On February 27 2008 08:31 Klive5ive wrote: This round of voting is rather silly. Random votes don't really work because the SCUM can vote too. If we are going to random vote we need to wait til the last moment and then vote together, otherwise it's almost certain that the SCUM will kill one of us off. Oh and by the way, I'm a marine.
Yeah I wish we could do that, but there's timezone differences so that's pretty much out of the question
The only one who has said anything remotely suspicious is randombum (overqualifying his choice and wanting to kill the person quickly) but even that's a stretch.
for now, i will make a list of people who haven't posted yet -- they're either inactive townies (bad for us in general) or mafia that's scared they will slip up (which is obviously bad for us too)
Sadir Fishball NeaX Jimtudor Unforgiven_ve infinity21 Scooter chicken`
Tell me if i missed anyone or got someone wrong
I think working with this group of people gives us better chances of catching a non-townie But, i can't think of a way to pick among these guys so i randomed from 1-8 and got 3 the most + Show Spoiler [random.org results] + Here are your random numbers:
3 8 4 7 6 2 1 3 1 3
Timestamp: 2008-02-26 23:51:02 UTC
I guess I ##Vote: NeaX He was one of the first accused and hasn't said a word yet (it's been a while). kinda strange
Such an awesome voting method, the townies in the other game could learn from you guys
Yeah Artanis has a good point, we need to force discussions. Easiest way to get away with mafia is to stay quiet and the more they talk the liklier they are to give something away or act suspicious. This might be a better strat this early than vague and pretty ungrounded suspicions.
I therefore ##unvote randombum and ##vote Neax
I'd be happy to change it to somebody else inactive if neax posts some of his thoughts.
Yeah given our success there, random voting would've been better. Rough calculations say it would've been about a 33% chance in 5 lynches to get 0 mafia
I also vote for Neax so he could at least say something.
Also guys, the strategy of forcing people to talk isn't always to just kill the quiet ones, but to catch potential Mafiosos slipping up.
##vote Neax
Hmm. Funny what just happened:
randombum suggests lynching neax people starts suspecting randombun randombum declares himself innocent we go back to voting neax -_-
I might have walked a trap here haha
must be ROFL for all mafia if they actually pulled this off. But it might just be a coincidence.
Perhaps I should change my vote again. Feels like whoever I vote on is most likely innocent so I don't know. We need more talking!
Neax isn't here to defend himself, so it's going to be hard for people to not vote against him.
Oh, you can't use your cop abilities on dead people? Too bad :/ It's pretty hard to find out what kind of cop you are in that way then. Hope those people have a better idea then I do.
Let's see what NeaX pops up as. It's probably a 1/7th chance as he is likely to be inactive, whether scum or not since an active player would obviously try to prevent getting lynched.
We'll see what happens.
16950 Posts
Great, people are jumping on voting bandwagons because they're not posting? What if it's nighttime in Europe or something?
Its been almost a full 24 hours emp, we only have another day to get it down
We'll see how they post tonight Emp, but they have had ample time to post. Even considering weekends they have had most of Monday and a lot of today. Still we have about until this time tomorrow before its finalized.
Pretty much. We have to lynch someone the first day, and we have absolutely nothing else to go on. Sure, someone might slip up on the first day, and post something really stupid, that links them to scum, but it's really unlikely. It's pretty much either randomly vote for someone, or randomly vote for someone who hasn't posted. :S
And thats what random was trying to do from the start. He got random number and wanted us to vote for that person just to get this thing over with, at the moment we have nothing else to go on.
On February 27 2008 09:00 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: Such an awesome voting method, the townies in the other game could learn from you guys
shut up scum!
Remember, I suggested the RNG, somewhat sarcastically, might I add. randombum actually did it 
Take that into consideration, if you wish.
Yea, that was my bad. I just wasn't paying quite close enough attention. My vote is on randombum now anywho
Your friendly mod here! I have a list of people who haven't spoken and am crossing them off as they do. People who haven't spoken will be replaced at the end of the day, and killed if there are no more replacements. The selection is totally at random and will include people with roles, so *get out there and talk*.
Darn, I had a late project to finish. But what is there to discuss right now without clues.
Sorry, ##vote Neax
will neax get replaced before he's lynched? because that would be a paradox - the guy who'd replace him is replacing him to be more vocal just before being killed for not being vocal.
I guess that makes him safe from the modkill (there'd be no point in replacing him just before he dies). or do people get replaced after the lynching?
Tracil, killing inactive people at the end of day is NO good, man. People can sometimes be VERY busy for a couple of days and do not even visit tl. This can kill the town quite fast.
Unless we get some popularity at TL.net and have a long queue of waiting list