Message GMarshal if you request a ban please ^_^
Also when the game you're sitting out is over! ~GMarshal |
On February 23 2014 09:55 Keirathi wrote:Show nested quote +On February 23 2014 09:26 Vivax wrote: First time I see somebody getting banned for saying "x is sucking his d*", I would say it was a common derogatory way of saying that you're buddying somebody, and have seen plenty of people use it in that context on this forum. But maybe the rules got stricter now.
Since it wasn't signed I won't say whether it was me or kush, but he's free to say who wrote that stuff.
And anyway, that game wasn't going anywhere for real, so I'm not even mad. 4 modkills, 2 townies that got lynched and didn't care. I think the point is that you (or kush...whatever) were specifically asked to stop and kept doing it.
i did stop doing it. gayfk is no where even near the name level of profanity as dicksucking.
United States22154 Posts
On February 23 2014 04:25 Blazinghand wrote: For GSL Mini Mafia IV:
Standard Inactivity Bans for Hapahauli (smurfed as DoNotPanic!), QuantumPope, and SideSprang for being inactivity modkilled.
Warning for Mattchew. Although he didn't get modkilled, he was very lucky to get lynched before that happened. He was very inactive.
Standard Behavior Ban for Vivax420 (Hydra of Vivax and Kush). After being warned to not use homophobic language, they continued to do so. Their language would not have been acceptable on any TL forum, and their modkill lost the game for their team. If one of them was responsible for both incidents, just ban that one.
I could see downgrading Hapa to a Warning or upgrading Mattchew to a Ban. I would certainly LIKE to ban Mattchew but he didn't get modkilled. Although Hapa was replaced (rather than getting modkilled), it was due to inactivity, and if he hadn't been, we'd have had a replacement available for another afker. Currently busy, will handle monday, in the meantime, if people would not post stuff that could be construed as homophobic or offensive, that would be fantastic.
GMarsh why ban kush's alt account but not his main, if that is an infarction worth a TL ban while he is in a game using that alt account I don't see why his man should remain untouched. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with banning the one account,I just don't see why his main continues playing while his alt is banned while participating in default suspicions,
OBJECTION YOUR HONOR. The prosecution has failed to reveal any tangible evidence that would incriminate my client kushmasta was specifically responsible for the charges in question.
I would like to call to the witness stand BUMATLARGE
On February 23 2014 12:18 Promethelax wrote: GMarsh why ban kush's alt account but not his main, if that is an infarction worth a TL ban while he is in a game using that alt account I don't see why his man should remain untouched. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with banning the one account,I just don't see why his main continues playing while his alt is banned while participating in default suspicions,
Why ban as smurf account that is posting potentially contention things in this thread? Accountability and transparency would be my reasoning. (its a kush and vivax account) Smurfs are for playing.
Whats being said here is being said by people who have accounts. While I would not make rule of it, I can see any smurf account(esp a hydra) posting in this thread getting banned for clarity.
I don't know what you want me to say, but I'm here.
LXI hydra rules retrospective in play?
Why is "homophobia" the term for heterobigotry? Heterobigots are clearly not afraid of the homosexual, rational or irrational (as I am), rather they tend to be brash (what we call "homophobia")
I have never understood this. And the convention peeves me.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
really the only thing i notice is that anyone saying "gayfk" is probably a bit of an idiot. Not because of its homophobic undertones, but simply because it's spectacularly lame. I mean seriously. gayfk? what would possess someone.
weed and alcohol marv. weed and alcohol
On February 23 2014 21:16 marvellosity wrote: really the only thing i notice is that anyone saying "gayfk" is probably a bit of an idiot. Not because of its homophobic undertones, but simply because it's spectacularly lame. I mean seriously. gayfk? what would possess someone.
I had been reading this as two words 'gay fuck' but when Kush explained in pm that it was like afk but gayer I did laugh. It is a dumb thing to say, no question, but the idea of someone angrily referring to someone as gay.f.k. When they are both away from their keyboard and gay is actually pretty funny.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
It may be my irrational love of portmanteau
United Kingdom36156 Posts
it's just a funny way to say afk basically. it has infinitely more to do with the joy of combining words than it does with homophobia. and i was modkilled thus ending the game and the game was winnable.
and I am accused of homophobia?? sir that is quite a serious accusation, and how lightly you throw it around actually reveals your own homophobia. BH is the one who should be banned here. For 1 ruining a game and 2 being homophobic.
No u is not admissible here I don't think.
Maybe he meant "That person was AFK with his family or friends, and was having such a jolly good time. You could say he was having a gay time, thus he was gayfk"
Very cute gonzaw. I think we all know that is not what was intended. Seriously who used gay to denote happiness anymore?
On February 24 2014 05:53 Hopeless1der wrote: Very cute gonzaw. I think we all know that is not what was intended. Seriously who used gay to denote happiness anymore? The French.
Oh, I did think it meant "gay fuck" but GayFK feels a lot less offensive. It's clearly an attempt at clever acropunning.