Ive been playing lately and alot of koreans are using this style where they open collosus and add in some phoenixes and im not really sure the proper response. If anyone can tell me the coutner would be appreciated. im high masters also. ty
The Terran Help Me Thread - Page 195
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Canada212 Posts
Ive been playing lately and alot of koreans are using this style where they open collosus and add in some phoenixes and im not really sure the proper response. If anyone can tell me the coutner would be appreciated. im high masters also. ty | ||
United States25550 Posts
On April 05 2012 11:50 kc wrote: Hey guys, Ive been playing lately and alot of koreans are using this style where they open collosus and add in some phoenixes and im not really sure the proper response. If anyone can tell me the coutner would be appreciated. im high masters also. ty I've seen this once or twice as well. Typically you just need that many more vikings, and to keep on upgrading air weapons. If he's constantly making phoenixes AND colossus, an extra staport for constructing vikings is important. Vikings and phoenixes trade fairly evenly, so you'll need more than the amount you'd need for his colossus count. | ||
Sweden88 Posts
Yen's 7-2-2 Build a couple of days now, and had fairly large sucess. Is there other build in similar fashion that's better and would be smarter to do? Is it worse than doing a regluar 1-1-1? Or can this still be viable? | ||
France19747 Posts
On April 05 2012 11:50 kc wrote: Hey guys, Ive been playing lately and alot of koreans are using this style where they open collosus and add in some phoenixes and im not really sure the proper response. If anyone can tell me the coutner would be appreciated. im high masters also. ty Well, double Reactor Starport constantly producing Vikings. | ||
156 Posts
On April 05 2012 07:55 iAmJeffReY wrote: Sounds like your push was gimmicky then. Relearn a new push. I suggest demuslim style 1 rax FE late gas into 3-1 marine hellion (I do marine hellion marauder) stim/cs/+1 push. It's sick ass strong. Not to mention, it transitions well vs mutas and infestors. If ling infestor, get more rax + 2-3 more factories, and go marine marauder blue flame hellion with a thor or two. It's mobile as shit, and BFHellions shut down the lings VERY effectively. If they roach, you go tank. If they bane, you go tank or split well. My TvZ has just been solid as shit since I picked it up, and do that marine marauder hellion push into a like 10-11 minute third, with double ebay, armory, 2 fac, 5 rax, 1 port. Ling infestor doesn't feel so imba with BFhellions on the map with marine marauder. Okay.... more specifically. I open Maurader factor FE... my expo is slightly delayed but I either delay the persons hatchery with an scv/incomplete supply depot or I put some pressure with one marauder and two helions rallied to him. I am having trouble defending mass speed lings without helion support so I don't see delaying my factory being an option. Sometimes I open banshee depending on the map. The problem is the zerg third. I don't know how he is able to mass so many units when the third has yet to be saturated. I always push when that third is coming out. Am I late? The comp is basically a couple Thor, helion, marauder marine. Mass muta, I lose, mass baneling, I lose, roach/infestor, I lose, roach/baneling I lose. I work tanks in there eventually but maybe I don't have enough. Doesn't make a difference because the second I unsiege I am dead. | ||
France19747 Posts
On April 05 2012 05:26 Blamajama wrote: Okay.... more specifically. I open Maurader factor FE... my expo is slightly delayed but I either delay the persons hatchery with an scv/incomplete supply depot or I put some pressure with one marauder and two helions rallied to him. I am having trouble defending mass speed lings without helion support so I don't see delaying my factory being an option. Sometimes I open banshee depending on the map. The problem is the zerg third. I don't know how he is able to mass so many units when the third has yet to be saturated. I always push when that third is coming out. Am I late? The comp is basically a couple Thor, helion, marauder marine. Mass muta, I lose, mass baneling, I lose, roach/infestor, I lose, roach/baneling I lose. I work tanks in there eventually but maybe I don't have enough. Doesn't make a difference because the second I unsiege I am dead. Opening with Marauders is not a good idea in TvZ. Try Reactor Hellion expand instead; your 4-6 Hellions will delay his third until he gets Roaches or produces enough Speedlings to make your Hellions flee. | ||
156 Posts
On April 05 2012 21:22 TheDwf wrote: Opening with Marauders is not a good idea in TvZ. Try Reactor Hellion expand instead; your 4-6 Hellions will delay his third until he gets Roaches or produces enough Speedlings to make your Hellions flee. If I stay on marine/helion he switches to roach real fast. I can't hold that off unless I build 3-4 bunkers. My tanks are delayed as is. Right now I go: 1. Rax (couple rines) 2. Factor 3. Tech lab 4. Marauder 5. 2 helion (no reactor) 6. FE. Maybe my expo is too late, or maybe my third is late. All I know is that once he gets 3-4 bases I am done. | ||
370 Posts
On April 05 2012 21:22 TheDwf wrote: Hide nested quote - On April 05 2012 05:26 Blamajama wrote: Okay.... more specifically. I open Maurader factor FE... my expo is slightly delayed but I either delay the persons hatchery with an scv/incomplete supply depot or I put some pressure with one marauder and two helions rallied to him. I am having If I stay on marine/helion he switches to roach real fast. I can't hold that off unless I build 3-4 bunkers. My tanks are delayed as is. Right now I go: 1. Rax (couple rines) 2. Factor 3. Tech lab 4. Marauder 5. 2 helion (no reactor) 6. FE. Maybe my expo is too late, or maybe my third is late. All I know is that once he gets 3-4 bases I am done.Last edit: 2012-04-05 21:26:40 Why wouldnt you get a reactor on it? Its useful for hellion production and you can switch a rax onto it. Also the whole point of having a lot of hellions is to deter the zerg from expoing or moving out. He going to get roaches for defence because pushing out with them could result in a drone barbecue. | ||
United Kingdom676 Posts
On April 05 2012 11:50 kc wrote: Hey guys, Ive been playing lately and alot of koreans are using this style where they open collosus and add in some phoenixes and im not really sure the proper response. If anyone can tell me the coutner would be appreciated. im high masters also. ty I saw this on DeMusliM's stream the other day, phoenixes are only added in to their compositions so that they absorb some viking volleys instead of vikings taking out colossi, as a-moved vikings will automatically target the phoenixes rather than the colossi allowing them to do more damage to your stimmed bio. So basically all you need to do is add in a couple more vikings than normal and focus the colossi with vikings instead of attack moving them, as phoenixes are pretty much dead weight if you focus fire correctly. | ||
Jordan5 Posts
I usually do good in TvZ, until tier3 units come in play (ultralisks / broodlords) in this case. He switched tech and I just couldn't push outside my half of the map. I'm still new (been playing since season6's beginning) and I need some general tips regarding my macro etc. which I know is definitely not top-notch. General HALP! ty! http://drop.sc/154203 | ||
Scotland184 Posts
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United States25550 Posts
On April 06 2012 07:54 Oerbaa wrote: Can someone link me to an in depth 1/1/1 build order guide, would be much appreciated, trying to expand my mind to new terran builds :D Well, the basic basic build order you can find in liquipedia: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/1Rax_1Fact_1Port There are several Guides written here on TL: Warden (nonstandard): http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=232753 StimmedProbe: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=253098 HansK: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=265947 In terms of a general overview, you're rushing a banshee (typically with cloak). In TvT you can go without cloak sometimes as well, but usually you want cloak. You're making an early reactor or extra rax, then you're making banshees, tanks, and marines, and getting the siege mode upgrade, then attacking with at around when you hit ~3 tanks, pulling scvs to fight and make bunkers and the like. | ||
United States209 Posts
Basically, what am I supposed to be doing with my scouting scv once I see that he isn't going roach or baneling bust? | ||
Estonia455 Posts
On April 06 2012 17:43 Blazinghand wrote: Well, the basic basic build order you can find in liquipedia: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/1Rax_1Fact_1Port There are several Guides written here on TL: Warden (nonstandard): http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=232753 StimmedProbe: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=253098 HansK: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=265947 In terms of a general overview, you're rushing a banshee (typically with cloak). In TvT you can go without cloak sometimes as well, but usually you want cloak. You're making an early reactor or extra rax, then you're making banshees, tanks, and marines, and getting the siege mode upgrade, then attacking with at around when you hit ~3 tanks, pulling scvs to fight and make bunkers and the like. Right now in Korea hellion drop into 1-1-1 seems to be getting more popular, I don't think that there are any guides for that on TL tho. | ||
France19747 Posts
On April 07 2012 00:15 -Aura- wrote: Question about scouting in TvZ: Asides for checking that the zerg isn't getting tons of gas to roach rush or baneling bust, is the initial scouting scv supposed to tell me anything? Like, assuming hatch first, will I be able to intuit his game plan based on his pool or gas timings? Is there a way for me to be able to figure out how greedy he is going to be playing based on that information? Also, are there different gas timings and pool timings respective of ling/bling/muta vs ling/infestor? How about whether or not he will take a 3rd before he gets tier 2 units? Is there a way to figure this stuff out with my scouting scv before it's chased about by lings, or will I need to scan? Basically, what am I supposed to be doing with my scouting scv once I see that he isn't going roach or baneling bust? Scouting no gas with your initial SCV means he will purely drone for a while behind 1-2 spines and/or 3-4 Queens. The delayed speed for Zerglings means no risk of pressure from him. Other than that, pool timing will not tell you much (except if you went 2 rax, in which case a later pool is better for your pressure), and even if he first stops mining gas at 2400, you cannot know if he resumed gas harvest once your scouting SCV is chased away by lings/Queens. So, basically, with your scouting SCV, you mostly check if he took a gas or not and if he's getting Queens or not (Hatcheries shake slightly stronger when producing). | ||
United States62 Posts
my question is, how do you choose where to slow push your marine tank army, and when, depending on your map? and how do you follow up this slow push if it gets cleaned up? also, if i see infestors, should i be going for ghosts? (low-mid diamond btw) | ||
France19747 Posts
On April 07 2012 00:48 Mr.F. wrote: hey guys, recently i have been playing a lot of TVZ against infestor first style with ling bling, or roach, and i have a huge problem slow pushing my tank marine army into zergs base. my decision is usually based on the zergs third timing. i open with reactor hellion to delay 3rd as long as possible, and if i see a third going up, i will push with ~3 tanks and all my marines/ medivacs, and take a medivac into the main full of marines. what happens is either i get nervous and presplit marines too much, and my army gets all seperated, then lings clean up my tanks and infestors clean up my bio, or last game, my push was scouted, and he just massed roaches, and again, cleaned up my (unsieged) tanks, then infestors cleaned up my bio. in any case, this is always if i scout infestation pit rather than spire. my question is, how do you choose where to slow push your marine tank army, and when, depending on your map? and how do you follow up this slow push if it gets cleaned up? also, if i see infestors, should i be going for ghosts? (low-mid diamond btw) Sounds like you're pushing too early. Lings/Infests and/or Roach-based armies are very efficient in small-medium fights, so wait for more Tanks. I'd suggest waiting for at least 6 Tanks and, above all, +1 Vehicle Attack so that your Tanks kill Zerglings in one shot. In larger fights (~150+ supply), Zerglings and Roaches' efficiency decreases while your Marine/Tanks combo shines. | ||
United States62 Posts
On April 07 2012 01:03 TheDwf wrote: Sounds like you're pushing too early. Lings/Infests and/or Roach-based armies are very efficient in small-medium fights, so wait for more Tanks. I'd suggest waiting for at least 6 Tanks and, above all, +1 Vehicle Attack so that your Tanks kill Zerglings in one shot. In larger fights (~150+ supply), Zerglings and Roaches' efficiency decreases while your Marine/Tanks combo shines. ok thanks. so my follow up question to that would be how do i apply pressure while i mass up my army? | ||
France19747 Posts
On April 07 2012 01:16 Mr.F. wrote: ok thanks. so my follow up question to that would be how do i apply pressure while i mass up my army? Mostly drops. | ||
Denmark4 Posts
I am playing with two other friends, and i am now trying to switch over to Terran instead of Protoss. So our build would be: 1 Terran,1 Protoss, 1 Zerg. I am told to go for harrashment but i dont know any exact build, i go reapers and banshee's. But i would like to know the exact timing, anyone that can send some good harrashment build? Btw - We are top platinum. | ||
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