![[image loading]](http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n99/chuiu/TLmafia_new.png)
Please read the entire thread before signing up. Thank you.
* DoYouHas and Marvellosity will be co-hosting this game. Please ensure you send all night actions to both them and myself.
*There are no coaches in this game.
British Empire Mini Mafia I
+ Show Spoiler [Important Posts] +
herpa derpa derpa
Mafia is an educated guessing game of epic proportions. The objective of the game is to lynch or kill all mafia members before they outnumber the rest of the town. It's much like a game of poker because mafia members are also part of the town during the day and may manipulate the vote to their liking. If the mafia at any time outnumber or equal the townspeople, they win. The town's goal is to lynch all the members of the mafia.
The game is typically very active, so the thread will get big quickly. However, it is essential to read the thread to play the game. If you do not have the time or patience to read the whole thread, do not play. I will not compensate for ignorance.
Cheating includes (but is not limited to):
1. Posting after death. You may have one polite goodbye post, but it may not contain any potentially game-changing information.
2. Ruining the game by doing something like hand out your mafia's member list to the town.
3. Logging on to someone else's account to get their role or looking over someone's shoulder to get their role.
4. Comparing role PM times to determine roles.
5. Posting screenshots of your inbox, or really any screenshots of things from the game.
6. Posting or sharing any PM you receive from a host.
7. Getting yourself modkilled to help your team. Your non-majority-decided death may not be used as a bargaining chip.
8. Signing up more than once using smurf accounts.
9. Betting items outside of the game in exchange for in-game benefits.
10. Sharing accounts with other players unless cleared by the host in advance. Otherwise, only you may post on your account.
Cheating is not tolerated here. The punishment will be severe.
Mod Font:
This is mod font. It is reserved for moderators. Please do not use it.
Rules specific to this game are also shown in blue text in this thread.
Question Font:
This is question font. Use it to ask the moderators questions about the rules. Please do us a favor and read the rules before you ask anything.
You must post in this thread once per 48 hours while you are alive. I'll probably try to warn you first, but if you fail to follow activity rules, you will be inactivity modkilled. If you are inactivity modkilled, I will be very sad ;_;
Try to stay on-topic while playing. I'll let you know if it's off-topic.
If you want to smurf, let me know.
If one of the players would like to hydra with someone else, that is acceptable. Please inform me.
Try not to spam. If it happens, it happens. Sometimes you gotta triple post, etc. Don't worry about it too much, but try to consolidate posts when possible. If I think you're spamming I'll tell you to stop, and then you'll stop. Not stopping is strictly prohibited.
Editing is not allowed for any reason. Editing is not allowed. Do not edit posts. You get one (1) warning for editing. After that, you will be modkilled.
Inappropriate posts:
If you want to post something insulting or inappropriate and know the TL mods would have a problem with it elsewhere, don't post it here. If you do, a host will warn you or modkill you and request that you be banned from future games. The hosts have the final say on what is inappropriate. If you do not like how someone is talking to you, please PM a host, Flamewheel, or Mig before involving the TL staff. If you are unsatisfied with how the situation is resolved, then you can appeal to the TL staff normally.
As a general guideline: Stuff like "this argument is dumb because XYZ" is fine. Stuff like "you are doing ABC, which is dumb" or "you're dumb if you do ABC" is fine. Stuff like "you're dumb. lolooloooo" is not fine. Insults and abrasive play happen, but it must all be oriented towards trying to win the game. Don't be that guy. I'm very verbal about people getting out of line, so if you cross the line I will let you know.
Reporting posts:
The report button is a nice feature for regular TL, but not for this forum. We prefer to deal with things in house if possible to avoid confusion among the TL staff. If you have a problem with how someone is posting, talk to the host, co-host, Flamewheel, or Mig before using your report button. Please do not use your report button for anything other than inappropriate posts which you feel are not being dealt with adequately.
Ban discussions:
Please wait until this game is over to talk about modkills and bans resulting from this game.
Play to win.
This means you play your best to help your team win while you are alive and in the game. If you're not playing to win I will modkill you. But this won't be a problem, because if you don't want to win you can just not sign up k?
This also means that you cannot leave the game without a good reason without a ban. These situations will be dealt with on a case by case basis. PM your host if you need to leave the game.
You have been warned! bwahahaha
Voting rules:
1. Voting is done in the game thread. Do not PM me your vote.
2. Please vote in the following format: ##Vote Blazinghand. Votes not done in the correct fashion will not be counted. I will update vote counts whenever I get the chance.
3.5. If your vote is on someone, make sure to ##Unvote when you vote someone new (you can do this in the same post).
3. No conditional voting.
4. You may vote for yourself. You may not vote for anyone dead or outside the game-- or rather, such votes will not count.
4.5. You can vote for a no-lynch if you want to.
5. This game follows an instant simple majority lynch. The instant a player has the majority of votes on him, the day ends. So if there are 8 players you need 5 to lynch, if there are 7 players you need 4 to lynch.
6. Voting by the end of a mandated cycle is mandatory. If the day ends due to a lynch, it's okay to not have voted.
7. Once a majority has been reached, please do not post until the night-post.
Anyone may sign up for this game, even if they are a noob.
This is a NON invite game. Signups are totes open
Game-specific rules:
This game follows the TL Mafia Ban List. If you are modkilled, your punishment will go beyond being eliminated from this game. Please refer to it for questions about your punishment. If you want to use this game to sit out your ban, please PM Flamewheel or post in the Ban List, and also type /sitout in the thread here.
I love replacements, but I hope never to use them. There are 5 replacement slots, so sign up if you're interested. Replacements will be made up until D3. You're encouraged to find your own replacement if you need to replace out.
There are no clues.
PMs are not allowed in this game.
Time Cycle:
This game will follow a 24 hour night/deadline-less day cycle. The day lasts until a majority is reached. If enough time passes without a majority being lynched, I will post in the thread and state a deadline for a no-lynch in order to prevent horrible 3-week-long days where nothing happens. If a day happens to be long but discussion is still moving, I will not do this. The night lasts for 24 hours after the day ends (round up to the nearest top of the hour)-- all night actions must be in to me and co-hosts by that time.
Thanks to anyone who has ever hosted a game. This list grows ever longer. Special thanks to iGrok and Incognito for going over this setup with me. Thanks to Probulous since I stole this OP from him and modified it to my nefarious needs. Also thanks to Hapahauli for helping me with the instant lynch MECHANICS, and to DoYouhas and Marvellosity for co-hosting.
If you have not read all the rules, go back and do so. I might give you candy.
I am open to questions any time. If something doesn't make sense, please ask.