In about 8 hours two people are getting lynched. 17 people are still alive. I have a plan to secure liquiville from these mafia scumbags.
DarthThienAn or bumatlarge are almost certainly mafia (could be both or none, but far less likely. discussed at the end of this post)
If we lynch them both, we are in excellent shape to take our town back
There will be 15 people inhabiting our town after today, and only 3 of them will be mafia. With no mayor in play we will have 12 voting power vs 3, great shape as we will most likely have solid leads after analyzing their posting.
Compare that to 9 voting power vs 6 if DTA is mafia. It will be game over.
In the absolute worst case scenario(which I reaIly can't see happening at this point), we will be 9 vs 4. Still a slight fighting chance.
The point of all this: It is extremely dangerous if DTA is mafia, we lose ALOT more on him being alive as mafia then dead as townie
I am therefore casting my vote on DarthThienAn AND bumatlarge If you are truly rooting for liquiville, you should do the same
I agree we should definitely oust darth and not hugo, because is a fagtron. Thats hugo you spineless wench, you dont deserve the towns attention. Not that hes mafia or anything, how would I know
Darth has the most town information. If darth is a mafia then the mafia would have those info as well which is very bad for town.
Although darth being a mafia is probably gg for town at this point, I will take that bet of darth not being mafia. The reason is if darth dies as a pro town, it will suck almost as much since the town lost its most trusted leaders in consecutive days.
If onihunter and now bumatlarge are darth's sacrifices to achieve he play. That is a very risky plan. The 2 people I will vote are hugo and bumatlarge who we agreed to be our targets very early in the day and I wish to make it more certain that those two are lynched.
On June 14 2010 04:50 bumatlarge wrote: I agree we should definitely oust darth and not hugo, because is a fagtron. Thats hugo you spineless wench, you dont deserve the towns attention. Not that hes mafia or anything, how would I know
Should we be taking this as some sort of slip/indication? I was planning on voting bum and hugo anyway, and bum's outrageous behavior is only pushing me further in that direction.
Also, if darth is mafia and is willing to sacrifice 1 of his member everyday to achieve his plan, I have no problem with 1 free mafia per day.
Aha! Vile thunderstorm, you have returned. Leave my neighbor's grass alone this time, though.
But yeah, we're under the auspices of lightning. If the internet goes out like it did last time, I might not make deadline, so post will go up late since BC is out. Apologies in advance if this is the case.
Time to go chase a tornado!
On June 13 2010 12:51 Zyrre wrote:I am super inclined to lynch DTA at this stage. Here's why: 1. Two clues"...the sound of his killer's heavy breathing." Darth vader reference "he felt a weight push against him" Darth using the forceCan't see these clues linked to anybody else2. Forced to out onihunterHe is most likely in touch with a real DT. He can't be sure that player has not told anybody else about his findings, therefore he needs to out oni or he himself will be under investigation. This invalidates his reasoning against MTF's arguments + Show Spoiler +MTF, if I'm mafia and have been in contact with my first DT since day 2, why wouldn't I have killed him by now? If you're gonna say that he had a third townie to accuse me if he died, then that's easily solvable - mafia get 3 KP in the beginning, 2 last night. Just kill the DT and the confirmed townie, makes for a nice clean job and the town loses a DT. 3. Extremely unlikely timing21 hours after this day started(and any DT checks were delivered) bumatlarge posted some accusations against DTA. Within 3 minutes DTA claims that a DT told him that bumatlarge is mafia. Also changes his first statement that it was a cluecheck to it being a rolecheck after zeks asks what clue it was on (no obvious clue relates to bumatlarge) 4. Timing attackThey kill both bodyguards, a vigilante, and YI right as we have double-lynch activated. If we lynch two townies at this stage, after the mafias night-slaughter we will be at 9 townies AND mafia will have 6 voting power(one or two modkills are also likely, making it almost certainly a lost cause). 5. VotingTwo confirmed mafia voted him for mayor, and he was the swinging power to get MooCow. All this is just overwhelming, surely others must feel the same way? As for my second target, Misder seems like the best option. + Show Spoiler +Recent surge in activity, pointing fingers in all directions(DTA's proposed target, DCLXVI), and also quickly followed BBs suggestion that he investigate DTA. Odd conclusion, did have SOME hesitation in the middle of his ramble, but quickly discarded it. His last post indicates he blindly believes in DTA. Also followed the mafia votings. But more on that tomorrow, sleep time.
1. Like I've said before, clues are always supplementary to me. The heavy breathing could also be indicative of anyone big, ie. a Brown Bear. That was my first thought on that clue tbh (not necessarily BB, but someone big), although Darth Vader is a fair connection I guess. Hm. This is an interesting connection. But why wouldn't flamewheel just say "he felt a force push against him"? It reads casually enough, and would normally have the same meaning if you didn't think that it would be the Force. A weight != the Force imo. Maybe you think it would have been too obvious/too condemning? Hmm. Nah, look at the clues on 3 Lions (even if he got modkilled). Furthermore, if you're trying to stick to the Darth Vader theme, why would I not Force choke, rather than Force Push? This might not be the greatest defense; I'm not great with clues. Which is why I go with hard facts over clues any day.
2. uhh. Except I WAS sure about it. A DT has no reason to tell his role to anyone, except for who he trusts. On Day 2, my first DT claimed to me, along with a townie that he had rolechecked in our circle. I knew he wouldn't have told anyone else by then - how many people do you trust on day 2? - and if I were mafia, I would definitely take that chance. Kill a DT + confirmed townie early on, for the risk of the DT having told someone else? Sounds pretty good to me, tbh.
3. The fact that bumatlarge was online and posting at the same time as me is just coincidental. The fact that I got the cluecheck/rolecheck wrong is just carelessness. I read his PM, remembered "check" and assumed cluecheck because I had my two DTs mixed up (after two rolechecks, my first DT was forced to cluecheck). Ultimately, it's irrelevant, or you can look at it as a further indication that I am TOWN as being a mafia and mis-posting something that important to your plan is stupid.
4. The only way I would survive is if bumatlarge is miller/red. What I didn't realize is that since this game isn't majority lynch, both of the votes are settled at the end of the day, rather than having the first lynch go down immediately after "majority" is reached. But yea, a "timing attack" is a costly move, as (assuming bumat is green and I'm mafia) the next day, town lynches me instantly. Mafia down to a maximum of 3, assuming we don't get any today. But tbh, I'm not worried about this, since I know I'm not mafia, and bumatlarge has pretty much given up.
5. I had 17 votes, and Yellow had 9. BB might have had 1, and a couple random townies had 1 each. There's bound to be at least two mafia in my voting block, up to 4 imo, and 1-3 in Yellow's. You could also look at it this way: I may have had two mafia in my voting block, but I also had 7 confirmed (dead) townies in my block. Does that make me town? Having mafia vote for you doesn't make you mafia, especially when there were ultimately two candidates voted for. And the fact that the two dead mafia were in my block is also coincidental, and due to the fact that I had more than half the town vote for me.
On June 14 2010 06:30 DarthThienAn wrote:Show nested quote +On June 13 2010 12:51 Zyrre wrote:I am super inclined to lynch DTA at this stage. Here's why: 1. Two clues"...the sound of his killer's heavy breathing." Darth vader reference "he felt a weight push against him" Darth using the forceCan't see these clues linked to anybody else2. Forced to out onihunterHe is most likely in touch with a real DT. He can't be sure that player has not told anybody else about his findings, therefore he needs to out oni or he himself will be under investigation. This invalidates his reasoning against MTF's arguments + Show Spoiler +MTF, if I'm mafia and have been in contact with my first DT since day 2, why wouldn't I have killed him by now? If you're gonna say that he had a third townie to accuse me if he died, then that's easily solvable - mafia get 3 KP in the beginning, 2 last night. Just kill the DT and the confirmed townie, makes for a nice clean job and the town loses a DT. 3. Extremely unlikely timing21 hours after this day started(and any DT checks were delivered) bumatlarge posted some accusations against DTA. Within 3 minutes DTA claims that a DT told him that bumatlarge is mafia. Also changes his first statement that it was a cluecheck to it being a rolecheck after zeks asks what clue it was on (no obvious clue relates to bumatlarge) 4. Timing attackThey kill both bodyguards, a vigilante, and YI right as we have double-lynch activated. If we lynch two townies at this stage, after the mafias night-slaughter we will be at 9 townies AND mafia will have 6 voting power(one or two modkills are also likely, making it almost certainly a lost cause). 5. VotingTwo confirmed mafia voted him for mayor, and he was the swinging power to get MooCow. All this is just overwhelming, surely others must feel the same way? As for my second target, Misder seems like the best option. + Show Spoiler +Recent surge in activity, pointing fingers in all directions(DTA's proposed target, DCLXVI), and also quickly followed BBs suggestion that he investigate DTA. Odd conclusion, did have SOME hesitation in the middle of his ramble, but quickly discarded it. His last post indicates he blindly believes in DTA. Also followed the mafia votings. But more on that tomorrow, sleep time. 2. uhh. Except I WAS sure about it. A DT has no reason to tell his role to anyone, except for who he trusts. On Day 2, my first DT claimed to me, along with a townie that he had rolechecked in our circle. I knew he wouldn't have told anyone else by then - how many people do you trust on day 2? - and if I were mafia, I would definitely take that chance. Kill a DT + confirmed townie early on, for the risk of the DT having told someone else? Sounds pretty good to me, tbh.
Yep, and we've gone ahead and decided to announce to everyone that I am indeed that first DT. I've checked a townie, who we aren't announcing yet, and oni who we successfully lynched the next night. As of right now we have a medic situation set up to protect us, but it's time for a proper town circle to get going.
On June 14 2010 05:59 LunarDestiny wrote: Also, if darth is mafia and is willing to sacrifice 1 of his member everyday to achieve his plan, I have no problem with 1 free mafia per day.
oya, and I gave you guys a bonus one through modkill yesterday too, when I could have just had him lynched and saved onihunter for another day and left mafia with 3 KP.
Thoughts on my votes for the second lynch? 3 votes is a lot today since everyone is so scattered... I might go with hugoboss21 just cuz everyone else is, but he's like, Deucegladlier 2.0 or something lol.
I'll go with the town majority and vote Hugo for my 2nd.
I was really skeptical of DTA yesterday with all the clues suggesting it was him (force push, force lightning, heavy breathing, that inexplicable leg explosion thingy on YI) but I know better than to lynch on clues alone. DTA has done enough to warrant my trust - as have MTF/crate suggested also.
Nothing really to add. I was more skepetical of DTA when bum RCed Miller and weirdly oni didn't. But seeing the way bum is acting right now I don't regret voting for him even if he does end up miller.
Force lightning? Where/when? o.o How is the "leg explosion" thing related to me? And it's not like his legs exploded... "he felt a sudden explosion of pain in his legs" it's an explosion of pain.. -__-.
+ Show Spoiler +oya, and I gave you guys a bonus one through modkill yesterday too, when I could have just had him lynched and saved onihunter for another day and left mafia with 3 KP.
Not sure if you are doing this intentionally, but MTF already said why you could not do this and I quoted him.
Anyway, I was only pushing it this hard since DTA being mafia would be the only way we could lose this. But since I wasn't getting any reaction, I'll stop. Maybe I'm just overestimating the mafia.
On June 14 2010 07:13 Zyrre wrote:+ Show Spoiler +oya, and I gave you guys a bonus one through modkill yesterday too, when I could have just had him lynched and saved onihunter for another day and left mafia with 3 KP. Not sure if you are doing this intentionally, but MTF already said why you could not do this and I quoted him. Anyway, I was only pushing it this hard since DTA being mafia would be the only way we could lose this. But since I wasn't getting any reaction, I'll stop. Maybe I'm just overestimating the mafia.
Hey man, dont self depreciate yourself like that, you did the best you could
On June 14 2010 04:52 flamewheel wrote: bumatlarge, language.
I apologize almighty one!
On June 14 2010 07:13 Zyrre wrote:+ Show Spoiler +oya, and I gave you guys a bonus one through modkill yesterday too, when I could have just had him lynched and saved onihunter for another day and left mafia with 3 KP. Not sure if you are doing this intentionally, but MTF already said why you could not do this and I quoted him. Anyway, I was only pushing it this hard since DTA being mafia would be the only way we could lose this. But since I wasn't getting any reaction, I'll stop. Maybe I'm just overestimating the mafia.
it was a joke t.t. Don't got to be all technical about it.
On June 14 2010 06:52 zeks wrote: I'll go with the town majority and vote Hugo for my 2nd.
I was really skeptical of DTA yesterday with all the clues suggesting it was him (force push, force lightning, heavy breathing, that inexplicable leg explosion thingy on YI) but I know better than to lynch on clues alone. DTA has done enough to warrant my trust - as have MTF/crate suggested also.
Nothing really to add. I was more skepetical of DTA when bum RCed Miller and weirdly oni didn't. But seeing the way bum is acting right now I don't regret voting for him even if he does end up miller.
Well thats not cool, you should never regret anything! Trust your instincts!
On June 14 2010 08:15 DarthThienAn wrote:Show nested quote +On June 14 2010 07:13 Zyrre wrote:+ Show Spoiler +oya, and I gave you guys a bonus one through modkill yesterday too, when I could have just had him lynched and saved onihunter for another day and left mafia with 3 KP. Not sure if you are doing this intentionally, but MTF already said why you could not do this and I quoted him. Anyway, I was only pushing it this hard since DTA being mafia would be the only way we could lose this. But since I wasn't getting any reaction, I'll stop. Maybe I'm just overestimating the mafia. it was a joke t.t. Don't got to be all technical about it.
Oh look posting at the same time as me. Lynch him ASAP.
bumatlarge, looks like you are going to be lynch.
If you are truly pro town, can you role claim to the town?
I am trusting DTA, for the rest of today, at least. I will not hesitate to call for his lynch if bumatlarge does not flip red.
Also, we might want to consider going for another double lynch tomorrow...
Definitely double lynch as soon as possible since the town since hold the upper hand. As time progress, the town, mafia might have a bigger influence on the voting.