If you're going to go for micro CGs on the home row, I would strongly consider doing:
main army P main harass O
main army P templar O
Interesting take on the CGs though
On October 22 2013 01:05 JaKaTaK wrote:If you're going to go for micro CGs on the home row, I would strongly consider doing: main army P main harass O or main army P templar O Interesting take on the CGs though 
So what I was thinking is setting my CG for my gateway army as the same hotkey for the camera also. So this way I could hit shift 0 for example for my camera that will go to pylon, then hit 0 again which is my gateways,robo,stargate etcc. This way it should be faster to warp in.
But I am trying to figure out where I want to put my production buildings and where I want my nexus, it feels little to far at the top row though, maybe ill use CG 3 ,4 for my production and Nexus.
What do you use to warp in fast during combat? I saw your youtuve video and how you do it , but I am more concerned what CG's you set up with pylon camera usage.
Lancer you want to be using a different finger, not the same finger. Finger repetition is much slower. So if gateways are on 0 then shift+9 for pylon camera is better than shift+0.
Hey Coreians ^^ ;D
TRM us qwerty:
i got a small idea for terran players: put Base Camera on 7 and Escape on F8.(for me personally easier to reach than 7)
and then:
Ctrl+Shift+7 selects all idle workers release Ctrl+Shift press 7 until u can get your idle workers to the base u want them to mine.
next one is: did you ever thought a building was finished(green in unit selection) pressed H(for Reactor) and accidentally gave a Halt Build command?
here is a possible solution: halt build on ]
Let me know what you think greetings
HerrPfotig, I think those are great ideas! I'm too new to using TheCore to give a qualified opinion, but I will consider doing that with my own setup.
On October 22 2013 01:05 JaKaTaK wrote:If you're going to go for micro CGs on the home row, I would strongly consider doing: main army P main harass O or main army P templar O Interesting take on the CGs though 
After trying it a bit ( i know that i have not put enough time in this), but i will go with an evolution of your advice JakaTaK.
My mind works in rows and in priority of giving commands/casting spells, meaning templar can't be before head army (O hokey) for me. In battle or in games main army clicked first so it has to be 1st CG for me, other than that i will loose myself under presser.
But i do totally agree with you that HT has to be on a home keys ( "O P [ " ) and i put HT on 3rd CG ( [ ) and MSC on 4rth (L) since the access to MSC can be slightly delayed and not game changing. Scout and harassment units remain on " ; "
Ty again for a quick support!
I'm about 3 billion years too late...but all the same, thanks to all who put effort into "The Core visualiser"
It's incredible and really helps a lot. Different people deal with information and understand it in a different and unique way - and for me the visual representation instantly made a lot of things very clear to me. Some of they key combinations confused me, and seemed illogical, it was frustrating to try in game (as predicted, no less). But when I played with the visualiser, a LOT just clicked.
Jakatak, or whoever can, may I recommend that you include the visualiser on the intro pages, and link it via youtube, etc? I don't think it has enough exposure as it is. I think it could be a key step in helping people to learn TheCore.
Thanks again for everyone's effort and professional approach to this project.
On October 22 2013 17:29 VeryMadMike wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2013 01:05 JaKaTaK wrote:If you're going to go for micro CGs on the home row, I would strongly consider doing: main army P main harass O or main army P templar O Interesting take on the CGs though  After trying it a bit ( i know that i have not put enough time in this), but i will go with an evolution of your advice JakaTaK. My mind works in rows and in priority of giving commands/casting spells, meaning templar can't be before head army (O hokey) for me. In battle or in games main army clicked first so it has to be 1st CG for me, other than that i will loose myself under presser. But i do totally agree with you that HT has to be on a home keys ( "O P [ " ) and i put HT on 3rd CG ( [ ) and MSC on 4rth (L) since the access to MSC can be slightly delayed and not game changing. Scout and harassment units remain on " ; " Ty again for a quick support! Its wierd to me resting your fingers over I O P as the home row. I prefer to rest my hands like a typer would all in a row like J K L ; it just seems more comfortable to me.
Is there a reason I should not do this? I know they have quite a few good reasons for doing everything the way they do.
Also I think I will take the advice given and try a pylon camera hotkey different then the gateway keys.
But my current problem is that I am having issue tabbing my production buildings. I have always use seperate control groups for my gate,robo,stargate. And have really never had issue with it before like that, it seems faster then tab production.
But now that I am using the Razer Orbweaver instead of a keyboard, which is just FTW btw lol I am using my 2 side mouse buttons on my naga as control and shift modifiers with alt as my thumb button on my Orbweaver and tab as my 2nd thumb button to tab targets.
I might try for a while longer tab target production but I am really not liking it much. But it could be just that I am so confused, my brain is completely going bonkers trying to re learn a game. I think I would lose to platinum players right now if I tried to play a ladder game, much less going against masters right now would definitely not be good lol.
But I am excited that Core has forced me now to stop some bad habits I have developed, but never really wanted to address because I knew it would be allot of re-learning and making mistakes.
Its wierd to me resting your fingers over I O P as the home row. I prefer to rest my hands like a typer would all in a row like J K L ; it just seems more comfortable to me.
Is there a reason I should not do this? I know they have quite a few good reasons for doing everything the way they do.
the resting is not " I " it is ( O P [ ) --> this way i can reach the upper keys ( 9 0 - = ) while in control of the bottom keys. if u rest on JKL i cant reach the upper keys ( 9 0 - = ) comfortably enough, which makes it not good for me as they a production groups.
jiop are chosen because of the length of the pinky more than anything. The necessary tilt on the keyboard to make 8ik, 9ol and 0p; columnised exaggerates the shortness of the pinky, resulting in u being out of comfortable reach. Thus j is the natural homekey. If you are using your orb weaver which is already columnised (with vertical offsets too - the way keyboards should be designed as we no longer use typewriters) then there's no need for tilt and your pinky will be fine on same row as the others. When mapping out the keys to your orb weaver just map mnhj one row higher than they appear on the keyboard relative to the other keys, as these are all the keys that the pinky will be used for.
On October 21 2013 19:57 Slashiepie wrote: Hi guys, i recently built myself a hackintosh, the Core has problems with it because the SC2 UI does not recognize the Control Key nor the ALT Gr Key. Edit: Control is the Windows Key.
Anyone here with a mac using a Mac with a non mac keyboard who can shed some light on how to elegantly fix this?
Use KeyRemapForMacbook to remap your PC keyboard to work with your Mac/SC2
hey guys so i picked this about a week and a half ago and just wanted to say thanks, really like the set up, much more efficient. Feeling super comfortable, back up to my old apm the whole jazz super great :p
First of all thanks for so big work as making the core!
I'm playing random and using ZRM keyboard! RRM i don't like at all. A few tips for people like me.
1. Change supply and pylon on I and gas on 8. You can also switch roach and gas for zerg race. It helps you to avoid confusing and not really slow down your game. 2. Set J for barracks and gates. For terran you have to set missile turret to M and for toss cybernetics core to M.
Besides this i found that using shift+p as control group for terran buildings and toss robo and stargate is not good. So I use [. For toss warp gates shift+p is perfect. Playing on ZRM you have good working pattern shift+(p->o) for injection. Its also good for warping. But you need a few more changes. Set create camera on alt+o it will be your warp camera and shift+o jump to it. Move zealot to i and sentry to u. Now you can press shift+(p ->o) warp, warp, warp. Don't use this camera for another races!
For changing subgroups i use shift+[. Because hate side buttons. So when i need factory i press [ -> shift+[ and so on.
I am suprised no one else here uses the Orbweaver for SC2. It is just so amazing, and works so good with the Core layout.
All the keys are same size, same layout, evenly spaced , mechanical. All in straight lines, both vertically and horizontally. I can't imagine ever using a keyboard again lol.
If anyone here uses the orbweaver with the Core, id love to hear how you set up yours. Thanks.
So is there anything I will miss out on if I use shift + key to create my army control groups? (Not for my production CGs.) I've been doing that for a good while, and I find it very useful when placing individual units to scout around on the map. Here's how it works:
Say you have your zerglings on a control group and you want to send one scout somewhere on the minimap. You select that control group > left click on minimap > press and hold shift > right click on a zergling on your selected units tab-thingy to uncheck it from the selection> then continue to hold shift as you press your control group again to reset it. Boom! The zergling is now on its way to the watchtower and is no longer a member of that control group.
I find this very useful so I thought I'd continue doing that, unless of course there is a better reason not to. Is there? (You seem to have thought of everything.)
One other thing I'm wondering about: Is anyone actually using all of the control groups yet? I mean, I like the idea of the potentially insane top 3 control one could have if one were to master using them all, but has anyone actually found it doable in practice?
Edit: I now see that you do have some location keys overlapping with army control group keys. I guess I will have to remap a bit, then.
Edit2: Actually, after trying out a little I think I'll just leave it as it is and get used to that instead =)
Okay, another question: Why isn't the ] key used for anything? (The one two steps to the right of P, for non American keyboard users.) It's pretty easy to reach and everything, I was using it as a CG for scouts.
On October 25 2013 08:18 Tzuborg wrote: So is there anything I will miss out on if I use shift + key to create my army control groups? (Not for my production CGs.) I've been doing that for a good while, and I find it very useful when placing individual units to scout around on the map. Here's how it works:
Say you have your zerglings on a control group and you want to send one scout somewhere on the minimap. You select that control group > left click on minimap > press and hold shift > right click on a zergling on your selected units tab-thingy to uncheck it from the selection> then continue to hold shift as you press your control group again to reset it. Boom! The zergling is now on its way to the watchtower and is no longer a member of that control group.
I find this very useful so I thought I'd continue doing that, unless of course there is a better reason not to. Is there? (You seem to have thought of everything.)
One other thing I'm wondering about: Is anyone actually using all of the control groups yet? I mean, I like the idea of the potentially insane top 3 control one could have if one were to master using them all, but has anyone actually found it doable in practice?
Edit: I now see that you do have some location keys overlapping with army control group keys. I guess I will have to remap a bit, then.
Edit2: Actually, after trying out a little I think I'll just leave it as it is and get used to that instead =)
Okay, another question: Why isn't the ] key used for anything? (The one two steps to the right of P, for non American keyboard users.) It's pretty easy to reach and everything, I was using it as a CG for scouts. I think watching allot of pro's that don't use but one or two control groups is a little mis-leading at times.
I think watching pro's in general can be mis-leading lol, because most people can't copy pro's. But that being said I think that using multiple control groups is great, I am myself struggling to use more then 3 for my army. I use zealot/sentry/stalker in main, stalker with blink in 2nd, and High Templar for storm/feedback in 3. And if I have range I put in a 4th I guess, but usually if I go range I don't have templars so they end up in the same CG as my HT was in. So like I said I find it hard to use more then 3, but I think I will continue to try and evolve my game to use more.
The Core is definitely forcing me to face some bad habits and overcome them. I mean at first glance I was not that concerned with this setup, but after using it now for few days I can't say enough good things about how amazingly awesome it is.
Jak just did such a wonderful job investing so much of his time and it really shows how intelligent and well thought out this setup is. Amazing!
Small note on Control Groups. Most WCS Premier players (especially the korean ones) use 7-9 CGs. I'll have a more complete analysis in the future, but that is what I've learned so far 
Also, I'm glad you're digging the layout :D
Just made the switch to the core. Used to be platinum zerg player in WOL. Now I'm silver Toss. Liking the new hotkeys so far. I have 2 questions though:
1. In the FAQ, the suggested control groups are P for Nexus/Forge, O for Gate/Star/Robo. Why are there only two CGs for buildings and how am I supposed to build everything with these groups? For example, if I hit O, what if I want to build both an immortal and voidray, since they're bound to the same hotkey?
2. In the suggested control groups, ; is ranged units and 0 is labeled "stalker". Does this mean all stalkers? If so, why are they their own CG?