Ah so sad :/ But life move on. Hope everything will work out for you Jinro.
Du var en av dom som fick mig att börja följa ESPORT Jinro när du lirade i GSL, och även om jag mest följer andra spel just nu så kommer du va en av dom stora anledningarna att jag la ner ett åt av mitt liv åt att spela/titta på SC2.
Just to say i rember how you played in the quarter finals of GSL, and your style of just waiting and just counter everything the other was doing. I remember thinking that was the perfect way to play, and i couldn't imagine you losing. Thank you for the good moments.
Hey Jinro, don't know if you'll read this, I hope you'll read all the posts in your retirement thread, but I can't really ask that.
Just wanted to advise you to keep the door open for the future.
It's good to retire now, because I can tell from what you're saying that you're obviously burnt out, and if you keep chasing a dream you're not in love with right now you're never going to recover the passion you once had because you're just stacking fuel on the fire of burnout. but e-sports is only growing, you've got hoards of fans who will support you no matter what you do after seeing your heart and passion into those back to back round of 4 finishes, and when you take a year or two to look back on the scene from an outsider's perspective can change a lot emotionally and in terms of point of view and motivation.
Although some of us are better at it than others, in general humans aren't built for repetitive behavior, and repetitive behavior is exactly what it takes to be the best in the world at something, and you see a lot of top athletes collapsing exactly under that pressure. Back in the day you rose quickly, and the skills you've learned in the past couple years never go away completely, even if they grow rusty.
So yeah, retire now, but don't listen to anyone who calls you a quitter or tells you that your best days are behind you, and if the dream ever starts to itch again, remember there's MANY of us who would love to watch you rise again
Have allways been one of my favourite progamers and i allways cheered for him at every tournament no matter how the results were. Best of luck in your future ventures Jinro!
Every great progamer is remembered by the victories and championships he had, but maybe even more so by a handful of games where the full magnitude of their talent and skill shined through.
As awesome as the game versus Socke on Desert Oasis was, and the mech games against MC, one game above all others that I will remember Jinro for was the game against Ensnare on Lost Temple:
This is the one game where the Brood War skeptic in me thought, for the first time ever, that Starcraft 2 can actually be as great of a game. Even though that hope has been trampled on many occasions and, for me, has long since been dispelled, I still think that one game has a lot of timeless value and is well worth watching even today.
I don't really know what else to say in this thread that would feel appropriate other than good luck in whatever you do next, Jinro.
The most accomplished foreigner. Honorable charismatic personality. Diligent ever down-to-earth moderator. A great friend. (remember how bravely he defended Huk's interest, risking losing his own good standing with GOM) Best of luck, Jinro!
Thank you Jinro, for the entertainment you provided, and the inspiration you where for terrans all around when you where beating Koreans left and right in the gsl. It has been obvious for a while on your stream that you haven't enjoyed sc2 anymore, but I must say that part of me still had hope that you'd reimburse with HoTS. Eitherway, good luck with your poker playing and I hope and believe you can join up with many other retired sc players to become a star in your newold sport.