On October 04 2011 13:37 RagePandas2 wrote: At the OP, you would go for high templar right? or would you go DTs to do some harass and delay some bases?(for archons i mean)
Harassing, aside from your early void/phoenix, is unnecessary and may weaken your build due to pumping gas into something that does not directly strengthen your 200/200. I use templars for archons.
On October 04 2011 17:30 Drewand wrote: Hello, I'm new here. Saw your thread and is interested to reply. Is this viable against zerg player who goes Muta harrass? Most my opponent saw my voidray/ phoenix they just go muta.
Also have you try this vs terran & protoss ?
Yes, this is viable against muta harass, read the spoiler against muta harass.
This does not work against terran due to ghost EMP and viking range. The unit composition could be effective against Protoss, but you do not have a timing window (that I know of) where you can tech to a mothership without immediately dying.
On October 04 2011 19:04 d00fuz wrote: Btw when attacking the zerg base with a 200/200 ball, would you eat around his mining bases or just head straight to his main? Sorry if this a game sense question as I have not developed it. ><! Also...know what would be cool...we see Killer do a manly mothership build for one of his matches vs Coca. XD
In most circumstances you will want to go to his 'economy', which will be his 3rd base most of the time. Economy usually gets priority over tech.
High masters, Top 200 in the past. Two attempts, two wins. This feels a million times stronger than anything else I've done in PvZ. This is going to give Z a whine-fest like they haven't had since Idra and Artosis posted that video about colossus (particularly with void ray) being OP.
On October 02 2011 15:08 Yoshi Kirishima wrote: watch out all zergs haha
Example: "lol i make the easy game with mothership^^ funny build i dont play serious^^^^ dont angry plz
what a spectacular post
You know, I'm only plat, but I tried this out and surprisingly even with my shoddy execution it worked. I think I'm gonna practise this as my go-to PvZ build.
On October 04 2011 21:47 kcdc wrote: High masters, Top 200 in the past. Two attempts, two wins. This feels a million times stronger than anything else I've done in PvZ. This is going to give Z a whine-fest like they haven't had since Idra and Artosis posted that video about colossus (particularly with void ray) being OP.
Could you post the replays?
I've won every PvZ (3 or 4?)so far with this. In platinum right now.
Funnily enough, every time I poke and scout with the first two voids + phoenix, they go spire (or were going spire?) and chase out my voids with corrupters.
One addition I could see for this build for late game: Have a robo and a couple of warp prisms available as you push out with your first push. As you engage in the middle of the map, start warping your reinforcements AT HIS MINERAL LINES. This allows you to tailor your unit comp a lot easier. Since you're spending your minerals in units that are already harassing (and are probably going to die) it allows your actual remax to be much more gas heavy while at the same time, denying your opponent his gas.
On October 05 2011 02:51 the p00n wrote:Show nested quote +On October 04 2011 21:47 kcdc wrote: High masters, Top 200 in the past. Two attempts, two wins. This feels a million times stronger than anything else I've done in PvZ. This is going to give Z a whine-fest like they haven't had since Idra and Artosis posted that video about colossus (particularly with void ray) being OP. Could you post the replays?
I can post them, but I'll have better replays soon I'm sure. The first was a mothership crushing a 2 base hydra-all in hilarious fashion, and the second was a good macro game, but I botched the opening pretty badly when my probe elected to ignore my command to build the 26/26 pylon and I sat supply blocked for way too long expecting it to finish. I'll upload them when I get home.
I do think that walling with the SG is a good choice tho. I'd like to be able to safely take my third as early as possible, so I'm going to play around with how quickly you can get a mothership. It popped at 11:30 in my game where I botched the opening, and I did far too little chronoboosting. I'd imagine I could shave significant time off that with some refinement. 10:15-10:30 might be a good goal?
11:15 was where it popped for the OP in his latest replay. If you delayed the second void/phoenix, I could see it coming out a little earlier. But you'd be more susceptible to early game aggro as getting the additional void ray really helps vs early roach/ling pressure...
The funniest part about this is how many zergs will just ask u... "what can I do?" this is really flexible too... Like the 5 zealot +1 rush into fast stargate and from there playing like you in the mid and late game has worked out great for me.
EDIT: also I bet we will see this analyzed by mr day "J" 9 in the near future
On October 05 2011 08:45 leveller wrote:The funniest part about this is how many zergs will just ask u... "what can I do?" this is really flexible too... Like the 5 zealot +1 rush into fast stargate and from there playing like you in the mid and late game has worked out great for me. EDIT: also I bet we will see this analyzed by mr day "J" 9 in the near future 
That would be pretty awesome :p
+ Show Spoiler +(sean if you're reading this please invite me to friend's day wednesday)
On October 04 2011 06:20 Ben... wrote:Show nested quote +On October 04 2011 05:06 fezvez wrote:
- I fail to see how a mothership is such a great defensive unit Could you please develop? You do overseer sniping while at your base? It's unkillable because it's big? (but so are carriers during mid game) Because there's just a very big timing window where the protoss is weaker right? (during the construction of the mothership)
Firstly, you can half their army by vortexing it, which makes what is technically a better army more manageable to deal with. Secondly, if you vortex their overseer(s) (which is easy, especially if they a-move it with the rest of their army) they are in the dark. Thirdly, even if they keep their overseer out of the vortex, it can't come close enough to decloak everything or you can easily snipe it with stalkers or archons, so at best he can only see part of your army, and at worst, he is in the dark. Plus if you park your mothership over your third, he can't attack it without taking a large risk. Either he has to have enough detection(multiple overseers) to deal with the cloaking, or enough hydras/corruptors to brute force your mothership down while having enough units to deal with your army after sustaining heavy losses from dealing a mothership and a cloaked army. At the time when you are taking your third, it would be nigh impossible for the zerg to have enough anti-air that early in the game, unless he is blind countering you. Basically, what I'm saying is that they can't engage you on your terms while you are taking your third because of the abilities of the mothership. Hence why it is a fantastic defensive (and offensive) unit. The mothership comes out just after all of the roach/ling all in timings but before hydra/roach play really starts up (Roughly 11 minutes into the game +/- 30 seconds. This build isn't refined yet). However, you will be basically safe from roach/ling all-ins because you have sentries, zealots and a voidray to deal with the attack along with a solid simcity from the 2 gateways you build in front of your nexus. In build-order testing I personally have been experimenting with going stargate before the 2 gates that wall-off for this exact reason (a quicker voidray to deal with the roaches since zealot/sentry is subpar against roaches). I haven't fully figured out the effects but it doesn't seem like a huge difference either way. If they ling pressure with a few lings that stop a wall from being built, I like to throw down the stargate first so I can counter pressure with a faster voidray (see my replay even though I botched it by underestimating the number of hydras out, the idea is there. My execution just sucks). I was pondering this build a lot while working on math today, and I definitely see the potential for it to be a solid opening in ZvP that can finally solve the issue I, and many other Protosses, have beening struggling with, which is getting a faster third while still being safe from goofy all-ins.
Thank you dear sir! Your post cleared a lot of unasked questions I had (including timing stuff). Well, I guess I'm off to play a bit of PvZ soon!
I'm really wondering why exactly this is so safe against something silly like fast hydra pushes? I understand that air/map control give you air control and you are, to an extent, safe from allins, but 9-10 minute third? So greedy. The mothership dps is quite bad, and overseers negate the other benefit to it, unless this is meant to be something gimmicky like snipe OS so your army is cloaked?
To be fair, I've tried this on ladder about 6 times today at 1200 masters, I lost all but like 2 of them, and one of those was an epic comeback which made me continue to try the build.
Overall, I'm curious why this is considered so safe.
On October 05 2011 11:00 CaptainHaz wrote: I'm really wondering why exactly this is so safe against something silly like fast hydra pushes? I understand that air/map control give you air control and you are, to an extent, safe from allins, but 9-10 minute third? So greedy. The mothership dps is quite bad, and overseers negate the other benefit to it, unless this is meant to be something gimmicky like snipe OS so your army is cloaked?
To be fair, I've tried this on ladder about 6 times today at 1200 masters, I lost all but like 2 of them, and one of those was an epic comeback which made me continue to try the build.
Overall, I'm curious why this is considered so safe.
Post the replays please; you are either doing something wrong or there is something your opponents did that my opponents (and other's) didn't.
That being said;
http://drop.sc/40777 <-- ladder game vs 7pool
On October 05 2011 11:42 the p00n wrote:Show nested quote +On October 05 2011 11:00 CaptainHaz wrote: I'm really wondering why exactly this is so safe against something silly like fast hydra pushes? I understand that air/map control give you air control and you are, to an extent, safe from allins, but 9-10 minute third? So greedy. The mothership dps is quite bad, and overseers negate the other benefit to it, unless this is meant to be something gimmicky like snipe OS so your army is cloaked?
To be fair, I've tried this on ladder about 6 times today at 1200 masters, I lost all but like 2 of them, and one of those was an epic comeback which made me continue to try the build.
Overall, I'm curious why this is considered so safe. Post the replays please; you are either doing something wrong or there is something your opponents did that my opponents (and other's) didn't. That being said; http://drop.sc/40777 <-- ladder game vs 7pool I should have clarified a bit, I am most definitely fucking the build up (trust me, it's bad). I'm not so much curious as to why I lost (being bad) more so that, why this is so safe against early aggression like fast hydras or just roach spam after a stupidly early third from the zerg? Looking at your reps, you repel a lot of the aggression with the void ray, but I'm worried about the mass droning of the zerg and the army he can produce from his roaring eco by 12 minutes or so into the game. Just curious.
EDIT: To just make sure, I am speaking a lot in regards to your 3rd timing, which is so fast and sexy, that I think it is too good to be true.
On October 05 2011 12:05 CaptainHaz wrote:Show nested quote +On October 05 2011 11:42 the p00n wrote:On October 05 2011 11:00 CaptainHaz wrote: I'm really wondering why exactly this is so safe against something silly like fast hydra pushes? I understand that air/map control give you air control and you are, to an extent, safe from allins, but 9-10 minute third? So greedy. The mothership dps is quite bad, and overseers negate the other benefit to it, unless this is meant to be something gimmicky like snipe OS so your army is cloaked?
To be fair, I've tried this on ladder about 6 times today at 1200 masters, I lost all but like 2 of them, and one of those was an epic comeback which made me continue to try the build.
Overall, I'm curious why this is considered so safe. Post the replays please; you are either doing something wrong or there is something your opponents did that my opponents (and other's) didn't. That being said; http://drop.sc/40777 <-- ladder game vs 7pool I should have clarified a bit, I am most definitely fucking the build up (trust me, it's bad). I'm not so much curious as to why I lost (being bad) more so that, why this is so safe against early aggression like fast hydras or just roach spam after a stupidly early third from the zerg? Looking at your reps, you repel a lot of the aggression with the void ray, but I'm worried about the mass droning of the zerg and the army he can produce from his roaring eco by 12 minutes or so into the game. Just curious. EDIT: To just make sure, I am speaking a lot in regards to your 3rd timing, which is so fast and sexy, that I think it is too good to be true.
The zerg will be able to deny your premature nexus attempt (9:30 - 10:00) most of the time, however, the 11:00 - 12:00 timing cannot be denied due to the mothership. The reason for this is due to the mothership's defensive abilities and your chargelots/archons. He has to bring anti-air, because if he, for example, masses roaches and brings overseers, your void ray and phoenix will be able to kill the overseers before he can inflict enough damage on the ground.
Hydralisks simply come too late (chargelots do very well against hydralisks in small numbers and archons do well against everything, but especially hydralisks due to their fragility). Unlike for example, colossus, you can immediately sink money into archons and get the reward out of it. If I have 900 gas, that's 3 archons I have nearly immediately. Not so much with colossus - I need the range upgrade, they need to walk from the robo facility to the front, you need the range upgrade, you need to spend chronoboost, ...,
Another zerg-problem is that this build abuses the fact that all zerg units, minus brood lords and infestors (and ultralisks in some circumstances, not in this circumstance though), are pretty bad in a straight up fight. Let us take a look:
Roach -> horrible DPS and overkills targets, low range Hydralisks -> high DPS but no hitpoints Zerglings -> splash damage = immediate fatality Ultralisks -> not good against zealots and/or archons Banelings -> not cost-effective; a lot of them die to archon splash before they connect, also useless vs. archons, charging zealots will absorb the first few banelings making the banelings hit a minimum of zealots (can be avoided by move-commanding your blings behind the army and then a-moving when entangled) Mutas -> not good vs archons, ball up when attacking
What is he really gonna do against chargelots (which beat most units in a no-micro situation; it's things like forcefields, kiting, pathing issues etc. that make them less useful, but you circumvent this limitation by vortex abuse)?
I got to try this build out and although i stumbled a bit early game against a retarded early ling rush once i recovered and got the 1st momma ship up, it just started to snowball more and more into my advantage. Seriously this build is SIIIIIIIIIIIICK I'm already in love with it :3.
On October 05 2011 12:22 the p00n wrote:Show nested quote +On October 05 2011 12:05 CaptainHaz wrote:On October 05 2011 11:42 the p00n wrote:On October 05 2011 11:00 CaptainHaz wrote: I'm really wondering why exactly this is so safe against something silly like fast hydra pushes? I understand that air/map control give you air control and you are, to an extent, safe from allins, but 9-10 minute third? So greedy. The mothership dps is quite bad, and overseers negate the other benefit to it, unless this is meant to be something gimmicky like snipe OS so your army is cloaked?
To be fair, I've tried this on ladder about 6 times today at 1200 masters, I lost all but like 2 of them, and one of those was an epic comeback which made me continue to try the build.
Overall, I'm curious why this is considered so safe. Post the replays please; you are either doing something wrong or there is something your opponents did that my opponents (and other's) didn't. That being said; http://drop.sc/40777 <-- ladder game vs 7pool I should have clarified a bit, I am most definitely fucking the build up (trust me, it's bad). I'm not so much curious as to why I lost (being bad) more so that, why this is so safe against early aggression like fast hydras or just roach spam after a stupidly early third from the zerg? Looking at your reps, you repel a lot of the aggression with the void ray, but I'm worried about the mass droning of the zerg and the army he can produce from his roaring eco by 12 minutes or so into the game. Just curious. EDIT: To just make sure, I am speaking a lot in regards to your 3rd timing, which is so fast and sexy, that I think it is too good to be true. The zerg will be able to deny your premature nexus attempt (9:30 - 10:00) most of the time, however, the 11:00 - 12:00 timing cannot be denied due to the mothership. The reason for this is due to the mothership's defensive abilities and your chargelots/archons. He has to bring anti-air, because if he, for example, masses roaches and brings overseers, your void ray and phoenix will be able to kill the overseers before he can inflict enough damage on the ground. Hydralisks simply come too late (chargelots do very well against hydralisks in small numbers and archons do well against everything, but especially hydralisks due to their fragility). Unlike for example, colossus, you can immediately sink money into archons and get the reward out of it. If I have 900 gas, that's 3 archons I have nearly immediately. Not so much with colossus - I need the range upgrade, they need to walk from the robo facility to the front, you need the range upgrade, you need to spend chronoboost, ..., Another zerg-problem is that this build abuses the fact that all zerg units, minus brood lords and infestors (and ultralisks in some circumstances, not in this circumstance though), are pretty bad in a straight up fight. Let us take a look: Roach -> horrible DPS and overkills targets, low range Hydralisks -> high DPS but no hitpoints Zerglings -> splash damage = immediate fatality Ultralisks -> not good against zealots and/or archons Banelings -> not cost-effective; a lot of them die to archon splash before they connect, also useless vs. archons, charging zealots will absorb the first few banelings making the banelings hit a minimum of zealots (can be avoided by move-commanding your blings behind the army and then a-moving when entangled) Mutas -> not good vs archons, ball up when attacking What is he really gonna do against chargelots (which beat most units in a no-micro situation; it's things like forcefields, kiting, pathing issues etc. that make them less useful, but you circumvent this limitation by vortex abuse)?
I mostly agree with your assessment about zerg units, but banelings dropped from overlords would be extremely effective here, especially since baneling bombs still work even if your whole army is cloaked. Additionally, the only way to take out all those overlords quickly is with blink stalkers.
On October 06 2011 02:52 worldsnap wrote:Show nested quote +On October 05 2011 12:22 the p00n wrote:On October 05 2011 12:05 CaptainHaz wrote:On October 05 2011 11:42 the p00n wrote:On October 05 2011 11:00 CaptainHaz wrote: I'm really wondering why exactly this is so safe against something silly like fast hydra pushes? I understand that air/map control give you air control and you are, to an extent, safe from allins, but 9-10 minute third? So greedy. The mothership dps is quite bad, and overseers negate the other benefit to it, unless this is meant to be something gimmicky like snipe OS so your army is cloaked?
To be fair, I've tried this on ladder about 6 times today at 1200 masters, I lost all but like 2 of them, and one of those was an epic comeback which made me continue to try the build.
Overall, I'm curious why this is considered so safe. Post the replays please; you are either doing something wrong or there is something your opponents did that my opponents (and other's) didn't. That being said; http://drop.sc/40777 <-- ladder game vs 7pool I should have clarified a bit, I am most definitely fucking the build up (trust me, it's bad). I'm not so much curious as to why I lost (being bad) more so that, why this is so safe against early aggression like fast hydras or just roach spam after a stupidly early third from the zerg? Looking at your reps, you repel a lot of the aggression with the void ray, but I'm worried about the mass droning of the zerg and the army he can produce from his roaring eco by 12 minutes or so into the game. Just curious. EDIT: To just make sure, I am speaking a lot in regards to your 3rd timing, which is so fast and sexy, that I think it is too good to be true. The zerg will be able to deny your premature nexus attempt (9:30 - 10:00) most of the time, however, the 11:00 - 12:00 timing cannot be denied due to the mothership. The reason for this is due to the mothership's defensive abilities and your chargelots/archons. He has to bring anti-air, because if he, for example, masses roaches and brings overseers, your void ray and phoenix will be able to kill the overseers before he can inflict enough damage on the ground. Hydralisks simply come too late (chargelots do very well against hydralisks in small numbers and archons do well against everything, but especially hydralisks due to their fragility). Unlike for example, colossus, you can immediately sink money into archons and get the reward out of it. If I have 900 gas, that's 3 archons I have nearly immediately. Not so much with colossus - I need the range upgrade, they need to walk from the robo facility to the front, you need the range upgrade, you need to spend chronoboost, ..., Another zerg-problem is that this build abuses the fact that all zerg units, minus brood lords and infestors (and ultralisks in some circumstances, not in this circumstance though), are pretty bad in a straight up fight. Let us take a look: Roach -> horrible DPS and overkills targets, low range Hydralisks -> high DPS but no hitpoints Zerglings -> splash damage = immediate fatality Ultralisks -> not good against zealots and/or archons Banelings -> not cost-effective; a lot of them die to archon splash before they connect, also useless vs. archons, charging zealots will absorb the first few banelings making the banelings hit a minimum of zealots (can be avoided by move-commanding your blings behind the army and then a-moving when entangled) Mutas -> not good vs archons, ball up when attacking What is he really gonna do against chargelots (which beat most units in a no-micro situation; it's things like forcefields, kiting, pathing issues etc. that make them less useful, but you circumvent this limitation by vortex abuse)? I mostly agree with your assessment about zerg units, but banelings dropped from overlords would be extremely effective here, especially since baneling bombs still work even if your whole army is cloaked. Additionally, the only way to take out all those overlords quickly is with blink stalkers. vortex the incoming overlord cloud! archon toilet!
On October 06 2011 03:04 blagoonga123 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 06 2011 02:52 worldsnap wrote:On October 05 2011 12:22 the p00n wrote:On October 05 2011 12:05 CaptainHaz wrote:On October 05 2011 11:42 the p00n wrote:On October 05 2011 11:00 CaptainHaz wrote: I'm really wondering why exactly this is so safe against something silly like fast hydra pushes? I understand that air/map control give you air control and you are, to an extent, safe from allins, but 9-10 minute third? So greedy. The mothership dps is quite bad, and overseers negate the other benefit to it, unless this is meant to be something gimmicky like snipe OS so your army is cloaked?
To be fair, I've tried this on ladder about 6 times today at 1200 masters, I lost all but like 2 of them, and one of those was an epic comeback which made me continue to try the build.
Overall, I'm curious why this is considered so safe. Post the replays please; you are either doing something wrong or there is something your opponents did that my opponents (and other's) didn't. That being said; http://drop.sc/40777 <-- ladder game vs 7pool I should have clarified a bit, I am most definitely fucking the build up (trust me, it's bad). I'm not so much curious as to why I lost (being bad) more so that, why this is so safe against early aggression like fast hydras or just roach spam after a stupidly early third from the zerg? Looking at your reps, you repel a lot of the aggression with the void ray, but I'm worried about the mass droning of the zerg and the army he can produce from his roaring eco by 12 minutes or so into the game. Just curious. EDIT: To just make sure, I am speaking a lot in regards to your 3rd timing, which is so fast and sexy, that I think it is too good to be true. The zerg will be able to deny your premature nexus attempt (9:30 - 10:00) most of the time, however, the 11:00 - 12:00 timing cannot be denied due to the mothership. The reason for this is due to the mothership's defensive abilities and your chargelots/archons. He has to bring anti-air, because if he, for example, masses roaches and brings overseers, your void ray and phoenix will be able to kill the overseers before he can inflict enough damage on the ground. Hydralisks simply come too late (chargelots do very well against hydralisks in small numbers and archons do well against everything, but especially hydralisks due to their fragility). Unlike for example, colossus, you can immediately sink money into archons and get the reward out of it. If I have 900 gas, that's 3 archons I have nearly immediately. Not so much with colossus - I need the range upgrade, they need to walk from the robo facility to the front, you need the range upgrade, you need to spend chronoboost, ..., Another zerg-problem is that this build abuses the fact that all zerg units, minus brood lords and infestors (and ultralisks in some circumstances, not in this circumstance though), are pretty bad in a straight up fight. Let us take a look: Roach -> horrible DPS and overkills targets, low range Hydralisks -> high DPS but no hitpoints Zerglings -> splash damage = immediate fatality Ultralisks -> not good against zealots and/or archons Banelings -> not cost-effective; a lot of them die to archon splash before they connect, also useless vs. archons, charging zealots will absorb the first few banelings making the banelings hit a minimum of zealots (can be avoided by move-commanding your blings behind the army and then a-moving when entangled) Mutas -> not good vs archons, ball up when attacking What is he really gonna do against chargelots (which beat most units in a no-micro situation; it's things like forcefields, kiting, pathing issues etc. that make them less useful, but you circumvent this limitation by vortex abuse)? I mostly agree with your assessment about zerg units, but banelings dropped from overlords would be extremely effective here, especially since baneling bombs still work even if your whole army is cloaked. Additionally, the only way to take out all those overlords quickly is with blink stalkers. vortex the incoming overlord cloud! archon toilet!
Actually, you deal with Baneling bombs the same way you do Banelings. You just keep around 4-6 HTs for storm, vortex the Banelings/Overlords with Banelings, then you back up your army and storm them all when they come out. You should have a second vortex to repeat the process. Also I do recall the OP suggesting that you start to go air if you see baneling oriented play.
Edit: Here it is
+ Show Spoiler +Keep making zealot archon, but research psionic storm and do not transform all of your high templars into archons. If you suspect baneling drops, play defensive and grab additional bases (4th and 5th, get geysers asap). Vortex his overlords/army and mass storm it as they are released from the vortex, do not send your own units in. Start making carriers and void rays. Move back far enough after you have vortexed his army/overlords so that he has to move quite a bit to engage you again, but make sure you are in range to psi storm him as he comes out. Have your mothership further back on hold position - the mothership cannot cast her spells when she is in motion and you will want to cast a second vortex fast after he has taken a lot of damage from storms. Move back again so he has to move a bit to engage you after being relesed from the vortex and storm him again, he will either retreat or lose all his army/overlords, giving you more time to mass air.
Also, here's another replay showing the strength of the build vs. mass Hydra this time. 1300 Master.
Hey way to add a "comments from blue posters" section and ignore my posts!
I finally got a chance to watch all your replays (I had only watched 1 of them when I commented earlier). I really do like your idea behind this build but I think I do have some extremely valid criticisms.
1. In pretty much every battle that occurred, you would have won without the mothership. Adding in the mothership and vortex just made it an even more lopsided battle. The zergs you were playing had relatively bad macro compared to you, and often made too many hydras and attacked off creep - that alone easily dies to chargelot/archon.
2. I said this earlier but you do look extremely weak early on while you're teching to mothership. Yes I do agree with you that once you get that mothership out, you can easily protect your 3rd, but by that time (11-12 min) it's not really a "fast" third anymore. I can get a safe 11-12 min third with a number of other builds, without being weak before the mothership pops out. I say this all the time (and not just in this thread) but a handful of void rays does not make you invunerable to roach/ling attacks. Lings kill shit so fast and can be reproduced and rallied faster than your voids can kill them. Roaches don't even die that fast to voids, there have been games where I've gone 2 stargate voids and still lost to a roach counter.
3. Now the mothership itself. A lot of its power comes from the fact that a lot of zergs just have never seen it before. The opponents in your replays speak for themselves. Some guy had never seen a vortex before, while another didn't even know motherships could be NPed. A lot of players overreacted by making a ton of corruptor (and no hive/BL tech) when you only had like 3 air units + a mothership, leaving their group army really weak.Trust me, when you start playing better players who actually know how to deal with mothership (spreading out units, not throwing everything into the vortex, using terrain to their advantage, not making hydras - lol), you might experience some frustrations yourself. I personally find it very risky to have your entire late game plan be based on the mothership. Vortexes aren't cheap, if you misplace 1 or somehow lose your mothership, you'll be dead before the energy regens or you can build another one... especially when your army is just chargelot/archon - a decent mid game composition, but not exactly the best end game composition.
4. Speaking of end game, do you have any replays of you facing broodlord and/or infestor usage? It's not like protoss was ever having trouble against roach/hydra/corruptor. I've lost many many mothership archon vs brood lord fights as long as the zerg isn't dumb enough to stick everything into the vortex. And what about other things, like ultras and/or banes? On the rare occasions where I've fought against ultras, I've found that they actually fare a bit better against vortex than other zerg units, since they don't die that fast and have some splash of their own. And while banelings by themselves or bane/ling will not get through your archons, banes in addition to other units (such as roach/infestor) can be dangerous since banes will still pretty much immediately clear all your zealots. Then you're left with roach vs archon...