@Obzy I'm casting suspicion with my vote. I find it far more effective than FOS, which can be more difficult to keep track of. Votes, the mod will keep track of for us.
I understand he's the most active person. If that was 3 pages of posts with useful content, I'd have no issue. It's like 2 pages of fluff and 1 page of content, and the 1 page of content could be condensed if he didn't jam the "post" button after finishing a sentence, when he fully intends to immediately write another one.
@Rad - you were friggin brilliant D2/N2 last game. It's a shame you used your only bullet N1.
Hm. Okay. I've been looking at FoS the same way as a vote. Assuming people intend to vote the way they are suspicious, I didn't really think there was a difference; letting the mod keep track makes an amount of sense, though.
@Cheese >:l The no newb cards comment seems specifically aimed at me. Not really a fan. I'm not wholly sure why he dropped his argument against debears so quickly - pointing out previous meta, etc, and then it just absolutely falls off the face of the planet. Why? (I disagree with this statement, by the way:
Again, another exact mistake I made last game. Feeling the need to tell people that you have been reading the thread. For the second part, he's assuring that we realize that he knows this game is important to him. As town, he wouldn't feel the need to tell us that the game is important. That sounds like the sort of thing I would do. Bringing up the not using newbness as an excuse without calling me out specifically (as the only player who was not participating in the previous game) and then pointing out a scumtell based on inexperience looks like a trap. It may be valid, but combined with the earlier statement, there doesn't really seem to be an answer besides inexperienced town and scum, and you've already indicated that inexperienced town is unacceptable. Why wouldn't you just vote? FoS Mr. Cheese.
@Djo Notes: ignores deb/Als argument, policy discussion, mechanics discussion, argument with Cheesecake. If I didn't dislike CC's argument, I'd be a little more doubtful, but... I do dislike it. I think part of the problem for Djo is I have a hard time reading some of his sentences, so it's a little harder to follow his exact train of thought lol. Given that I'm suspicious of CC, I don't have a real problem with Djo at this time.
@debears [I seriously clicked your filter and cringed before realizing it's 4 pages, not 40.] (Also, @sylver..) However I may have mentioned FoS vs vote confusion at the top of this post that I wrote like 30 minutes ago, I really don't like the vote on debears at all. If I'm wrong, fucking bummer, but debears is driving conversation. His filter's not easy to read, but the content is useful to Me, at least. I wish I wasn't getting attacked har har, but the activeness in making me respond to stop lurking is a townie move IMHO. If he was mafia, he would've let me continue happily lurking and reading to my heart's content and then blasted me in a day, rather than trying to get me to start contributing early on. For god's sake, it had been less than 6 hours from the start of the game, you hadn't even appeared yet, there were people with only a few words and he writes up a post designed to get me to contribute? That definitely feels townie to me. I don't see how you could come to the opposite conclusion.
Some (Maybe even a lot!) of the filter is pretty pointless and could've gone unsaid. The parts that DID go said are, I think, the best in the thread. If he didn't have quality bits in the filter along with the spam I'd think differently but the quality parts look solid. I definitely think he's town at the moment.
You haven't interacted with anybody besides Rad and myself, and your first post comes in and blasts debears?
@da0ud What the hell dude, get in here and post >_> You can't do worse than me ffs
I'm going to take a break now and probably sleep. If anybody has any questions, concerns, claims, or suspicions about me please say something because being called out is good for stopping lurking -_- And when the thread is going fast with a focused discussion it's really hard to jump in.
On November 03 2012 16:06 Obzy wrote: @Cheese >:l The no newb cards comment seems specifically aimed at me. Not really a fan. I'm not wholly sure why he dropped his argument against debears so quickly - pointing out previous meta, etc, and then it just absolutely falls off the face of the planet. Why? (I disagree with this statement, by the way:
I don't think it's directed at you specifically, but it's interesting that you think it is. The reason Cheese said to not drop the newbie card is because it's not town behavior. When you are town you want people to believe you, if you come out of the gate saying you're awful and no one should listen to you then that's anti-town. It also prevents scum from using "omg sorry I'm just new!", the less excuses scum have available the better for town.
My reads at this point in time:
Obzy: Leaning slightly town. He hasn't quite come out of his shell yet but he seems genuinly interested in discussion and progressing.
@ Obzy Do you think you can get over this "I'm new" thing and give us the best reads you've got? Instead of posting something that's obvious to everyone perhaps post something that stands out to you. _
Rad: Null. He's being more careful than last game, lurking a bit more. He mentioned he would be more careful, but not in pregame, he did this after the role PMs were sent. He also seems really invested in helping Obzy out as he's the newest, the only one here who wasn't in XXIX.
@ Rad Why the interest in Obzy? Are you going to use MLG as an excuse at any point this weekend? _
Alsn: Leaning slightly scum, very little info about him though. He opened super aggressive this game, which is the opposite of how he played in the majority of XXIX. Perhaps the only reason he snapped at debears so hard is because debears said
On November 03 2012 10:04 debears wrote: If I'm not here for lynch, its irl conflicts 99% of the time. Don't pull an Alsn
@ Alsn Why the change in behavior from last game? What do you think of debears at this point? _
Mr Cheesecake: Null. He went SUPER defensive when he was called out about making a ton of jokes, but that discussion got blown way out of proportion. The fact that he's acting more like the way he was in mafia QT XXIX than in the actual XXIX thread is indicative of town.
@ Cheese You did have some jokes in the XXIX thread. Can you tell us if these were jokes for the sake of jokes or if you used them to push a scum agenda? An argument can be made for both. _
Djodref: Leaning slightly scum, He was obsessed with policy. Everyone was ready to move on but he kept mentioning it over and over. He's also the person that blew up the whole *Cheese's scum joke* thing, which bogged us down for a couple of pages.
@ Djodref If you had to lynch someone right now, would it be da0ud or someone else? _
Debears: Null. Regardless of if he's scum or town, he is getting the ball rolling which is good for us. Problem is... that was what he was doing in XXIX as well and he was scum in that. Older games suggest this is simply his meta so there is no read to be made about his opening. What I'm curious about is if he's going to pull a vanishing act in D2 / D3 again.
@ Debears What's your ready on Obzy? _
Sylverfire: Null. Only have 3 real posts to read him on. He opened really aggressive onto debears, even though he's keeping the ball rolling, an odd choice. He showed up way late but Rad pointed out that he is sticking to the same schedule he's had in previous games.
@ Sylverfire You've only shared your read on debears, is there anything else that stands out to you? _
So with all that said, I only have two slight scumreads on Alsn and Djo, so I hope they defend themselves as soon as possible. Even if we end up lynching da0ud for lurking, currently with 0 posts, we can at least gather as much information as possible Hopefully this gets some discussion going, please comment on as much as possible in my post and point out any flaws. Do no avoid answering the questions I addressed to you, it would be a very scummy thing to do.
Finally went through the whole thread. It was a long read but not much much happening apart from the usual talks about policy lynch and try to dig scum/town tells where there could be no discussion at all (ie : Rad's joke).
For my first post I would like to FoS Djodref. One thing that did flash while reading his filter are those two posts :
On November 03 2012 12:06 Djodref wrote: @ Cheese
I was re-reading the thread and I really didn't like this "it's a scumtell" joke. I'm not against jokes but scumtells are quite serious business. I've got my eyes on you.
On November 03 2012 12:35 Djodref wrote: @ Cheese
Your joke didn't pose any problem for me the first time (same for everyone I suppose) but I found it weird the second time I past through it. I have no problems with jokes and I'm making some myself. They are a null tell in general. But joking about scum tells is not really acceptable in my opinion and I've explained the possible mafia motivations I've seen behind it.
Djodref used this same tactics two games ago when trying to blend in as scum. Really innocently tells us he is re-reading the thread while actually not doing it (at least in his last scum game he did not and kept putting similar posts to these two here). There is no real reason for town to emphasize on that fact. While for mafia this is important. They do not need to scumhunt so the need of re-reading and re-reading the thread is not needed..
#FoS Djodref
Good to see you da0ud! Please give us more of your thoughts.
EBWOP : talking about CC's joke not Rad's joke
Djo seems to be against policy lynch on lurkers, I agree as well. This policy is the easiest tool for scum to back their vote. However Djodref is the only one both saying he is against it and in the same post stating name of potential lurkers so he can actually put focus on them.
On November 03 2012 10:43 Djodref wrote: @ Rad
The only potential lurkers that we have in this game are daoud and maybe Obzy (but it doesn't look like it). My problem with your policy is that it is directed towards these players in this game. What we have to be wary of is active lurking (refer to the mafiaQT in the previous game) and people blending in. Do you see anyone else possibly lurking ?
On November 03 2012 11:04 Djodref wrote: @ Rad
That's my problem with a lurker policy this game, I think that it can be used only against daoud or Obzy (maybe sylverfire). I think it would be much better to call directly these players for lurking rather agreeing on a policy which could be a perfect excuse for the mafia to push a mislynch on them, assuming that they are town. It's a small game and if you have a problem with the activity level of anyone, you can call them on it, no need for a policy.
On November 03 2012 14:05 debears wrote: ##Vote Dau0d
Just so you lurkers know I'm serious
You are being an active player, maybe too active and all over all arguments same as last game for me to get a read out of it. I will consider this more as a neutral townie-ish read but at least even if you were not town you do contribute and it will be easier to catch you later on.
What I don't like about your post is to create noise in the voting thread. You are creating some activity by voting, unvoting, revoting, etc. I don't like that.
You could have just FoSed me, and I would have agreed with you on that. I would have explained as well that the timezone differences do not help, but I will do my best to participate as much as I can. I will not post just for the sake of posting or fluffing though...
I'm not sure how you can say that after you witnessed how destructive lurkers are for town, even if they are town. Either way I don't think we have to worry about it since you showed up, as long as you and sylver get active and Alsn shows up there will be no lurkers.
On November 03 2012 15:30 sylverfyre wrote:@ObzyI'm casting suspicion with my vote. I find it far more effective than FOS, which can be more difficult to keep track of. Votes, the mod will keep track of for us. I understand he's the most active person. If that was 3 pages of posts with useful content, I'd have no issue. It's like 2 pages of fluff and 1 page of content, and the 1 page of content could be condensed if he didn't jam the "post" button after finishing a sentence, when he fully intends to immediately write another one. @Rad - you were friggin brilliant D2/N2 last game. It's a shame you used your only bullet N1. 
@ sylverfyre
So let me sum up the situation. You join the thread and directly vote for debears mainly because there is a lot of fluff in it. Then you say that you are voting him to "cast suspicion with your vote". I'm sorry but I'm voting somebody when I find them suspicious, not to cast suspicion on him. Do you know who is voting innocent players to cast suspicion on them ? Mafia. (Not sure if debears is innocent in this case, I have seen things I don't really like in his filter) I'm taking this for a scumslip and the most suspicious thing I have seen in this thread so far.
##Vote sylverfire
@ Clarity
It answers your question
On November 03 2012 19:36 da0ud wrote:Djo seems to be against policy lynch on lurkers, I agree as well. This policy is the easiest tool for scum to back their vote. However Djodref is the only one both saying he is against it and in the same post stating name of potential lurkers so he can actually put focus on them. Show nested quote +On November 03 2012 10:43 Djodref wrote: @ Rad
The only potential lurkers that we have in this game are daoud and maybe Obzy (but it doesn't look like it). My problem with your policy is that it is directed towards these players in this game. What we have to be wary of is active lurking (refer to the mafiaQT in the previous game) and people blending in. Do you see anyone else possibly lurking ?
Show nested quote +On November 03 2012 11:04 Djodref wrote: @ Rad
That's my problem with a lurker policy this game, I think that it can be used only against daoud or Obzy (maybe sylverfire). I think it would be much better to call directly these players for lurking rather agreeing on a policy which could be a perfect excuse for the mafia to push a mislynch on them, assuming that they are town. It's a small game and if you have a problem with the activity level of anyone, you can call them on it, no need for a policy.
@ daoud
I think the game is small enough to use some direct tools to pressure lurkers instead of a policy. According to this, I have absolutely no problem with debears vote on you. I was just identifying you as potential lurkers, not potential targets. Anyway, it should be easy enough to get away from this position: you just have to regularly post some content in the thread.
@ Clarity
I was concerned with policy because everyone was supportive of the "Lynch a Lurker" policy when I am not. So I've tried to argue with Rad over it because I think he is one of the greatest supporters of the policy (see last game). I agree that I might have had this discussing for too long. Regarding the "Cheese joke argument", I've picked something in the thread that I didn't like and purposely made a big fuss about it to put pressure on Cheese and to spark some discussion. You could argue that we end up arguing about useless things but I wouldn't say so. As you have noticed, debears defended Cheese and attacked me at the same time while I was tunneling him. It could be useful information for the future
On November 03 2012 10:21 debears wrote: @obsy
Its mafia favored compared to the last setup. Only 9 players means a quicker game. A quicker game is better foe mafia since they don't have to fake their townieness for so long.
Also look at the roles like medic. Medic can't target the same person twice (was it also that he can't target himself? I'm on my phone and i really don't want to check
@ debears
So, are you saying that the fact that we have a medic which cannot target the same person twice is such a big imbalance that this game is obviously mafia favored or are you role-fishing ? I'm not sure why you mention this in this post, could you elaborate ?
@ Obsy
I didn't ignore the deb/Alsn argument. I've just thought that it was not such a big deal. Please look at the time stamps and be more careful when you read the thread.
On November 03 2012 10:50 Djodref wrote: @ debaers
I don't think this one deserves a FoS. When Alsn says that it is technically a lie, that's just Alsn arguing about math and logic.
@ everyone
I'm going to be around at deadline but it is 10am for me so please expect me to take some time to catch up with the thread and not being able to think very clearly. I was seriously pissed off last game when you were jumping at me for my waking-up posts.
On November 03 2012 11:07 debears wrote: @djo
Why are you addressing lurker policy still while me and alsn are arguing?
Afraid to jump in and actually talk about something that doesnt make you commit?
Also not that debears call me for it after my first post about it but the thread was moving quite fast at that time.
Just a remark for Obsy and Clarity, lists can been seen as a scumtell. I know that newbies love them so it's a null tell for me right now. Let me explain.
Making list makes you look like as an active contributor while you are not really committing on any player. From a list post, it's easy to blend in and find some reasons to vote for the possible lynch candidates.
And I also think it would be better for you to focus on your scumreads rather than dispatch your attention. If you are town, of course
Where did I make a list? Unless you're talking about my reads on everyone, which I don't see can ever be a bad thing. You are the one who pointed out that it is a plurality lynch, and that we should not focus too deeply on a select few. My "list" forces everyone to comment on it, and perhaps gain insight on others through my observations or sees a flaw in my logic and helps me out by pointing it out.
Yeah, I've read that lists are generally a mafia tell, or newbie town, but this is only the case if they do not contribute. Are you saying that my post will not contribute?
@ Clarity
No, your post was fine, I was just giving you an advice. And I was indeed talking about your post summing up your reads. Maybe it should be better if you focused on one or two players.
My two weak scumreads are still you and Alsn, but that's what they are... weak. My post is simply to gather as much info as possible. I will end up making a case before the day is over, but I figured giving this thread a good kick would help.
No comments on sylverfire scumslip ?