Oats, I don't care what I do, sheeping me will always be a bad idea.
Here are some reads on people from filter looking
raynpelikoneet: This guy is pretty good and I don't see any of that so far. He hasn't done much so far and I don't like any of it.
And here is defense later on:
On June 06 2013 07:00 prplhz wrote: Okay guys I don't think it's fair to lynch rainpelikoneet today simply because I think that his work excuse is legit. There are a lot of votes on him because of his relative inactivity which I don't like at all. The only reason to lynch raynpelikoneet is his VayneAuthority town read. That someone is very right about you should arouse some suspicion but I remember in that game where yamato77 smurfed he was really right about me and somehow that also made me get a very strong town read on him (he was scum I was town).
I also don't think it's characteristic for scum to martyr in the way he does. There are no feelings in it, just some very collected thoughts about how "if you want to lynch me for inactivity then do it on day1 because it will not get better", that's actually very reasonable but it's not anything scum would say and I think scum would be much more emotional about martyring.
In short, I think raynpelikoneet is a bad lynch today and I really don't think we should lynch him. He's actually contributing really well considering that it appears that he really doesn't have much time for this game and the weird VayneAuthority read is not enough to make me want to lynch him.
And then starts Oats push. It's weird because he thinks rayne is scum because Vayne gave a "very right" townread on him, which would make Vayne scum (parallel to yamato77, who was scum, giving a "very right" townread on prplhz who was town). And he was going to lynch Vayne before switching to Oats because Oats had a better chance of getting lynched than Rayn. Still small given eight votes on rayn, but there.
What concerns me is how he says Rayn is a bit scummy and then uses his towniness as an excuse to implicate Vayn.
I think Vayne should be our number one suspect. He spends the day adamantly defending rayn without offering real solid evidence against mkfuba. He doesn't further his case on the guy from the beginning. And fuba's case from the beginning was taking Vayne's words out of context. Looks like a reactionary lynch on his part, and this is what he tries to start a wagon on to replace rayn.
His entire game is motivated by the fact that rayn is town. There is little substance at all in his history. And none of it is dedicated to finding scum except for the reactionary lynch and trying to start a wagon on fuba.
On June 06 2013 02:40 VayneAuthority wrote: I don't necessarily think WoS is scum as its too early to tell but if that's my only other option besides rayn, so be it. He is one of my only townreads
It's so obvious I'm wondering if we can vig him and lynch someone else. He's contributing less to this game than I am.
prplhz - 7/10 scumpoints for his questionable defense of rayn which may or may not be motivated by meta (2 above neutral for his flip flop)
vayne - 9/10 scumpoints from bringing nothing of value and defending rayn
oats - 6/10 scumpoints because although his godforsaken ace push is angering me, he's using what little substance he offers to pressure me into a lynch. rayn was ignoring me (I maintain that he was setting me up). vayne looks like he's ignoring half the players in this game too (including at least one scum). oats is taking the spotlight to lead who he (mistakenly) thinks is town. he gets one scumpoint for the ace push and is otherwise a neutral (but incredibly pithy!) player.
If the case on me is that scum sent me out to safe a rather doomed raynpelikoneet then that's crazy.
I am all for lynching [UoN]Sentinel tomorrow.
United States9244 Posts
Sentinel, if you're around could you provide a read on Ace?
On June 06 2013 23:18 WaveofShadow wrote:Show nested quote +On June 06 2013 22:53 Oatsmaster wrote:On June 06 2013 22:50 WaveofShadow wrote:On June 06 2013 21:38 Oatsmaster wrote: We lynching Sent tmr.
Sent, if in fact you are town, go and look at Les Mis and emulate BH's play there after he got pretty much lynched for scumslipping, he flipped town. If you do that, Ill lynch whoever you want.
I know its hard to be objective since I was scum but I want to say I wouldn't have lynched BH in that game. What do you mean you'll lynch whoever he wants? Assuming he is town, I can't say I'd trust his reads enough to do that. That being said I agree that Sent really needs to pick up his play. Vayne too imo. Still want to hear what he has to say about me making long cases that are wrong? Im saying if he plays like BH in that game. I will sheep him. If he does whatever he does, I will push for his lynch. Is that hard to understand? Yes. It doesn't make sense to me that you'd sheep someone whose quality of reads is questionable, even if they are town. Also rereading the past few hours I'd like to hear from jay why he found fuba scmmier than rayn. First off I didn't really think Rayn was scummy. People say he was scummy because he thought vayne was town because vayne knew that activity was not really alignment indicative for him (rayn)
Fuba asked me if someone defining my play style makes them more likley town i explained my self here.
On June 06 2013 05:20 jaybrundage wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On June 06 2013 04:35 mkfuba07 wrote:Show nested quote +On June 06 2013 04:03 jaybrundage wrote: -snip- Note the reason he gives is because rayn has a town read on Vayne. So instead of lynching vayne who he has been playing with for a while. He just jumps on rayn because he is starting to roll as a wagon. He includes some reason as rayn seeing vayne as a town read for a wierd reason. If rayn just said he had a gut read on Vayne would that be better? Its a convoluted reason imo. I dont see the real reason for the switch from vayne to rayn. -snip- That's not the reason I gave. Town reads on vayne are perfectly fine. I, myself, just gave a slight town read on him. The reason I gave for rayn being scum is that his town read on vayne is based entirely around vayne doing something that anyone, of any alignment, could do. It's something scum can do easily to make themselves look like town, while not actually contributing their own thoughts. It's something that I wouldn't expect a townie to be convinced by, but something that scum would be enticed by. I didn't just jump on rayn because his wagon started. I wasn't convinced by the other cases. I was convinced by this one. If you don't like my reasoning, you're free to disagree with it. As for the bolded, in all honesty it probably would be better. At least in the sense that I would not find it as scummy. I find "no definable reason" to be better than a scummy reason (at least until we see some flips). And finally, there was no "switch" from vayne to rayn. You make it seem like one led to the other, when they're completely independent. If rayn had given that reason as a town read for *anyone* I would have had the same reaction. Here's a question for you: Do you think that someone explaining your playstyle is indicative of their alignment? @Fuba while obviously there are exceptions to every rule. But over the course of quite a few games I have found out that players who define my playstyle (as being lynchbait) and stop a lynch from going to me on day one.. Are usually town. Scum have no motive to do this they can just let the wagon roll. While you may think this line of reasoning is scummy. about 80%-90% of the time when im town and someone else defends me and tells everyone that im lynch bait that person defending me is also town. So yes i do find it alignment indicative.
I didn't think what rayn did was scummy because i do it all the time. People who defend me as lynch bait usually are town cause there is no scum motivation behind it. I thought Fuba was scum because of his first post about vayne seemed like fluff and he had no content at first.
I never switched off him cause i never liked the other lynch candidates.
People who defend me as lynch bait usually are town cause there is no scum motivation behind it. unless you are scum. Then there is scum motivation in defending you.
just pointing it out.
On June 07 2013 06:56 Zephirdd wrote:Show nested quote +People who defend me as lynch bait usually are town cause there is no scum motivation behind it. unless you are scum. Then there is scum motivation in defending you. just pointing it out. Well if you mean if the person defending me is scum as well as me being scum then yea you would be right. But im not scum :p
yeah but like...
Rayn defended you. We just estabilished that there is no scum motivation into defending you, UNLESS you are scum Rayn was scum, which means that he had a scum motivation
So, if rayn was scum, and rayn defended you, what does that make?
United States9244 Posts
I didn't have as much time as I had hoped to finish this post since I thought the deadline was an hour later, but I want to post it in case I get shot. My top two scum suspects are Ace and Sent currently. Everyone should role claim (I'm vanilla) Punish players if they offer bad alignment cop/medic/roleblocker selections.
Ace had a poor showing day one, not bringing anything of value to the table. He was late to the rayn lynch and even tried to spook people away from the lynch in the final hours. What concerns me the most is that Ace wasn't applying his own views of rayn, he is characterizing whether or not the lynch is legitimate based on the collective reasoning.
On June 06 2013 05:32 Ace wrote: highlighted in bold. I think it is the main reason people are voting rayne. It's a pretty solid line of reasoning.
With this post, Ace establishes that there is a legitimate reason to vote rayn. Later on, he establishes the case from fuba as the argument that convinced him that rayn is scum.
On June 06 2013 05:32 Ace wrote: If people are voting for him based on inactivity and not this case then yea we might be mislynching the guy.
On June 06 2013 07:11 Ace wrote: For the remaining people voting for rayne do you believe he is really just inactive or just Scum?
On June 06 2013 12:03 Ace wrote: I only attempted to switch off when we established rayne might be an inactivity lynch.
After an analysis of the votes, however Ace decides that rayn is a poor lynch. Why do the statements that Ace described as a solid line of reasoning no longer apply? If people are voting rayn for the wrong reasons, shouldn't he be convincing people to vote rayn for the right reasons, instead of trying to redirect the lynch? Even if Ace concluded that rayn was an inactivity lynch, concluding that it was a mislynch is a jump that is never adequately explained. An inactivity lynch can be valid if there is supporting evidence that the player is scum in the limited amount of posts they have. Ace never discusses rayn's posts, which should be the deciding factor when determining if the inactivity lynch is a mafia lynch or mislynch.
From the previous game, where I was a scum buddy with rayn, I noticed that on day one, he put effort into scum to scum interaction, sending me a couple of softballs, that weren't really prompted. I wouldn't put much value into this observation, but I think his interaction with Ace and layabout most closely reflect this type of interaction.
On June 06 2013 05:04 [UoN]Sentinel wrote: Whether or not I sheep rayne my vote will look scummy.
Going with my gut I guess.
##unvote ##vote: raynpelikoneet
Even if you ignore the "scum slip", the thing about this post that seems the most scummy to me is the fact that he is concerned about how he appears to others. A town player votes for the player they want to lynch as scum. A mafia player is more aware of how his vote will look to others. He also appears paranoid when he makes a post stating his concern by not being mentioned by rayn.
I think he overplays his certainty of the lynch in his explanation of a previous post. In his post, he describes it as a gut read and never really indicates that rayn is the player that we should be lynching, until the lynch is already decided. Post-flip he suddenly goes from a gut read to 100% certain.
Day 2![[image loading]](http://www.guystuffcounseling.com/Portals/31983/images/Gambling%20Addiction%20-%20Problem%20Gambling.jpg)
Zephirdd thought he could win with these cards. So he went all in. Little did he know slOosh had a slush. Which is like a flush, just in green. So sloosh went all in too.
Then a bomb exploded under their table and they both died. Shit happens.
Zephirdd the Gambling VT is dead! slOosh the Gambling VT is dead!
It is Day 2. 48 hours to find a lynch, deadline is at 23:00 GMT (+00:00).
United States9244 Posts
Looks like a game of avoid the medic 
Weird shots.
I was veteran last night although that's not really worth anything.
KITA IS ALIVE! which means hes either scum or something. Probably scum DAMN.
##Vote Ace
You know I thought there might be a chance in hell I'd be killed D1 because I'm awesome but yeah, wishful thinking. Oh well, scum will pay for not killing me.
Oh wait, derp. Avoid the medic. Hmm so that means scum didn't have medic last night, huh?
I was roleblocker. I was debating not claiming to see if anyone would be stupid enough to claim so I could shut them down but I really don't see that happening.
United States9244 Posts
zephirdd shot makes sense, sloosh is a pretty random kill. Barely any filter...he mentions s0lstice and sentinel and then before he died he asked for a case on oats before the night phase is over.
Leaning towards sentinel being town and oats being scum, but my reads have been trash thus far, probably the worst ever.
United States9244 Posts
You honestly aren't that bad are you Wave?