United States4053 Posts
On October 10 2010 23:59 Amber[LighT] wrote: Is Opz lying? Well if you want to be sure we can lynch him. He isn't really useful anymore if he's already been hit once. He has been playing the fence throughout the whole game. Usually he pushes players against a wall more frequently, and he wasn't doing this in an aggressive way this time.
Are you saying that in order to see if OpZ is a townie, we should lynch him? We could full well be doing the mafia's work for them, then. It's like the medieval witch trial joke. The way to tell if someone was a witch in medieval times - throw them in the ocean with weights attached. Live - is a witch, kill him/her. Die - oshi, was a human.
I'm fairly convinced that OpZ is a townie so far, so the following paragraph assumes that:
What do you mean "he isn't really useful anymore if he's already been hit once?" You might be forgetting that there's another role that takes hits, namely the Blue Bulletproof, who can't be nightkilled at all (except through poison or vigi). This whole thing really rests on what OpZ meant by "taking a hit" - did he get saved by a medic, did he use a veteran life, or did he survive with bulletproof? Even in the first two scenarios, if OpZ is a townie, he's still as useful as any other townie o_O at least in terms of numbers. I'm not sure what you're trying to argue.
Also, OpZ - please clarify: Did you survive due to your role or due to a doc?
People have asked for more analysis wooo. Some of those people should realize that I am not perfect and start doing some of their own as well but the longer they wait the more I suspect them (much like they do me to a degree hurrah).
Sup duder.
To start with. Pre game you were extremely active (anyone can use the find function on his name) and you will see what I mean. Come start of game
On October 04 2010 09:24 SiNiquity wrote: Annd town roles are out. Neat.
And his next post
On October 06 2010 10:41 SiNiquity wrote:Show nested quote +On October 06 2010 10:31 Incognito wrote:On October 06 2010 10:21 BrownBear wrote:On October 06 2010 10:19 Incognito wrote:On October 06 2010 10:16 BrownBear wrote:On October 06 2010 10:11 Bill Murray wrote: OK. It's not fair. If I want to meta him, and provide both town and mafia games, I have to say who he is. That is NOT FAIR to me making a case on him. They wish to remain unknown, I am honoring their request. You may meta all you want with the game they played as Protactinium. I'm sure you can work with that, but it's really not up for discussion. What a strange rule. Oh well, I guess we must live with injustice. I'm leaving it up to Protactinium. If he wants to reveal himself I have no problem with that. If he wants to remain secret, I have no problem with that either. In my view it is the smurf's burden to enforce the secrecy of his own identity if he so wishes. I don't think mod intervention in protecting someone's identity is fair. Agreed. Mod should neither encourage nor discourage one to reveal the smurf's identity barring any smurfing rule.
Look at the time stamps, they were 49ish hours apart and almost completely missed day 1.
On October 06 2010 10:54 SiNiquity wrote: so protactinium, who are you? You're tied for the lead to be killed.
On October 06 2010 11:13 SiNiquity wrote: I'm pretty sure lynching the village idiot means we all lose. I see no reason for mafia to play along.
On October 06 2010 11:29 SiNiquity wrote: This presumes the Mafia is in a position to win - if they feel like they're losing, then it's the town's game to lose by following through with the lynch.
On October 06 2010 11:46 SiNiquity wrote:Show nested quote +On October 06 2010 11:38 infinitestory wrote:On October 06 2010 11:29 SiNiquity wrote: This presumes the Mafia is in a position to win - if they feel like they're losing, then it's the town's game to lose by following through with the lynch. As long as the mafia are still in the game, they stand to lose by not night-killing the VI, regardless of whether it's also "the town's game to lose." To win, the mafia must remove both the VI and the town. A 1% chance to win the game is still preferable to simply losing. I know I've seen games where 1 mafia took out several town by himself with some clever lynch voting. :/ We should also try to start figuring out (if we've already done this, sorry, I just jumped in :/) what role Godfather is posing as, to help the DT do his job with the utmost accuracy. My first thought was that Godfather would pose as VI, and after that I can't decide which of the blue roles (barring DT of course) would be the most viable to pose as. Posing as bulletproof or veteran would cause the DT to defend him heavily against lynch kills, but I think the same probably applies for medic, mad hatter, and vigilante. Any other opinions? Once the VI is truly out in the open, we could argue that Mafia forfeits now or we lynch the the VI. My point is, by lynching the VI we -also- lose, so yes if the mafia is down then they have no reason to follow through with the kill, just as we have no reason to follow through with it. Granted I see no reason why the mafia wouldn't kill the VI just to get rid of him, but I don't agree that we would be in a position to blackmail them.
On October 06 2010 11:48 SiNiquity wrote:Show nested quote +On October 06 2010 11:40 Pandain wrote:On October 06 2010 11:24 infinitestory wrote:On October 06 2010 11:22 Protactinium wrote: I'm sorry, am I attacking you? I was pretty sure I was just attacking your ideas, good sir. Well, then can you offer a logical argument as to why mafia would abstain from night-killing village idiot if village idiot is exposed and town makes the threat I outlined above? I would be glad to hear any thoughtful criticism, as this plan needs to work perfectly to actually get rid of that idiotic nuisance. Basically, if the town's going to be that much of a panda poacher than mafia can just do the same thing. They don't hit the VI. Then what? We doom ourselves? Chances are we change our mind and the mafia are 1 up on us. Basically, the plan revolves entirely around wifom, which should rarely be used in mafia. Alright, we have two explantions from why they voted Proctat. What about you, Sinquity? I called him out to reveal himself, he didn't. If he wants to take his identity to the grave then that's his decision.
On October 06 2010 12:04 SiNiquity wrote: 6. Voting is mandatory. You may NOT abstain. 7. If you miss a vote or fail to post during one day cycle, you will be modkilled.
Not voting: bumatlarge, kane]deth[, Infundi, Crisis_, Happy.fairytail
Not posted nor voted: XeliN, JeeJee
Under the current rules we're looking at 7 mod kills. Hope some of those are mafia :\
On October 06 2010 12:50 SiNiquity wrote:Show nested quote +On October 06 2010 11:48 SiNiquity wrote:On October 06 2010 11:40 Pandain wrote:On October 06 2010 11:24 infinitestory wrote:On October 06 2010 11:22 Protactinium wrote: I'm sorry, am I attacking you? I was pretty sure I was just attacking your ideas, good sir. Well, then can you offer a logical argument as to why mafia would abstain from night-killing village idiot if village idiot is exposed and town makes the threat I outlined above? I would be glad to hear any thoughtful criticism, as this plan needs to work perfectly to actually get rid of that idiotic nuisance. Basically, if the town's going to be that much of a panda poacher than mafia can just do the same thing. They don't hit the VI. Then what? We doom ourselves? Chances are we change our mind and the mafia are 1 up on us. Basically, the plan revolves entirely around wifom, which should rarely be used in mafia. Alright, we have two explantions from why they voted Proctat. What about you, Sinquity? I called him out to reveal himself, he didn't. If he wants to take his identity to the grave then that's his decision. 10 minutes left.
On October 06 2010 13:00 SiNiquity wrote: I getcha, heh.
Also, Prot's headed to the gallows (bum just chimed in). Sorry buddy ~ could've thwarted this whole mess if you'd have fessed up.
On October 06 2010 11:14 SiNiquity wrote: ##vote protactinium
Those are the sum of most of Sin's day 1 posts. There are a few others that I excluded that were not on the talk of flamewheels smurf but most of those were issuing people to vote, or posting random useless posts like the note voting list/potential modkill list I have above.
These day 1 posts have him missing most of the day, then coming back and being "active" Most of his posts are one liners. Amongst these one liners are a large group of posts all centered around flamewheel and about the VI. He voted for flamewheel because flame smurfed. Bad reason right there. If you look at the evidence against flamewheel, it was almost entirely on the fact BM knew flamewheel was smurfing, but provided no real information as he didn't want to reveal who he was. Sin then took that as solid evidence, demanded that he reveal his smurf (not asking what the reasons behind his smurfing could be), and lynched him for it. Couple in the fact that BB said that revealing who flame was wasn't up for debate and that he was going to keep his smurf secret. When you factor in that a mod will usually only let someone smurf for a good reason (and most people who have smurfed mafia games are well known names), it is easy to guess he is most likely a good player. Offing a good player who doesn't have their name behind them would be a good day 1 lynch if you could push it.
The few non posts around smurfing/VI are mainly trying to force people to vote. This is a good thing as modkills suck, however
On October 06 2010 12:04 SiNiquity wrote: 6. Voting is mandatory. You may NOT abstain. 7. If you miss a vote or fail to post during one day cycle, you will be modkilled.
Not voting: bumatlarge, kane]deth[, Infundi, Crisis_, Happy.fairytail
Not posted nor voted: XeliN, JeeJee
Under the current rules we're looking at 7 mod kills. Hope some of those are mafia :\
This is almost as bad as posting vote lists to maintain a level of "contributing activity". One of the #1 thing that usually 1 mafia on a team does is post vote lists to seem active. This is the same general thing, what makes it worse is that this was already posted in BB's vote thread
On October 06 2010 12:05 SiNiquity wrote: EBWOP: Credit (or blame if it's wrong) to BrownBear for that list, I simply pulled it from the vote thread.
He didn't even get it himself, he simply reposted a mods information.
Summary of day 1. Lots of one liners Most of those posts were centered around a smurf posts around feigned contribution
Day 2
On October 07 2010 12:10 SiNiquity wrote: Also, BrownBear didn't slip anything about XeliN - I simply misread. You're spreading misinformation, so please stop.
Keep a close eye on time stamps
On October 08 2010 12:15 SiNiquity wrote:Disclaimer: This post is does not in any way encourage additional posting of PM or PM related information, nor do I wish to further the discussion of the PMs themselves. This post contains full disclosure of BM's method to further discourage any claiming. However, the prior claims are here to stay, for better or for worse. There's nothing that can be done, yet they've altered the meta game and as such cannot be ignored. Alternatively a host could simply come out and confirm that the PM messages were different dependent on host, alleviating us of this meta-game aspect entirely. But if not, then the information's there, and should be taken full advantage of by the townies.Now, in short, for those that don't feel like reading the spam starting from page 29 and going really until about page 35, Bill Murray demanded players to roleclaim, but emphasized players should carefully reread their PMs before claiming. It was actually very clever, as there was an underlying secret that only town players would recognize: town players were not PM'ed the word "town" but rather "townie" as their role. XeliN sums this up nicely: Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 16:42 XeliN wrote: My take on the whole "Town//Townie" questioning. It seems quite clear to me that the distinction Bill is trying to highlight here is not whether someone is Green or Blue, but on what a Town player was actually PM'd in their role. Seems a little bit shady as a strategy although nonetheless quite effective as I'm now fairly sure he is legitimately Town. Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 16:47 XeliN wrote: In fact it's not even "my take" it's blatantly what he actually means as he frequently say's
"go back and look at your role PM, then tell me Town//Townie"
Him being established town (here's where "my take" is appropriate, you can make up your own minds!) doesn't mean he is correct in calling for bloody's lynch, but I'm going to need to go over the thread more purely with that in mind. OpZ is also suspect to me, along with BC, for missing Bill's intention which was quite blatant, although ofc if they were mafia they would miss it as their role PM would not make his intention blatant. Ironically, Bill, either in a burst of genius or insanity, incessantly insisted the correct answer was "town." And, best of yet, some people fell for it: Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 14:02 DoctorHelvetica wrote: town
but i'm more confused by your plan than anything Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 14:49 infinitestory wrote:On October 07 2010 14:46 Bill Murray wrote: You, too, infinitestory. I claim town.I have no idea where you could possibly be going with this. Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 14:53 BloodyC0bbler wrote: I'm town, and you already know that. (Note: BC is especially guilty in this regard, as he kept referring to the town post in the OP as his point of reference). In fact the only player that correctly roleclaimed as far as I can surmise is OpZ: Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 15:16 ~OpZ~ wrote: Really? my role PM says townie. It was also sent by Artanis. Was yours sent by Artanis? -_- Even now Bill maintains "town" is the correct answer, and his vigilance for this charade is admirable yet simultaneously disturbing on some deeper level. However, props to him for maintaining it for so long (I'd certainly be convinced). Now there is the caveat that there were different wording in the PMs based on the host. Show nested quote +On October 08 2010 05:41 BrownBear wrote: Both Artanis and I sent out role PMs, to make our workload easier. As such, take the following conclusions with a grain of salt: Confirmed players from my perspective: - Bill Murray
- ~OpZ~

- XeliN (maybe, first one to put 2-2 together but never identified "townie" as the correct solution).
Suspect players from my perspective: - BloodyC0bbler (claimed "town")
- DoctorHelvetica (claimed "town")
- infinitestory (claimed "town")
- Divinek (just didn't get it, went off on XeliN)
- Amber[LighT] (just didn't get it, went off on XeliN)
- Nuke (just didn't get it)
Still need to look at the votes over the past day to see if there's anything worthwhile there. But I'm certainly curious as to what one of the "town" players will flip ~ if town, then there's possibly a host discrepancy. If not, then this only confirms my suspicions. It's the strongest lead we've got and I see no reason not to pursue it. Anyway I'm off to bed to mull this over.
On October 09 2010 11:45 SiNiquity wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 11:32 CynanMachae wrote:On October 09 2010 11:22 SiNiquity wrote: ##Vote Double Lynch - <3 XeliN for pointing out we have unlimited (didn't notice that). What is this? I'm pretty sure we only have two double lynches Ack you're right. In that case I don't think we should be using them just yet. Going to go change it...
On October 09 2010 11:48 SiNiquity wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 11:41 LSB wrote:On September 08 2010 13:30 BrownBear wrote: 2 Double Lynches remaining Interesting... Anyways, why not use one now, we got a good plan to go with for BM Wait. So we're double lynching just to lynch BM "for free" tomorrow?
On October 09 2010 12:17 SiNiquity wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 12:02 LSB wrote:On October 09 2010 11:54 kingjames01 wrote: I set my alarm so I could wake up before Day 2 ended and I went and checked the voting thread. I noticed that 4 players haven't put their votes in!! SINiquity, XeliN, kane]deth[ and cSc
There's no way that all 4 of you are mafia. DON'T GET MODKILLED! VOTE!!!!!! Remember even if you vote for or against Double Lynching it doesn't count as your lynch vote.
You still need to vote! If you guys lose the game for us tonight I am going to freak out. cSc is the only one who hasn't voted yet. On October 09 2010 11:48 SiNiquity wrote:On October 09 2010 11:41 LSB wrote:On September 08 2010 13:30 BrownBear wrote: 2 Double Lynches remaining Interesting... Anyways, why not use one now, we got a good plan to go with for BM Wait. So we're double lynching just to lynch BM "for free" tomorrow? That's why I voted for double lynch. See this post http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=151150¤tpage=37#733 That's terrible. If BM's not mafia, there's no guarantee that Mafia won't gamble that he's not a VI and we waste our double lynch. I also don't believe there's more than 1 VI (protact), but that's just a hunch on my part. Look, now that I understand BM's plan, I agree it was utterly and ridiculously stupid (seriously - "Hey guys I'm town, so what are you, town/townie, oh and btw if you're blue answer 'town' since that's the super-secret right answer, but otherwise tell me are you town/townie" Gee I wonder what -mafia- would respond with?). From my perspective (i.e. OpZ's), I thought it was all a clever trap.. too clever for BM though, and I should've realized that. But even as bad as his version was, I think it's a stretch to suggest a non-town player would initiate such action relying on some "correct" wording of town PMs which, if wrong, would mean his doom (as it turns out, there was more than one "correct" wording so either way he was right, but he couldn't have known that). So in short, no, I don't think we should double lynch just to lynch BM, and I'm not convinced we're going to have enough information tomorrow to justify using one of our (two) double lynches. Also james is correct ~ I've only voted for double lynch so far (and now unvoted). Still weeding through the thread to find my vote candidate.
On October 09 2010 12:47 SiNiquity wrote:I don't think either Misder or XeliN are mafia, and if my tired count is correct they're the current big leaders in the vote. 
On October 09 2010 13:10 SiNiquity wrote: Yea you're free to post in twilight
On October 09 2010 13:12 SiNiquity wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 13:10 Protactinium wrote: So where is BrownBear... Er I could technically flip you since I know what you are, and I think there are modkills to be made. Where are the hosts? BrownBear said the night post would be coming late since it's Friday. idk 'bout Artanis
On October 09 2010 13:24 SiNiquity wrote:I think that's a deafening no 
Now, we can see that he posted once during the night period of day 1, then came back 24 hours later to post analysis on me. Claiming that I fell for bm's trap and that referring to the OP as a defense was part of my guilt. Keeping in mind that in the rules comparing PM's is against the rules and a modkillable offense. So suspecting me based on NOT breaking the rules. It was a large post that primarily included quotations, and offered very new analysis of his own, it was primarily just summarizing posts made from people on one specific topic (in this case bm's bit).
After that he vanished for just shy 24 hours AGAIN, then started by a few one liners.
From there he moved into
saying "Look, now that I understand BM's plan, I agree it was utterly and ridiculously stupid (seriously - "Hey guys I'm town, so what are you, town/townie, oh and btw if you're blue answer 'town' since that's the super-secret right answer, but otherwise tell me are you town/townie" Gee I wonder what -mafia- would respond with?). From my perspective (i.e. OpZ's), I thought it was all a clever trap.. too clever for BM though, and I should've realized that."
First off, he had agreed to BM's plan as clever just 24 hours before hand. He also then said that rather than having his own perspective (he was using opz's), he should have realized the clever trap he liked the day before was too clever for BM? This seems to me as not really contributing as it is backtracking since he was coming under heat for supporting something really stupid. I can see him doing this as both town or mafia aligned, but he should have stressed his own reasoning behind it (who convinced him, etc..) rather than just saying someones perspective and moving on.
He then proceeds to spam one liners again before vanishing. In day 2 we saw much of the same behaviour as day 1. Alot of one liners that appear to feign activity, summarizing things while saying nothing really of his own and even though today he disagreed with the top two lynch choices, he didn't provide a reason why he thought so, or provide analysis on a new target he believed was mafia. This behaviour to me really seems to be feigning activity to avoid being on an inactive list, and while appearing to "contribute" to seem more like town.
After going through his post history and what he has said he is an excellent choice for today's lynch.
On October 10 2010 23:07 ~OpZ~ wrote:Show nested quote +On October 10 2010 16:10 BloodyC0bbler wrote:On October 10 2010 14:37 ~OpZ~ wrote:On October 10 2010 14:32 Divinek wrote:On October 10 2010 14:18 SiNiquity wrote:Annnd now no one's been poisoned. :o On October 10 2010 14:05 ~OpZ~ wrote: I took a hit last night. err what? it's possible that mafia could poison someone and just have one of their members claim they took a hit you know. Not saying i think that's the case atm, i've generally seen opz in a pretty good light this game, but don't jump to conclusions so easily! Well someone out there knows I'm a town member, sheesh. I'm seriously waiting on BC. I want to see some multiparty analysis from him. Til then I'm going to vote for him. His argument with Bill was pretty...Well I was in it too....So I can't say much. But Bill did point out a good point with that about Happy. I was just waiting for more from BC...and I haven't gotten much more. Dude, I have no issue popping out analysis, but waiting on me? I would ask if your expecting me to do it myself I ask you to do it as well. Your a solid player and shouldn't be relying just on my posts to figure out what to do. No sir BC, that is not what I meant. I've been waiting to see something from you, so I could generate a better opinion about you. You know I can't trust you, and never do. And personally, even bringing up BM in your post made me suspect you more. We know BM wasn't playing pro-town. We haven't lynched him for fear of VI. Why did you feel you needed to beat a dead horse BC? If you want my opinion, you've done more than Amber, and Xelin, and South, and Meeple. Kinda...annoyed they aren't posting at all. What you all have nothing to say? I'd venture 2 of you are mafia. Amber especially under suspicion.
Eh? I was asked to analyze BM by Infinite when he asked me for analysis. Suspecting me for doing something that someone asked is pretty sketchy play opz, even you know that. Besides, your also an experienced player, waiting for me to post to get a general idea on my alignment is great, its even smart. However, by not posting any analysis because your waiting for me doesn't help the town in the least. You can easily analyze me overtime as well as write up analysis of people you find suspicious to help the town.
Also, for all those discussing of Opz's role, please stop. If the answer regardless of his role should be Medic protected because that gives no information on his own role. If he reveals his role it gives the mafia an advantage for how to kill him whereas it doesn't do much for the town other than them argue over if hes telling the truth of his role instead of arguing if hes lying about taking a hit. Both situations cause town to argue and bicker, one situation gives mafia extra information for night hits.
On October 10 2010 23:59 Amber[LighT] wrote:Can someone explain to me why we voted for a double lynch? I could have sworn we were going to get this insane amount of information, yet from what it seems we're still running around with our heads cut off. Like what the hell happened yesterday? The day seemed pretty cut and dry. Vote Xelin and then see if mafia touches BM. Was this plan not sound? Then someone suggested a double lynch. I wasn't keen on the idea of doing this, and I vocally said going for a double lynch so early was a terrible idea. So now we didn't lynch Xelin, but instead went for someone who wasn't even being discussed until the last 12 hours of the day (since I checked frequently up until then). What seems to be the plan? Where does Xelin sit on the list? BM? Did we just forget about them. There is one thing I want to raise as suspicion, and everyone should consider this: I'm HIGHLY suspicious of this since we can't really check. Not only do I find it fishy that he would say this, but it's also weird that we would have 2 veterans with the possibility of a bulletproof in this game. It would seem that in a game this small it's more likely that only one person would fulfill each role, at the most. It makes no sense to stack roles like Veterans in this game, since our last veteran that died obviously had no clue how to use his role. However I will say that I am not suspcious of Opz because if he is a Veteran, he used the role very well, and his posts should be looked at to see who he targeted, if there's any relevant posts. But I want everyone to mull over this. Our friend, BC, used the same tactic in another mafia game and it ruined the town for about 2 days because we didn't act! http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=133561¤tpage=81#1610Cliffs: BC claimed to be protected by a medic on Night 2. We played along and didn't act upon this claim. He then went on to completely obliterate the town in the subsequent days in BM's game. Is Opz lying? Well if you want to be sure we can lynch him. He isn't really useful anymore if he's already been hit once. He has been playing the fence throughout the whole game. Usually he pushes players against a wall more frequently, and he wasn't doing this in an aggressive way this time. For the second lynch, you guys can figure it out. You wanted 2, now start investigating. I'm going to just vote for Xelin again since the double lynch plan was more sound with Xelin dying yesterday and BM dying today.
For a note of the game amber referenced in this post about me being red and taking a hit. I actually did take a hit as mafia from a vig and was protected by a medic. The case in which amber is using in my case wasn't so much as a planned tactic as it was lucky break for my team at the time.
Does this remove the possibility of opz lying. No it doesn't, however the situations behind that game and this could be completely different. It would also quickly be solved by this.
IF A VIG HIT OPZ LAST NIGHT CLAIM. Your one hit would have been used and thus you can clear opz. It would also give a 95% confirmed player for the town to rally behind and for meds to protect.
I am really behind, admittedly. i plan on catching up. I just woke up. I worked from 8am until 10pm last night, and then went out to party because today is like my only day off work.
@LSB: I guess I wasn't killed because I was poisoned. That is my guess. A secondary explanation could be the fact that mafia feel they can lynch me easily, or that I'm a bad player and can be kept around. Pandain was a very interesting kill. I'll have to read his posts in a little bit. I want to do some things first.
On October 10 2010 23:59 LSB wrote:Show nested quote +On October 10 2010 13:24 Divinek wrote:NOOOOO PANDAIN, as much as I hate your fadoodles at least you play this game with heart! I will seek to avenge you my brother Now lets look at this motherfucker kane, I know there’s not much to look at lol On October 06 2010 06:25 kane]deth[ wrote: Due to school, I can really only post around this time.
Just making a post to indicate my activeness, will edit or post again later with thoughts after reading the thread.
Edit: So I'm not sure what content I must post to be not lynched so I suppose I'll just give my opinion on the RNGing lynching of inactives. I think it'll be a good idea as long as we're not lynching any modkills for obvious reasons. I personally don't contribute much and might be considered inactive, but thats because of my inexperience. >: So I think that at least pressuring people to post more is a good idea. Flat out giving us his excuse that he’s not gonna contribute much and be inactive, ie ANTI town. An argument could be made for town neutrality but that would require content from him. This is not an original idea btw, he’s literally parroting about 3 other people at this point. On October 06 2010 06:45 kane]deth[ wrote:On October 06 2010 06:31 kingjames01 wrote:On October 06 2010 06:25 kane]deth[ wrote: Due to school, I can really only post around this time.
Just making a post to indicate my activeness, will edit or post again later with thoughts after reading the thread. Just saw this and wanted to make sure you DON'T EDIT your post. Just make a new post. Welcome to the game! =) And I've just made a huge mistake >: Guilty conscience? I imagine his mafia buddies yelled at him for that one On October 07 2010 10:26 kane]deth[ wrote: I have no idea what to do once again. The more I try to find suspicious people, the more I think everyone is suspicious. I suppose I'll just keep reading and see if anyone really jumps out at me ._. Time and time I have seen new mafia players try this card out. They are confused, they don’t know what to do, this prevents them from having to put forward any of their own ideas because they know they are quite likely to slip up in ways they haven’t even thought of yet. Newbie town players are quite often FEARLESS, they know they got nothing to hide and they get into this game because they are EXCITED to get those mafia! NOT SCARED, why would you be scared if you were town? Then he apologizes for not voting blah blah more guilty conscience fuel On October 08 2010 09:57 kane]deth[ wrote: So I am currently voting for Misder as the proof that others have posted on him seems more reasonable than the accusations against any other player currently. The plan on getting rid of BM seems reasonable as well, but most of the analysis today has been wasted on what to do with him instead of finding Reds. Xelin seemed quick to bandwagon with BM but besides that he doesn't seem to be very suspicious. He could've just been slow on realizing how ridiculous BM's plans and not just bandwagoning for a kill. See that bolded word there? Yeah that’s right, OTHERs so if it goes bad (which it did) then he can go WELL I DIDN’T WANNA DO IT, but you guys presented such good arguments I agreed! Not my fault! It’s deflection at the most basic level Get rid of bm blah everyone already said that. Jumping on xelin too, everyone else did that. I mean this stuff would be fine to do of his own accord, but he’s just repeating everything that’s already been said. This is KEY because he can’t be caught for spewing bullshit because none of it is his own On October 08 2010 09:59 kane]deth[ wrote: Also note that I have no idea how these players have played in previous games, so I can't make references like that, or if something is strange or off about someone's playstyle. More I don’t know bullshit, as in don’t expect me to do things, to be useful. Blah blah im sick of your excuses. On October 08 2010 10:21 kane]deth[ wrote: I suppose proof was a bad word to use there. The accusations that he made against the 'higher tier' players baselessly and his general aggression. Basically the post that Ghrur made. Currently he's just making trouble by trying to lynch players at seemingly random.
I'm also lost on one thing; is the only way to find a players posts is to find a post of the player and then click profile? I love seeing this tactic. He apologizes, then puts up some shit justification and THEN he adds a question to the end of his post, as questions always take up everything you’re thinking about because you immediately try to answer that question and almost seemingly forget what you just read lol, quality double fake of the old flame fanning. On October 09 2010 12:07 kane]deth[ wrote: I had voted for Double Lynch already, as we would be able to lynch BM. Yuh yuh guys I agree with you don’t get angry with me im doing wut u asked. DIE Also as a little tidbit rol almost replaced this dude, look at rols only post in that entire time On October 06 2010 16:00 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote: HAI GUYS
SO U NO IM IN THIS GAME NOW SO I WILL POST LATER AFTER I READ. Excuse for inactivity followed up by NOTHING. Sorry kane you’re not going to continue coasting by unnoticed. There’s nothing but wifom trying to draw away from if it was because of you on his list that pandain was killed or not, but one thing I do know, you’ve been doing fuck all for us and I have a pretty good idea why. You’re getting my vote, I will avenge you pandain! Firstly, my problems with your analysis I wouldn't really call kane]deth[ that experienced (wasn't the only other game he played he got modkilled?) Therefore we have to accept his excuses of being noobish as reality. And don't blame him for all his questions, my first two games I had lots of those in my posts And as you know, one of the posts was RoL, I'm not going to judge kane]deth[ off of RoL Next, I'm going to do some analysis of my own At the same time though, newcomers have giant "I'm Townie" lables on their posts, because of how they play. "I'm Townie" traits- - Does a lot, like over the weekends, they unleash huge torrents of spam/planning/accusations
- Relys on own analysis. Has sort of the "I don't trust anyone" appeal.
- (A continuation) They vote with good reasons, or abstain
kane]deth[ has been horrendously bad at doing any of this. His posts are all pretty cautious, he freerides off of other people's thoughts He actually initially voted for Misder, pushing the bandwagon And then afterwards he switches to Xelin, even though he's pretty convinced on misder. This screams wishy-washy to me Kane]deth[ please roleclaimProblems with my analysis: It could just be bad play / he doesn't really care.
I must say, you're entire analysis is bullshit; you're assuming that new players instantly take risks and because in the first few posts I have in mafia aren't decisive and inspired, that I am anti-town. I must say that there is truth though, I haven't contributed anything yet, but I promise I will by monday night. Of course you could say I'm delaying because I'm mafia but it IS thanksgiving over here and all.
@LSB I'm role-claiming town, but even if I was mafia I would say that :V
About my voting, I changed it because I was thinking XeliN in my mind but I typed Misder for some reason. Misder did seem to be angry and such but I thought that was just a good tactic to get others feeling pressured. Xelin seemed to be weak and uninspired, sort of like how you're accusing me to be. If I did have a choice to abstain, I would, but then I'd get modkilled, so I thought that instead of voting off a player I could simply double-lynch and collect my thoughts, but I didn't know that you still had a lynch.
im proud of you kane]deth[
On October 11 2010 04:52 kane]deth[ wrote:Show nested quote +On October 10 2010 23:59 LSB wrote:On October 10 2010 13:24 Divinek wrote:NOOOOO PANDAIN, as much as I hate your fadoodles at least you play this game with heart! I will seek to avenge you my brother Now lets look at this motherfucker kane, I know there’s not much to look at lol On October 06 2010 06:25 kane]deth[ wrote: Due to school, I can really only post around this time.
Just making a post to indicate my activeness, will edit or post again later with thoughts after reading the thread.
Edit: So I'm not sure what content I must post to be not lynched so I suppose I'll just give my opinion on the RNGing lynching of inactives. I think it'll be a good idea as long as we're not lynching any modkills for obvious reasons. I personally don't contribute much and might be considered inactive, but thats because of my inexperience. >: So I think that at least pressuring people to post more is a good idea. Flat out giving us his excuse that he’s not gonna contribute much and be inactive, ie ANTI town. An argument could be made for town neutrality but that would require content from him. This is not an original idea btw, he’s literally parroting about 3 other people at this point. On October 06 2010 06:45 kane]deth[ wrote:On October 06 2010 06:31 kingjames01 wrote:On October 06 2010 06:25 kane]deth[ wrote: Due to school, I can really only post around this time.
Just making a post to indicate my activeness, will edit or post again later with thoughts after reading the thread. Just saw this and wanted to make sure you DON'T EDIT your post. Just make a new post. Welcome to the game! =) And I've just made a huge mistake >: Guilty conscience? I imagine his mafia buddies yelled at him for that one On October 07 2010 10:26 kane]deth[ wrote: I have no idea what to do once again. The more I try to find suspicious people, the more I think everyone is suspicious. I suppose I'll just keep reading and see if anyone really jumps out at me ._. Time and time I have seen new mafia players try this card out. They are confused, they don’t know what to do, this prevents them from having to put forward any of their own ideas because they know they are quite likely to slip up in ways they haven’t even thought of yet. Newbie town players are quite often FEARLESS, they know they got nothing to hide and they get into this game because they are EXCITED to get those mafia! NOT SCARED, why would you be scared if you were town? Then he apologizes for not voting blah blah more guilty conscience fuel On October 08 2010 09:57 kane]deth[ wrote: So I am currently voting for Misder as the proof that others have posted on him seems more reasonable than the accusations against any other player currently. The plan on getting rid of BM seems reasonable as well, but most of the analysis today has been wasted on what to do with him instead of finding Reds. Xelin seemed quick to bandwagon with BM but besides that he doesn't seem to be very suspicious. He could've just been slow on realizing how ridiculous BM's plans and not just bandwagoning for a kill. See that bolded word there? Yeah that’s right, OTHERs so if it goes bad (which it did) then he can go WELL I DIDN’T WANNA DO IT, but you guys presented such good arguments I agreed! Not my fault! It’s deflection at the most basic level Get rid of bm blah everyone already said that. Jumping on xelin too, everyone else did that. I mean this stuff would be fine to do of his own accord, but he’s just repeating everything that’s already been said. This is KEY because he can’t be caught for spewing bullshit because none of it is his own On October 08 2010 09:59 kane]deth[ wrote: Also note that I have no idea how these players have played in previous games, so I can't make references like that, or if something is strange or off about someone's playstyle. More I don’t know bullshit, as in don’t expect me to do things, to be useful. Blah blah im sick of your excuses. On October 08 2010 10:21 kane]deth[ wrote: I suppose proof was a bad word to use there. The accusations that he made against the 'higher tier' players baselessly and his general aggression. Basically the post that Ghrur made. Currently he's just making trouble by trying to lynch players at seemingly random.
I'm also lost on one thing; is the only way to find a players posts is to find a post of the player and then click profile? I love seeing this tactic. He apologizes, then puts up some shit justification and THEN he adds a question to the end of his post, as questions always take up everything you’re thinking about because you immediately try to answer that question and almost seemingly forget what you just read lol, quality double fake of the old flame fanning. On October 09 2010 12:07 kane]deth[ wrote: I had voted for Double Lynch already, as we would be able to lynch BM. Yuh yuh guys I agree with you don’t get angry with me im doing wut u asked. DIE Also as a little tidbit rol almost replaced this dude, look at rols only post in that entire time On October 06 2010 16:00 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote: HAI GUYS
SO U NO IM IN THIS GAME NOW SO I WILL POST LATER AFTER I READ. Excuse for inactivity followed up by NOTHING. Sorry kane you’re not going to continue coasting by unnoticed. There’s nothing but wifom trying to draw away from if it was because of you on his list that pandain was killed or not, but one thing I do know, you’ve been doing fuck all for us and I have a pretty good idea why. You’re getting my vote, I will avenge you pandain! Firstly, my problems with your analysis I wouldn't really call kane]deth[ that experienced (wasn't the only other game he played he got modkilled?) Therefore we have to accept his excuses of being noobish as reality. And don't blame him for all his questions, my first two games I had lots of those in my posts And as you know, one of the posts was RoL, I'm not going to judge kane]deth[ off of RoL Next, I'm going to do some analysis of my own At the same time though, newcomers have giant "I'm Townie" lables on their posts, because of how they play. "I'm Townie" traits- - Does a lot, like over the weekends, they unleash huge torrents of spam/planning/accusations
- Relys on own analysis. Has sort of the "I don't trust anyone" appeal.
- (A continuation) They vote with good reasons, or abstain
kane]deth[ has been horrendously bad at doing any of this. His posts are all pretty cautious, he freerides off of other people's thoughts He actually initially voted for Misder, pushing the bandwagon On October 09 2010 12:19 kane]deth[ wrote: ##Vote Misder And then afterwards he switches to Xelin, even though he's pretty convinced on misder. This screams wishy-washy to me Kane]deth[ please roleclaimProblems with my analysis: It could just be bad play / he doesn't really care. I must say, you're entire analysis is bullshit; you're assuming that new players instantly take risks and because in the first few posts I have in mafia aren't decisive and inspired, that I am anti-town. I must say that there is truth though, I haven't contributed anything yet, but I promise I will by monday night. Of course you could say I'm delaying because I'm mafia but it IS thanksgiving over here and all. .
and you're bullshit. See how i can do it too. You're worthless. New players dont have to do wild crazy shit, they arent expected to do amazing things,but it's the nature in which you're being reserved ie a retarded parrot that really concerns me. New players generally are scared but they try to jump in with two feet, they know they have nothing to hide so they arent afraid to say alot, they aren't afraid to put themselves out there. You've done NONE of this, I've seen too many games where that one mafia coasts by cause there's a big clash going on in town, and he keeps playing the im new and stupid card (while being true) which keeps him out of the spot light and lets him carry on doing nothing but put another vote on someone who is innocent.
The fact that you get so hostile when you're finally attacked really makes me happy about my vote as it's the only emotion you've shown in this entire game you paper weight.
On October 11 2010 04:52 kane]deth[ wrote:Show nested quote +On October 10 2010 23:59 LSB wrote:On October 10 2010 13:24 Divinek wrote:NOOOOO PANDAIN, as much as I hate your fadoodles at least you play this game with heart! I will seek to avenge you my brother Now lets look at this motherfucker kane, I know there’s not much to look at lol On October 06 2010 06:25 kane]deth[ wrote: Due to school, I can really only post around this time.
Just making a post to indicate my activeness, will edit or post again later with thoughts after reading the thread.
Edit: So I'm not sure what content I must post to be not lynched so I suppose I'll just give my opinion on the RNGing lynching of inactives. I think it'll be a good idea as long as we're not lynching any modkills for obvious reasons. I personally don't contribute much and might be considered inactive, but thats because of my inexperience. >: So I think that at least pressuring people to post more is a good idea. Flat out giving us his excuse that he’s not gonna contribute much and be inactive, ie ANTI town. An argument could be made for town neutrality but that would require content from him. This is not an original idea btw, he’s literally parroting about 3 other people at this point. On October 06 2010 06:45 kane]deth[ wrote:On October 06 2010 06:31 kingjames01 wrote:On October 06 2010 06:25 kane]deth[ wrote: Due to school, I can really only post around this time.
Just making a post to indicate my activeness, will edit or post again later with thoughts after reading the thread. Just saw this and wanted to make sure you DON'T EDIT your post. Just make a new post. Welcome to the game! =) And I've just made a huge mistake >: Guilty conscience? I imagine his mafia buddies yelled at him for that one On October 07 2010 10:26 kane]deth[ wrote: I have no idea what to do once again. The more I try to find suspicious people, the more I think everyone is suspicious. I suppose I'll just keep reading and see if anyone really jumps out at me ._. Time and time I have seen new mafia players try this card out. They are confused, they don’t know what to do, this prevents them from having to put forward any of their own ideas because they know they are quite likely to slip up in ways they haven’t even thought of yet. Newbie town players are quite often FEARLESS, they know they got nothing to hide and they get into this game because they are EXCITED to get those mafia! NOT SCARED, why would you be scared if you were town? Then he apologizes for not voting blah blah more guilty conscience fuel On October 08 2010 09:57 kane]deth[ wrote: So I am currently voting for Misder as the proof that others have posted on him seems more reasonable than the accusations against any other player currently. The plan on getting rid of BM seems reasonable as well, but most of the analysis today has been wasted on what to do with him instead of finding Reds. Xelin seemed quick to bandwagon with BM but besides that he doesn't seem to be very suspicious. He could've just been slow on realizing how ridiculous BM's plans and not just bandwagoning for a kill. See that bolded word there? Yeah that’s right, OTHERs so if it goes bad (which it did) then he can go WELL I DIDN’T WANNA DO IT, but you guys presented such good arguments I agreed! Not my fault! It’s deflection at the most basic level Get rid of bm blah everyone already said that. Jumping on xelin too, everyone else did that. I mean this stuff would be fine to do of his own accord, but he’s just repeating everything that’s already been said. This is KEY because he can’t be caught for spewing bullshit because none of it is his own On October 08 2010 09:59 kane]deth[ wrote: Also note that I have no idea how these players have played in previous games, so I can't make references like that, or if something is strange or off about someone's playstyle. More I don’t know bullshit, as in don’t expect me to do things, to be useful. Blah blah im sick of your excuses. On October 08 2010 10:21 kane]deth[ wrote: I suppose proof was a bad word to use there. The accusations that he made against the 'higher tier' players baselessly and his general aggression. Basically the post that Ghrur made. Currently he's just making trouble by trying to lynch players at seemingly random.
I'm also lost on one thing; is the only way to find a players posts is to find a post of the player and then click profile? I love seeing this tactic. He apologizes, then puts up some shit justification and THEN he adds a question to the end of his post, as questions always take up everything you’re thinking about because you immediately try to answer that question and almost seemingly forget what you just read lol, quality double fake of the old flame fanning. On October 09 2010 12:07 kane]deth[ wrote: I had voted for Double Lynch already, as we would be able to lynch BM. Yuh yuh guys I agree with you don’t get angry with me im doing wut u asked. DIE Also as a little tidbit rol almost replaced this dude, look at rols only post in that entire time On October 06 2010 16:00 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote: HAI GUYS
SO U NO IM IN THIS GAME NOW SO I WILL POST LATER AFTER I READ. Excuse for inactivity followed up by NOTHING. Sorry kane you’re not going to continue coasting by unnoticed. There’s nothing but wifom trying to draw away from if it was because of you on his list that pandain was killed or not, but one thing I do know, you’ve been doing fuck all for us and I have a pretty good idea why. You’re getting my vote, I will avenge you pandain! Firstly, my problems with your analysis I wouldn't really call kane]deth[ that experienced (wasn't the only other game he played he got modkilled?) Therefore we have to accept his excuses of being noobish as reality. And don't blame him for all his questions, my first two games I had lots of those in my posts And as you know, one of the posts was RoL, I'm not going to judge kane]deth[ off of RoL Next, I'm going to do some analysis of my own At the same time though, newcomers have giant "I'm Townie" lables on their posts, because of how they play. "I'm Townie" traits- - Does a lot, like over the weekends, they unleash huge torrents of spam/planning/accusations
- Relys on own analysis. Has sort of the "I don't trust anyone" appeal.
- (A continuation) They vote with good reasons, or abstain
kane]deth[ has been horrendously bad at doing any of this. His posts are all pretty cautious, he freerides off of other people's thoughts He actually initially voted for Misder, pushing the bandwagon On October 09 2010 12:19 kane]deth[ wrote: ##Vote Misder And then afterwards he switches to Xelin, even though he's pretty convinced on misder. This screams wishy-washy to me Kane]deth[ please roleclaimProblems with my analysis: It could just be bad play / he doesn't really care. I must say, you're entire analysis is bullshit; you're assuming that new players instantly take risks and because in the first few posts I have in mafia aren't decisive and inspired, that I am anti-town. I must say that there is truth though, I haven't contributed anything yet, but I promise I will by monday night. Of course you could say I'm delaying because I'm mafia but it IS thanksgiving over here and all. @LSB I'm role-claiming town, but even if I was mafia I would say that :V About my voting, I changed it because I was thinking XeliN in my mind but I typed Misder for some reason. Misder did seem to be angry and such but I thought that was just a good tactic to get others feeling pressured. Xelin seemed to be weak and uninspired, sort of like how you're accusing me to be. If I did have a choice to abstain, I would, but then I'd get modkilled, so I thought that instead of voting off a player I could simply double-lynch and collect my thoughts, but I didn't know that you still had a lynch.
it would be nice if you contributed something to this game besides a lame defense to all the pressure being put on you
so now you're out until tomorrow night? when the day is over? lol kk
On October 11 2010 04:52 kane]deth[ wrote: Xelin seemed to be weak and uninspired This is exactly how I feel this game.
On October 11 2010 06:14 XeliN wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 04:52 kane]deth[ wrote: Xelin seemed to be weak and uninspired This is exactly how I feel this game.
Rightfully so because this game can hardly be considered an actual game now considering how we all lost on day 1.
On October 11 2010 07:02 SouthRawrea wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 06:14 XeliN wrote:On October 11 2010 04:52 kane]deth[ wrote: Xelin seemed to be weak and uninspired This is exactly how I feel this game. Rightfully so because this game can hardly be considered an actual game now considering how we all lost on day 1.
well really it was like a restart without the redistribution of roles. VI has always been lynched on day 1. That's no reason to act like a pathetic quitter.
On October 11 2010 06:14 XeliN wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 04:52 kane]deth[ wrote: Xelin seemed to be weak and uninspired This is exactly how I feel this game. me too i now know how ace feels in those games where i think he's one thing when he's not
What's the case on kane]deth[? Why are you voting him DoctorH? If I've missed something that has happened, sorry, I haven't gotten a chance to read some of it yet
I'd ask divinek the same thing, but I feel like he justified it on this page
On October 11 2010 04:52 kane]deth[ wrote:Show nested quote +On October 10 2010 23:59 LSB wrote:On October 10 2010 13:24 Divinek wrote:NOOOOO PANDAIN, as much as I hate your fadoodles at least you play this game with heart! I will seek to avenge you my brother Now lets look at this motherfucker kane, I know there’s not much to look at lol On October 06 2010 06:25 kane]deth[ wrote: Due to school, I can really only post around this time.
Just making a post to indicate my activeness, will edit or post again later with thoughts after reading the thread.
Edit: So I'm not sure what content I must post to be not lynched so I suppose I'll just give my opinion on the RNGing lynching of inactives. I think it'll be a good idea as long as we're not lynching any modkills for obvious reasons. I personally don't contribute much and might be considered inactive, but thats because of my inexperience. >: So I think that at least pressuring people to post more is a good idea. Flat out giving us his excuse that he’s not gonna contribute much and be inactive, ie ANTI town. An argument could be made for town neutrality but that would require content from him. This is not an original idea btw, he’s literally parroting about 3 other people at this point. On October 06 2010 06:45 kane]deth[ wrote:On October 06 2010 06:31 kingjames01 wrote:On October 06 2010 06:25 kane]deth[ wrote: Due to school, I can really only post around this time.
Just making a post to indicate my activeness, will edit or post again later with thoughts after reading the thread. Just saw this and wanted to make sure you DON'T EDIT your post. Just make a new post. Welcome to the game! =) And I've just made a huge mistake >: Guilty conscience? I imagine his mafia buddies yelled at him for that one On October 07 2010 10:26 kane]deth[ wrote: I have no idea what to do once again. The more I try to find suspicious people, the more I think everyone is suspicious. I suppose I'll just keep reading and see if anyone really jumps out at me ._. Time and time I have seen new mafia players try this card out. They are confused, they don’t know what to do, this prevents them from having to put forward any of their own ideas because they know they are quite likely to slip up in ways they haven’t even thought of yet. Newbie town players are quite often FEARLESS, they know they got nothing to hide and they get into this game because they are EXCITED to get those mafia! NOT SCARED, why would you be scared if you were town? Then he apologizes for not voting blah blah more guilty conscience fuel On October 08 2010 09:57 kane]deth[ wrote: So I am currently voting for Misder as the proof that others have posted on him seems more reasonable than the accusations against any other player currently. The plan on getting rid of BM seems reasonable as well, but most of the analysis today has been wasted on what to do with him instead of finding Reds. Xelin seemed quick to bandwagon with BM but besides that he doesn't seem to be very suspicious. He could've just been slow on realizing how ridiculous BM's plans and not just bandwagoning for a kill. See that bolded word there? Yeah that’s right, OTHERs so if it goes bad (which it did) then he can go WELL I DIDN’T WANNA DO IT, but you guys presented such good arguments I agreed! Not my fault! It’s deflection at the most basic level Get rid of bm blah everyone already said that. Jumping on xelin too, everyone else did that. I mean this stuff would be fine to do of his own accord, but he’s just repeating everything that’s already been said. This is KEY because he can’t be caught for spewing bullshit because none of it is his own On October 08 2010 09:59 kane]deth[ wrote: Also note that I have no idea how these players have played in previous games, so I can't make references like that, or if something is strange or off about someone's playstyle. More I don’t know bullshit, as in don’t expect me to do things, to be useful. Blah blah im sick of your excuses. On October 08 2010 10:21 kane]deth[ wrote: I suppose proof was a bad word to use there. The accusations that he made against the 'higher tier' players baselessly and his general aggression. Basically the post that Ghrur made. Currently he's just making trouble by trying to lynch players at seemingly random.
I'm also lost on one thing; is the only way to find a players posts is to find a post of the player and then click profile? I love seeing this tactic. He apologizes, then puts up some shit justification and THEN he adds a question to the end of his post, as questions always take up everything you’re thinking about because you immediately try to answer that question and almost seemingly forget what you just read lol, quality double fake of the old flame fanning. On October 09 2010 12:07 kane]deth[ wrote: I had voted for Double Lynch already, as we would be able to lynch BM. Yuh yuh guys I agree with you don’t get angry with me im doing wut u asked. DIE Also as a little tidbit rol almost replaced this dude, look at rols only post in that entire time On October 06 2010 16:00 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote: HAI GUYS
SO U NO IM IN THIS GAME NOW SO I WILL POST LATER AFTER I READ. Excuse for inactivity followed up by NOTHING. Sorry kane you’re not going to continue coasting by unnoticed. There’s nothing but wifom trying to draw away from if it was because of you on his list that pandain was killed or not, but one thing I do know, you’ve been doing fuck all for us and I have a pretty good idea why. You’re getting my vote, I will avenge you pandain! Firstly, my problems with your analysis I wouldn't really call kane]deth[ that experienced (wasn't the only other game he played he got modkilled?) Therefore we have to accept his excuses of being noobish as reality. And don't blame him for all his questions, my first two games I had lots of those in my posts And as you know, one of the posts was RoL, I'm not going to judge kane]deth[ off of RoL Next, I'm going to do some analysis of my own At the same time though, newcomers have giant "I'm Townie" lables on their posts, because of how they play. "I'm Townie" traits- - Does a lot, like over the weekends, they unleash huge torrents of spam/planning/accusations
- Relys on own analysis. Has sort of the "I don't trust anyone" appeal.
- (A continuation) They vote with good reasons, or abstain
kane]deth[ has been horrendously bad at doing any of this. His posts are all pretty cautious, he freerides off of other people's thoughts He actually initially voted for Misder, pushing the bandwagon On October 09 2010 12:19 kane]deth[ wrote: ##Vote Misder And then afterwards he switches to Xelin, even though he's pretty convinced on misder. This screams wishy-washy to me Kane]deth[ please roleclaimProblems with my analysis: It could just be bad play / he doesn't really care. I must say, you're entire analysis is bullshit; you're assuming that new players instantly take risks and because in the first few posts I have in mafia aren't decisive and inspired, that I am anti-town. I must say that there is truth though, I haven't contributed anything yet, but I promise I will by monday night. Of course you could say I'm delaying because I'm mafia but it IS thanksgiving over here and all. @LSB I'm role-claiming town, but even if I was mafia I would say that :V About my voting, I changed it because I was thinking XeliN in my mind but I typed Misder for some reason. Misder did seem to be angry and such but I thought that was just a good tactic to get others feeling pressured. Xelin seemed to be weak and uninspired, sort of like how you're accusing me to be. If I did have a choice to abstain, I would, but then I'd get modkilled, so I thought that instead of voting off a player I could simply double-lynch and collect my thoughts, but I didn't know that you still had a lynch. There is a big difference between "differing Play styles" and "genuine intent to help". I'm saying that new players if they are town actually try to post analysis, and actually try to help out. On the other hand, from you all I see are bandwagons.
Interesting analysis on Xelin, he's still alive. Would you like to accuse him now? And why didn't you post your reasoning yesterday? If you wanted to abstain that badly, why didn't you just vote for yourself, or someone else that doesn't have their head on the chopping block?
On October 11 2010 07:27 Bill Murray wrote: What's the case on kane]deth[? Why are you voting him DoctorH? If I've missed something that has happened, sorry, I haven't gotten a chance to read some of it yet DoctorH explains it quite well
On October 11 2010 06:12 DoctorHelvetica wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 04:52 kane]deth[ wrote:On October 10 2010 23:59 LSB wrote:On October 10 2010 13:24 Divinek wrote:NOOOOO PANDAIN, as much as I hate your fadoodles at least you play this game with heart! I will seek to avenge you my brother Now lets look at this motherfucker kane, I know there’s not much to look at lol On October 06 2010 06:25 kane]deth[ wrote: Due to school, I can really only post around this time.
Just making a post to indicate my activeness, will edit or post again later with thoughts after reading the thread.
Edit: So I'm not sure what content I must post to be not lynched so I suppose I'll just give my opinion on the RNGing lynching of inactives. I think it'll be a good idea as long as we're not lynching any modkills for obvious reasons. I personally don't contribute much and might be considered inactive, but thats because of my inexperience. >: So I think that at least pressuring people to post more is a good idea. Flat out giving us his excuse that he’s not gonna contribute much and be inactive, ie ANTI town. An argument could be made for town neutrality but that would require content from him. This is not an original idea btw, he’s literally parroting about 3 other people at this point. On October 06 2010 06:45 kane]deth[ wrote:On October 06 2010 06:31 kingjames01 wrote:On October 06 2010 06:25 kane]deth[ wrote: Due to school, I can really only post around this time.
Just making a post to indicate my activeness, will edit or post again later with thoughts after reading the thread. Just saw this and wanted to make sure you DON'T EDIT your post. Just make a new post. Welcome to the game! =) And I've just made a huge mistake >: Guilty conscience? I imagine his mafia buddies yelled at him for that one On October 07 2010 10:26 kane]deth[ wrote: I have no idea what to do once again. The more I try to find suspicious people, the more I think everyone is suspicious. I suppose I'll just keep reading and see if anyone really jumps out at me ._. Time and time I have seen new mafia players try this card out. They are confused, they don’t know what to do, this prevents them from having to put forward any of their own ideas because they know they are quite likely to slip up in ways they haven’t even thought of yet. Newbie town players are quite often FEARLESS, they know they got nothing to hide and they get into this game because they are EXCITED to get those mafia! NOT SCARED, why would you be scared if you were town? Then he apologizes for not voting blah blah more guilty conscience fuel On October 08 2010 09:57 kane]deth[ wrote: So I am currently voting for Misder as the proof that others have posted on him seems more reasonable than the accusations against any other player currently. The plan on getting rid of BM seems reasonable as well, but most of the analysis today has been wasted on what to do with him instead of finding Reds. Xelin seemed quick to bandwagon with BM but besides that he doesn't seem to be very suspicious. He could've just been slow on realizing how ridiculous BM's plans and not just bandwagoning for a kill. See that bolded word there? Yeah that’s right, OTHERs so if it goes bad (which it did) then he can go WELL I DIDN’T WANNA DO IT, but you guys presented such good arguments I agreed! Not my fault! It’s deflection at the most basic level Get rid of bm blah everyone already said that. Jumping on xelin too, everyone else did that. I mean this stuff would be fine to do of his own accord, but he’s just repeating everything that’s already been said. This is KEY because he can’t be caught for spewing bullshit because none of it is his own On October 08 2010 09:59 kane]deth[ wrote: Also note that I have no idea how these players have played in previous games, so I can't make references like that, or if something is strange or off about someone's playstyle. More I don’t know bullshit, as in don’t expect me to do things, to be useful. Blah blah im sick of your excuses. On October 08 2010 10:21 kane]deth[ wrote: I suppose proof was a bad word to use there. The accusations that he made against the 'higher tier' players baselessly and his general aggression. Basically the post that Ghrur made. Currently he's just making trouble by trying to lynch players at seemingly random.
I'm also lost on one thing; is the only way to find a players posts is to find a post of the player and then click profile? I love seeing this tactic. He apologizes, then puts up some shit justification and THEN he adds a question to the end of his post, as questions always take up everything you’re thinking about because you immediately try to answer that question and almost seemingly forget what you just read lol, quality double fake of the old flame fanning. On October 09 2010 12:07 kane]deth[ wrote: I had voted for Double Lynch already, as we would be able to lynch BM. Yuh yuh guys I agree with you don’t get angry with me im doing wut u asked. DIE Also as a little tidbit rol almost replaced this dude, look at rols only post in that entire time On October 06 2010 16:00 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote: HAI GUYS
SO U NO IM IN THIS GAME NOW SO I WILL POST LATER AFTER I READ. Excuse for inactivity followed up by NOTHING. Sorry kane you’re not going to continue coasting by unnoticed. There’s nothing but wifom trying to draw away from if it was because of you on his list that pandain was killed or not, but one thing I do know, you’ve been doing fuck all for us and I have a pretty good idea why. You’re getting my vote, I will avenge you pandain! Firstly, my problems with your analysis I wouldn't really call kane]deth[ that experienced (wasn't the only other game he played he got modkilled?) Therefore we have to accept his excuses of being noobish as reality. And don't blame him for all his questions, my first two games I had lots of those in my posts And as you know, one of the posts was RoL, I'm not going to judge kane]deth[ off of RoL Next, I'm going to do some analysis of my own At the same time though, newcomers have giant "I'm Townie" lables on their posts, because of how they play. "I'm Townie" traits- - Does a lot, like over the weekends, they unleash huge torrents of spam/planning/accusations
- Relys on own analysis. Has sort of the "I don't trust anyone" appeal.
- (A continuation) They vote with good reasons, or abstain
kane]deth[ has been horrendously bad at doing any of this. His posts are all pretty cautious, he freerides off of other people's thoughts He actually initially voted for Misder, pushing the bandwagon On October 09 2010 12:19 kane]deth[ wrote: ##Vote Misder And then afterwards he switches to Xelin, even though he's pretty convinced on misder. This screams wishy-washy to me Kane]deth[ please roleclaimProblems with my analysis: It could just be bad play / he doesn't really care. I must say, you're entire analysis is bullshit; you're assuming that new players instantly take risks and because in the first few posts I have in mafia aren't decisive and inspired, that I am anti-town. I must say that there is truth though, I haven't contributed anything yet, but I promise I will by monday night. Of course you could say I'm delaying because I'm mafia but it IS thanksgiving over here and all. @LSB I'm role-claiming town, but even if I was mafia I would say that :V About my voting, I changed it because I was thinking XeliN in my mind but I typed Misder for some reason. Misder did seem to be angry and such but I thought that was just a good tactic to get others feeling pressured. Xelin seemed to be weak and uninspired, sort of like how you're accusing me to be. If I did have a choice to abstain, I would, but then I'd get modkilled, so I thought that instead of voting off a player I could simply double-lynch and collect my thoughts, but I didn't know that you still had a lynch. it would be nice if you contributed something to this game besides a lame defense to all the pressure being put on you so now you're out until tomorrow night? when the day is over? lol kk
Bloodycobber, can you make a statement on what you feel about kane]deth[?
On October 11 2010 07:27 Bill Murray wrote: What's the case on kane]deth[? Why are you voting him DoctorH? If I've missed something that has happened, sorry, I haven't gotten a chance to read some of it yet doesn't post never contributes only posts when accused bad job of defending self constant excuses for inactivity when RoL took his role he also made excuses for inactivity already made an excuse to be active for our third (and probably our most important) day cycle
it was said earlier that it is very likely some mafia are hiding amongst inactives, kane]deth[s stand out to me as the most scummy and is worthy of my second vote, at least for now
Alright... I know I've been largely missing in action... and that should change over the next couple days... on a side note... happy thanksgiving peoples... gobble gobble
I see the points that people are bringing against him, but as a cautious player myself... I don't particularly see his play as being red.
On October 10 2010 23:59 Amber[LighT] wrote: Can someone explain to me why we voted for a double lynch? I could have sworn we were going to get this insane amount of information, yet from what it seems we're still running around with our heads cut off.
Like what the hell happened yesterday? The day seemed pretty cut and dry. Vote Xelin and then see if mafia touches BM. Was this plan not sound? Then someone suggested a double lynch. I wasn't keen on the idea of doing this, and I vocally said going for a double lynch so early was a terrible idea.
So now we didn't lynch Xelin, but instead went for someone who wasn't even being discussed until the last 12 hours of the day (since I checked frequently up until then). What seems to be the plan? Where does Xelin sit on the list? BM? Did we just forget about them.
For the second lynch, you guys can figure it out. You wanted 2, now start investigating. I'm going to just vote for Xelin again since the double lynch plan was more sound with Xelin dying yesterday and BM dying today.
I'm kinda in his boat right now... for the double lynch I mean. It doesn't seem like we have any solid suspects, although I don't share his "You guys shat in your bed, so now you gotta lie in it" mentality. So instead of whining, I'm gonna do some analysis...
I really disagree with caring about Opz claim... there's no reason to atm... he's been pretty vocal about everything, so if he's red then it will eventually be his downfall and hopefully lead to his comrades... I'm treating him as town, but with a close watch...
On October 10 2010 09:04 Pandain wrote: Mmmm in case I die I leave to you my last thoughts: 3. Bill Murray 5. SouthRawrea 6. Amber[LighT] 8. Divinek-albeit I do have suscpcions 10.SINiquity 11.XeliN 12.kane]deth[ 13.~OpZ~ 14.DoctorHelvetica 15.infinitestory 17.Happy.fairytail BloodyC0bbler 18.NukeTheBunnys 19.Crisis_ 20.drag_ 21.CynanMachae :p 22.meeple 23.kingjames01 24.ghrur
Pandain left us his list... not saying its right, and it very well might not be... but we know its genuine town-aligned and not there to lead us down some wrong track.
I'm not sure why he felt his life was in danger... but being a prominent player I'm sure had something to do with it...
Yraghhh... alright... I'll do an analysis on Crisis_ and why I think he's probably mafia but for now I need to play euchre and drink beer with my opa... I was planning on doing the analysis now... but hell I'm not gonna turn that down...