I play in all regions and only have one set of hotkeys. Why do you have to install twice?
[G] TheCore - Advanced Keyboard Layout - Page 291
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United States2787 Posts
I play in all regions and only have one set of hotkeys. Why do you have to install twice? | ||
Canada408 Posts
Just came in to say hi and wish you all well. Can someone give me a summary of changes since... I was last here? I think the last thing I heard was that you implemented RF but Im not sure how you did it. Congrats on all the new developments! | ||
United States2787 Posts
![]() Look at this pretty rapid fire graph: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtFSjIb2ibJTdDJUT19PTmR1TVhhTklQWm5aVFl3YUE&usp=drive_web#gid=41 Color code is all the way to the right. This is such a better way to visualize unit abilities. So much so that it made me realize we weren't being as efficient as we could be with unit abilities and I made some small improvements. We're also trying out a more aggressive larva hatchery overlap. This has caused a few people to complain about accidental queens and upgrades and we're considering reversing this change in december. Originally I was going for no changes until january, but with the offseason of starcraft hitting december 1st, I think it makes much more sense to sure up our layout for the most convenient time for pros to try it out, so we'll be implementing the updates for TheCore 1.1 on December 1st. Working with as many pros as possible in the mean time so that we can use their improvements and innovations where they make sense. We're also working on improving the "Queen Round Up". Since queens don't have a rally point, if the game calls for some group of queens to back up your army, you have to go through all of your bases and add them. By using Ctrl+key for the base camera, we can speed up that process (as queens always spawn in the same area). I haven't been able to spend time figuring out the absolute optimal place for this base camera binding, but its definitely something I want for 1.1. I think that's about it. Beedebdoo is working on a better creep spread sequence but I haven't heard from him in a bit so I don't know how its going. ![]() | ||
United States246 Posts
filler: I just started using it as a diamond protoss. | ||
United States2787 Posts
If we made the home key for zerg users 3 CGs and 1 ability, we could control 3 attack move control groups with incredible speed and accuracy. I might even say unparalleled speed and accuracy, I don't think it could possibly be any faster or more accurate. Couple with this the fact that we could also have our first 3 cameras on the home row for crazy fast injects as well and we've got a serious dilemma on our hands. A good dilemma, but a dilemma nonetheless. There are of course down sides to this set-up. We'll have 2 less abilities than we used to on the home keys. This means that the larva abilities will be pushed further out. To make up for this we would probably use a CG side key for ability (like apostrophe). It also means we won't have any spell casting on the home keys. Making things like fungal growth 2-5 times slower (remember we're talking milliseconds here). To recap: Pros: Very fast 3 CG control. Very fast first 3 cameras. Cons: Slower keys for all abilities (very noticeable for larva). No homekey spellcasting. Where are the zergy thoughts at? | ||
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United States2787 Posts
The inject is faster than the backspace method. That's right, not only is it more accurate, but it's actually FASTER! This is because all of the cameras for injecting (3) are on the homekeys. I've managed to mess around with things a bit and made the larva much better. Spell casting is still pretty horrid though. And despite what seems intuitive, zergs have the most "spells" at 36, terran in 2nd with 34 and protoss in last with 27. (keep in mind anything that takes up a hotkey that is not patrol, hold, attack, stop, or move, is considered a spell for our purposes. This kind of layout is probably really great for someone that has a minimalist setup (3 CGs for army 1 for hatches 1 for injecting queens). And tends towards positioning and tactics over spell casting. Which I think is a pretty zergy thing, probably good for terran too. But not protoss, who, despite having the least amount of spells, seem to have those spells at the center of their strategies and tactics. Still looking for idea/feedback. Going to take a break to work on some other things today. | ||
130 Posts
On October 10 2013 02:19 JaKaTaK wrote: I made solutions In this post. It simply needs discussion.I think that's about it. Beedebdoo is working on a better creep spread sequence but I haven't heard from him in a bit so I don't know how its going. On October 11 2013 01:04 JaKaTaK wrote: Zerg have the most units, and so they naturally have an advantage on this point. I think it would be more fair to compare the average number of spells per unit. Additionally, I think buildings should be included because of the scale of the suggestion.I've managed to mess around with things a bit and made the larva much better. Spell casting is still pretty horrid though. And despite what seems intuitive, zergs have the most "spells" at 36, terran in 2nd with 34 and protoss in last with 27. (keep in mind anything that takes up a hotkey that is not patrol, hold, attack, stop, or move, is considered a spell for our purposes. And.. Yea, this is very meta. If Zerg ever goes something like Swarm Host-Infestor-Viper more (let's hope not) then it becomes that much more spell-centric. | ||
United States991 Posts
I don't know if I'm setting, recalling or what. I just started using so maybe its just taht. | ||
United States2787 Posts
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United Kingdom163 Posts
For example, I just played 3 games with Ctrl + shift + 0 working, then in the 4th game it randomly stopped working and it doesn't fix itself until I restart my PC. Why on earth would this happen and is there a solution? My settings: http://i.imgur.com/RBBZYC1.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Y5AWVCf.jpg http://i.imgur.com/L4hdBQQ.jpg | ||
Germany47 Posts
There is a TLO version of the Core?! That is awesome! Can we find it in a .sc2hotkey file already? I've looked at the sheet, and the changes from the "normal" layout seem to be good. Especially having rare upgrades for hatches on more remote keys and no double bind for "O" - So to make a drone O --> J is much nicer I feel. Also, there has been some weird stuff about lategame queen grouping?! I find the answer is extremely obvious for me and requires no changes at all: Just hold SHIFT pressed the whole time, then press "ä" [german] or " ´ "[US I think] to cycle through the hatches >> CLICK on the queens one after the other. Then release SHIFT, press Control + P and all the queens will be in the CG. Why try to add them to the group one after the other, if you can add all fresh queens at once?! Or am I missing something here? | ||
United States24 Posts
On October 11 2013 17:35 fenner wrote: Since starting to learn Korean I've had the Korean keyboard layout aswell as the English layout. Even though I have all the hotkeys for switching layouts disabled, my ctrl + shift + 0 randomly stops working. For example, I just played 3 games with Ctrl + shift + 0 working, then in the 4th game it randomly stopped working and it doesn't fix itself until I restart my PC. Why on earth would this happen and is there a solution? My settings: http://i.imgur.com/RBBZYC1.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Y5AWVCf.jpg http://i.imgur.com/L4hdBQQ.jpg My only guess would be that some other program is running that may be resetting your language settings, or something like that. Could just try turning off any background process and see if it fixes it. Another possible fix - I don't think this is technically allowed by sc2, but maybe it's just not allowed by tournaments, but some people have had luck bypassing this problem by using autohotkey. In any case, it'd be within the spirit of the rules, so you could try this on top of what you've already done http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f217/ctrl-shift-0-zero-doesnt-work-338460.html http://www.autohotkey.com/ | ||
Canada408 Posts
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Germany2 Posts
On October 11 2013 17:35 fenner wrote: Since starting to learn Korean I've had the Korean keyboard layout aswell as the English layout. You know that per default ALT-SHIFT is switching keyboard layouts? My guess, you accidentally switch between korean and english layouts. ![]() You can disable that in the keyboard settings. | ||
United States60 Posts
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United States976 Posts
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United States2787 Posts
HUGE FUCKING GIANT NEWS IN THE WORLD OF HOTKEYS 1. We can have many alternate keys by editing the text file, and loading starcraft does not unbind them!! This opens up a world of potential that we've barely begun to crack open. The first thing that comes to mind is rapid fire warp in for all units without pressing shift or an extra key! Start thinking of ideas and discussing them asap so we can get them in before decmeber 1st. 2. We have found the fastest inject method to date, a true rapid fire inject. Hold down 2 keys, every hatchery is injected. This will only work with some keyboards (must have 2-key roll over or higher). Key 1 is bound to base camera Key 2 is bound to inject Rapid fire is bound to inject Press both keys at the same time and everything will be injected. to test if you have a keyboard that can do this press and hold 2 keys at the same time. If you get this: jkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk you do not have at least 2-key roll over. (or didn't press the keys at the same exact time). If you get this jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk you do have at least 2-key roll over and this will work for you. Binding base camera to Ctrl+K will accomplish this for ZRM users. (Ctrl+H for PTR). December 1st will be the release date for TheCore 1.1. The following changes are subject to change, please put in your opinion about the changes here, and the ones not here. Terran and Protoss Production Currently for the robo, rax, fact and port there are more ring finger presses for unit building than pinky, this means more finger repetition. We are swapping keys with identical key scores to balance things out a bit, reducing finger repetition without increasing keyscore (increasing key score is bad mmkay?). Better Base Cameras PTR - Ctrl+H Z - Ctrl+F This will allow for true rapid fire injecting as well as queen roundup. Alternatives for Rapid Fire abilities Sometimes the situation doesn't call for rapid fire, sometimes it does. The following abilities will have 2 keys, one rapid fire and one normal so that you can choose the right key for the occasion. Auto Turret Feedback Graviton Beam Corruption Contaminate Consume TLO inspired addions We're using the TLO overlord priority, bumping up the key for drop creep and dropping the priority for unload all. We're also using the TLO hatchery priority, bumping up the key for burrow and dropping the priority for ventral sacs. Hatchery Larva Overlap This is also TLO inspired but it deserves its own heading so you're sure not to miss it. We're starting the hatchery/larva overlap at tier 2. So queen and hydra will share a key, overlord speed and mutalisk etc. This is because it is at the hydralisk where the resource cost of the unit exceeds the larva cost, making it unlikely for mistakes to come about due to spamming when there is no larva available. (technically this happens at the roach with perfect injects but it was too close for comfort, so we felt the hydra was the better call.) For more on this, enjoy a spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlZQKOnXWOamdEZDdkZ0M3lGZV9YcUFReXk5RElRMmc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 Quick note on TheCore Lite I haven't forgotten about this project, but my life has become incredibly congested with activity lately so I don't think I'll be able to start up this project until at least November, sorry for anyone who was expecting it sooner. That's all for now. What do you think? | ||
United Kingdom163 Posts
On October 11 2013 23:31 kingneckbeard wrote: My only guess would be that some other program is running that may be resetting your language settings, or something like that. Could just try turning off any background process and see if it fixes it. Another possible fix - I don't think this is technically allowed by sc2, but maybe it's just not allowed by tournaments, but some people have had luck bypassing this problem by using autohotkey. In any case, it'd be within the spirit of the rules, so you could try this on top of what you've already done http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f217/ctrl-shift-0-zero-doesnt-work-338460.html http://www.autohotkey.com/ Yeah seems like you're right. When I open Skype it messes it up, I guess Skype messes with language settings somehow. Edit: Nevermind, that was incorrect. If you lock the computer then it messes up (in my case, locked from the screensaver coming up), at least if you dont have English (US) by default. When the computer locks it seems to reset the settings and add English (US) to the layouts. I use English (Australia) and Korean. The fix I found for this is pressing Control + Alt + Delete, switch user and just logging in again - seems to fix everything. Windows 8 by the way. | ||
United States7722 Posts
I personally just started using TheCore today! Definitely...different, haha. Actually since I switched over from the fairly similar Chameleon the learning curve is a lot less steep, but I'm still not quite fluent in my play after 16 games against the AI. One thing I wonder about is what you guys would recommend to rebind Next Subgroup to if you don't have side mouse buttons? I have it on Control right now and I like how accessible it is from there, but when I try to reset a control group with Control+Shift+X the UI starts flipping through its subgroups like crazy, haha. Sometimes the reset doesn't work. I also find some key combinations troubling when I have to take more than 1 or 2 fingers off the home row. This is really just me not having had enough practice yet, but for example, when I make an ebay which is ' m (TRM) I shift my pinky down and my index down+right. This kind of disorients my hand position. Refineries have been my biggest bane so far for some reason. Probably something I just have to work on. Overall, I'm ready to practice more with this tomorrow! There was some time when, like when learning Chameleon, I wondered if I was in over my head, but as I got more used to hitting shift with the thumb, etc etc, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel :D Thanks so much for this layout! | ||
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