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On April 02 2012 16:03 kranten wrote: Is there anything I can do against a super early third in tvz? He started it before my 4 hellions arrived so I couldn't kill the drone.
How can he start a 3rd hatch, before you even have 2 hellions in front of his base? If you wait for four, its your own fault. Other than that, you can followup your hellion aggression with either a timing push / poke like Polt does, or if you follow up your expansion with a starport you can build 2 banshees and harass the 3rd, usually even deny mining there.
On April 02 2012 16:03 kranten wrote: Is there anything I can do against a super early third in tvz? He started it before my 4 hellions arrived so I couldn't kill the drone.
Just kill it while getting your own third. Make more hellions if he only makes lings (or nothing) or add on marauders whilst starting stim pack to deal with any possible roach. Hellions to tank and marauders to do the damage. The bonus is that you continue with production while zerg is busy trying to keep that third alive. Plus a third and you're looking at a bright mid game.
On April 02 2012 16:03 kranten wrote: Is there anything I can do against a super early third in tvz? He started it before my 4 hellions arrived so I couldn't kill the drone.
Just kill it while getting your own third. Make more hellions if he only makes lings (or nothing) or add on marauders whilst starting stim pack to deal with any possible roach. Hellions to tank and marauders to do the damage. The bonus is that you continue with production while zerg is busy trying to keep that third alive. Plus a third and you're looking at a bright mid game.
If it´s super-early and your hellion timing is standard, then it means he cut on something else. Most likely he will only have max 2 queens and no spines and just a few lousy lings probably without speed done. Instead of trying to roast your way through 3rd, just go and roast drones in his natural and main mineral lines, since he can´t possibly afford much defence - if your hellion timing was right. If he pulls drones to his main and blocks the ramp with 2 queens, you´ve already dealt some dmg - either take a 3rd or go for some agressive followup (hellion stim marauder or elevatored marine hellion into his main)
On April 02 2012 16:03 kranten wrote: Is there anything I can do against a super early third in tvz? He started it before my 4 hellions arrived so I couldn't kill the drone.
If the zerg builds his 3rd this fast you can do so much dmg with your hellions because he most likely did not build a spine nor has roaches or he has units but no drones but then his opening makes no sense. Or you do it the Day9 way: "you go fucking kill him" with a Marauder Hellion all-in.
Question: Tvz reactor hellion expand with bunker pressure, but if the bunker doesn't get up my 2 marines always get chased to death by 4-6 lings on way back to my base, is it worth it? What's the rule of thumb on when to retreat your marines?
Seems like a solid opening but i just die if they go fast tanks + marines allin at like 7.30 minutes.. he just blast my marines to hell. Since I dont have Stim i dont think i really have any way of fighting that.
Seems like a solid opening but i just die if they go fast tanks + marines allin at like 7.30 minutes.. he just blast my marines to hell. Since I dont have Stim i dont think i really have any way of fighting that.
seems like a hardcounter to that build
Wow, that intro before he revelas Thorzains opening blew my mind ... DAMN!!! Too bad the sound is lagging.
And by the way. I use the Siege expand opening that DApollo shows in his Terran tutorials on Youtube. Might be worth your while to check those out.
Seems like a solid opening but i just die if they go fast tanks + marines allin at like 7.30 minutes.. he just blast my marines to hell. Since I dont have Stim i dont think i really have any way of fighting that.
seems like a hardcounter to that build
It's not too bad. You have to pull 8-10 SCVs and spread your marines well but it's pretty possible to hold. Don't try too hard to focus down the tanks but takes the shots if you can get them. Try to have a marine outside his base to spot the push coming and make sure he can't get too favorable a siege position. Even with the SCV pull you're still generally even or ahead because of how early your expo was, and how well your upgrades are coming.
You also want to make sure that if you've got an upgrade finishing soon that you wait for it to finish before engaging. Don't hit an anti-timing just before a key upgrade is done.
On April 02 2012 23:46 Daniel C wrote: Question: Tvz reactor hellion expand with bunker pressure, but if the bunker doesn't get up my 2 marines always get chased to death by 4-6 lings on way back to my base, is it worth it? What's the rule of thumb on when to retreat your marines?
These are your first two marines, yes? I'd recommend not doing that and instead just scout with your first marine and not involve any SCVs.. Zerg generally can't do anything too crazy in the super early game that a wall off can't handle and a bunker rush usually doesn't work out too well.
If you really want an answer to your initial question, I'd say don't retreat your marines. Put them in an annoying location in his base instead. Will do more damage that way since you're always going to lose them anyway. Acceptable losses and all.
On April 03 2012 09:35 metcw wrote: How do I defend a 1 base tank push with bio. I open with a gasless fe and I always get beaten by 1 base siege tank pushes with scvs.
It's been said before. I like to open with +1 and CS quickly after a gasless FE if I do such a build. Usually you get both before siege can hit your base. The key, as it's been said before, is to engage out in the open many times to force a siege, and back up. Then before he hits, pre spread, concave, pull scvs, and move into it. If he sieges, box and bounce closer small groups of marines to absorb the next tank shot.
Could someone link me to a decent 1/1/1 build vs Protoss? I can't find any up to date ones and I'm not sure exactly what the correct build order is. I've been using a variation of one 1/1/1 that a low masters taught me with my own little tweaks which worked out for me, until now.
I see nexus first, I set up a 2 Rax pressure play. I sweep his expo probes. He pushes me back. I recuperate, I have conc shells, combat shield, stim, medivacs. More army than him in terms of minerals and gas. He 1-a's me .... WTF am i doing wrong, why is it so hard for me to win against Protoss?
On April 04 2012 19:40 KenDM wrote: It's that time again.
I see nexus first, I set up a 2 Rax pressure play. I sweep his expo probes. He pushes me back. I recuperate, I have conc shells, combat shield, stim, medivacs. More army than him in terms of minerals and gas. He 1-a's me .... WTF am i doing wrong, why is it so hard for me to win against Protoss?
1) typically you go reactor first instead of tech lab first, though this is a matter of taste. Against 15 nexus I don't feel like I can wait for shields and just go with some extra scvs and shells 2) your 2nd depot is late, causing you to get supply blocked 3) your actual attack is adequate, though you could have macroed behind it better. It places you ahead. 4) you fly your natural out like 9 years too late. it isn't really up and running until 13:00 when it could have been running 5 minutes earlier.
now, even with allt his you're actually still ahead during the final battle. Let me show you what fought in this fight: 25 marines 15 marauders 4 medivacs 0/0, stimpack, concussive shells, shields
18 Zealots 6 stalkers 1 colossus
0/0, charge, lance finishes 5 seconds into the fight. If you had attack-moved your army against his, you would have won the fight. Instead, you tried to "micro" and lost.
Look how easily it cleans up! You don't even need stim! Basically, in your game you threw away about 40 food trying to focus down a colossus that was way in the back, when an attack-move would have won you the game.
On April 04 2012 19:40 KenDM wrote: It's that time again.
I see nexus first, I set up a 2 Rax pressure play. I sweep his expo probes. He pushes me back. I recuperate, I have conc shells, combat shield, stim, medivacs. More army than him in terms of minerals and gas. He 1-a's me .... WTF am i doing wrong, why is it so hard for me to win against Protoss?
1) typically you go reactor first instead of tech lab first, though this is a matter of taste. Against 15 nexus I don't feel like I can wait for shields and just go with some extra scvs and shells 2) your 2nd depot is late, causing you to get supply blocked 3) your actual attack is adequate, though you could have macroed behind it better. It places you ahead. 4) you fly your natural out like 9 years too late. it isn't really up and running until 13:00 when it could have been running 5 minutes earlier.
now, even with allt his you're actually still ahead during the final battle. Let me show you what fought in this fight: 25 marines 15 marauders 4 medivacs 0/0, stimpack, concussive shells, shields
18 Zealots 6 stalkers 1 colossus
0/0, charge, lance finishes 5 seconds into the fight. If you had attack-moved your army against his, you would have won the fight. Instead, you tried to "micro" and lost.
Look how easily it cleans up! You don't even need stim! Basically, in your game you threw away about 40 food trying to focus down a colossus that was way in the back, when an attack-move would have won you the game.
God damn it, this makes me feel like such a noob >< Sometimes I hate the game, sometimes I hate myself. I really need to get it together. These things are all keeping me in Silver league, and I don't know how to shed these habbits. I'm the worst at positioning and decision making.
P.S: I was going to go 1Rax FE with a Marauder after the initial marine. Then I saw his Nexus first and changed my mind about the expo.
On April 02 2012 16:03 kranten wrote: Is there anything I can do against a super early third in tvz? He started it before my 4 hellions arrived so I couldn't kill the drone.
How can he start a 3rd hatch, before you even have 2 hellions in front of his base? If you wait for four, its your own fault. Other than that, you can followup your hellion aggression with either a timing push / poke like Polt does, or if you follow up your expansion with a starport you can build 2 banshees and harass the 3rd, usually even deny mining there.
Thanks, I did wait for 4 hellions, I'll send them straight to the xelnaga/3rd from now on.
On April 05 2012 05:26 Blamajama wrote: Okay.... I am pissed...
Past few seasons I used to own zerg... sucked against toss.
Now I am owning toss but sucking vs zerg?
My builds have remained the same... any ideas as to what it is? I think it is the mule nerf to be honest. My two base push against zerg is terrible.
Sounds like your push was gimmicky then. Relearn a new push. I suggest demuslim style 1 rax FE late gas into 3-1 marine hellion (I do marine hellion marauder) stim/cs/+1 push.
It's sick ass strong.
Not to mention, it transitions well vs mutas and infestors. If ling infestor, get more rax + 2-3 more factories, and go marine marauder blue flame hellion with a thor or two. It's mobile as shit, and BFHellions shut down the lings VERY effectively. If they roach, you go tank. If they bane, you go tank or split well.
My TvZ has just been solid as shit since I picked it up, and do that marine marauder hellion push into a like 10-11 minute third, with double ebay, armory, 2 fac, 5 rax, 1 port.
Ling infestor doesn't feel so imba with BFhellions on the map with marine marauder.