ignore him. As long as he votes BC his reasoning doesn't matter. I believe BC is more likely to be scum than Palmar and one of them has to be scum. If he then votes BC, it's okay for me - even if he votes me also. (even if it doesn't make any sense at all, since I was the first player accusing BC lol)
super we could be wrong. They both could be town.
The people who are voting BC without substantiating their votes, such as tree.hugger and Coagulation, are giving me second thoughts about lynching BC.
If we're wrong and both Palmar and BC are town then this is a crapshoot and we're lynching the wrong person.
This is why the damn double lynch should not have been activated yesterday.
On November 30 2011 07:44 Mattchew wrote: my internal debate... follow my heart and vote risen or follow my mayor (who i voted for and am unsure of) and vote BC
If you follow anything, it damn well better be logic rather than blatant sheeping.
Is it just me or are there a LOT of people who have said quite honestly nothing all game? There is a very large proportion of people I would like to see speak. Coag definitely comes to mind.
I don't think BC is scum, but unfortunately, that's gut. So technically, I could be wrong. He will not have my vote today. Risen is also fairly town. Sure, he did cave a little bit under pressure but I don't think it was as terribly as Zeks had. He will not have my vote. WBG also feels town to me. He won't have my vote.
I have a question... What exactly is "groupthink?" I'm unfamiliar with said phrase.
I thought about that, but I think in a 80 player game with 16 scumplayers, it's viable for scum to elect one of them into office to weaken the blue power of town.
As Ace pointed out, 8 KP is a whole lot and town probably has to have a lot of powerroles to compensate that. To trade 1 scumvet against the possibility of 2 townies in the office mmhhhh wifom... :-[
Philadelphia, PA10406 Posts
On November 30 2011 08:05 wherebugsgo wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2011 08:01 tree.hugger wrote:On November 30 2011 07:43 supersoft wrote:On November 30 2011 07:40 redFF wrote: BC is town, all these last second votes on him reek of scum trying to outvote the palmar wagon. I think you're wrong red... I mean I know I am town, wbg is town. Coag is scaring me though. Actually I am reconsidering my vote only because of him lol I feel like every time someone has said, "I know I am town" they've not been town. For posterity: Supersoft for that and for the phenominal uselessness of this post: On November 30 2011 07:35 supersoft wrote: our medics failed night1. Radfields death, syllos death, jackals death. especially syllo and jackal were the most obvious townies we had. Really painful to see these guys die unprotected. A whole game day after the fact? What's the point of this except to confuse people and muddy the water? SS is pretty mafia, imo. And Steveling for this: On November 30 2011 02:15 Steveling wrote: Being off to uni for some hours and came back to see 20 more pages filled. Da fuck.
We should really push for annul to be modkilled. It is justified after all. He is active and his filter regardless if he flips green or red will show us the alingment of some people. It's a free lynch he gave us with that edit mistake. But for today, since neither of these guys are up for a vote, I think we have a good choice between Palmar, BC, WBG, and Risen. Earlier, I voted for WBG and Risen, because they both made posts that made it really likely that both were mafia. But since I posted a few pages ago before going out and now, both have made a good deal of sense. So I'm a little worried about changing from them, but I'm willing to give them their way today, and if they're wrong, we can properly lynch them tomorrow. Both have voted for BC, and both Supersoft and Steveling have voted for Palmar. This seems pretty straight forward to me, one side is mafia, and the other is town. So I'll switch my votes for today from WBG and Risen to BC and Supersoft. But I wonder if WBG, Risen, and Palmar would address their groupthink all of a sudden, and whether they would admit now whether they would consent to be lynched tomorrow if they are wrong about BC. I wonder if they would make such a pledge? Let's see. You're scum, I've thought so for a while. You switch your votes to the leading bandwagon whenever it's most convenient for you. You don't say anything of substance in your posts, and you're only around at certain critical moments to make it look as if you're contributing something. Your vote combinations don't make any sense, and are an indication that you aren't reading the thread very clearly. You use really bad logic to think that scum only vote together and only town vote together. This is unsubstantiated until someone flips and voting order is never that strict. Otherwise, this game wouldn't be about behavior analysis, we could catch all 16 scum based on vote analysis alone. You accuse me of using groupthink with Risen and Palmar, yet you are the epitome of groupthink. You've followed the bandwagon everywhere it's gone. You haven't made an original case on one person yet. You're scum. You're silly.
I want to make my vote count. If the town is not willing to vote for Risen or yourself (who both made huge posting errors) than I will switch my vote to make sure it influences the vote. There's no point in voting on principle, especially when half the town seems inactive. You want me to stand on my old votes if they're going to be useless, and not take a position when there is a ton riding on this vote? That's nonsense, and doesn't help anyone.
When I post and when I don't has nothing to do with anything. I've been quite clear about my inactivity at the beginning of the game, and I don't feel I need to explain my activity now. I can't be expected to stay at my computer 24/7, I have to eat, meet friends, do work, ect. Using someone's schedule against them was the epitome of a shoddy argument back when I played more, and it still probably is.
I finished reading the thread, deleted Ace's rogue post, and then thought for a long time about what I was going to do with my votes. After reading your analysis, it struck me that it was quite well done, and I think a compelling case can be made for BC. He has not been as active as one would expect, and has backed down from confrontations that could make him the center of attention. I think there is a better case for him than for Palmar, and have never supported the wagon on Palmar. I'm still suspicious of you though, as well as Risen for your slip ups earlier. The only reason you've gotten away with those is because they happened hours ago. Well, I'll give you a one day grace period, and if you're wrong I will push for your lynch tomorrow without hesitation or switching. I won't be fooled twice.
On November 30 2011 07:45 wherebugsgo wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2011 07:40 layabout wrote:my best scum read: Steveling: Town with frequent Scum-like behaviour that or Scum that slipped on a banana peel and bashed his head? hard. You decide!On November 27 2011 22:18 Steveling wrote: My first post in my first mafia game guys.
I find the Palmar-Annul debate about double lynching suspicious. For one, I am not convinced why DL(double lynching from now on) is a must or else town is at a disadvantage. For all we know these two could operating together. I feel like we are pushing too fast. Mind that I'm a complete newb so my insticts can be totally off.
Can you explain why you are rooting for DL so hard? highlights that he is new. finds a debate suspicious because...he isn't sure about double lynching, he may have actual thoughts about it but there are important him not being unsure is the thing that the thread needs to know. "They could be operating together"... guys remember when you consider possibilities the least likely one is the only one that should be noted! steveling has the right idea. Highlights that he is new again because if you don't offer your opinion and someone disagrees with it then then need to be aware of how long you have been playing mafia. "layabout you are being unfair he said he "feels like we are pushing too fast"" so how is that helpful "well....".On November 28 2011 14:24 Steveling wrote: Can we note that Cheese on his first ever post on this thread attacked me?
I'm a newbie and obv a towny but I made scum predictions for Palmer. All my other posts were completely neutral. Thus he is simply trying to protect Palmer from 2nd day lynch by framing me.
Too tired to look for clues, will post after 8 hours. saying I'm a newbie when you defend yourself is nearly equivalent to saying you can't have a legimate reason to attack me im not scum with a agenda but im simply a bad new player making mistakes QQ... when refering to oneself and calling oneself a town or indeed an "obv town" the act itself is wiithout value. NO PLAYER HAS ANY REASON TO EXPLICITY STATE THAT THEY ARE TOWN the exception being in situations in which you are claiming your specific role i pointed this out earlier but the short of it is that nobody claim mafia-->everybody is assumed to claim town--> if everyone will claim town then instead nobody should claim town a very few do (cept maybe but kenpachi but he is .... kenpachi). You then say that all your posts were completely neutral. Your post as an "obv towny" should be pro-town and you should (generally) not hold back. i think neutral posting and having a red role may be correlated you then state that cyber cheese is trying to protect Palmer from a second day lynch which is something that you CANNOT possibly KNOW, and then that the way he is doing something that you cannot possibly know he is doing is through framing you.This is a wild and claim without basis. Too tired to look for clues* but not too tired to type that you are too tired; and omit evidence and a chain of logic instead? *he doesn't promise analysis but clue-finding - an activity that is highly manipulable and that by itself has very little value and that can favor mafia when not supported by evidence, which gicen the evidence he is consistently supplying makes the clues he finds + Show Spoiler + On November 29 2011 06:28 Steveling wrote: One of my votes will go to Palmer.
He has made the YM slip up and I'm not satisfied with the explaining he gave.
He has made the extremely obvious comment '' Medics don't target on Ace ''
He is now suddenly switching targets accusing prphlz. He realizes his time is nigh and he doesn't have enough sway against Ace so he needs an easier to frame scapegoat.
My other vote will probably go to xtfftc. Most damning evidence on his profile. I have news for you mate, a police bat is also a club.
Nope this is fine. Based on the sample of all of the mafia games i have played i can agree that no town has ever had reason to suddenly change their vote. A fantastic conclusion. Well spotted. though i do wonder what makes his change of target "sudden". On November 29 2011 06:56 Steveling wrote:On November 29 2011 06:28 Steveling wrote: I have news for you mate, a police bat is also a club. It might be a club, but it is not a wooden bat, matey. Seriously? ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/GsrOZ.jpg) he then concludes that behavioural analysis was not for him* and that the best way to scumhunt is to follow 1 round of clues and has a debate about whether a police baton=wooden bat he cherrypicks a google image search and finds an image. He then ignores captain dictionary AKA xtfftc and decides that he has a jolly good case and votes for him and palmar *disclaimer ficticious conclusion made to mock him may or may not be more valid that the actual derping going on inside his head On November 29 2011 08:58 Steveling wrote: ##vote Palmer ##vote xtfftc On November 29 2011 10:11 Steveling wrote:Someone asked for views on Erandorr. Here's what got my attention On November 26 2011 02:04 Erandorr wrote:
I will be voting for Palmar. He pushed a very solid campaign from the start and put a lot of effort in it. The effort part is actually important when trying to figure out his alignment. He kept activity high, engaged the new players in the conversation and discussed basicly every topic that got brought up. Thats more pro town than I have ever seen him play.
So, Palmar, a veteran and a good player(as people are saying) that himself has said he's better at town play than scum ( too tired to filter him to privide quote but I will do it if asked) is playing his most pro town play. Why would he make such a big mistake on YM then? infers that ym=town mean that palmer=scum. or he is just asking questions and not helping. On November 28 2011 10:50 Steveling wrote:On November 28 2011 10:41 Palmar wrote: @medics, protect Ace.
If he's scum he will reveal it soon enough. If he's town, he's our best player. That's as clear a scum tell as it gets for me. Couln't be any more clear cut tbh. there you have it. "to be honest that is the most clear cut scum tell possible." no explanation whatsoever. but i will concede it is highly convincing. (what is the scum tell!??) On November 28 2011 03:32 Steveling wrote: Less drama more actual discussion yes? good point. On November 28 2011 04:42 Steveling wrote: I didn't, I was subbed really late and I didn't know there's a vote yet. excuse On November 30 2011 02:19 Steveling wrote:On November 30 2011 02:18 vaderseven wrote:On November 30 2011 02:15 Steveling wrote: Being off to uni for some hours and came back to see 20 more pages filled. Da fuck.
We should really push for annul to be modkilled. It is justified after all. He is active and his filter regardless if he flips green or red will show us the alingment of some people. It's a free lynch he gave us with that edit mistake. How would him flipping town tell us anything about other players. That has no logic behind it at all. If he flips town we get to filter those who targeted him. some bad formatting this refer to the italics inside the quote. Steveling complains about having to read the thread. In an 80 person game of mafia! He pushes for a modkill on Annul a player he has not addressed until this point!(so he is what a null read with a higher chance of being town than mafia unless steveling's others reads identify a greater proportion of town than mafia) but maybe steveling has a reason to suspect he is mafia.he doesn't. apparently if he is town and he gets modkilled we can then filter players that targeted him! so you dont care if he is mafia.you also down't care that 2 lynches will happen today and that mafia have at least 8 kp and that all players to be mod-killed thus-far have proved to be town There will be lots more deaths and lots more information. You want to lynch because if we hit a townie then we will gain information to analyse. Specifically we can look at the filters of players who openly called the townie suspicious. You realise that calling him scummy and him getting mod-killed and flipping town wouldn't help us at all, right? And you haven't realised that we can filter those players anyway. but thanks for directing me to your filter, i didn't have a strong scum read until now.it is scummy to want to kill players for information you kill players because they are mafia* there are almost no worse reasons to lynch than "to gain information".he is also experienced and possibly an asset to town *or serejai best reason i could find on palmar On November 29 2011 06:39 Steveling wrote: Ok triple post.
The ''All medics target Ace'' is extremely obvious as well for different reasons. I'm sure mafia would very much like it the town medics would protect only one player so they would get free reign on everyone else. correct me if another post sum it up better but this is the most concrete thing i could find about palmer being scum. directing blue roles has been discussed to death and 1 inference about one possible result and the intention to get that result is not evidence that a player is scum On November 29 2011 15:14 Steveling wrote: Just remember guys that we don't need to martyr Ace. He was a towny but he might very well be off about his predictions.
i totally agree with this, he actually acknowledges the existence of uncertainty. On November 30 2011 03:59 Steveling wrote: Layabout's filter is a big pile of non contributing posts. Yet he somehow feels motivated to post in length in his dispute with Jackal58(which surprise surprise flipped town) over Palmar. He now does the same thing standing up for WBG. WBG has his own history defending Palmar as well.
We are in for a great night gents. huge unsubstantiated generalisation about my filter. does not back up. criticising my posting at great length at 2 points in the game. heavily implies that jackal being town makes me scum for a "dispute over palmar" i would not decribe it as such even if it were it would not have a bearing on alignment. Criticising a poor argument is apparently standing up for WBG though he provides no source. He then implies that WBG is scum for having a "history" of defending palmar. Steveling is calling 3 players scum and has made very little effort to say why? i may be infering to much here but the inferences i make here are the ones i felt made the most sense in context. I shouldn't have to make so many inferences when a townie is presenting a case for players being mafia. On November 30 2011 04:27 Steveling wrote: Zephirdd is another guy just like Cheese with less than 5 posts coming out and saying things without backing them up. Scum buddies much? calls zephhirdd and cheese scumbuddies for a reason that i just cannot comprehend.the point about not backing up the things they say is baffling. would scum play this thoughtlessly? to conclude there are large number of statements and accusations that are't supported. There is very little use of logic in any of his posts. He has done certain things that do not make sense from the perspective of someone who wants town to win. He also makes frequent excuses and acts in a way that suggest he thinks that clues are they best way of contributing. He votes for palmer and xtfftc and i cannot fathom why he would do so as town. He is pushing weak/ non cases and providing little no to explanation. He is my strongest mafia read. he could be a very unhelpful and/or bad town. he is the best scum i have ##Vote steveling this is good analysis. The problem is that the chance of getting steveling lynched today is almost 0. I agree with you on most of your points, particularly that he is fond of using unsubstantiated accusations and generalizations to accuse others of being scum. Other than steveling, are there players who currently have a chance at getting lynched that you would like to see dead? What are your thoughts on BC, prplhz, deconduo, and Hier? BC: he has made statement that are logical and i can read them without cringing. so i may have a slight bias in favor of him, but at the current moment in time i think that lynching the sheriff without a strong case on day 2 is plain stupid. i will look for some posts to analyse but i truly don't think there is anything that carries enough weight to convice me that we should kill him off, especially when palmar has so many votes, by tomorrow we could have killed a town mayor and a town sheriff. It seems so possible that i have lost some respect for TL as a community
i have not actively analysed prphlz, he has some actions that i feel he should explain but i am witholding judgement.
Heir argument and self defense put him into one of two categories for me:townie who made a critical error. or scum who deliberately left out information in the hopes that he could push targets. I have not decided but i am currently leaning towards scum.
earlier on i highlighted a post by decondo in which he stated some opinions and did nothing more, he has not been particularly vocal and if he hasn't started to contribute by tomorrow he is a strong lynch target but i am generally against killing vets early on little evidence because mistakes are more likely and players that i see people refer to as veterans are generally more valuable to town so killing them should require a better case because were risking more.
this last point is important for me in that i feel we do not need to be taking big risks now by targeting active and valuable players, we should not be relying on clues (+ Show Spoiler +they get more valuable later on and even then they are limited a number of fu gmmarshel i hate clues set up pregame seem to indicate how much certain players value them) and we have a similar level of evidence for a number of players so we should be lynching into the least valuable ones (provided the cases are of similar worth). There are some bandwagons and some common ideas mentioned that do not help town at all, so we should look at the people propagating these ideas and analyse them.
There is a strike tomorrow so i should have time to make some more analysis tomorrow and post it during the night. I hope is useful. And if by some miracle i get shot then i can hang out with the dead useful players in the qt
before i log off i will look at the lynches that could go through and change a vote to the one i think is the least detremental to town as i have no faith in the most popular cases.
On November 30 2011 08:16 tree.hugger wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2011 08:05 wherebugsgo wrote:On November 30 2011 08:01 tree.hugger wrote:On November 30 2011 07:43 supersoft wrote:On November 30 2011 07:40 redFF wrote: BC is town, all these last second votes on him reek of scum trying to outvote the palmar wagon. I think you're wrong red... I mean I know I am town, wbg is town. Coag is scaring me though. Actually I am reconsidering my vote only because of him lol I feel like every time someone has said, "I know I am town" they've not been town. For posterity: Supersoft for that and for the phenominal uselessness of this post: On November 30 2011 07:35 supersoft wrote: our medics failed night1. Radfields death, syllos death, jackals death. especially syllo and jackal were the most obvious townies we had. Really painful to see these guys die unprotected. A whole game day after the fact? What's the point of this except to confuse people and muddy the water? SS is pretty mafia, imo. And Steveling for this: On November 30 2011 02:15 Steveling wrote: Being off to uni for some hours and came back to see 20 more pages filled. Da fuck.
We should really push for annul to be modkilled. It is justified after all. He is active and his filter regardless if he flips green or red will show us the alingment of some people. It's a free lynch he gave us with that edit mistake. But for today, since neither of these guys are up for a vote, I think we have a good choice between Palmar, BC, WBG, and Risen. Earlier, I voted for WBG and Risen, because they both made posts that made it really likely that both were mafia. But since I posted a few pages ago before going out and now, both have made a good deal of sense. So I'm a little worried about changing from them, but I'm willing to give them their way today, and if they're wrong, we can properly lynch them tomorrow. Both have voted for BC, and both Supersoft and Steveling have voted for Palmar. This seems pretty straight forward to me, one side is mafia, and the other is town. So I'll switch my votes for today from WBG and Risen to BC and Supersoft. But I wonder if WBG, Risen, and Palmar would address their groupthink all of a sudden, and whether they would admit now whether they would consent to be lynched tomorrow if they are wrong about BC. I wonder if they would make such a pledge? Let's see. You're scum, I've thought so for a while. You switch your votes to the leading bandwagon whenever it's most convenient for you. You don't say anything of substance in your posts, and you're only around at certain critical moments to make it look as if you're contributing something. Your vote combinations don't make any sense, and are an indication that you aren't reading the thread very clearly. You use really bad logic to think that scum only vote together and only town vote together. This is unsubstantiated until someone flips and voting order is never that strict. Otherwise, this game wouldn't be about behavior analysis, we could catch all 16 scum based on vote analysis alone. You accuse me of using groupthink with Risen and Palmar, yet you are the epitome of groupthink. You've followed the bandwagon everywhere it's gone. You haven't made an original case on one person yet. You're scum. You're silly. I want to make my vote count. If the town is not willing to vote for Risen or yourself (who both made huge posting errors) than I will switch my vote to make sure it influences the vote. There's no point in voting on principle, especially when half the town seems inactive. You want me to stand on my old votes if they're going to be useless, and not take a position when there is a ton riding on this vote? That's nonsense, and doesn't help anyone. When I post and when I don't has nothing to do with anything. I've been quite clear about my inactivity at the beginning of the game, and I don't feel I need to explain my activity now. I can't be expected to stay at my computer 24/7, I have to eat, meet friends, do work, ect. Using someone's schedule against them was the epitome of a shoddy argument back when I played more, and it still probably is. I finished reading the thread, deleted Ace's rogue post, and then thought for a long time about what I was going to do with my votes. After reading your analysis, it struck me that it was quite well done, and I think a compelling case can be made for BC. He has not been as active as one would expect, and has backed down from confrontations that could make him the center of attention. I think there is a better case for him than for Palmar, and have never supported the wagon on Palmar. I'm still suspicious of you though, as well as Risen for your slip ups earlier. The only reason you've gotten away with those is because they happened hours ago. Well, I'll give you a one day grace period, and if you're wrong I will push for your lynch tomorrow without hesitation or switching. I won't be fooled twice. can you respond to my posts please? with an answer
On November 30 2011 08:16 tree.hugger wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2011 08:05 wherebugsgo wrote:On November 30 2011 08:01 tree.hugger wrote:On November 30 2011 07:43 supersoft wrote:On November 30 2011 07:40 redFF wrote: BC is town, all these last second votes on him reek of scum trying to outvote the palmar wagon. I think you're wrong red... I mean I know I am town, wbg is town. Coag is scaring me though. Actually I am reconsidering my vote only because of him lol I feel like every time someone has said, "I know I am town" they've not been town. For posterity: Supersoft for that and for the phenominal uselessness of this post: On November 30 2011 07:35 supersoft wrote: our medics failed night1. Radfields death, syllos death, jackals death. especially syllo and jackal were the most obvious townies we had. Really painful to see these guys die unprotected. A whole game day after the fact? What's the point of this except to confuse people and muddy the water? SS is pretty mafia, imo. And Steveling for this: On November 30 2011 02:15 Steveling wrote: Being off to uni for some hours and came back to see 20 more pages filled. Da fuck.
We should really push for annul to be modkilled. It is justified after all. He is active and his filter regardless if he flips green or red will show us the alingment of some people. It's a free lynch he gave us with that edit mistake. But for today, since neither of these guys are up for a vote, I think we have a good choice between Palmar, BC, WBG, and Risen. Earlier, I voted for WBG and Risen, because they both made posts that made it really likely that both were mafia. But since I posted a few pages ago before going out and now, both have made a good deal of sense. So I'm a little worried about changing from them, but I'm willing to give them their way today, and if they're wrong, we can properly lynch them tomorrow. Both have voted for BC, and both Supersoft and Steveling have voted for Palmar. This seems pretty straight forward to me, one side is mafia, and the other is town. So I'll switch my votes for today from WBG and Risen to BC and Supersoft. But I wonder if WBG, Risen, and Palmar would address their groupthink all of a sudden, and whether they would admit now whether they would consent to be lynched tomorrow if they are wrong about BC. I wonder if they would make such a pledge? Let's see. You're scum, I've thought so for a while. You switch your votes to the leading bandwagon whenever it's most convenient for you. You don't say anything of substance in your posts, and you're only around at certain critical moments to make it look as if you're contributing something. Your vote combinations don't make any sense, and are an indication that you aren't reading the thread very clearly. You use really bad logic to think that scum only vote together and only town vote together. This is unsubstantiated until someone flips and voting order is never that strict. Otherwise, this game wouldn't be about behavior analysis, we could catch all 16 scum based on vote analysis alone. You accuse me of using groupthink with Risen and Palmar, yet you are the epitome of groupthink. You've followed the bandwagon everywhere it's gone. You haven't made an original case on one person yet. You're scum. You're silly. I want to make my vote count. If the town is not willing to vote for Risen or yourself (who both made huge posting errors) than I will switch my vote to make sure it influences the vote. There's no point in voting on principle, especially when half the town seems inactive. You want me to stand on my old votes if they're going to be useless, and not take a position when there is a ton riding on this vote? That's nonsense, and doesn't help anyone. When I post and when I don't has nothing to do with anything. I've been quite clear about my inactivity at the beginning of the game, and I don't feel I need to explain my activity now. I can't be expected to stay at my computer 24/7, I have to eat, meet friends, do work, ect. Using someone's schedule against them was the epitome of a shoddy argument back when I played more, and it still probably is. I finished reading the thread, deleted Ace's rogue post, and then thought for a long time about what I was going to do with my votes. After reading your analysis, it struck me that it was quite well done, and I think a compelling case can be made for BC. He has not been as active as one would expect, and has backed down from confrontations that could make him the center of attention. I think there is a better case for him than for Palmar, and have never supported the wagon on Palmar. I'm still suspicious of you though, as well as Risen for your slip ups earlier. The only reason you've gotten away with those is because they happened hours ago. Well, I'll give you a one day grace period, and if you're wrong I will push for your lynch tomorrow without hesitation or switching. I won't be fooled twice.
Fair enough, this post is actually reasonable. However, you actually make another logical fallacy at the end.
If I'm wrong about BC or prpl, that just makes me wrong. It doesn't make me scum nor does it make me more likely to be scum.
Townies are wrong all the time, because no one's reads are perfect. People also get lynched all the time for all sorts of reasons.
Risen for now is unlikely to be scum IMO. The manner in which he posts are far more important than "scumslips." In addition, I never scumslipped. Sinani pointed out what he thought was a scumslip and, quite frankly, what he pointed out was more of a townslip than anything else.
Philadelphia, PA10406 Posts
On November 30 2011 08:18 layabout wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2011 08:16 tree.hugger wrote:On November 30 2011 08:05 wherebugsgo wrote:On November 30 2011 08:01 tree.hugger wrote:On November 30 2011 07:43 supersoft wrote:On November 30 2011 07:40 redFF wrote: BC is town, all these last second votes on him reek of scum trying to outvote the palmar wagon. I think you're wrong red... I mean I know I am town, wbg is town. Coag is scaring me though. Actually I am reconsidering my vote only because of him lol I feel like every time someone has said, "I know I am town" they've not been town. For posterity: Supersoft for that and for the phenominal uselessness of this post: On November 30 2011 07:35 supersoft wrote: our medics failed night1. Radfields death, syllos death, jackals death. especially syllo and jackal were the most obvious townies we had. Really painful to see these guys die unprotected. A whole game day after the fact? What's the point of this except to confuse people and muddy the water? SS is pretty mafia, imo. And Steveling for this: On November 30 2011 02:15 Steveling wrote: Being off to uni for some hours and came back to see 20 more pages filled. Da fuck.
We should really push for annul to be modkilled. It is justified after all. He is active and his filter regardless if he flips green or red will show us the alingment of some people. It's a free lynch he gave us with that edit mistake. But for today, since neither of these guys are up for a vote, I think we have a good choice between Palmar, BC, WBG, and Risen. Earlier, I voted for WBG and Risen, because they both made posts that made it really likely that both were mafia. But since I posted a few pages ago before going out and now, both have made a good deal of sense. So I'm a little worried about changing from them, but I'm willing to give them their way today, and if they're wrong, we can properly lynch them tomorrow. Both have voted for BC, and both Supersoft and Steveling have voted for Palmar. This seems pretty straight forward to me, one side is mafia, and the other is town. So I'll switch my votes for today from WBG and Risen to BC and Supersoft. But I wonder if WBG, Risen, and Palmar would address their groupthink all of a sudden, and whether they would admit now whether they would consent to be lynched tomorrow if they are wrong about BC. I wonder if they would make such a pledge? Let's see. You're scum, I've thought so for a while. You switch your votes to the leading bandwagon whenever it's most convenient for you. You don't say anything of substance in your posts, and you're only around at certain critical moments to make it look as if you're contributing something. Your vote combinations don't make any sense, and are an indication that you aren't reading the thread very clearly. You use really bad logic to think that scum only vote together and only town vote together. This is unsubstantiated until someone flips and voting order is never that strict. Otherwise, this game wouldn't be about behavior analysis, we could catch all 16 scum based on vote analysis alone. You accuse me of using groupthink with Risen and Palmar, yet you are the epitome of groupthink. You've followed the bandwagon everywhere it's gone. You haven't made an original case on one person yet. You're scum. You're silly. I want to make my vote count. If the town is not willing to vote for Risen or yourself (who both made huge posting errors) than I will switch my vote to make sure it influences the vote. There's no point in voting on principle, especially when half the town seems inactive. You want me to stand on my old votes if they're going to be useless, and not take a position when there is a ton riding on this vote? That's nonsense, and doesn't help anyone. When I post and when I don't has nothing to do with anything. I've been quite clear about my inactivity at the beginning of the game, and I don't feel I need to explain my activity now. I can't be expected to stay at my computer 24/7, I have to eat, meet friends, do work, ect. Using someone's schedule against them was the epitome of a shoddy argument back when I played more, and it still probably is. I finished reading the thread, deleted Ace's rogue post, and then thought for a long time about what I was going to do with my votes. After reading your analysis, it struck me that it was quite well done, and I think a compelling case can be made for BC. He has not been as active as one would expect, and has backed down from confrontations that could make him the center of attention. I think there is a better case for him than for Palmar, and have never supported the wagon on Palmar. I'm still suspicious of you though, as well as Risen for your slip ups earlier. The only reason you've gotten away with those is because they happened hours ago. Well, I'll give you a one day grace period, and if you're wrong I will push for your lynch tomorrow without hesitation or switching. I won't be fooled twice. can you respond to my posts please? with an answer I already answered your posts twice as throughly as I knew how. You continued to troll me by playing dumb. You either explain what you actually mean, or you drop the act. I'm not going to explain myself with another essay only to have you made a two line response saying that I didn't answer your question.
The remaining votes on Palmar are so scummy. Only kurumi and redff look town to me... I got to go to bed now because I have a very important universitycourse very early in the morning. It sucks, I want to make sure that Palmar doesnt die but unfortunately I won't have time...
Please people: Read aces filter, read Palmars filter and read BCs filter. You need to do the right thing.
Listen to WBG. He might be slightly too agressive but I trust him right now. Look my former games. It takes a lot to gain my trust in a mafia game. But right now we're in a very tough spot. We can't afford the luxus to have everyone vote what he wants. Decide between Palmar and BC and don't screw up. Decide after you read the filters! Please!
On November 30 2011 08:10 wherebugsgo wrote: super we could be wrong. They both could be town.
meh this looks like you're worried about what's gonna happen to your buddy when bc flips town
On November 30 2011 08:17 layabout wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2011 07:45 wherebugsgo wrote:On November 30 2011 07:40 layabout wrote:my best scum read: Steveling: Town with frequent Scum-like behaviour that or Scum that slipped on a banana peel and bashed his head? hard. You decide!On November 27 2011 22:18 Steveling wrote: My first post in my first mafia game guys.
I find the Palmar-Annul debate about double lynching suspicious. For one, I am not convinced why DL(double lynching from now on) is a must or else town is at a disadvantage. For all we know these two could operating together. I feel like we are pushing too fast. Mind that I'm a complete newb so my insticts can be totally off.
Can you explain why you are rooting for DL so hard? highlights that he is new. finds a debate suspicious because...he isn't sure about double lynching, he may have actual thoughts about it but there are important him not being unsure is the thing that the thread needs to know. "They could be operating together"... guys remember when you consider possibilities the least likely one is the only one that should be noted! steveling has the right idea. Highlights that he is new again because if you don't offer your opinion and someone disagrees with it then then need to be aware of how long you have been playing mafia. "layabout you are being unfair he said he "feels like we are pushing too fast"" so how is that helpful "well....".On November 28 2011 14:24 Steveling wrote: Can we note that Cheese on his first ever post on this thread attacked me?
I'm a newbie and obv a towny but I made scum predictions for Palmer. All my other posts were completely neutral. Thus he is simply trying to protect Palmer from 2nd day lynch by framing me.
Too tired to look for clues, will post after 8 hours. saying I'm a newbie when you defend yourself is nearly equivalent to saying you can't have a legimate reason to attack me im not scum with a agenda but im simply a bad new player making mistakes QQ... when refering to oneself and calling oneself a town or indeed an "obv town" the act itself is wiithout value. NO PLAYER HAS ANY REASON TO EXPLICITY STATE THAT THEY ARE TOWN the exception being in situations in which you are claiming your specific role i pointed this out earlier but the short of it is that nobody claim mafia-->everybody is assumed to claim town--> if everyone will claim town then instead nobody should claim town a very few do (cept maybe but kenpachi but he is .... kenpachi). You then say that all your posts were completely neutral. Your post as an "obv towny" should be pro-town and you should (generally) not hold back. i think neutral posting and having a red role may be correlated you then state that cyber cheese is trying to protect Palmer from a second day lynch which is something that you CANNOT possibly KNOW, and then that the way he is doing something that you cannot possibly know he is doing is through framing you.This is a wild and claim without basis. Too tired to look for clues* but not too tired to type that you are too tired; and omit evidence and a chain of logic instead? *he doesn't promise analysis but clue-finding - an activity that is highly manipulable and that by itself has very little value and that can favor mafia when not supported by evidence, which gicen the evidence he is consistently supplying makes the clues he finds + Show Spoiler + On November 29 2011 06:28 Steveling wrote: One of my votes will go to Palmer.
He has made the YM slip up and I'm not satisfied with the explaining he gave.
He has made the extremely obvious comment '' Medics don't target on Ace ''
He is now suddenly switching targets accusing prphlz. He realizes his time is nigh and he doesn't have enough sway against Ace so he needs an easier to frame scapegoat.
My other vote will probably go to xtfftc. Most damning evidence on his profile. I have news for you mate, a police bat is also a club.
Nope this is fine. Based on the sample of all of the mafia games i have played i can agree that no town has ever had reason to suddenly change their vote. A fantastic conclusion. Well spotted. though i do wonder what makes his change of target "sudden". On November 29 2011 06:56 Steveling wrote:On November 29 2011 06:28 Steveling wrote: I have news for you mate, a police bat is also a club. It might be a club, but it is not a wooden bat, matey. Seriously? ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/GsrOZ.jpg) he then concludes that behavioural analysis was not for him* and that the best way to scumhunt is to follow 1 round of clues and has a debate about whether a police baton=wooden bat he cherrypicks a google image search and finds an image. He then ignores captain dictionary AKA xtfftc and decides that he has a jolly good case and votes for him and palmar *disclaimer ficticious conclusion made to mock him may or may not be more valid that the actual derping going on inside his head On November 29 2011 08:58 Steveling wrote: ##vote Palmer ##vote xtfftc On November 29 2011 10:11 Steveling wrote:Someone asked for views on Erandorr. Here's what got my attention On November 26 2011 02:04 Erandorr wrote:
I will be voting for Palmar. He pushed a very solid campaign from the start and put a lot of effort in it. The effort part is actually important when trying to figure out his alignment. He kept activity high, engaged the new players in the conversation and discussed basicly every topic that got brought up. Thats more pro town than I have ever seen him play.
So, Palmar, a veteran and a good player(as people are saying) that himself has said he's better at town play than scum ( too tired to filter him to privide quote but I will do it if asked) is playing his most pro town play. Why would he make such a big mistake on YM then? infers that ym=town mean that palmer=scum. or he is just asking questions and not helping. On November 28 2011 10:50 Steveling wrote:On November 28 2011 10:41 Palmar wrote: @medics, protect Ace.
If he's scum he will reveal it soon enough. If he's town, he's our best player. That's as clear a scum tell as it gets for me. Couln't be any more clear cut tbh. there you have it. "to be honest that is the most clear cut scum tell possible." no explanation whatsoever. but i will concede it is highly convincing. (what is the scum tell!??) On November 28 2011 03:32 Steveling wrote: Less drama more actual discussion yes? good point. On November 28 2011 04:42 Steveling wrote: I didn't, I was subbed really late and I didn't know there's a vote yet. excuse On November 30 2011 02:19 Steveling wrote:On November 30 2011 02:18 vaderseven wrote:On November 30 2011 02:15 Steveling wrote: Being off to uni for some hours and came back to see 20 more pages filled. Da fuck.
We should really push for annul to be modkilled. It is justified after all. He is active and his filter regardless if he flips green or red will show us the alingment of some people. It's a free lynch he gave us with that edit mistake. How would him flipping town tell us anything about other players. That has no logic behind it at all. If he flips town we get to filter those who targeted him. some bad formatting this refer to the italics inside the quote. Steveling complains about having to read the thread. In an 80 person game of mafia! He pushes for a modkill on Annul a player he has not addressed until this point!(so he is what a null read with a higher chance of being town than mafia unless steveling's others reads identify a greater proportion of town than mafia) but maybe steveling has a reason to suspect he is mafia.he doesn't. apparently if he is town and he gets modkilled we can then filter players that targeted him! so you dont care if he is mafia.you also down't care that 2 lynches will happen today and that mafia have at least 8 kp and that all players to be mod-killed thus-far have proved to be town There will be lots more deaths and lots more information. You want to lynch because if we hit a townie then we will gain information to analyse. Specifically we can look at the filters of players who openly called the townie suspicious. You realise that calling him scummy and him getting mod-killed and flipping town wouldn't help us at all, right? And you haven't realised that we can filter those players anyway. but thanks for directing me to your filter, i didn't have a strong scum read until now.it is scummy to want to kill players for information you kill players because they are mafia* there are almost no worse reasons to lynch than "to gain information".he is also experienced and possibly an asset to town *or serejai best reason i could find on palmar On November 29 2011 06:39 Steveling wrote: Ok triple post.
The ''All medics target Ace'' is extremely obvious as well for different reasons. I'm sure mafia would very much like it the town medics would protect only one player so they would get free reign on everyone else. correct me if another post sum it up better but this is the most concrete thing i could find about palmer being scum. directing blue roles has been discussed to death and 1 inference about one possible result and the intention to get that result is not evidence that a player is scum On November 29 2011 15:14 Steveling wrote: Just remember guys that we don't need to martyr Ace. He was a towny but he might very well be off about his predictions.
i totally agree with this, he actually acknowledges the existence of uncertainty. On November 30 2011 03:59 Steveling wrote: Layabout's filter is a big pile of non contributing posts. Yet he somehow feels motivated to post in length in his dispute with Jackal58(which surprise surprise flipped town) over Palmar. He now does the same thing standing up for WBG. WBG has his own history defending Palmar as well.
We are in for a great night gents. huge unsubstantiated generalisation about my filter. does not back up. criticising my posting at great length at 2 points in the game. heavily implies that jackal being town makes me scum for a "dispute over palmar" i would not decribe it as such even if it were it would not have a bearing on alignment. Criticising a poor argument is apparently standing up for WBG though he provides no source. He then implies that WBG is scum for having a "history" of defending palmar. Steveling is calling 3 players scum and has made very little effort to say why? i may be infering to much here but the inferences i make here are the ones i felt made the most sense in context. I shouldn't have to make so many inferences when a townie is presenting a case for players being mafia. On November 30 2011 04:27 Steveling wrote: Zephirdd is another guy just like Cheese with less than 5 posts coming out and saying things without backing them up. Scum buddies much? calls zephhirdd and cheese scumbuddies for a reason that i just cannot comprehend.the point about not backing up the things they say is baffling. would scum play this thoughtlessly? to conclude there are large number of statements and accusations that are't supported. There is very little use of logic in any of his posts. He has done certain things that do not make sense from the perspective of someone who wants town to win. He also makes frequent excuses and acts in a way that suggest he thinks that clues are they best way of contributing. He votes for palmer and xtfftc and i cannot fathom why he would do so as town. He is pushing weak/ non cases and providing little no to explanation. He is my strongest mafia read. he could be a very unhelpful and/or bad town. he is the best scum i have ##Vote steveling this is good analysis. The problem is that the chance of getting steveling lynched today is almost 0. I agree with you on most of your points, particularly that he is fond of using unsubstantiated accusations and generalizations to accuse others of being scum. Other than steveling, are there players who currently have a chance at getting lynched that you would like to see dead? What are your thoughts on BC, prplhz, deconduo, and Hier? BC: he has made statement that are logical and i can read them without cringing. so i may have a slight bias in favor of him, but at the current moment in time i think that lynching the sheriff without a strong case on day 2 is plain stupid. i will look for some posts to analyse but i truly don't think there is anything that carries enough weight to convice me that we should kill him off, especially when palmar has so many votes, by tomorrow we could have killed a town mayor and a town sheriff. It seems so possible that i have lost some respect for TL as a community i have not actively analysed prphlz, he has some actions that i feel he should explain but i am witholding judgement. Heir argument and self defense put him into one of two categories for me:townie who made a critical error. or scum who deliberately left out information in the hopes that he could push targets. I have not decided but i am currently leaning towards scum. earlier on i highlighted a post by decondo in which he stated some opinions and did nothing more, he has not been particularly vocal and if he hasn't started to contribute by tomorrow he is a strong lynch target but i am generally against killing vets early on little evidence because mistakes are more likely and players that i see people refer to as veterans are generally more valuable to town so killing them should require a better case because were risking more. this last point is important for me in that i feel we do not need to be taking big risks now by targeting active and valuable players, we should not be relying on clues ( + Show Spoiler +they get more valuable later on and even then they are limited a number of fu gmmarshel i hate clues set up pregame seem to indicate how much certain players value them) and we have a similar level of evidence for a number of players so we should be lynching into the least valuable ones (provided the cases are of similar worth). There are some bandwagons and some common ideas mentioned that do not help town at all, so we should look at the people propagating these ideas and analyse them. There is a strike tomorrow so i should have time to make some more analysis tomorrow and post it during the night. I hope is useful. And if by some miracle i get shot then i can hang out with the dead useful players in the qt before i log off i will look at the lynches that could go through and change a vote to the one i think is the least detremental to town as i have no faith in the most popular cases.
I am just going to say now that, since deconduo has done nothing of substance since the game began, I don't foresee that he will ever be making a contribution of substance this game.
That means he is very likely to be scum, because if he is town then he would recognize what bad shape town is in right now. We have no cohesiveness. Instead, he's been completely gone and he clearly doesn't give a shit about activity or scumhunting.
Knowing that, he's far more likely to be useless vet scum than useless vet town, since if he was actually vet town he'd recognize the situation for what it is and do something to remedy it.
Deconduo's scumplay, IMO, is not particularly good, so it wouldn't surprise me if a vig shot him and he flipped scum tonight.
On November 30 2011 08:21 supersoft wrote: The remaining votes on Palmar are so scummy. Only kurumi and redff look town to me...
What I wnted to say is that I think scum wants to take this oportunity to lynch Palmar.
And one thing in addition to that: Scum has 16 votes!!! they can easily dominate todays lynch as long as you don't focus your votes on a maximum of like 3 players.
Philadelphia, PA10406 Posts
On November 30 2011 08:20 wherebugsgo wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2011 08:16 tree.hugger wrote:On November 30 2011 08:05 wherebugsgo wrote:On November 30 2011 08:01 tree.hugger wrote:On November 30 2011 07:43 supersoft wrote:On November 30 2011 07:40 redFF wrote: BC is town, all these last second votes on him reek of scum trying to outvote the palmar wagon. I think you're wrong red... I mean I know I am town, wbg is town. Coag is scaring me though. Actually I am reconsidering my vote only because of him lol I feel like every time someone has said, "I know I am town" they've not been town. For posterity: Supersoft for that and for the phenominal uselessness of this post: On November 30 2011 07:35 supersoft wrote: our medics failed night1. Radfields death, syllos death, jackals death. especially syllo and jackal were the most obvious townies we had. Really painful to see these guys die unprotected. A whole game day after the fact? What's the point of this except to confuse people and muddy the water? SS is pretty mafia, imo. And Steveling for this: On November 30 2011 02:15 Steveling wrote: Being off to uni for some hours and came back to see 20 more pages filled. Da fuck.
We should really push for annul to be modkilled. It is justified after all. He is active and his filter regardless if he flips green or red will show us the alingment of some people. It's a free lynch he gave us with that edit mistake. But for today, since neither of these guys are up for a vote, I think we have a good choice between Palmar, BC, WBG, and Risen. Earlier, I voted for WBG and Risen, because they both made posts that made it really likely that both were mafia. But since I posted a few pages ago before going out and now, both have made a good deal of sense. So I'm a little worried about changing from them, but I'm willing to give them their way today, and if they're wrong, we can properly lynch them tomorrow. Both have voted for BC, and both Supersoft and Steveling have voted for Palmar. This seems pretty straight forward to me, one side is mafia, and the other is town. So I'll switch my votes for today from WBG and Risen to BC and Supersoft. But I wonder if WBG, Risen, and Palmar would address their groupthink all of a sudden, and whether they would admit now whether they would consent to be lynched tomorrow if they are wrong about BC. I wonder if they would make such a pledge? Let's see. You're scum, I've thought so for a while. You switch your votes to the leading bandwagon whenever it's most convenient for you. You don't say anything of substance in your posts, and you're only around at certain critical moments to make it look as if you're contributing something. Your vote combinations don't make any sense, and are an indication that you aren't reading the thread very clearly. You use really bad logic to think that scum only vote together and only town vote together. This is unsubstantiated until someone flips and voting order is never that strict. Otherwise, this game wouldn't be about behavior analysis, we could catch all 16 scum based on vote analysis alone. You accuse me of using groupthink with Risen and Palmar, yet you are the epitome of groupthink. You've followed the bandwagon everywhere it's gone. You haven't made an original case on one person yet. You're scum. You're silly. I want to make my vote count. If the town is not willing to vote for Risen or yourself (who both made huge posting errors) than I will switch my vote to make sure it influences the vote. There's no point in voting on principle, especially when half the town seems inactive. You want me to stand on my old votes if they're going to be useless, and not take a position when there is a ton riding on this vote? That's nonsense, and doesn't help anyone. When I post and when I don't has nothing to do with anything. I've been quite clear about my inactivity at the beginning of the game, and I don't feel I need to explain my activity now. I can't be expected to stay at my computer 24/7, I have to eat, meet friends, do work, ect. Using someone's schedule against them was the epitome of a shoddy argument back when I played more, and it still probably is. I finished reading the thread, deleted Ace's rogue post, and then thought for a long time about what I was going to do with my votes. After reading your analysis, it struck me that it was quite well done, and I think a compelling case can be made for BC. He has not been as active as one would expect, and has backed down from confrontations that could make him the center of attention. I think there is a better case for him than for Palmar, and have never supported the wagon on Palmar. I'm still suspicious of you though, as well as Risen for your slip ups earlier. The only reason you've gotten away with those is because they happened hours ago. Well, I'll give you a one day grace period, and if you're wrong I will push for your lynch tomorrow without hesitation or switching. I won't be fooled twice. Fair enough, this post is actually reasonable. However, you actually make another logical fallacy at the end. If I'm wrong about BC or prpl, that just makes me wrong. It doesn't make me scum nor does it make me more likely to be scum. Townies are wrong all the time, because no one's reads are perfect. People also get lynched all the time for all sorts of reasons. Risen for now is unlikely to be scum IMO. The manner in which he posts are far more important than "scumslips." In addition, I never scumslipped. Sinani pointed out what he thought was a scumslip and, quite frankly, what he pointed out was more of a townslip than anything else. The reason I'm worried about you is because (A) I already suspect you, and (B) this whole BC thing came up very quickly. You've wrapped it up nicely and convincingly, but that doesn't guarantee success. I wanted to see how serious you actually were about your accusations. I don't like to hop on sudden bandwagons, but I will if necessary. Doesn't prevent me of being suspicious of said bandwagon.
Do you deny that you, and Palmar both made extremely similar points at the same time? If you are both mafia, then it's completely plausible that; faced with the prospect of losing your most important member, you gambled on throwing a ton of weight behind a single suspect to save Palmar.
Just because I think that's a less likely scenario doesn't mean I'll forget that it's still possible.
what the shit 30 pages from in ~16 hours. damn you europeanssssss
On November 30 2011 08:23 redFF wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2011 08:10 wherebugsgo wrote: super we could be wrong. They both could be town.
meh this looks like you're worried about what's gonna happen to your buddy when bc flips town
don't be stubborn redFF. We might be wrong, but look at wbgs, sandorbas and my filter. Seriously. We need to stick together. If we can't form a circle of trust against scum (they are 16 !!!) we're screwed.
And be sure, I am going to YELL at you the whole night2 if you guys screw up this lynch.
On November 30 2011 07:32 vaderseven wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2011 07:26 annul wrote: by the way...
there should be 144 total votes cast (69 * 2 + 6 for mayor). there are currently 97. we are likely to have ~20 modkills if people dont get their shit in in the next 4.5 hours. lol thats awful. I dont even know what to say. This game was almost certainlly balanced for 80 people which means this much inactive town pretty much is gg with no effort ezmode for scum.
On November 30 2011 08:24 tree.hugger wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2011 08:20 wherebugsgo wrote:On November 30 2011 08:16 tree.hugger wrote:On November 30 2011 08:05 wherebugsgo wrote:On November 30 2011 08:01 tree.hugger wrote:On November 30 2011 07:43 supersoft wrote:On November 30 2011 07:40 redFF wrote: BC is town, all these last second votes on him reek of scum trying to outvote the palmar wagon. I think you're wrong red... I mean I know I am town, wbg is town. Coag is scaring me though. Actually I am reconsidering my vote only because of him lol I feel like every time someone has said, "I know I am town" they've not been town. For posterity: Supersoft for that and for the phenominal uselessness of this post: On November 30 2011 07:35 supersoft wrote: our medics failed night1. Radfields death, syllos death, jackals death. especially syllo and jackal were the most obvious townies we had. Really painful to see these guys die unprotected. A whole game day after the fact? What's the point of this except to confuse people and muddy the water? SS is pretty mafia, imo. And Steveling for this: On November 30 2011 02:15 Steveling wrote: Being off to uni for some hours and came back to see 20 more pages filled. Da fuck.
We should really push for annul to be modkilled. It is justified after all. He is active and his filter regardless if he flips green or red will show us the alingment of some people. It's a free lynch he gave us with that edit mistake. But for today, since neither of these guys are up for a vote, I think we have a good choice between Palmar, BC, WBG, and Risen. Earlier, I voted for WBG and Risen, because they both made posts that made it really likely that both were mafia. But since I posted a few pages ago before going out and now, both have made a good deal of sense. So I'm a little worried about changing from them, but I'm willing to give them their way today, and if they're wrong, we can properly lynch them tomorrow. Both have voted for BC, and both Supersoft and Steveling have voted for Palmar. This seems pretty straight forward to me, one side is mafia, and the other is town. So I'll switch my votes for today from WBG and Risen to BC and Supersoft. But I wonder if WBG, Risen, and Palmar would address their groupthink all of a sudden, and whether they would admit now whether they would consent to be lynched tomorrow if they are wrong about BC. I wonder if they would make such a pledge? Let's see. You're scum, I've thought so for a while. You switch your votes to the leading bandwagon whenever it's most convenient for you. You don't say anything of substance in your posts, and you're only around at certain critical moments to make it look as if you're contributing something. Your vote combinations don't make any sense, and are an indication that you aren't reading the thread very clearly. You use really bad logic to think that scum only vote together and only town vote together. This is unsubstantiated until someone flips and voting order is never that strict. Otherwise, this game wouldn't be about behavior analysis, we could catch all 16 scum based on vote analysis alone. You accuse me of using groupthink with Risen and Palmar, yet you are the epitome of groupthink. You've followed the bandwagon everywhere it's gone. You haven't made an original case on one person yet. You're scum. You're silly. I want to make my vote count. If the town is not willing to vote for Risen or yourself (who both made huge posting errors) than I will switch my vote to make sure it influences the vote. There's no point in voting on principle, especially when half the town seems inactive. You want me to stand on my old votes if they're going to be useless, and not take a position when there is a ton riding on this vote? That's nonsense, and doesn't help anyone. When I post and when I don't has nothing to do with anything. I've been quite clear about my inactivity at the beginning of the game, and I don't feel I need to explain my activity now. I can't be expected to stay at my computer 24/7, I have to eat, meet friends, do work, ect. Using someone's schedule against them was the epitome of a shoddy argument back when I played more, and it still probably is. I finished reading the thread, deleted Ace's rogue post, and then thought for a long time about what I was going to do with my votes. After reading your analysis, it struck me that it was quite well done, and I think a compelling case can be made for BC. He has not been as active as one would expect, and has backed down from confrontations that could make him the center of attention. I think there is a better case for him than for Palmar, and have never supported the wagon on Palmar. I'm still suspicious of you though, as well as Risen for your slip ups earlier. The only reason you've gotten away with those is because they happened hours ago. Well, I'll give you a one day grace period, and if you're wrong I will push for your lynch tomorrow without hesitation or switching. I won't be fooled twice. Fair enough, this post is actually reasonable. However, you actually make another logical fallacy at the end. If I'm wrong about BC or prpl, that just makes me wrong. It doesn't make me scum nor does it make me more likely to be scum. Townies are wrong all the time, because no one's reads are perfect. People also get lynched all the time for all sorts of reasons. Risen for now is unlikely to be scum IMO. The manner in which he posts are far more important than "scumslips." In addition, I never scumslipped. Sinani pointed out what he thought was a scumslip and, quite frankly, what he pointed out was more of a townslip than anything else. The reason I'm worried about you is because (A) I already suspect you, and (B) this whole BC thing came up very quickly. You've wrapped it up nicely and convincingly, but that doesn't guarantee success. I wanted to see how serious you actually were about your accusations. I don't like to hop on sudden bandwagons, but I will if necessary. Doesn't prevent me of being suspicious of said bandwagon. Do you deny that you, and Palmar both made extremely similar points at the same time? If you are both mafia, then it's completely plausible that; faced with the prospect of losing your most important member, you gambled on throwing a ton of weight behind a single suspect to save Palmar. Just because I think that's a less likely scenario doesn't mean I'll forget that it's still possible.
You're asking for something that entails unreasonable certainty.
No one will ever be certain about anything that happens in a game of mafia, except when people die and reveal their alignments.
Sure, it's certainly possible Palmar and I are scumbuddies with "extremely similar points" posting at the same time. Both of us have already pointed out why it would be incredibly moronic for us to do that if we were both scum. In fact, anyone can see that. If I or Palmar are seriously wrong at any given point in the game we will get lynched or shot. If one of us flips scum, I can guarantee that the other one will bite the bullet as well.
I know I am town. Palmar and I often think alike when we are town, and this is a completely plausible explanation for why we could both be town and be thinking similar things.
What's funny about all of this is that several players have accused Palmar and I of thinking the same things, whereas Ace, who basically began the crusades against myself and Palmar, said that we were thinking very different things.
You all can't have it both ways, that's just self-contradictory.