It was ok but far from what I expected. This was just a series of interviews and although interesting it lacks the depth to be called a good documentary.
i'd say this is a good intro movie for people new to starcraft 2 pro gaming scene. I was hoping to learn a lot more about the history of TL and a more personal indepth perspective of the players.
But still, thanks for the effort you put into this.
Edit: day9 daily 100 is what I expected from this documentary. That was personal and awesome story telling from day9 with just a webcam.
I watched it last night and I to me it was really disappointing. From the name Liquid Rising I expected something different.
I am okay with this being a documentary by Liquid and about Liquid and so they try portray themself in a good way. But this constant "He could be the best in the world, if a,b,c. He is the nicest/friendliest funniest/whatever in the world." was really annoying after some time. Maybe it is the truth, but then maybe present it differently.
Also there was nearly no background info on the team. How did the team involve from the beginning until now? How much work is needed behind the scenes to make a team like this work? What are the big challenges in doing so, how did you overcome them?
There was nearly no info on the players besides "Hi my name is X, I play sc2 on liquid as LiquidY". The only other info was basically, other then they are all the best in the world if they were better/worked harder/etc. What do they do besides SC2? Why did they decide to be Pro? How much effort do they put in to get where they are ?
The whole documentary were some really drawn out interviews, combined with them footage from tournaments. It was a nice effort, but at least for me completely forgettable after watching it once.
Thanks for the documentary I hope you guys really make the money back and then some......
All though I dont really like it.....beacuse of the simple fact that I was expecting more of an actual documentary where you follow around people and see how their days are and show more about the actual "pro-gamer scene". I really wanna know whats it like beeing a player for TL and learn more about the people. But I didnt get my questions answered, and it was really just a long series of short interviews with bad question with each individual player. I really didnt learn anything from it.
does anyone know if I watch it for free willl i have the option to donate money any other times I try to watch it? Want to donate but havent any money in the bank till payday on Friday!!!
I felt a bit underwhelmed by it but..looking back on it I cant say what I would've done different. The obvious culture is these guys circle jerking around together in interviews, I understand that. But some real honest in depth stuff..maybe their personal struggles more, create some sort of story arc with a player. It really did just feel like a series of PC interviews, and I felt no genuine attachment to anyone.
Overall I found it enjoyable. The two major things I really didn't like about it were: 1) I found out very little about the team and players that I didn't already know. And 2) this isn't really something I would be able to show to family and friends who are not into Starcraft and have them enjoy it. I liked it fair enough myself, but any non-Starcraft fan would certainly see it to be a bore.
Of course, this is just my opinion
On June 23 2012 20:14 Tommylew wrote: does anyone know if I watch it for free willl i have the option to donate money any other times I try to watch it? Want to donate but havent any money in the bank till payday on Friday!!! Sure, you can donate to TL whenever you please to.
It was interesting. I would have liked to see more of the history -> current development of the team, maybe more with the back-room staff as well, rather than player bio's.
Considering there really isn't any other stuff out there, it seems to tick the "Sponsor" boxes, and keeps the community energised, but nothing hugely new.
They could have put TSL stuff in it too?
This was pretty bad. Fatta explained it well. It's just not really interesting to hear only positive things from the players about eachother hearing they are all good guys etc. Also the players themselves are just not really interesting, to be honest all just come of as really bland characters in this documentary. It would have been much more interesting to get some depth, show the specific preparation for a tournament or closely follow a series and what happens in between, strategic thoughts, ups and downs etc. Talk about setups, routines, or some actual background information, why are they pro, if they consider stopping or continuing if results etc etc. As it stands it all just looks really boring. There are definately some more interesting aspects that could have been shown by not sticking so much to this interview setup. At least if so many interviews are used the interviewer should just be better.
Just 1 complaint... music between cuts needs to be leveled with the rest of the sound. Other than that, awesome!
Hi Guys!
What I just watched was good and fun to watch and I willingly and with open heart and mind donated my 20 Bucks. The problem for me was though, like many other here stated, that I expected more background or other type of information about the team, the organisation and how you run things. For example some shots from the Head Office, Interviews with some of the Staff maybe? I follow Liquid for some time now and so I knew a lot of the given Information. There was nothing special and new for me in it. That makes me a sad panda! :-(
Hopefully the next one will be more of a documentary! :-)
PS: What I think this is good for: Introduction of the Team to people who are interested, if they don't know the team yet.
On June 23 2012 19:09 Bensio wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2012 18:34 lovedoctor wrote: Yesterday: Found about the documentary after euro-match at midnight. Changed my plan to go to bed and first watch the docu. Payed 10 bucks to support it. Also the trailer got me really hyped.
After 40 minutes I went to bed because frankly spoken it was boring.
Please don't ban me but as a paying customer I feel like I just should criticize and tell you why I didn't like it:
- It consists almost exclusively of interviews - Most interviews were constructed using the same pattern (cool,funny,talented dude that is not playing to his potential) - There was no footage of what happens around the players and the organisation - There was no story told (despite in the intro by showing the years and what happened and tlo's story) - I didn't learn much new about TL and the Players
What I liked was: - Little insight into the personalities (hero and jinro) - Hearing Nazgul's thoughts (very rare)
I would not pay for that again... * Disappointed * Stopped reading after the bold, youre not a paying customer, its a free documentary, stop feeling entitled because you chose to contribute.
"Stop feeling entitled" is the worst phrase that exists in the SC2 community, and indeed the gaming community at large. It's a nonsense statement, and unfortunately it's now used to silence all criticism, whether constructive or not. Got anything that isn't positive to say about something you were excited about, dealing with someone you care about greatly? Stop feeling entitled.
On June 23 2012 18:34 lovedoctor wrote:
After 40 minutes I went to bed because frankly spoken it was boring.
- It consists almost exclusively of interviews - Most interviews were constructed using the same pattern (cool,funny,talented dude that is not playing to his potential) - There was no footage of what happens around the players and the organisation - There was no story told (despite in the intro by showing the years and what happened and tlo's story) - I didn't learn much new about TL and the Players
What I liked was: - Little insight into the personalities (hero and jinro) - Hearing Nazgul's thoughts (very rare)
I would not pay for that again... * Disappointed *
I agree with most of these points. The intire first hour, was really a just presentation of the players. Very shallow and bland tbh. Why not focus more on the impact teamliquid has had on just one players life. Go into more details. How is the life of teamliquid pro gamer on an everyday level. After watching this, I sadly still dont know.
Best parts was the conflict and hardship of players. Like TLO or Tyler. That was sadly a small part of the movie that drowned in interviews of how yet another player is really nice and funny and has potential.
Maybe i missed something, but the lack of english subtitles makes it hard to watch for a non english viewer, content being mostly interviews.
On June 23 2012 20:39 manloveman wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2012 18:34 lovedoctor wrote:
After 40 minutes I went to bed because frankly spoken it was boring.
- It consists almost exclusively of interviews - Most interviews were constructed using the same pattern (cool,funny,talented dude that is not playing to his potential) - There was no footage of what happens around the players and the organisation - There was no story told (despite in the intro by showing the years and what happened and tlo's story) - I didn't learn much new about TL and the Players
What I liked was: - Little insight into the personalities (hero and jinro) - Hearing Nazgul's thoughts (very rare)
I would not pay for that again... * Disappointed * I agree with most of these points. The intire first hour, was really a just presentation of the players. Very shallow and bland tbh. Why not focus more on the impact teamliquid has had on just one players life. Go into more details. How is the life of teamliquid pro gamer on an everyday level. After watching this, I sadly still dont know. Best parts was the conflict and hardship of players. Like TLO or Tyler. That was sadly a small part of the movie that drowned in interviews of how yet another player is really nice and funny and has potential.
This pretty much sums it up. While I wasn't bored watching it, I too miss an interesting story line and some sort of framework. Even when they are talking about certain events like Haypro's run at MLG, there is little footage conveying his actual achievements. A few shots of him and Nestea/Mvp staring at their screens (without introducing these players or building up any tension) and that's pretty much it. In addition to that, the parts about the players aren't really informative. The information given isn't actually knew. What about their daily lives/routines/schedules? What about their past/families etc.? Basically, all we get to know is that Hayder is funny, Sheth is nice and TLO is creative. For a documentary about the players this seems to be a little shallow.
I think there was a lot more potential that had been left untouched - which, ironically, is also a recurring theme of the documentary.
need to reactivate my paypal account, but this is worth at least as much as a movie ticket to me
Good stuff! 15$ well spent.
Good stuff! 15$ well spent.