On July 04 2013 13:20 JarJarDrinks wrote: Wave, please clear this up. Did you get your fakeclaim during the pause or did you get them after I claimed and the town started talking mass claim?
How does this affect you?
Ok, so here's the deal. I think Wave messed up the timeframes and thought that the pause happened AFTER the whole mass roleclaim discussion. He's making shit up now about not remembering timestamps and being told that he's not allowed to discuss it but check this out:
On July 04 2013 09:56 WaveofShadow wrote:Then the subject of name claiming comes up and I realize I am absolutely fucked. Luckily iGrok steps in later on in the day and I receive some role information that is not my own.
On July 04 2013 11:22 WaveofShadow wrote: I didn't want to say so at the time but I definitely agree with those who said a mass rolelclaim kinda takes a little of the fun out of it, never mind the fact that it made the game very VERY difficult for me.
Why would he be "absolutely fucked"? The roleclaim discussion happened AFTER the pause in the game. Which means he must have his role already.
On July 04 2013 13:20 JarJarDrinks wrote: Wave, please clear this up. Did you get your fakeclaim during the pause or did you get them after I claimed and the town started talking mass claim?
How does this affect you?
Good question. I'll answer JJD anyway; essentially upon writing my massive explanation I immediately remembered two people claimed way before everyone else. Since I was missing for much of D1 I thought that fakeclaim timing could maybe explain why you two claimed so early with respect to everyone else but I didn't bother to check timestamps or anything like that cuz lazy and it turns out I was probably wrong. As far as the timing of my fakeclaims I'm kind of hesitant to talk much more about shit iGrok and I talked about cuz against da rulez.
Let me make it real easy for you JJD. Vote me if you think I'm scum, vote Fuba if you think he's scum. I don't think anyone will hold it against you either way so you don't need to write a long essay about how I got caught in a slip or some shit because I honestly couldn't care any less.
He's trying to retcon what he said right here. He starts talking about timestamps and says oh he was probably wrong. How could he have been wrong? Did he somehow imagine the feeling of being "absolutely fucked" when people were talking about roleclaims?
On July 04 2013 13:20 JarJarDrinks wrote: Wave, please clear this up. Did you get your fakeclaim during the pause or did you get them after I claimed and the town started talking mass claim?
How does this affect you?
Ok, so here's the deal. I think Wave messed up the timeframes and thought that the pause happened AFTER the whole mass roleclaim discussion. He's making shit up now about not remembering timestamps and being told that he's not allowed to discuss it but check this out:
On July 04 2013 09:56 WaveofShadow wrote:Then the subject of name claiming comes up and I realize I am absolutely fucked. Luckily iGrok steps in later on in the day and I receive some role information that is not my own.
On July 04 2013 11:22 WaveofShadow wrote: I didn't want to say so at the time but I definitely agree with those who said a mass rolelclaim kinda takes a little of the fun out of it, never mind the fact that it made the game very VERY difficult for me.
Why would he be "absolutely fucked"? The roleclaim discussion happened AFTER the pause in the game. Which means he must have his role already.
On July 04 2013 13:20 JarJarDrinks wrote: Wave, please clear this up. Did you get your fakeclaim during the pause or did you get them after I claimed and the town started talking mass claim?
How does this affect you?
Good question. I'll answer JJD anyway; essentially upon writing my massive explanation I immediately remembered two people claimed way before everyone else. Since I was missing for much of D1 I thought that fakeclaim timing could maybe explain why you two claimed so early with respect to everyone else but I didn't bother to check timestamps or anything like that cuz lazy and it turns out I was probably wrong. As far as the timing of my fakeclaims I'm kind of hesitant to talk much more about shit iGrok and I talked about cuz against da rulez.
Let me make it real easy for you JJD. Vote me if you think I'm scum, vote Fuba if you think he's scum. I don't think anyone will hold it against you either way so you don't need to write a long essay about how I got caught in a slip or some shit because I honestly couldn't care any less.
He's trying to retcon what he said right here. He starts talking about timestamps and says oh he was probably wrong. How could he have been wrong? Did he somehow imagine the feeling of being "absolutely fucked" when people were talking about roleclaims?
WoS is absolutely scum. No doubt about it.
how does this make him scum other than survivor????
On July 04 2013 13:20 JarJarDrinks wrote: Wave, please clear this up. Did you get your fakeclaim during the pause or did you get them after I claimed and the town started talking mass claim?
How does this affect you?
Ok, so here's the deal. I think Wave messed up the timeframes and thought that the pause happened AFTER the whole mass roleclaim discussion. He's making shit up now about not remembering timestamps and being told that he's not allowed to discuss it but check this out:
On July 04 2013 09:56 WaveofShadow wrote:Then the subject of name claiming comes up and I realize I am absolutely fucked. Luckily iGrok steps in later on in the day and I receive some role information that is not my own.
On July 04 2013 11:22 WaveofShadow wrote: I didn't want to say so at the time but I definitely agree with those who said a mass rolelclaim kinda takes a little of the fun out of it, never mind the fact that it made the game very VERY difficult for me.
Why would he be "absolutely fucked"? The roleclaim discussion happened AFTER the pause in the game. Which means he must have his role already.
On July 04 2013 13:20 JarJarDrinks wrote: Wave, please clear this up. Did you get your fakeclaim during the pause or did you get them after I claimed and the town started talking mass claim?
How does this affect you?
Good question. I'll answer JJD anyway; essentially upon writing my massive explanation I immediately remembered two people claimed way before everyone else. Since I was missing for much of D1 I thought that fakeclaim timing could maybe explain why you two claimed so early with respect to everyone else but I didn't bother to check timestamps or anything like that cuz lazy and it turns out I was probably wrong. As far as the timing of my fakeclaims I'm kind of hesitant to talk much more about shit iGrok and I talked about cuz against da rulez.
Let me make it real easy for you JJD. Vote me if you think I'm scum, vote Fuba if you think he's scum. I don't think anyone will hold it against you either way so you don't need to write a long essay about how I got caught in a slip or some shit because I honestly couldn't care any less.
He's trying to retcon what he said right here. He starts talking about timestamps and says oh he was probably wrong. How could he have been wrong? Did he somehow imagine the feeling of being "absolutely fucked" when people were talking about roleclaims?
You derp. I was gone that entire time so that feeling of being fucked and the pause in the game and whatnot all happened around the same time for me when I happened to read it.
LOL I just checked when I got the claims. As much as I'd love to shove it down your throat JJD it doesn't seem as though I'd be allowed to really talk about it/compare. You go ahead and bug iGrok to see if it's allowed because I've bugged him enough this game and again I honestly don't care.
And again, as I explained above, I play every game as a survivor that only wins if town wins. Survivor isn't all that much harder for me than town. I just had an extra power that I didn't end up using and would show up as german to cop checks.
Yeah bullshit man. Dr Who?
Also, why are you not happy that WoS outed himself?
How is it bullshit?
And what would make me happy about it, other than being confirmed if he flips first? It's not like town needs to win for me to win the game, I need to live. His fakeclaim has pretty much reduced my chances of winning by 50%.
Because Ive never seen you play survivorish as town.
You are happy because he is fakeclaiming and YOU KNOW IT. YOU KNOW IT. but it doesnt seem like you have justice on your side, not like WoS posting.
I don't even know what that means. You don't even have another survivor game to compare this one to.
And yeah, I KNOW IT. You know who doesn't know it? Everyone else in the game. As it turns out, that's who matters. Fact remains, the thing that made me KNOW IT is the reason I'm up for lynch today. It's the reason I might lose the game, so why would that make me happy?
Because he clearly had a fucking safe claim? My god, how can you not see that? I think he *did* have the vigi fakeclaim, but it wasn't turning out as expected, so he jumped on me. Yes, surprisingly scum can tell the truth, especially when the truth is obvious.
Ok, I meant to go to sleep, I also meant to be nice to you seeing as your situation sucked.
But wtf is this if he so clearly had a scum claim.
Sorry for getting back so late, but it looks like a lot of you figured out my role already. I'm Hans Landa - German Survivor Jailkeeper. No jail last night, since it really didn't look like I was going to be NK'd, and after that shitstorm with marv/rayn/lazer/etc there were likely better vigi shots. If WoS is telling the truth, then it looks like scum has a roleblocker and saw him as possibly blue. If he's lying, then... he's scum.
To make up for the Vayne lynch a bit (that came way too close for me :S), I'll offer that I, at least, didn't get a fake claim. It feels like if scum had been given fake claims, then I would have gotten one, since this setup makes massclaims really likely, and it feels like it's gonna be really hard to walk that line between town and scum.
The first quote proves you had all the information then that you have now, you were aware of WOS's claim to vig.
The second has you believing they're are no fake claims. The only thing thats changed since then is that your claim is now at odds now with WOS (WOS's post means nothing to you seeing as you should be of the opinion that everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie and no matter how much you try you will not convince anyone that scum would receive fake claims while third party wouldn't), your ass on the line is the sole reason for this grotesque flip flop.
Your finding us stupid is essentially like a scumy looking townie calling everyone bad for not realizing that they're actually town, a fact only they know because of just how terrible they are. Except your not a bad townie, your godawful scum. Get the fuck out of here, you wanna ad homonym me on a hypocritical basis I will in tern bury you verbally and laugh as red scum blood soaks through the softly sifted dirt to a bright green surface world upon which a parade is held by town in celebration of your death, and no not in the Irish way that involves celebrating someones amazing life, I mean a ding dong the witch is dead sort of celebration. I am utterly done talking to you, see you at the flip.
Lastly I just want to say if third party DOESNT have a secret role, then one extra setup role is just sitting they're belonging to no one, dangling in mid air. OCD says nope.
If you don't know the difference between believing and knowing, then I have absolutely nothing to say to you.
And again, as I explained above, I play every game as a survivor that only wins if town wins. Survivor isn't all that much harder for me than town. I just had an extra power that I didn't end up using and would show up as german to cop checks.
Yeah bullshit man. Dr Who?
Also, why are you not happy that WoS outed himself?
How is it bullshit?
And what would make me happy about it, other than being confirmed if he flips first? It's not like town needs to win for me to win the game, I need to live. His fakeclaim has pretty much reduced my chances of winning by 50%.
Because Ive never seen you play survivorish as town.
You are happy because he is fakeclaiming and YOU KNOW IT. YOU KNOW IT. but it doesnt seem like you have justice on your side, not like WoS posting.
I don't even know what that means. You don't even have another survivor game to compare this one to.
And yeah, I KNOW IT. You know who doesn't know it? Everyone else in the game. As it turns out, that's who matters. Fact remains, the thing that made me KNOW IT is the reason I'm up for lynch today. It's the reason I might lose the game, so why would that make me happy?
I dont know man, why dont you try and convince us that WoS is scum?
On July 04 2013 14:53 WaveofShadow wrote: LOL I just checked when I got the claims. As much as I'd love to shove it down your throat JJD it doesn't seem as though I'd be allowed to really talk about it/compare. You go ahead and bug iGrok to see if it's allowed because I've bugged him enough this game and again I honestly don't care.
This kind of post (along with a couple others) makes me feel like my vote is in the right place, because it's so god-damn dirty.
If this is scum casually trying to use appeal-to-authority of the host, I'll be pretty disgusted tbh :/ Don't think WoS is like that.
I have played many games of mafia, Oats, of course I'm aware of my meta.
I don't know what I think of JJD yet because I'm still not super-mega-comfortable with where my vote is yet, and there's no point talking about him until we have a flip.
Like there are 12 townie roles, and 12 total players in the game. I think iGrok would have foreseen that if mafia have no idea what to claim at any point, then a massclaim looks really really tough on mafia. Also, look at... the Active Games thread? iGrok was contemplating using this as an open setup, but decided against this.
What does an open setup mean? It means that mafia (and town alike) would know what roles existed. So in this game as we have it, I think that mafia knew what roles existed in the game, and were thus given a safe, fakeclaim each, and the Survivor got one too, to make 12=12.
I'm aware this is speculation, but this is what makes the most sense to me.