Hi JaKaTaK,
My progress using TheCore is going great. Yesterday however, I blew up 30 banelings by accident
I recall reading about someone else having this issue, I think it was FPyro. Anyway, I moved explode to "comma" (ZRM) to prevent accidental pressing ,and think it is a good move since hitting explode is very unforgiving,
Comma is just enough out of the way to not hit it accidentally, and its where X was on standard the layout,, so it's already instinct to hit it.
On a side note, the modified queen bind of "period" is working out really well. Please consider for 1.0
@Dasian This is 1.0. I will consider it for 1.1 though 
We've been back and forth on the baneling issue. It is a very time sensitive spell and getting it off at the exact correct time can make the difference between games. I think that keeping it on the home row is best, that way players who do not make that kind of mistake can have the benefit of the fastest possible key. And those who prefer protection from error can change it.
After 2-3 weeks of familiarizing with the cOre and studying the game, and after 3 Days of laddering for the First time. I'm Top of my division in bronze and playing consistently at 90-120 apm every game! If your considering trying this out please do!
I'm sure you'll smash your way to silver in no time!
90-120 APM is actually quite impressive from a bronze, I played master (protoss :p ) with less APM than that!
Agreed. With that level of raw mechanics, you should really be able to focus your efforts on making good decisions.
Or just spam less and make good decisions ^^. The goal is is having your hands automatically coordinate and execute the ideas your brain is thinking. Apm is like bpm's in guitar.. do not masturbate about it too much. It just tells a part of the story.
Absolutely agree on that one
It's funny because I actually find it harder to spam unnecessary commands with the core, I find myself not even trying to spam and that apm coming naturally =S, only reason I'm bronze is because I've only been playing competitively for 5 days now, cmon that's pretty understandable xD
That's great to hear Jayawrr,
Accuracy over time creates Speed Speed over time does not create Accuracy
On October 03 2013 09:20 JaKaTaK wrote: That's great to hear Jayawrr,
Accuracy over time creates Speed Speed over time does not create Accuracy
Golden rule indeed 
Summarized in one sentence: Speed is a byproduct of accuracy.
Hey all! I'm admittedly mostly just a lurker on TL and such, but I became, like... a hardcore believe in TheCore about a year? ago. And I just wanted to say that every time I check on the new versions and parse through the changes, after a minute or two of "what? why? huh?" my mind just explodes with "OMG DUH THAT'S SO CLEVER." (e.g. idk how long ago this was added, but today I noticed the added alt+j to first control group and alternate shift+ commands to jumpt to the free cameras and that kind of detail and precision just makes me tingle with delight.)
So just. Yeah JaKaTaK and everyone who works on TheCore you guys are fucking awesome, this is goddamn ingenious!
I feel like this has already been answered, but nevertheless I think it should be on the OP anyway. I've just swapped from the random layout to the zerg layout and have no idea of what exactly the mechanic is for creep spreading. I remember talk of having to move your hand one to the left etc. I see no mention of a creep spreading queens control group and that it has to be done via cameras etc now. So how exactly do you spread creep these days?
Any suggestion to distance between keyboard and mouse hand? since you move it to right side of keyboard, the distance decreases. Should i move the keyboad away relative to this distance or keep it closer.
Also any suggestions on angle of the keyboard?
How really different the random layout, i am a protoss player but i love to offrace, may be it better for me to start learning random so i can always play off race?
On October 04 2013 17:06 VeryMadMike wrote: How really different the random layout, i am a protoss player but i love to offrace, may be it better for me to start learning random so i can always play off race?
The protoss, terran and random layouts are all identical.
The zerg layout is different. The ptr layouts used to be different also, but have been identical for some time.
In my version of ZRM (Dvorak) spore crawler is on h (j qwerty), where the alternate for build basic is on c (i qwerty). Holding down r (o qwerty) results in spine spam as expected and I'd expect holding down c (i qwerty) to result in spore spam but it instead results in extractor spam.
Move the keyboard left, a lot. You also want to rotate it clockwise a little. There's a video of Jakatak doing it somewhere, but I haven't watched the videos in months and don't remember where to find it anymore.
For right handed versions the angle is usually between 40 and 50 degrees. This is in the second video in the OP. Personally I like the keyboard and mouse to be really close to each other (mousepad touches keyboard). But you should mess around with it until you feel most relaxed/comfortable IMO.
The Control Groups are all laid out for you. If you want to use one for creep spread queens, go for it! :D I'll be making a video about the creep spread method when I can, but I am extremely busy with other projects at the moment.
The current version requires you to access queens with shift + cg. At high level play, this is troublesome because the shift modifier transfers over to other CGs and queens end up on the other side of map.
Forcing the user to shift + CG to acess queens causes many problems. I did it before it was required but now that it is required it is too slow and causes problems.
Dealing with drops and targetting queens on medivacs is also very difficult shift + CG is not easy at all...sfhit + cg is easy to inject but that is it. It should not be mandatory so to avoid this...I unbinded shift + [ and wanted to go back to my old way using "]" for queens.
I was able to hold shift and press "]" and now I am unable to hold shift and press the "]" cg to access queens, I was able to do this in 0.6.3.