After further review, Tricode, you still have a lot of explaining to do man. I’m going to make this public for everyone: First PM from Tricode:
Thank you for looking into my request.
I might have a way to prove my innocence through a pm. I'll take you recommendation if you think it might help prove my innocence so we can focus on mafia.
My response:
Agreed, please do man. I'll go over everything before the lynch.
I decide to take him up on his offer in the thread. As an aside, I always review the information I’ve collected before making a final decision.
Tricode’s Second PM:
Thank you for looking into my request.
I might have a way to prove my innocence through a pm. I'll take you recommendation if you think it might help prove my innocence so we can focus on mafia.yo man,
Before Ver died, he let me know that you were an unsubstantiated DT. If this is true, I need you to do a RC on Bockit-Ver highly suspected him. If you aren't a DT, wrong number.
Sincerely, ~a noob
BTW i mentioned in the thread. he was in BC's circle.
Also once he pmed me this. I mentioned it right away to BC.
I don't know what's bc's game here. But he smells fishy.
All those who have died (with the exception of Ace who didn't try to clear anyone name) has looked at me as innocent.
I'm going to be watching what you do with this info. So if you're mafia don't screw with me.
My response:
So through Ver's clue analysis he thought you were a DT. Once he got killed BC PMed you with that? And BC was in Ver's circle?
I don't see how this clears your name. Ver could have been wrong about you man. Apparently Ver was way off on Caller. Please explain this to me in more detail. Sorry, trying to do too much at the same time.
Eating, reading and watching playoffs ;/
Tricode’s defense is incoherent and confusing as fuck. Please, you are trying to defend yourself and this is the best you can do? What am I supposed to make of this? He’s either stupid mafia, or a dumb townie.
His next response:
No, through BC ver thought i was D/T. BC kept calling me out on it but I wouldn't r/c until after Ver said 100% BC was not mafia, though i didn't like his reason entirely.
Caller was the one that pmed me =\ i have no idea why it didn't show his name but i could always print image and past it if i need.
The mommnent caller asked me that, i let b/c know about.
I r/ced to B/c I won't tell you though =\ shouldn't matter. just like how you should not tell me what your role is.
What i am trying to say. The moment Ver died. When night came for Mafia, everyone in B/C's circle died. He even mentioned to me he has an idea who the medic was but the medic wasn't going to protect him. B/C seemed to be doing most of the sniping. I have to go now, redwings game is on.
anyways if i have to i'll just print image and past on the thread to prove my innocence. That waay i have profe i didn't tamper with anything.
My response:
that time you were clear.
I believe posting something like that is against the rules. I know someone who did it before and the mod's got really pissed ;/
It might get us in trouble and banned. Ask Qatol if you are allowed to.
Ironic mode when it comes down to clarity. What was Ver’s reasoning? He never explained. Caller PMed him. Grand, the guy was fucking mafia for Christ sake. For all we know, Tricode could be mafia too. So he R/Cs to Bloody. Yeah, that tells us a lot. For all we know all three of them are mafia. If he was a blue, wouldn’t he be dead by now? Sure, he could still be a dumb Townie, but this guy makes little to no sense at all.
Everyone in BC’s circle died? Look, Ver Modkilled himself and Ace got hanged out to dry by stupid Townies. Wasn’t Caller apart of that circle too? Weren’t YOU apart of that circle too? YOUR circle? Give me a fucking break. You and Caller perhaps found out BC was a non-threat and now you do. Hence you want him gone. Considering L, MBH and DF were the ones to take out Caller. I’d say he did all the sniping. I don’t buy that shit. Oh, you have to go watch the RED Wings now, yeah ok. I know where your allegiance lies. Don’t bother explaining yourself further.
Isn’t this supposed to be a Veteran Game? Haven’t you READ the rules? This goes against the grain and he should know this by now. We aren’t allowed to PS/share Qatol’s role PMs with anybody. Give me a fucking break. This seems dodgy as fuck. He KNOWS he isn’t allowed doing this. This is either an elaborate coverup or stupid ass shit.
His response:
I looked at the rules again. Yeah you're right. Sorry about that. either case i am deciding tomorrow when i wake up to look over the clues again. I refuse to fuck up. Even if BC seems suspicious to me, we seen to much crap go wrong, so unless i find something truly incriminating about him I'll just take it as he doing what he can to find mafia even if he fucked up (assuming he is townie for that part).
-_- Yeah ok, GO FISH! Give me a fucking break Tricode. He’s either a dumb mafia, or a stupid Townie. I’ll let you guys decide.
On May 24 2009 07:54 Showtime! wrote: After further review, Tricode, you still have a lot of explaining to do man. I’m going to make this public for everyone: First PM from Tricode:
Thank you for looking into my request.
I might have a way to prove my innocence through a pm. I'll take you recommendation if you think it might help prove my innocence so we can focus on mafia.
My response:
Agreed, please do man. I'll go over everything before the lynch.
I decide to take him up on his offer in the thread. As an aside, I always review the information I’ve collected before making a final decision.
Tricode’s Second PM:
Thank you for looking into my request.
I might have a way to prove my innocence through a pm. I'll take you recommendation if you think it might help prove my innocence so we can focus on mafia.yo man,
Before Ver died, he let me know that you were an unsubstantiated DT. If this is true, I need you to do a RC on Bockit-Ver highly suspected him. If you aren't a DT, wrong number.
Sincerely, ~a noob
BTW i mentioned in the thread. he was in BC's circle.
Also once he pmed me this. I mentioned it right away to BC.
I don't know what's bc's game here. But he smells fishy.
All those who have died (with the exception of Ace who didn't try to clear anyone name) has looked at me as innocent.
I'm going to be watching what you do with this info. So if you're mafia don't screw with me.
My response:
So through Ver's clue analysis he thought you were a DT. Once he got killed BC PMed you with that? And BC was in Ver's circle?
I don't see how this clears your name. Ver could have been wrong about you man. Apparently Ver was way off on Caller. Please explain this to me in more detail. Sorry, trying to do too much at the same time.
Eating, reading and watching playoffs ;/
Tricode’s defense is incoherent and confusing as fuck. Please, you are trying to defend yourself and this is the best you can do? What am I supposed to make of this? He’s either stupid mafia, or a dumb townie.
His next response:
No, through BC ver thought i was D/T. BC kept calling me out on it but I wouldn't r/c until after Ver said 100% BC was not mafia, though i didn't like his reason entirely.
Caller was the one that pmed me =\ i have no idea why it didn't show his name but i could always print image and past it if i need.
The mommnent caller asked me that, i let b/c know about.
I r/ced to B/c I won't tell you though =\ shouldn't matter. just like how you should not tell me what your role is.
What i am trying to say. The moment Ver died. When night came for Mafia, everyone in B/C's circle died. He even mentioned to me he has an idea who the medic was but the medic wasn't going to protect him. B/C seemed to be doing most of the sniping. I have to go now, redwings game is on.
anyways if i have to i'll just print image and past on the thread to prove my innocence. That waay i have profe i didn't tamper with anything.
My response:
that time you were clear.
I believe posting something like that is against the rules. I know someone who did it before and the mod's got really pissed ;/
It might get us in trouble and banned. Ask Qatol if you are allowed to.
Ironic mode when it comes down to clarity. What was Ver’s reasoning? He never explained. Caller PMed him. Grand, the guy was fucking mafia for Christ sake. For all we know, Tricode could be mafia too. So he R/Cs to Bloody. Yeah, that tells us a lot. For all we know all three of them are mafia. If he was a blue, wouldn’t he be dead by now? Sure, he could still be a dumb Townie, but this guy makes little to no sense at all.
Everyone in BC’s circle died? Look, Ver Modkilled himself and Ace got hanged out to dry by stupid Townies. Wasn’t Caller apart of that circle too? Weren’t YOU apart of that circle too? YOUR circle? Give me a fucking break. You and Caller perhaps found out BC was a non-threat and now you do. Hence you want him gone. Considering L, MBH and DF were the ones to take out Caller. I’d say he did all the sniping. I don’t buy that shit. Oh, you have to go watch the RED Wings now, yeah ok. I know where your allegiance lies. Don’t bother explaining yourself further.
Isn’t this supposed to be a Veteran Game? Haven’t you READ the rules? This goes against the grain and he should know this by now. We aren’t allowed to PS/share Qatol’s role PMs with anybody. Give me a fucking break. This seems dodgy as fuck. He KNOWS he isn’t allowed doing this. This is either an elaborate coverup or stupid ass shit.
His response:
I looked at the rules again. Yeah you're right. Sorry about that. either case i am deciding tomorrow when i wake up to look over the clues again. I refuse to fuck up. Even if BC seems suspicious to me, we seen to much crap go wrong, so unless i find something truly incriminating about him I'll just take it as he doing what he can to find mafia even if he fucked up (assuming he is townie for that part).
-_- Yeah ok, GO FISH! Give me a fucking break Tricode. He’s either a dumb mafia, or a stupid Townie. I’ll let you guys decide.
From: Caller Subject: mafia Date: 5/21/09 15:25 yo man,
Before Ver died, he let me know that you were an unsubstantiated medic. If you are, please protect Scaramanga tonight. I have a feeling he will be hit as I think mafia is blue sniping. If not, wrong number.
Sincerely ~asshole vigilante
This is not fishy at all.
Sydney2287 Posts
Ok as promised, after Ver and Ace died I re-evaluated how I was looking for mafia and went back through the thread. I focused on some of the key events, the whole time trying to play as mafia, thinking what they would do. Also applying a keen eye to Caller's posts. The events since the day 2 lynch and modkill have also been enlightening. These are my findings so far. I cannot take full credit for all of this, many of these insights are based on discussion with other players. For quotes,
The anti-MBH conspiracy
What do we know about MBH? - L was working with him - MBH was instrumental in regards to Caller's death. - L trusted MBH - L was town-aligned
With only 6 mafia, I sincerely doubt MBH is even willing to sacrifice one mafia player (Caller) to gain trust with the town. At this stage, mafia don't even need it, town had no idea what was going on and mafia were clearly in a great position. At this stage I am confident MBH is innocent. On top of this, he's called out 0cz3c, another huge suspect (which I'll get to later on in this post). If I doubt a mafia player was willing to sacrifice 1 mafia, there's no way they're willing to sacrifice 2.
So I'm operating under the assumption that MBH is innocent.
It's clear from the day 3 morning post that mafia were out to take out an inner circle. L was working Dreamflower and MBH. Both L and DF were on the mafia hitlist, and as far as mafia were concernd MBH was going to be taken care of by a vigi. So not needing to take him out, I am guessing that mafia decided to try and snipe a potential blue at the same time, which explains the hit on infundibulum instead of MBH.
Then 1 minute before the day post, we find out something has changed. We know now that it was DF changing her hit from MBH to Caller. We also know that mafia didn't change their hitlist. This is the only reason mafia didn't hit MBH. They didn't need to, they'd already convinced the town to vigi him.
Since morning, there has now been a move to get MBH lynched. Despite the fact that he was instrumental in our first mafia kill. Mafia weren't successful getting him vigi'd, now they're trying to lynch him.
He gets his own section, he's that suspicious.
Points I have made before (MBH has also used some of these in his analysis) - Brother to lucaswoj: If anyone makes sense for reading lucas as a potential blue it's him. The hit on lucas doesn't make sense otherwise. This works in reverse too. As mafia, he would be scared of lucas because he would have a high chance of finding out 0cz3c is mafia. If you had a twin brother who wasn't mafia, you'd want to kill him asap. - Long useless posts: 0cz3c as mafia last game specifically made his posts long and full of useless content so as to distract the town. We've seen a couple of these in the last few pages, and also earlier in the game.
New Points: - MBH's clue analysis. - The modkill request: Where Ver used the modkill as a removal of himself from the game when he knew he was going to be causing more problems than he solved if he stayed, 0cz3c is trying to use it to prove his innocence, and also bludgeon the town into voting for MBH. Doing this doesn't help the town at all and just causes more chaos. He's been called out on this but has seemed to ignore it. - Fucking nuts defense: His defense screams mafia. Trying to accuse the accuser and not really dealing with the accusations.
He's my #1 suggestion for the lynch.
Some very interesting posts by Caller.
On a sidenote: I would say one of Caller's tells is that he gets 'chummy' with people who he's associated with/are on his side. I've seen it in a few games now. + Show Spoiler +That being said, here are my top suspects.
MBH/Camlito: Clearly somebody has been bluesniping. Why else would they hit mikeymoo and Lucas and Fishball, both of whom were trying to stay dl? The only people I know in the game that are still capable of doing that are those two.
Dreamflower: While behaviorally, dreamflower isn't that suspicious, the clue analysis fit in pretty well. However, the clue analysis may have fit too well, and that usually means it's not quite right. Combined with the vigilante roleclaim, I think we should wait on this and see if a vigi hit does go through.
Showtime! BC made a clue post a while back that pointed really, REALLY well to Showtime!. Combined with MTF's above analysis about us middle-of-the-roaders, I think we should keep an eye on him. I'm trying to get nemy to do a RC/CC on him, so we'll wait on that to see if it goes through.
HeavonEarth: What has he been doing exactly? I haven't seen a single constructive post from him. Not much else to say about this.
Malongo: He's been trolling just as much as I have all game, except he hasn't been taking a position except suggesting we should lynch anybody that suspects him. Malongo plays weird like that, but yeah, still a bit strange.
And that's all I have to say about that. These ones regarding nemy, really incriminating against nemy. On May 20 2009 06:05 Ace wrote: He's not a confirmed DT stop saying that nonsense.
his cluecheck came out the way one would believe. I sincerely doubt that he would intentionally put that "red herring" picture in there for no good reason.
On May 20 2009 05:49 0cz3c wrote: Caller should be getting protection from at least one medic, by the way. And I doubt that nemY is mafia. No use to kill a DT, Ace.
I don't need protection. Nemy needs the protection most, he's essentially a confirmed dt.
On May 19 2009 15:08 Incognito wrote: Show nested quote +
If you are this DT, it is safe to roleclaim to nemY. If you do not have this same pic, nemY is a fraud. I doubt Qatol would send a red herring pic to one DT and not the other. Is my logic flawed here anyone?
if the other dt got the clue right he wouldn't send the red herring pic...
but i'm pretty sure nemy is safe to roleclaim to.
On May 19 2009 14:28 nemY wrote: Ugh fine take it for what it's worth please. Hide nested quote - Original Message: No, that is not a clue. Red herring! http://sketchedout.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/red-herring_color.jpg----------------------------------------- Original Message: since i'm running out of time, been busy, and haven't receieved much input i'll ask, is "There was no clear horizon separating the star-filled sky and the dark, choppy waters of the Liquia Sea." a clue related to any mafia players? If i had more time and had actually been thinking about it, i'd get a better question. Enjoy. I think this is legit lol. Example of aforementioned chumminess On May 19 2009 14:25 nemY wrote: Hide nested quote - On May 19 2009 14:23 Caller wrote: On May 19 2009 14:17 nemY wrote: nothing useful, "There was no clear horizon separating the star-filled sky and the dark, choppy waters of the Liquia Sea." is red-herring. I'ma die tonight.
could we get the actual pm pls?
Can you guarantee my protection for tonight?
i don't know any medics... but i can offer you my psychic internet anti-mafia wards XD
On May 19 2009 14:17 nemY wrote: nothing useful, "There was no clear horizon separating the star-filled sky and the dark, choppy waters of the Liquia Sea." is red-herring. I'ma die tonight.
could we get the actual pm pls?
We see that Caller was trying to set nemy up as both a likely innocent, and roleclaimable (as in, we should roleclaim to nemy). Why would mafia do that if he was innocent? I can think of many reasons why they'd do that if he's mafia. And if he was innocent, why haven't they killed him? It's not like they've had hits that were blocked by medics yet. They even had an extra hit that they used on infundibulum instead of nemy. Town at this stage is ignoring him so they can't rely on town to kill him.
Who's lynch candidate #2?
At the moment, It's a tossup between HeavOnEarth, MTF and nemy for me. HeavOnEarth and MTF are both people I would call major players in the MBH conspiracy, if you want evidence for this, read their posts from Ver getting modkilled through to now, keeping in mind the order in which the posts occur after major events. For example, when DF says she's thinking of going for MBH, we immediately get responses from MBH and HeavOnEarth agreeing with no further input. Also for MTF he keeps trying to link clues to MBH. Keep in mind, nothing by itself is bad, I'm looking at the larger picture here, taking into account the accumulation of actions of players.
And finally for MTF I have a very fishy pm from him, where he is almost blatantly trying to fish for a townie circle.
Ah, had forgotten about that staff perk. Well, in any case it doesn't really matter whether they asked you to or not to me. As I said, promoting voting activity is only ever a good thing.
So, I'm gonna guess you, Showtime, and possibly Plexa have a sort of group thing going on? I only say that because you seemed to be in communication with other people early on in the game, Plexa is inactive in the thread (probably hiding under town's suspicion) and Showtime likes to build up stuff from behind the scenes.
No need to really answer me, of course. I'm just trying to develop some skills beyond doing cluework in the game, so thought I'd take a guess.
We also have some clue analysis from an associate, MTF is an acronym for Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation. Works pretty well for a rake up the arse and replacing the spine one might say.
But going over his post history, for every really suspicious thing he's done, he's also done something that helps the town. Which is kind of perfect mafia play really.I can't decide what I think about him at the moment, so I suggest we wait on MTF, and instead lynch HeavOnEarth as #2 for a combination of the reasons mentioned by previous posters and also because his defense was mafia-esque.
While writing this showtime posted that pm log and commentary.
Based on that plus the stuff that's been brought up against tricode already by BC and showtime! before, I think tricode is as good, possibly better lynch candidate than heavon today, as we have both clues and behaviour. So I'm going to vote 0cz3c and tricode, along with a double lynch. I'd urge people to vote similarly, but I'd be happy if heavon was killed instead of tricode.
0cz3c must die though.
Mal what the fuck does that prove?
Yeah, Caller is RED and he's DEAD. The guy was fucking fishing. Everyone knows this now.
Sydney2287 Posts
WOW Look at malongo's pm from caller
Before Ver died, he let me know that you were an unsubstantiated DT. If this is true, I need you to do a RC on Bockit-Ver highly suspected him. If you aren't a DT, wrong number.
Sincerely, ~a noob
Before Ver died, he let me know that you were an unsubstantiated medic. If you are, please protect Scaramanga tonight. I have a feeling he will be hit as I think mafia is blue sniping. If not, wrong number.
Sincerely ~asshole vigilante
Look like a mafia template for fishing for blue anyone?
Sydney2287 Posts
the first one was from tricode in showtime's post the second one was from malongo in his own post
Showtime, i don't need to explain myself any further.
I'm going to put my own clue analysis. Also apparently we are all fucking dumb ass townies as far as this game is goes.
Though i fucked up and forgot about a rule, w/e. I do appreciate you reminding me about that before i fucked up and did something stupid
Circle? It was never my circle. I only was put in it a bit before the end of it. I wasn't really in it until after Ver died cause i didn't want to be fooled by B/C he and I talk on Aim. My game plan was not to team up with anyone and suspect all of you.
When ver died, I decided to take a gamble. I decided to R/C to Cob, i wasn't sure how long i could make him think i was the dt. he was not sure. He tried to put a lot of pressure on me to figure out if i was really the d/t or not.
Well I'm not. I'll probably die anyways and you will figure it out that i was just a green townie.
Though when i prove to be a mix of blue and yellow when and if i die. I think you should go look at this post you made.
You saved me some trouble of needing to explain but just in case i will post that info later.
Though you do make me feel like your mafia or just a poor behavior analysis.
I told you not to screw with me. In fact i can't wait to die. I'll make sure after everyone sees i'm green you and cobbler will come down with me.
Math of the game.
14 townies.
5 mafia.
1 traitor.
Come bandwagon my ass and help me look bad. I welcome it. Cause in the end it's you and Cob's death that will follow.
Also other townies. I wouldn't be surprised if Mafia tried to bring a little suspicion onto each other in the game. Especially now where you won't know who to point fingers at cause everyone is point at everyone.
I told you not to screw with me and I will continue with the promise. I will go as hard as i can to find any evidence i can for the town to look at.
You screwed up showtime.
Also I'm looking at the votes.
I'll leave it to town to decide.
I probably can use my second vote to keep me alive, but if you guys don't want me to I will, under the promise you look at Showtime and Bloodycobbler after my death.
I am going to keep with my promise and bring as much info as i can spot for you all to work with.
ROFL. Yeah, ok bud if that's how you want to play it so be it. As I said, you are either a dumb townie or stupid mafia and right now the consensus is the latter. I've done my homework with Bockit and Incognito FYI. If you are a dumb townie, let God help us all.
Cock and balls if the Town decides to lynch myself next because it looks like I'm one of the only active players trying to pin reds. Godspeed.
On May 24 2009 08:22 Showtime! wrote: ROFL. Yeah, ok bud if that's how you want to play it so be it. As I said, you are either a dumb townie or stupid mafia and right now the consensus is the latter. I've done my homework with Bockit and Incognito FYI. If you are a dumb townie, let God help us all.
Cock and balls if the Town decides to lynch myself next because it looks like I'm one of the only active players trying to pin reds. Godspeed.
Listen stop with this dumb townie bull.
God help us what? All the town is been doing is "He is a dumb ass townie. That person is a dumb ass townie.
Everyone is a dumb ass townie.
If i die and turn green, let's just call you the dumb shit for wasting time and having a big "F" for FAIL in behavior analysis that you said you were.
Go do something right and find a town a mafia member and stop wasting the town's time or is it your plan to help find greens for the town to lynch?
Clock is ticking, go get me a mafia member please or do you have no confidence in your abilities?
I went with my first impulse you stupid sack of shit. At least I stuck to my guns.
Here's the thing. Right now we have no organization. Bockit and myself are trying to organize the God damn Town before it is too late. Got that? Good. We won't be sucked into anymore lies.
I don't doubt my abilities. Not for one second bro and I do believe it is time for you to go.
Stop wasting our time and next game I hope you are more clear in your PMs.
On May 24 2009 08:40 Showtime! wrote: NO CONFIDENCE?
I went with my first impulse you stupid sack of shit. At least I stuck to my guns.
Here's the thing. Right now we have no organization. Bockit and myself are trying to organize the God damn Town before it is too late. Got that? Good. We won't be sucked into anymore lies.
I don't doubt my abilities. Not for one second bro and I do believe it is time for you to go.
Stop wasting our time and next game I hope you are more clear in your PMs.
I feel like gambling.
Want to make a bet?
Has nemY posted anything about his RC's yet?
You are sketchy as fuck 'bro.' Why would I make a bet with someone as sketchy as you?
Use your vote however you want! We don't mind! Just keep on waiting until that dial hits to keep one of your own alive!
Mafia cover for the WIN.
Here's some character for you: "You are the weakest link, good-bye!"
Some notes townies: At this point we NEED to flip tricode. Period. Just look at callers pm to me and tricode pm to showtime!. Its just too much coincidence? I think not. The only alternative to that is that I got caught like an asshole (and that could be in case showtime! is faking that pm). However I still dont see Tricode REFUSING THAT PM. Wich means that its more likely real. However if tricode flips green the town will have to make a choice between me and showtime tomorrow.
On May 24 2009 08:50 Malongo wrote: Some notes townies: At this point we NEED to flip tricode. Period. Just look at callers pm to me and tricode pm to showtime!. Its just too much coincidence? I think not. The only alternative to that is that I got caught like an asshole (and that could be in case showtime! is faking that pm). However I still dont see Tricode REFUSING THAT PM. Wich means that its more likely real. However if tricode flips green the town will have to make a choice between me and showtime tomorrow.
I won't deny truth. That pm is really from Caller it is what he sent me. I'm not going to lie, it doesn't benefit the town.
Either or i was planning to post it believe me or not, my death will just be proof.
I don't see how that puts either one of us on the block Malongo. It's legit. The kid never denied it. For the record, I shared it with Bockit, Incognito and MBH.
Tricode is flaky as fuck.
EDITED: ? for . -_-
And I still push on Heavonearth. Given the current state of things MBH/oczec could be a fight between townies, theres no insight from a third party involved. I agree with Bockit at some degree, but theres no way to countercheck info from any side. While I see the point in MBHs post and somehow agree with him i cant vogue about his own motives. MBH is fishy too in his own way.
On May 24 2009 08:50 Showtime! wrote:
You are sketchy as fuck 'bro.' Why would I make a bet with someone as sketchy as you?
Use your vote however you want! We don't mind! Just keep on waiting until that dial hits to keep one of your own alive!
Mafia cover for the WIN.
Here's some character for you: "You are the weakest link, good-bye!"
Hmm, if i am going to die, what's there to be afraid of? Don't worry I won't request for you to go mod kill yourself or anything (i didn't see what updates qatol did yet on that rule). I'll have the town lynch you after my death and I show up green.
Or are you mafia or are you afraid of losing cause you know I'm innocent?
Come on, no harm with a simple bet.
I'll even tell you what i want if i win.
If i prove to be green. I want you to call it amends and put a hand up and say it was a good game. Just like respectable players.
Now if you win and i prove to be mafia.
Then call what ever you want, want me to take Most idiotic player in the world title fine.Hell let it be anything you want.
But i refuse for you to look down at me with your emotions, if you are townie then you are showing your frustration in how the game is going.
If you are mafia, well you did a pointless bandwagon BC's very poor analysis was doing fine enough, you just brought yourself out more.
On May 24 2009 08:54 Showtime! wrote: I don't see how that puts either one of us on the block Malongo. It's legit. The kid never denied it. For the record, I shared it with Bockit, Incognito and MBH.
Tricode is flaky as fuck.
EDITED: ? for . -_- Sorry showtime but I think you are a clever player. IF tricode flips green (unlikely) then that means a) he played absolutely dumb copy/pasting caller b) one of us faked one of the pms
As I said I have to wait to flip tricode to put my support on you. That doesnt mean I dont think tricode is mafia, that means that im a fucking paranoid.