On April 14 2011 05:05 Zoia wrote: Also in light of the most recent state of the game I'm thinking about doing an episode on nydus worms. What do you guys think?
I'd love to see it. That's one tech I rarely get because I don't know how to use it properly (diamond).
I think you could have picked a better game for episode 4. The game seemed extremely macro orientated and there was not really a lot of pressure or ambiguity going out by the opponent that would've forced zerg to make crucial decisions on whether to drone or not. I think most zergs have a lot of trouble knowing whether or not to drone in certain situations when they don't know exactly what their opponent is doing.
This looks nice. No worries when it comes to the quality, works great. However I can't miss to read some of the comments trolling you and sayingt that you play bad. But I think your still making your point very clear and come across great. Thanks for the videos, I am looking forward to be following along.
Great post OP, I like how you emphasize the importance of how far simply having good mechanics will get you.
IMO there are two different styles of play a sc2 gamer should focus on to help improve their play by breaking it down into more manageable parts; these styles are THE COPYCAT and ADAPTIVE play.
Just pick a player streaming from the TL website, some random masters your like on b.net, a major tourny winner or your favorite Pro and COPY them. Pick your favorite build they do, find out their early/mid/lategame plans and try your best to recreate the same thing. Now when you are doing this, first work on getting the basics of the build timings down. Next, once you have the build order down a bit, work on refining your mechanics while still accomplishing your timings. Mechanics such as supply, worker creation, scouting, unit production, inject/creep/chrono/mules. You can practice these two steps against computers till you feel like you can bring it to 1v1.
The second and more advanced style: ADAPTIVE PLAY + Show Spoiler +
So you played the first play style for awhile, have developed a good game sense and know what counters what. You still have a basic outline of what you want to do, but you rely on your scouting information and knowledge of your opponents possible timings to help shape your build/unit composition into a more accurate counter. You have developed a basic opening that helps you transition into anything you would need to counter your opponent. IMO this is the most fun way to play and leads to the most exciting gameplay, but also requires a much more in depth understanding of the game.
These two play styles for sc2 will not work for everyone right away. If you are brand spanking new to the game, I suggest the 1st play style(COPYCAT). If you have been playing a little while, understand the game and its timings well, I would suggest being more of a ADAPTIVE player and trying to lose the rigidity of your 1 build order play. On a final note the OP hits the nail on the head with the emphasis of how important mechanics are in the game of SC2.
Cool videos, it's good to see someone doing something for their own entertainment, or for themselves and a few friends, open it up to the masses so that other ppl can benefit. thx for sharing, and risking the troooolls.
These two play styles for sc2 will not work for everyone right away. If you are brand spanking new to the game, I suggest the 1st play style(COPYCAT). If you have been playing a little while, understand the game and its timings well, I would suggest being more of a ADAPTIVE player and trying to lose the rigidity of your 1 build order play. On a final note the OP hits the nail on the head with the emphasis of how important mechanics are in the game of SC2.
Once you get to a higher level I find it better to blend the two styles which makes most players great. But I stick to adaptive play I don't really go looking for build orders myself thanks for the input!
Hey, I've been lurking here for ages, but had to register just to give you props for your videos. Really simple and to the point (I like day9, but don't have time for 1-hour videos); kinda shows that its possible even for me to get into master league with sticking to basics... (i'm high plat now, btw)
On April 15 2011 05:16 OlDan wrote: Hey, I've been lurking here for ages, but had to register just to give you props for your videos. Really simple and to the point (I like day9, but don't have time for 1-hour videos); kinda shows that its possible even for me to get into master league with sticking to basics... (i'm high plat now, btw)
That was part of the reason I made the series. Don't get my wrong I still watch every daily day9 does and have been a huge fan of him since the beta but when I started coaching people the first thing I would tell them was hey watch day9. I mainly tell them to watch daily 100(because it is fucking amazing) 132 163 164 191 and 208(because wheat is so fucking cool) and then to just thumb through the rest. Most are in love with him from the start(very understandable of course) but some come back saying they thought it was nice but so long. So that is why I started my series. I do enjoy the fact that you made an account just to tell me whats up though I love all the positive comments I'm getting.
Just watched the first video, it was great! I've spent a lot of time trying to explain to my friends that are new to Starcraft how important mechanics are. I'll definitely be linking this series to them!
On April 15 2011 06:14 Pixilated wrote: Just watched the first video, it was great! I've spent a lot of time trying to explain to my friends that are new to Starcraft how important mechanics are. I'll definitely be linking this series to them!
Let them know that I'm working on videos for all 3 races not just terran and zerg!
Hey guys having some trouble figuring out what I want to do for the next couple episodes. Any ideas? I'm thinking maybe one on timings but haven't figured out how I want to do it. Anything can help thanks
On April 26 2011 18:11 Zoia wrote: Hey guys having some trouble figuring out what I want to do for the next couple episodes. Any ideas? I'm thinking maybe one on timings but haven't figured out how I want to do it. Anything can help thanks
Something about timings and/or scouting would be nice. Random ideas : - When to expect banshees/mutalisks/drop harass - How to react to early pressure - How to defend the most common chesse builds (6-7 pool, photon rush, proxy gates/rax) - How do I know it's time to upgrade - Macro management (how many production structures do I need when I'm on 2/3/4 bases) - Army composition - Some micro tips (hit & run, hit & attack, drop while moving)
On April 26 2011 18:11 Zoia wrote: Hey guys having some trouble figuring out what I want to do for the next couple episodes. Any ideas? I'm thinking maybe one on timings but haven't figured out how I want to do it. Anything can help thanks
Something about timings and/or scouting would be nice. Random ideas : - When to expect banshees/mutalisks/drop harass - How to react to early pressure - How to defend the most common chesse builds (6-7 pool, photon rush, proxy gates/rax) - How do I know it's time to upgrade - Macro management (how many production structures do I need when I'm on 2/3/4 bases) - Army composition - Some micro tips (hit & run, hit & attack, drop while moving)
wow those are all actually a lot of really good ideas thanks!