On November 12 2010 09:57 Aeres wrote: Heya, MavercK. Great job on this project so far! It's loads of fun, even though it's not done yet. I can't wait to see the final product! =)
Since I'd like this project to be as faithful to Brood War as possible (for everyone's sake), I decided to do a bit of experimentation on the Polaris Rhapsody map. I compiled a list of things for each race that either are inaccurate or inconsistent with Brood War. I cannot currently run BW on my computer right now (lost the damn CD key before I got my comp…), but I'll try my best to be accurate with my observations. Note that any or all of these might not be consistent with other maps, so please bear with me! =O
(Some of the observations I made may not be accurate. If I feel that a claim I've made is possibly inaccurate, or needs confirmation, I will denote that statement by adding two asterisks (**) to the end of the statement.)
All Zerg units have their armor set to "Flyer Carapace" in the tooltip, regardless of whether or not the unit is aerial.
When selecting multiple Larvae from one or more Hatcheries, Lairs, Hives, or any combination thereof, selecting the production of any unit will automatically instruct every selected Larva to morph into that unit. Was this true in BW? (**)
The Hatchery's "Mutate into Lair" tooltip informs the player that morphing a Lair enables the research of Burrow. In BW, Burrow is available from a Hatchery, not a Lair.
The "Adrenal Glands" upgrade tooltip at the Spawning Pool informs the player that the attack speed of Zerglings will be increased by 20%, instead of 33%, a la BW.
The Extractor has 500 health; it should be 750.
The player is currently unable to cancel the morphing of either a Sunken Colony or a Spore Colony from a Creep Colony.
The "Muscular Auguments" upgrade tooltip at the Hydralisk Den contains grammatical errors. Firstly, the word "Evolve" should be placed at the start of the upgrade name so as to maintain continuity with the other upgrade tooltips that have this trait. Secondly, the upgrade description reads "Increases hydralisk movement speed."; again, for the sake of continuity, I suggest capitalizing the word "Hydralisk", and changing the sentence structure to read "Increases the movement speed of Hydralisks.", since other upgrades share the structure of "Increases *blah blah blah* OF *blah blah*", rather than "Increases *blah blah*'s *blah blah blah*". I hope I was clear there. >_<
The "Antennae" upgrade tooltip at the Hatchery/Lair/Hive informs the player that the upgrade "Increases the Overlord's vision radius by 2." Once more, continuity reigns supreme; change the sentence to read "Increases the vision radius of Overlords by +2." (Add that plus sign, since it's there for other range increasing upgrade descriptions.)
The Sunken Colony requires 75 minerals in order to be morphed from the Creep Colony; in Brood War, this action required merely 50 minerals.
Each upgrade in the Evolution Chamber and Spire takes 143 seconds to complete; in Brood War, each successive upgrade level added 30 ingame seconds to the research time. I don't know how that translates to this mod, but as it is, every upgrade level takes the same amount of time to finish.
The "Mutate into Lurker Den" upgrade from the Hydralisk den requires 100 minerals and 150 gas. In BW, the Lurker Aspect upgrade required 200 minerals and 200 gas. The research time may be inaccurate as well; as I said before, I'm not sure how SC:BW times transfer to SC2 times, but there you have it.
The Queen's Nest tooltip contains a spelling error; "Contains upgrades for Queen." should be changed to "Contains upgrades for Queens."
The Nydus Network's footprint (entrance only) is 3x3; in BW, the Nydus Canal had a 2x2 footprint. The Nydus Network should also be renamed to "Nydus Canal", if you wanna be a stickler for accuracy.
The Defiler Mound tooltip contains several grammatical errors. Currently, the description reads "Defiler Mound allows the Morphing of Defilers and Upgrades for them aswell." This should be changed to say "Contains Upgrades for Defilers." The "Enables" portion of the tooltip also has an error; the word "Defiler" should be plural, so add an "s" to the end of the word.
If I recall correctly, the Defiler Mound's footprint is 3x2 or something, not 3x3. I need confirmation on this. (**)
Defilers should not be able to cast Consume on Larvae, as this was prohibited in BW (according to Liquidpedia).
When attempting to cast Consume with a Defiler that has 201 or more energy stockpiled, a red "Error" message displays in the bottom left, above the minimap, and the spell does not execute. Does this also happen in BW? (**)
Burrowed units should not be able to take damage from Plague; however, a unit that is Plagued and then burrows will still take damage (according to Liquipedia). Plague's area of effect also seems quite small. (**)
Guardians and Devourers do not currently require 2 extra Control (food) to morph from Mutalisks, as was the case in BW.
The unit description tooltip for morphing Devourers and Guardians from Mutalisks is identical. One of them needs to be changed.
The Devourer is… odd. The Acid Spores it shoots do not seem to slow the attack speed of the target, and do not have a visible cue of effect on the target (maybe this is because I targeted my own units?). (**)
The Queen is a mess. Firstly, Zerg Flyer Carapace upgrades do not affect its armor stat. Furthermore, Spawn Broodling should be able to target your own units, along with Ensnare, I think (**). The Queen ignores rally points upon spawning. Finally, the Queen lacks the ability to Infest a Command Center, although you already knew that. I eagerly await the day I can use Infested Terrans to BM my opponent! =O
Man, that took a while to do. I'll do some observational work on Terran and Protoss later.
Now THATS a nice post! Good Job!
MavercK this is surely alot of things to do but since mapmakers want their map to be "perfect" people like Aeres help you to really polish the last bits
It's a great feeling to be able to contribute to this any way I can. <3
Once I have dinner, I'm going to start on Terran. The Zerg testing took about two hours, so expect this session to take a bit longer than that, since there are more buildings and such.
There we go, done with Terran! Here's what I found; I'll use the same format that I did with Zerg. Remember, (**) means I'm unsure or need confirmation on something.
The Command Center construction tooltip erroneously informs the player that it can transform into an Orbital Command.
The Refinery should have 750 health instead of 500.
The Machine Shop add-on tooltip from the Factory, along with the Control Tower add-on tooltip from the Starport, are both exactly the same as that of the Tech Lab.
The Science Facility and Engineering Bay changes their names to "Science Facility Flying" and "Engineering Bay Flying", respectively, when lifted off. When landing the Science Facility, the silhouette that denotes the landing spot for the building is opaque instead of translucent, making it appear as though there are two Science Facilities before the airborne one lands. This also occurs when an SCV is queued up to construct a Science Facility, so this can get a bit confusing.
The Physics Lab add-on tooltip for the Science Facility reads "Allows construction of the Battlecruiser, aswell as Upgrades for the Battlecruiser."; for the sake of continuity, it should read "Contains upgrades for the Battlecruiser.".
The Covert Ops add-on tooltip for the Science Facility reads "Allows construction of the Ghost and Nuclear Silo, aswell as Upgrades for the Ghost."; for the sake of continuity, it should read "Contains upgrades for the Ghost.".
The Academy has no tooltip whatsoever. It should also have a 2x2 footprint instead of 3x3 (**).
The Engineering Bay construction tooltip says that it contains upgrades for Terran infantry and buildings; in BW, it only had upgrades for infantry.
The Valkyrie tooltip is too wordy; it says "The Valkyrie is a Terran air-to-air unit. Valkyries employ an air-to-air attack that issues a volley of eight small missiles at its target." I would rewrite this to simply "Anti-air missile frigate".
The Dropship tooltip says it requires a Tech Lab to be produced; it actually needs a Control Tower.
The Control Tower contraction tooltip at the Starport is grammatically incorrect; it currently states "Allows the construction of the Dropship and Research Upgrades for the Wraith". I would recommend a restructuring of the sentence to "Allows the production of high-end air units, and contains upgrades for the Wraith.".
The Machine Shop construction tooltip at the Factory is grammatically incorrect; it currently states "Allows the construction of the Siege Tank and Upgrades for the Vulture, Siege Tank and Goliath.". I would recommend a restructuring of the sentence to "Allows the production of Siege Tanks, and contains upgrades for Factory units.".
The "Personal Cloaking" upgrade tooltip at the Covert Ops should instead be called "Personnel Cloaking".
The "Lockdown" upgrade tooltip at the Covert Ops contains grammatical errors. It currently reads "Disables all of the Target Unit's Abilities for 60 seconds."; I recommend a restructuring of the sentence to "Immobilizes the target mechanical unit, rendering it unable to take any action for 60 seconds. Units suffering from Lockdown are vulnerable to damage.". This should also apply to the ability tooltip on the Ghost itself.
The Ghost production tooltip at the Barracks is exactly the same as its SC2 incarnation, which makes mention of Snipe and EMP. Also, if a Nuke is not currently housed at a Silo, the Nuke tooltip on the Ghost mentions that a Nuke is required at the "Shadow Ops", not "Nuclear Silo".
The "Ocular Implants" upgrade tooltip at the Covert Ops should be changed for the sake of continuity. Leave out the part where you say what the Ghost and Nuke sight range increase to, and simply say "Increases the vision radius of Ghosts by +2. Also increases the casting range of Nukes by +2."
The Nuclear Silo add-on tooltip from Command Centers has a typo; it says "Allows construction ofNukes." Put a space between "of" and "Nukes".
The "Stimpack" upgrade tooltip from the Academy mentions that Marauders benefit from Stims. Change that to Firebats.
The "U-238 Shells" upgrade tooltip should follow the same rule that the Ocular Implants upgrade did; remove the comparison of the before-upgrade and after-upgrade range. Simply say "Increases the attack range of the Marine by +1."
The "Restoration" upgrade tooltip from the Academy contains grammatical errors. It currently says "Removes all Negative Effects from Friendly Target."; I would recommend a restructuring of the sentence to "Removes all adverse effects on the target unit." Also, keep in mind Restoration doesn't work on units that are under the effects of Stasis or Defensive Matrix in BW. Finally, for the spell tooltip on the Medic itself, it says "Use Restoration". Get rid of the "Use".
The Science Vessel tooltip at the Starport says it can use Irradiate and Nano-repair. It can actually use Irradiate, EMP Shockwave, and Defensive Matrix.
The "EMP Shockwave" tooltip on the Science Vessel labels the spell as "EMP Burst". It also says it "Stuns all mechanical units and structures in an area." Did I miss a meeting where that happened? >_>
The "Optical Flare" upgrade tooltip from both the Academy and the Medic itself could use some sprucing up. It currently states "The medic uses its A-13 grenade launcher to reduce the sight of an enemy unit to 1, and removes any detection ability."; I would recommend changing this to "Reduces the vision radius of the target to 1. Prevents detector units from detecting." Additionally, researching Optical Flare makes a green square appear in the top-left of your screen.
The Comsat Station add-on tooltip from the Command Center makes no mention of revealing cloaked units. Additionally, lifting the Command Center off and relanding it at a constructed Comsat Station reverts the Station's energy to 50. Is this standard behavior in BW? I can see some abuse going on where you scan, then lift off and quickly land the CC to get infinite scans. (**) Finally, the Station is a bit big; make it smaller. Oh, and gimme back my blue glowing twinkle stars. =(
The Nuclear Silo is off-center from where an an add-on is normally placed relative to a building. It's too far south from the CC. Also, the Nuke should require 8 food to construct.
Marines and Firebats should not be able to use Stims while garrisoned inside Bunkers.
The Engineering Bay and Armory have the same problem with upgrade timing that the Evolution Chamber and Spire do; all levels of all upgrades take the same amount of time to finish. Also, I think Vehicle Plating and Infantry Armor upgrades are both priced too cheaply, though I cannot confirm this on my own. (**)
The Battlecruiser's Yamato Cannon tooltip, when NOT researched, tells you to research the "Weapons Refit" upgrade instead of Yamato Cannon. Oh, and make sure the Yamato does Explosive damage.
The Valkyrie's attack tooltip contains a grammatical error; instead of "H.A.L.O. cluster rockets", make it say "H.A.L.O. Cluster Rockets". Also, the Valkyrie's armor tooltip image does not scale with upgrade level. You know how different upgrade levels give different colors? The Valkyrie's armor color stays the same no matter what upgrade it's at.
The Goliath obtains "Ares-Class Targeting System" when Charon Boosters is researched; this is BAD, since ACTS also increases ground attack range. That won't do.
The Dropship has an option on the command card to attack an enemy; it doesn't actually attack, but get rid of the option nonetheless.
If you can somehow wizard this one up, remember that while you're in the process of launching a Nuke, you cannot produce a new Nuke from the same Silo until the launch is completed or the Ghost dies mid-cast. Currently, you can produce another Nuke from the same silo immediately after the Ghost starts casting.
Lastly, here's the weird one. The tooltip for the Colossus Reactor upgrade at the Physics lab only mentions that Battlecruisers will get 12 more energy when spawning, and says nothing about increased max energy. BUT, I found a bug that happens when you click the button to start research, and click it again really fast, you'll start the upgrade twice. I haven't managed to recreate it, but it's something to look out for.
When you select all the larvas, it actually create all the units at the same time, and the academy footprint is 3x2. I'll continue to check in the actual bw to see if everything is right.
Edit: All terrans weapons and armors upgrades should be: Level 1: 100m - 100g Level 2: 150m - 150g Level 3: 200m - 200g
Edit2: My bad didn't see the double asterix "(**)". Edited the original post.
On November 12 2010 13:20 Essbee wrote: Even if you work is great and appreciated Aeres, you are wrong in some places like, when you select all the larvas, it actually create all the units at the same time, and the academy footprint is 3x2. I'll continue to check in the actual bw to see if everything is right.
That larva thing is what I meant; I couldn't remember if that also applied to BW. I probably messed up on the Academy, though, so I'll concede that. I don't mind being told I'm wrong on stuff like this, so feel free to call me out on stuff you think I'm wrong about! I'd rather take a blow to my ego than deliver misinformation to MavercK.
On November 12 2010 13:20 Essbee wrote: Even if you work is great and appreciated Aeres, you are wrong in some places like, when you select all the larvas, it actually create all the units at the same time, and the academy footprint is 3x2. I'll continue to check in the actual bw to see if everything is right.
That larva thing is what I meant; I couldn't remember if that also applied to BW. I probably messed up on the Academy, though, so I'll concede that. I don't mind being told I'm wrong on stuff like this, so feel free to call me out on stuff you think I'm wrong about! I'd rather take a blow to my ego than deliver misinformation to MavercK.
Yeah, I really like your stuff, keep it up. Like I said, I'll help you to see if everything is right. I'm really happy for MavercK to have someone with a great attitude like you and who can really help on this project.
yea it's great work. just in regards to building sizes im fairly hesitant to change these as buildings become skewed/stretched. im still iffy about how the supply depot is currently being stretched to 3x2. almost everything else can be fixed however.
also in the next version i'll be introducing a hardcore mode. selectable in the lobby (Standard as it is now and Hardcore features BW restrictions).
the restrictions currently are Cannot select more than 1 building at a time Cannot select more than 12 units at a time Workers do not automatically mine when rallied to a mineral field.
selection limitations isn't where i want it currently however. as there is a delay for example you can select 30+ units and then a trigger will remove units from selection until you only have 12. this means there is about 0.1 seconds where you have 30 units selected. currently looking at refining this.
The Forge and Cybernetics Core unit upgrades have the same problem that the other two races do; all upgrades of every level take the same amount of time to research.
According to Liquipedia, the Pylon should have 0 base armor, not 1.
The "Singularity Charge" upgrade tooltip at the Cybernetics Core contains grammatical errors. It currently reads "Increases dragoon attack range by 2 (from 4 to 6)"; I would recommend a restructuring of the sentence to "Increases the attack range of Dragoons by +2."
The Shield Battery construction tooltip uses the word "shield" to refer to multiple shields; add an "s" to the end of the word. Additionally, units are currently unable to recharge their shields by selecting a unit with depleted shields and right-clicking on the Shield Battery, as was possible in BW.
The Robotics Facility construction tooltip should say it enables "Shuttles", not "Shuttle".
The Observatory construction tooltip is grammatically incorrect. It currently informs the player that it "Allows the Construction and Upgrades of Observers."; I recommend a restructuring of the sentence to read "Contains upgrades for the Observer." Furthermore, the Observatory and Robotics Support Bay have their positions on the Probe's construction command card swapped; the Observatory should be at the bottom-left corner, and the Robotics Support Bay should be at the middle-left.
The Robotics Bay should be renamed the Robotics Support Bay.
The Arbiter Tribunal construction tooltip should be changed to read "Contains upgrades for the Arbiter."
The Templar Archives construction tooltip should be changed to read "Contains upgrades for the High Templar and Dark Archon."
The "Hallucination" upgrade tooltip at the Templar Archives should be changed to say "Research Hallucination", so as to maintain continuity with other upgrades. Additionally, the description of the spell itself, both on the High Templar unit and at the Archives, should be changed to better clarify the effects. I recommend the description "Creates two mirror images of the target unit for 180 seconds. Hallucinations cannot deal damage or use special abilities, and take double damage from all attacks, but appear as real units to the opponent."
The "Maelstrom" upgrade tooltip at the Templar Archives should have the "[2]" removed.
The "Psionic Storm" spell tooltip on the High Templar is only consistent with the SC2 incarnation of the spell.
The "Stasis Field" spell tooltip for the Arbiter should remove the "Use" part.
The Reaver wireframe is not shown to have shields. Additionally, the Reaver's armor tooltip says it has "Terran Vehicle Plating".
The Dragoon wireframe has the shield outline of the Immortal.
The Corsair's attack tooltip says "Corsair-Neutron Flare". Remove the "Corsair" and hyphen. Additionally, the Disruption Web tooltip on both the Corsair and the Fleet Beacon has an uppercase "Attack"; lowercase it. Furthermore, clarify that buildings also cannot attack while covered by a Disruption Web. Finally, spellcasters should not have their spells restricted while under a Web.
The "Apial Sensors" upgrade tooltip at the Fleet Beacon should be reworded for the sake of continuity, to read "Increases the vision radius of Scouts by +2."
The "Construct Scarab" tooltip on the Reaver is grammatically incorrect and uninformative; change it to "Produces a Scarab. Reavers cannot attack without Scarabs."
The "Sensor Array" upgrade tooltip at the Observatory should, for the sake of continuity, be changed to read "Increases the vision radius of Observers by +2."
There are most likely a few things that I missed; I did not test abilities and spells and such against enemy units in my observations, so my findings are lacking in that regard. Hopefully, though, I've been of service to you, MavercK.
Please don't mess up great unit models with little modifications just to make them slightly more like they were in BW. In some instances it's nice to have a fresh take on a unit. I like what Blizzard did with the science vessel, personally.
The Forge and Cybernetics Core unit upgrades have the same problem that the other two races do; all upgrades of every level take the same amount of time to research.
According to Liquipedia, the Pylon should have 0 base armor, not 1.
The "Singularity Charge" upgrade tooltip at the Cybernetics Core contains grammatical errors. It currently reads "Increases dragoon attack range by 2 (from 4 to 6)"; I would recommend a restructuring of the sentence to "Increases the attack range of Dragoons by +2."
The Shield Battery construction tooltip uses the word "shield" to refer to multiple shields; add an "s" to the end of the word. Additionally, units are currently unable to recharge their shields by selecting a unit with depleted shields and right-clicking on the Shield Battery, as was possible in BW.
The Robotics Facility construction tooltip should say it enables "Shuttles", not "Shuttle".
The Observatory construction tooltip is grammatically incorrect. It currently informs the player that it "Allows the Construction and Upgrades of Observers."; I recommend a restructuring of the sentence to read "Contains upgrades for the Observer." Furthermore, the Observatory and Robotics Support Bay have their positions on the Probe's construction command card swapped; the Observatory should be at the bottom-left corner, and the Robotics Support Bay should be at the middle-left.
The Robotics Bay should be renamed the Robotics Support Bay.
The Arbiter Tribunal construction tooltip should be changed to read "Contains upgrades for the Arbiter."
The Templar Archives construction tooltip should be changed to read "Contains upgrades for the High Templar and Dark Archon."
The "Hallucination" upgrade tooltip at the Templar Archives should be changed to say "Research Hallucination", so as to maintain continuity with other upgrades. Additionally, the description of the spell itself, both on the High Templar unit and at the Archives, should be changed to better clarify the effects. I recommend the description "Creates two mirror images of the target unit for 180 seconds. Hallucinations cannot deal damage or use special abilities, and take double damage from all attacks, but appear as real units to the opponent."
The "Maelstrom" upgrade tooltip at the Templar Archives should have the "[2]" removed.
The "Psionic Storm" spell tooltip on the High Templar is only consistent with the SC2 incarnation of the spell.
The "Stasis Field" spell tooltip for the Arbiter should remove the "Use" part.
The Reaver wireframe is not shown to have shields. Additionally, the Reaver's armor tooltip says it has "Terran Vehicle Plating".
The Dragoon wireframe has the shield outline of the Immortal.
The Corsair's attack tooltip says "Corsair-Neutron Flare". Remove the "Corsair" and hyphen. Additionally, the Disruption Web tooltip on both the Corsair and the Fleet Beacon has an uppercase "Attack"; lowercase it. Furthermore, clarify that buildings also cannot attack while covered by a Disruption Web. Finally, spellcasters should not have their spells restricted while under a Web.
The "Apial Sensors" upgrade tooltip at the Fleet Beacon should be reworded for the sake of continuity, to read "Increases the vision radius of Scouts by +2."
The "Construct Scarab" tooltip on the Reaver is grammatically incorrect and uninformative; change it to "Produces a Scarab. Reavers cannot attack without Scarabs."
The "Sensor Array" upgrade tooltip at the Observatory should, for the sake of continuity, be changed to read "Increases the vision radius of Observers by +2."
There are most likely a few things that I missed; I did not test abilities and spells and such against enemy units in my observations, so my findings are lacking in that regard. Hopefully, though, I've been of service to you, MavercK.
why shouldnt the tooltips for observatory and archives contain the info that they enable certain units?
The Forge and Cybernetics Core unit upgrades have the same problem that the other two races do; all upgrades of every level take the same amount of time to research.
According to Liquipedia, the Pylon should have 0 base armor, not 1.
The "Singularity Charge" upgrade tooltip at the Cybernetics Core contains grammatical errors. It currently reads "Increases dragoon attack range by 2 (from 4 to 6)"; I would recommend a restructuring of the sentence to "Increases the attack range of Dragoons by +2."
The Shield Battery construction tooltip uses the word "shield" to refer to multiple shields; add an "s" to the end of the word. Additionally, units are currently unable to recharge their shields by selecting a unit with depleted shields and right-clicking on the Shield Battery, as was possible in BW.
The Robotics Facility construction tooltip should say it enables "Shuttles", not "Shuttle".
The Observatory construction tooltip is grammatically incorrect. It currently informs the player that it "Allows the Construction and Upgrades of Observers."; I recommend a restructuring of the sentence to read "Contains upgrades for the Observer." Furthermore, the Observatory and Robotics Support Bay have their positions on the Probe's construction command card swapped; the Observatory should be at the bottom-left corner, and the Robotics Support Bay should be at the middle-left.
The Robotics Bay should be renamed the Robotics Support Bay.
The Arbiter Tribunal construction tooltip should be changed to read "Contains upgrades for the Arbiter."
The Templar Archives construction tooltip should be changed to read "Contains upgrades for the High Templar and Dark Archon."
The "Hallucination" upgrade tooltip at the Templar Archives should be changed to say "Research Hallucination", so as to maintain continuity with other upgrades. Additionally, the description of the spell itself, both on the High Templar unit and at the Archives, should be changed to better clarify the effects. I recommend the description "Creates two mirror images of the target unit for 180 seconds. Hallucinations cannot deal damage or use special abilities, and take double damage from all attacks, but appear as real units to the opponent."
The "Maelstrom" upgrade tooltip at the Templar Archives should have the "[2]" removed.
The "Psionic Storm" spell tooltip on the High Templar is only consistent with the SC2 incarnation of the spell.
The "Stasis Field" spell tooltip for the Arbiter should remove the "Use" part.
The Reaver wireframe is not shown to have shields. Additionally, the Reaver's armor tooltip says it has "Terran Vehicle Plating".
The Dragoon wireframe has the shield outline of the Immortal.
The Corsair's attack tooltip says "Corsair-Neutron Flare". Remove the "Corsair" and hyphen. Additionally, the Disruption Web tooltip on both the Corsair and the Fleet Beacon has an uppercase "Attack"; lowercase it. Furthermore, clarify that buildings also cannot attack while covered by a Disruption Web. Finally, spellcasters should not have their spells restricted while under a Web.
The "Apial Sensors" upgrade tooltip at the Fleet Beacon should be reworded for the sake of continuity, to read "Increases the vision radius of Scouts by +2."
The "Construct Scarab" tooltip on the Reaver is grammatically incorrect and uninformative; change it to "Produces a Scarab. Reavers cannot attack without Scarabs."
The "Sensor Array" upgrade tooltip at the Observatory should, for the sake of continuity, be changed to read "Increases the vision radius of Observers by +2."
There are most likely a few things that I missed; I did not test abilities and spells and such against enemy units in my observations, so my findings are lacking in that regard. Hopefully, though, I've been of service to you, MavercK.
why shouldnt the tooltips for observatory and archives contain the info that they enable certain units?
Because that information is already covered by the "Enables" portion of the tooltip. I'm speaking only of the part of the tooltip that describes the function of the building; you don't really need to say that the Observatory allows the production of Observers twice.
On November 12 2010 13:35 MavercK wrote: yea it's great work. just in regards to building sizes im fairly hesitant to change these as buildings become skewed/stretched. im still iffy about how the supply depot is currently being stretched to 3x2. almost everything else can be fixed however.
also in the next version i'll be introducing a hardcore mode. selectable in the lobby (Standard as it is now and Hardcore features BW restrictions).
the restrictions currently are Cannot select more than 1 building at a time Cannot select more than 12 units at a time Workers do not automatically mine when rallied to a mineral field.
selection limitations isn't where i want it currently however. as there is a delay for example you can select 30+ units and then a trigger will remove units from selection until you only have 12. this means there is about 0.1 seconds where you have 30 units selected. currently looking at refining this.