there should be 144 total votes cast (69 * 2 + 6 for mayor). there are currently 97. we are likely to have ~20 modkills if people dont get their shit in in the next 4.5 hours.
TL Mafia XLVII - Page 173
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United States2841 Posts
there should be 144 total votes cast (69 * 2 + 6 for mayor). there are currently 97. we are likely to have ~20 modkills if people dont get their shit in in the next 4.5 hours. | ||
Sweden358 Posts
any good scumreads? | ||
United States5684 Posts
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United Kingdom2343 Posts
On November 30 2011 07:24 annul wrote: also, i unvoted xtfftc and voted bloodycobbler. it looks like the train is most likely to roll on him and id rather it be he than palmar at this point. BC outright admits he wont be DLing, right? He was against DL on Night 1, not DL in general. I don't recall anyone arguing against using DL on Night 2. | ||
United Kingdom10823 Posts
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United Kingdom31255 Posts
On November 30 2011 07:28 Mattchew wrote: but, assuming there are multiple bodyguards, he doesn't really need more than 1 or 2, so why not have mafia hit a couple incase you don't get lynched scum can be bodyguards remember | ||
Germany3729 Posts
On November 29 2011 08:28 BloodyC0bbler wrote: Pray tell enlighten me, I get called out on a fairly frequent basis. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | ||
United States2556 Posts
On November 30 2011 07:26 annul wrote: by the way... there should be 144 total votes cast (69 * 2 + 6 for mayor). there are currently 97. we are likely to have ~20 modkills if people dont get their shit in in the next 4.5 hours. lol thats awful. I dont even know what to say. This game was almost certainlly balanced for 80 people which means this much inactive town pretty much is gg with no effort ezmode for scum. ![]() | ||
United States46 Posts
On November 30 2011 07:28 Mattchew wrote: but, assuming there are multiple bodyguards, he doesn't really need more than 1 or 2, so why not have mafia hit a couple incase you don't get lynched What? | ||
Iceland22632 Posts
On November 30 2011 07:32 vaderseven wrote: lol thats awful. I dont even know what to say. This game was almost certainlly balanced for 80 people which means this much inactive town pretty much is gg with no effort ezmode for scum. ![]() hopefully some of the modkills are scum. | ||
United States46 Posts
On November 30 2011 07:32 vaderseven wrote: lol thats awful. I dont even know what to say. This game was almost certainlly balanced for 80 people which means this much inactive town pretty much is gg with no effort ezmode for scum. ![]() How are you sure that those who have not voted are all town? | ||
Germany3729 Posts
especially syllo and jackal were the most obvious townies we had. Really painful to see these guys die unprotected. | ||
Japan10647 Posts
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United States5684 Posts
idk I would think that a scum BC would kill off some of the bodyguards (not all incase palmar does get lynched so he gets to keep some bodyguards) n1 in order to be able to kill off the rest n2 if palmar wasn't lynched. This way he could have the mafia just kill palmar.. this is just an idea i thought of | ||
Germany3729 Posts
On November 30 2011 07:37 wherebugsgo wrote: Coag mind actually explaining your vote and doing some analysis in here? votes like this fucking scare me!!! | ||
United Kingdom2600 Posts
Steveling: Town with frequent Scum-like behaviour that or Scum that slipped on a banana peel and bashed his head? hard. You decide! On November 27 2011 22:18 Steveling wrote: My first post in my first mafia game guys. I find the Palmar-Annul debate about double lynching suspicious. For one, I am not convinced why DL(double lynching from now on) is a must or else town is at a disadvantage. For all we know these two could operating together. I feel like we are pushing too fast. Mind that I'm a complete newb so my insticts can be totally off. Can you explain why you are rooting for DL so hard? highlights that he is new. finds a debate suspicious because...he isn't sure about double lynching, he may have actual thoughts about it but there are important him not being unsure is the thing that the thread needs to know. "They could be operating together"... guys remember when you consider possibilities the least likely one is the only one that should be noted! steveling has the right idea. Highlights that he is new again because if you don't offer your opinion and someone disagrees with it then then need to be aware of how long you have been playing mafia. "layabout you are being unfair he said he "feels like we are pushing too fast"" so how is that helpful "well....". On November 28 2011 14:24 Steveling wrote: Can we note that Cheese on his first ever post on this thread attacked me? I'm a newbie and obv a towny but I made scum predictions for Palmer. All my other posts were completely neutral. Thus he is simply trying to protect Palmer from 2nd day lynch by framing me. Too tired to look for clues, will post after 8 hours. saying I'm a newbie when you defend yourself is nearly equivalent to saying you can't have a legimate reason to attack me im not scum with a agenda but im simply a bad new player making mistakes QQ... when refering to oneself and calling oneself a town or indeed an "obv town" the act itself is wiithout value. NO PLAYER HAS ANY REASON TO EXPLICITY STATE THAT THEY ARE TOWN the exception being in situations in which you are claiming your specific role i pointed this out earlier but the short of it is that nobody claim mafia-->everybody is assumed to claim town--> if everyone will claim town then instead nobody should claim town a very few do (cept maybe but kenpachi but he is .... kenpachi). You then say that all your posts were completely neutral. Your post as an "obv towny" should be pro-town and you should (generally) not hold back. i think neutral posting and having a red role may be correlated you then state that cyber cheese is trying to protect Palmer from a second day lynch which is something that you CANNOT possibly KNOW, and then that the way he is doing something that you cannot possibly know he is doing is through framing you.This is a wild and claim without basis. Too tired to look for clues* but not too tired to type that you are too tired; and omit evidence and a chain of logic instead? *he doesn't promise analysis but clue-finding - an activity that is highly manipulable and that by itself has very little value and that can favor mafia when not supported by evidence, which gicen the evidence he is consistently supplying makes the clues he finds + Show Spoiler + even more manipulable On November 29 2011 06:28 Steveling wrote: One of my votes will go to Palmer. He has made the YM slip up and I'm not satisfied with the explaining he gave. He has made the extremely obvious comment '' Medics don't target on Ace '' He is now suddenly switching targets accusing prphlz. He realizes his time is nigh and he doesn't have enough sway against Ace so he needs an easier to frame scapegoat. My other vote will probably go to xtfftc. Most damning evidence on his profile. I have news for you mate, a police bat is also a club. Nope this is fine. Based on the sample of all of the mafia games i have played i can agree that no town has ever had reason to suddenly change their vote. A fantastic conclusion. Well spotted. though i do wonder what makes his change of target "sudden". On November 29 2011 06:56 Steveling wrote: It might be a club, but it is not a wooden bat, matey. Seriously? ![]() he then concludes that behavioural analysis was not for him* and that the best way to scumhunt is to follow 1 round of clues and has a debate about whether a police baton=wooden bat he cherrypicks a google image search and finds an image. He then ignores captain dictionary AKA xtfftc and decides that he has a jolly good case and votes for him and palmar *disclaimer ficticious conclusion made to mock him may or may not be more valid that the actual derping going on inside his head On November 29 2011 08:58 Steveling wrote: ##vote Palmer ##vote xtfftc On November 29 2011 10:11 Steveling wrote: Someone asked for views on Erandorr. Here's what got my attention So, Palmar, a veteran and a good player(as people are saying) that himself has said he's better at town play than scum ( too tired to filter him to privide quote but I will do it if asked) is playing his most pro town play. Why would he make such a big mistake on YM then? infers that ym=town mean that palmer=scum. or he is just asking questions and not helping. On November 28 2011 10:50 Steveling wrote: That's as clear a scum tell as it gets for me. Couln't be any more clear cut tbh. there you have it. "to be honest that is the most clear cut scum tell possible." no explanation whatsoever. but i will concede it is highly convincing. (what is the scum tell!??) On November 28 2011 03:32 Steveling wrote: Less drama more actual discussion yes? good point. On November 28 2011 04:42 Steveling wrote: I didn't, I was subbed really late and I didn't know there's a vote yet. excuse On November 30 2011 02:19 Steveling wrote: If he flips town we get to filter those who targeted him. some bad formatting ![]() he doesn't. apparently if he is town and he gets modkilled we can then filter players that targeted him! so you dont care if he is also down't care that 2 lynches will happen today and that mafia have at least 8 kp and that all players to be mod-killed thus-far have proved to be town There will be lots more deaths and lots more information. You want to lynch because if we hit a townie then we will gain information to analyse. Specifically we can look at the filters of players who openly called the townie suspicious. You realise that calling him scummy and him getting mod-killed and flipping town wouldn't help us at all, right? And you haven't realised that we can filter those players anyway. but thanks for directing me to your filter, i didn't have a strong scum read until is scummy to want to kill players for information you kill players because they are mafia* there are almost no worse reasons to lynch than "to gain information".he is also experienced and possibly an asset to town *or serejai best reason i could find on palmar On November 29 2011 06:39 Steveling wrote: Ok triple post. The ''All medics target Ace'' is extremely obvious as well for different reasons. I'm sure mafia would very much like it the town medics would protect only one player so they would get free reign on everyone else. correct me if another post sum it up better but this is the most concrete thing i could find about palmer being scum. directing blue roles has been discussed to death and 1 inference about one possible result and the intention to get that result is not evidence that a player is scum On November 29 2011 15:14 Steveling wrote: Just remember guys that we don't need to martyr Ace. He was a towny but he might very well be off about his predictions. i totally agree with this, he actually acknowledges the existence of uncertainty. On November 30 2011 03:59 Steveling wrote: Layabout's filter is a big pile of non contributing posts. Yet he somehow feels motivated to post in length in his dispute with Jackal58(which surprise surprise flipped town) over Palmar. He now does the same thing standing up for WBG. WBG has his own history defending Palmar as well. We are in for a great night gents. huge unsubstantiated generalisation about my filter. does not back up. criticising my posting at great length at 2 points in the game. heavily implies that jackal being town makes me scum for a "dispute over palmar" i would not decribe it as such even if it were it would not have a bearing on alignment. Criticising a poor argument is apparently standing up for WBG though he provides no source. He then implies that WBG is scum for having a "history" of defending palmar. Steveling is calling 3 players scum and has made very little effort to say why? i may be infering to much here but the inferences i make here are the ones i felt made the most sense in context. I shouldn't have to make so many inferences when a townie is presenting a case for players being mafia. On November 30 2011 04:27 Steveling wrote: Zephirdd is another guy just like Cheese with less than 5 posts coming out and saying things without backing them up. Scum buddies much? calls zephhirdd and cheese scumbuddies for a reason that i just cannot comprehend.the point about not backing up the things they say is baffling. would scum play this thoughtlessly? to conclude there are large number of statements and accusations that are't supported. There is very little use of logic in any of his posts. He has done certain things that do not make sense from the perspective of someone who wants town to win. He also makes frequent excuses and acts in a way that suggest he thinks that clues are they best way of contributing. He votes for palmer and xtfftc and i cannot fathom why he would do so as town. He is pushing weak/ non cases and providing little no to explanation. He is my strongest mafia read. he could be a very unhelpful and/or bad town. he is the best scum i have ##Vote steveling | ||
Japan10647 Posts
On November 30 2011 07:38 Mattchew wrote: idk I would think that a scum BC would kill off some of the bodyguards (not all incase palmar does get lynched so he gets to keep some bodyguards) n1 in order to be able to kill off the rest n2 if palmar wasn't lynched. This way he could have the mafia just kill palmar.. this is just an idea i thought of You don't think it would be massively suspicious that all the BGs suddenly die, then Palmar dies? You really don't think BC would get insta-lynched if that happened? Come on, Occam's Razor, no scum in electoral office would do that. | ||
Iceland22632 Posts
Yes, I actually have a theory that Ace was slowly coming to his senses over the course of the day. I hate to put words in a dead player's mouth, and especially since Ace will probably rage at me if I'm wrong about this, but read this: On November 29 2011 03:50 Ace wrote: Of course I voted them quickly, they were the two players I talked about when I got in the game. I WILL possibily switch my vote eventually. I don't see what you are getting at here. On November 29 2011 04:09 Ace wrote: I can't tell you who I'd switch to yet as I've still got a few things I'm indecisive on. Also just because I'm a boss at this game, it doesn't mean I'll always have great reads at every minute of the game. There are some disturbing issues that will need to be addressed but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. On November 29 2011 08:26 Ace wrote: BC you just did something so fishy. And finally, this is actually very, very correct: On November 29 2011 10:24 Ace wrote: Well the entire case against Risen was about a scum slip that isn't really what I'd call serious but ok. If Risen is Scum, how can so many people, including his Scum buddies vote for him so easily? Opposing the Risen wagon is very pro-town. | ||
United States2556 Posts
On November 30 2011 07:35 DeadlyPsycho wrote: How are you sure that those who have not voted are all town? I have no idea who hasnt voted yet but seeing as scum have a way to kinda help themselves via OOT communication it seems logical. That and the most common inactive not caring types are vanilla towns. | ||
United States3910 Posts
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