Public Profile for Culexius
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I use siberia v2 and i have a giant problem with my mic it just suddenly stopped working, i checked EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! and every fix i could possible find but my mic just won't work... i use the 5- USB PnP sound device for it and the extension cord.... so.. when i tell it i want to listen to my mic it makes a little white noice but still no input sound through the mic... tried everything again 3 billion times and then i plugged the top mic jack stick (directly from the headset connected to the extention cord) out and plugged another headset mic in there instead and it works fine so i kind of ruled out software and settings errors.. the problem i that i did not do anything to my mic, one morning, after a night of gaming it just wouldn't work..
so now i have to sit with a second headset around my neck to use voice chat :_( please help anyone someone HEEEEEELP!!!!!
so now i have to sit with a second headset around my neck to use voice chat :_( please help anyone someone HEEEEEELP!!!!!