United States25550 Posts
Please read the entire thread before signing up. Thank you.
* Cohosts are HaruRH and The_Templar. If you are a blue, please ensure you send night actions to both them and me. Scum, as usual, will be able to post their night actions in their scum QT.
*There are no coaches in this game.
Normal Mini: A Fire Upon the Deep Mini Mafia + Show Spoiler [Important Posts] +
The Rules The rules for this game are drawn from my model OP here: (link). Read them.
Supplemental Rules In addition to the rules outlined in the Model OP, there are a couple changes for this game.
1. Night Length: Nights will last 24 hours, and you may speak at night. However, you cannot speak between the hammer at the night post. Once someone has been hammered, do not post until the flip. 2. Maximum Day Length: If a day lasts for 72 hours without a lynch, it automatically ends in a no-lynch. 3. Activity: It is required you make at least 1 post per night+day cycle, and ALSO meet the arbitrary activity requirement that exists entirely in my mind. You are not required to vote if the day ends in a hammer, but you are required to vote if the day ends due to 72 hours passing. I'm not going to explain what I constitute inactivity-- I'll know it when I see it. You will probably be warned before being modkilled.
Credits: Thanks to anyone who has ever hosted a game. This list grows ever longer. Special thanks to myself for going over this setup with me, and to myself, on the balance approval team, for testing this setup for balance. Also thanks to Probulous since I stole this OP from him and modified it to my nefarious needs. Also also thanks to Hapahauli for helping me with the setup.
If you have not read all the rules, go and do so. I might give you candy.
I am open to questions any time. If something doesn't make sense, please ask.
United States25550 Posts
Roles and Setup information
This is a semi-closed opening setup. There is no setup information in the OP until the start of the game. At the start of D1, you will be provided with a list of possible roles, including role pms. To get an idea of what this game will be like, I plan for it to be pretty normal. You won't be surprised at what roles are available if you've played normal minis that I host. Typical town power roles include Doctor, Named VT, Veteran, Parity Cop, and Cop, and 1-shot Vigilante. Typical scum power roles include Roleblocker and Godfather.
Only roles in this post are available in the game. Just because a role is available, does not mean it will exist.
The Concentric Zones of Thought This game will follow a 24-hour night/72-hour IML day cycle. The day lasts until a majority is reached, or 72 hours pass, whichever happens first. If 72 hours passes without a majority, the day ends in a no-lynch. If someone is hammered, night begins immediately after the flip.
Vrinimi Org
Hapless Cremwmember - You man the Out of Band II and work for Vrinimi Org. You have no powers.
Pham Nuwen (1-shot vigilante) - You are an artificial human with the power to use Godshatter to active the Countermeasure. This Countermeasure will massively expand the Slow Zone and hopefully trap the Blight without access to AI-tier physics. Once per game, at night, you can submit an NK on someone. You can't shoot Night 1. You can't shoot yourself. If your target is protected, you do not get the bullet back. If you are roleblocked, you DO get the bullet back. Find and destroy the Bad Endings.
Ravna Bergsndot (Parity Cop) - You are an employee of the wealthy Vrinimi Organisation. You're been assigned to trace the sleeper ship that fled High Lab and retrieve the Countermeasure, using the Out of Band II, a hybrid ramscoop / warp drive ship. Each night you target someone, and you're told if the alignment of your target is the same or different as your previous target. Your N1 check doesn't return anything, but is necessary for your N2 check to work. You can't check yourself. Find and destroy the Bad Endings.
Woodcarver (Cop) - You are a pack of Tines, and when within communication range of each other, your combined brainpower produces emergent effects: intelligence and consciousness. You, Pilgrim, and Scriber mean to oppose Steel using the technology given to you by Johanna. Each night you may target someone, and you're told their alignment. You do not get to make a check during N1. Find and destroy the Bad Endings.
Town Win Condition - The town wins when there are no mafia left in the game or nothing can prevent that from happening.
The Blight
Aprahanti Battlecruiser (Goon) - With the Blight emerging, your race finally has the excuse it has been waiting for to attack the Humans. You will use the chaos of the Blight to reestablish their waning hegemony. Despite their attractive, delicate appearance and initial demeanor, the Aprahanti are revealed to be an extremely fearsome and vicious species. Your crew is no exception. You are scum. You have no special powers.
Corrupted Skroderider (Godfather) - In ancient times, your people lacked short term memory and mobility. Someone set you on the Skrodes, which provided short term memory and the ability to change location at will. Now you are wiley traders throughout the galaxy. Lately, however, since the most recent firmware update, some Skroderiders have been acting strangely... You are scum. You return Green to checks.
Mafia Win condition - The mafia wins when there are no remaining townies or nothing can prevent that from happening. Each night, mafia may kill one player.
Sample PMs:
Hapless Crewmember Pham Nuwen Ravna Bergsndot Woodcarver Aprahanti Battlecruiser, your QT: _____ Corrupted Skroderider, your QT: _____
United States25550 Posts
Player List 1) EchelonTee (filter) 2) IAmRobik (filter) Hapless Crewmember Shot N1 3) Alakaslam (filter) Woodcarver Shot N2 4) Strongandbig (filter) 5) sinani206 (filter) Hapless Crewmember Lynched D2 6) Chairman Ray (filter) 7) MysteryMeat1 (filter) Hapless Crewmember Lynched D1 8) Tehpoofter (filter) 9) Snickers (filter)
Replacement List 1) 2) 3)
Sitouts 1) raynpelikoneet 2) 3)
3 of 7 Vrinimi Org Allies Remaining 2 of 2 Agents of the Blight Remaining
+ Show Spoiler [flips] +MysteryMeat1 (filter) Hapless Crewmember Lynched D1IAmRobik (filter) Hapless Crewmember Shot N1 sinani206 (filter) Hapless Crewmember Lynched D2Alakaslam (filter) Woodcarver Shot N2
robik this is going to be your third game at a time lol
your Country52797 Posts
/cohost? Am I allowed to try to cohost without much experience? I have to start somewhere right?
BH if youre worried Templar don't have much experience, I will /cohost with him because 2 inexperienced ones makes one experienced one.
United States25550 Posts
On June 28 2014 04:24 The_Templar wrote: /cohost? Am I allowed to try to cohost without much experience? I have to start somewhere right?
Cohosts of any experience level are welcome. Welcome aboard!
On June 28 2014 04:25 HaruRH wrote: BH if youre worried Templar don't have much experience, I will /cohost with him because 2 inexperienced ones makes one experienced one.
sounds good to me.
scum shoud have to confirm in the scum qt
anyone else know the source material for this? I am cultural pleb so never heard of it
On June 28 2014 04:48 EchelonTee wrote: anyone else know the source material for this? I am cultural pleb so never heard of it It's a science fiction novel. It's not very well known.
Grumble Grumble how come TL mafia didn't move to the shared forums QQ
I'd totally play if I could do it from LiquidDota
United States25550 Posts
On June 28 2014 06:53 Sn0_Man wrote:Grumble Grumble how come TL mafia didn't move to the shared forums QQ I'd totally play if I could do it from LiquidDota 
Oh, come on, you can just click "teamliquid" at the top bar at like any time from liquiddota
your Country52797 Posts
Oh boy, we've got the chairman and the mystery meat. This just got interesting.