On October 17 2013 23:56 JaKaTaK wrote: Hi Sixtus! You ready for the LotV Campaign keys?! They're gonna be crazy probably
Well hopefully I don't lose that piece of paper again but also Blizzard finally fixed some of the keys themselves, so hopefully they get it right the third time.
I won't hope that much, but I did say it would be an improvement if LotV is only as bad as WoL so at least Blizzard is on track to hit that benchmark.
Is there a chance to get the .SC2hotkey file for the TLO version? I kinda can't do it manually, gives me errors all the time and makes me really confused.
Nice new inject method, I've watched the video and I think I'll try to use it at least in late game where we have a lot of bases across the map. I was wondering, can't you bypass the difficulty of pressing exactly the two key at the same time by using for example one button of the mice and the other one on the keyboard?
On October 18 2013 20:54 Vanadiel wrote: Nice new inject method, I've watched the video and I think I'll try to use it at least in late game where we have a lot of bases across the map. I was wondering, can't you bypass the difficulty of pressing exactly the two key at the same time by using for example one button of the mice and the other one on the keyboard?
In my opinion, that would make it even harder to press them both at the same time since you have to coordinate the movement between two hands instead of one. I think the best way to do it is one suggested in the Reddit thread, using one finger to press both keys.
But will it still be needed to be pressed exactly at the same time? I'll try when I go home tonight, at least it would be a possibility for those who doesn't have such keyboard.
On October 18 2013 23:29 Vanadiel wrote: But will it still be needed to be pressed exactly at the same time? I'll try when I go home tonight, at least it would be a possibility for those who doesn't have such keyboard.
Oh, if you're talking about keyboards that can't alternate between two keys at a time, I don't know. The mouse+key option might be better there.
I have been interested in learning the core for quite some time. I have taken TLO's version of the core modded it Swarm host (/) key. And fixed off races in-case of neural parasite reasons. I really do not like the "M" key and I am looking for alternatives I would like. So for Viper's Blinding cloud "m" is now "/". I am not sure what to put for roaches.. Burrow I will most likely use "U"
On October 20 2013 07:54 umavfx wrote: I don´t know if this is off topic, but how cool would it be to have this keyboard: http://www.artlebedev.com/everything/optimus/maximus/demo/ And implement the core visualizer for your hotkeys :D
I have 1 question: Are mouses like Logitech G400 allowed in competitive, its side buttons doesnt bind to "forward mouse button"/"backword mouse button", so I had to bind it to keyboard key instead (using the Logitech mouse driver) (I mean binding 1 to 1 mouse side button to keyboard)
If it's allowed then injecting is quite easy as you can press 1 key from keyboard, and 1 key from mouse side button
Currently I have my mouse side button as "Z". So say, if I hold mouse side button and Inject button on keyboard ("O") as the same time, it will be like this:
ozozozozozozozozozozozozoo <<< Perfectly hit both button at the same time ooooooozoooooooozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozoz <<< Hit "O" earlier than mouse side button ("Z") zzzzzzzzzzozzzzzzzozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozozo << Hit mouse side button ("Z") earlier than "O"
^ Sick, this method is worthless with the keyboard alone (though I wonder if it's particularly difficult for me because my 1kHz poll). With the mouse + keyboard this is a legitimate inject method.
The core visualizer is awesome! Want I meant with my post is how cool it would be to have the physical keyboard I linked to. Since it is a programmable keyboard where every key is a oled light, you could probably write an implementation of the core visualizer in that very physical keyboard and use it while you are playing actual games. That would be so awesome, having the command cards on your physical keyboard.
It seems very expensive though. Does anyone know if there are other keyboard manufactures that are working on keyboards with oled screens? it is extremely useful for many purposes of learning hotkeys is softwares.
The core visualizer is awesome! Want I meant with my post is how cool it would be to have the physical keyboard I linked to. Since it is a programmable keyboard where every key is a oled light, you could probably write an implementation of the core visualizer in that very physical keyboard and use it while you are playing actual games. That would be so awesome, having the command cards on your physical keyboard.
It seems very expensive though. Does anyone know if there are other keyboard manufactures that are working on keyboards with oled screens? it is extremely useful for many purposes of learning hotkeys is softwares.
Sorry for my last post being unclear.
Having the command card on your keyboard is flashy, but looking in to bottom right is better then teaching your self to look and the keyboard.
Im a little sceptical about this layout. I am a former high masters player who is just getting back into sc2 after a long while off, never laddered yet in Hots and find myself having to start over, learning everything again.
Having to start over again has me thinking of trying out something like Core since I am going to be bad anyways, I might as well learn something that is better.
However I am a little skeptical that this layout is better, I want to believe lol. Did thos pro players you quoted really have those nice things to say about it? Are there really that many GM players and high masters using this key setup?
Also and probably the most important is that I have a razer blackwidow and razer Orbweaver and I have to say that the orbweaver is just amazing in SC2, I have never used it but the keys are all mechanical and in straight lines so you never have a problem hitting the key you intend to. I think I could make core work with the Orbweaver but what do you think about this? I have for years used my mouse thumb buttons as control/shift and my thumb for alt and backspace basically.
I really look forward to hearing from you about this. thanks
On October 26 2012 14:04 Lancerx wrote: I have question for the creator of Core layout. I am just getting back to SC2 after a few seasons off. I was ranked top 8 masters and used to playing at a fairly high level. What I had done was use a grid setup with a Razer Marauder because I just love the feel of the Marauder personally. I turned my spacebar into an alt key and using the Grid layout, I would use control A for example to create control group 6 and then if I wanted to select it I would simply press spacebar and hit A, or Alt-A.
Numbers 1-5 which is what I would us 90% of the time, i would use normally. I bound my mouse two side buttons to control and shift, and use those to create and modify control groups without having to use control/shift on keyboard.
I was reading over your core layout and I am a bit confused about it. I understand that you claim this is the best optimal layout to use, and that it is hard to get used to but once you are used to it, it is supposed to be better.
Could you explain what makes this layout so much more advantageous and why I should take the time to relearn a new system? The control groups seemed to be laid out with no rhyme or reason, and they are in wierd spots, including the right side of the keyboard, which is very strange to me. Nothing about it feels comfortable, for obvious reasons being that I am not used to it. But still, could you explain why you did what you did with this layout, and why it is better, and why I should take the time to learn it? I am very open minded and look forward to hearing from you about this matter. Thanks
On October 21 2013 15:12 Lancerx wrote: Im a little sceptical about this layout. I am a former high masters player who is just getting back into sc2 after a long while off, never laddered yet in Hots and find myself having to start over, learning everything again.
Having to start over again has me thinking of trying out something like Core since I am going to be bad anyways, I might as well learn something that is better.
However I am a little skeptical that this layout is better, I want to believe lol. Did thos pro players you quoted really have those nice things to say about it? Are there really that many GM players and high masters using this key setup?
Also and probably the most important is that I have a razer blackwidow and razer Orbweaver and I have to say that the orbweaver is just amazing in SC2, I have never used it but the keys are all mechanical and in straight lines so you never have a problem hitting the key you intend to. I think I could make core work with the Orbweaver but what do you think about this? I have for years used my mouse thumb buttons as control/shift and my thumb for alt and backspace basically.
I really look forward to hearing from you about this. thanks
Just how many times do you take seasons off and come back to the Core?
On October 12 2013 07:07 JaKaTaK wrote: 2. We have found the fastest inject method to date, a true rapid fire inject. Hold down 2 keys, every hatchery is injected. This will only work with some keyboards (must have 2-key roll over or higher). Key 1 is bound to base camera Key 2 is bound to inject Rapid fire is bound to inject
Hi, What do you mean by "Rapid fire is bound to inject"? Isn't rapid fire just the keyboard behavior of mechanical keyboards? What am I missing here?
Hi guys, i recently built myself a hackintosh, the Core has problems with it because the SC2 UI does not recognize the Control Key nor the ALT Gr Key. Edit: Control is the Windows Key.
Anyone here with a mac using a Mac with a non mac keyboard who can shed some light on how to elegantly fix this?
Well after trying this for about 3-4 hours I think I have to say I am a bit impressed. I had dabbled with core in the past like a year ago or what have you but never really tried to incorporate it.
None of the keys made sense when looking at them, they just seemed like a bunch of wierd hotkeys,control group locations and random keys assigned for unit and building production.
However this time I decided to just use the visual guides and the new tools available to setup my core with my Razer Orbweaver which is a mechanical gamepad btw, very awesome for SC2.
After just getting into a few hotkey trainers and games I noticed some interested things that just became very intuitive.
Say you need to make a stalker you hit the stalker Hotkey, which is also the blink research button, and same for Collossus, the Robo bay is the same hotkey as the Colossus is in the Robo Facility, and the the thermal lance is also the same, zealot legs is same as zealot warp in and etc. If you need to upgrade speed for warp prism, you just hit the same hotkey as you would to create a prism, but you do it on the robo bay.It is all so intuitive and just amazingly great once you start to just try it. It really is something you have to just try, its kinda like feel, where once you get the feel for it, it all starts to make sense and you understand how much thought was actually put into this.
So once you start to nail the basics, allot of the extras start to become very easy to understand and use and I am finding myself confused 90% of the time and playing very horribly lol, but I think that is expected.
The pleasant surprise though is how much more thought went into making this awesome setup then I had originally thought. At the very outside it just seems like a bunch of nonsense and random keys, but at its base and pardon the pun but at its Core it is so much more, from rapid fire abilities, to intuitive building and unit hotkeys that all work together forming a harmonious and utterly pleasing user experience, and ultimately a better overall gaming experience.
Good job on this to everyone who put time and effort into creating it. I am looking forward to learning my cameras now and figuring out the best way to bind my gateways and pylon camera so I can warp in faster.