[NA LCS] S4 Spring Week 6 - Page 38
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United States37500 Posts
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721 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
On February 23 2014 09:48 meowmasta85 wrote: lookign at this collegiate team from UCI, I swear they would be able to beat XDG at their current state... BearFish is the ADC XDG needs, obv doesn't deserve | ||
The land of freedom23126 Posts
On February 23 2014 09:45 AlterKot wrote: Heh, different opinions about NA toplaners I see. I'd actually say the best are Benny, Dyrus and Quas. Balls is head above everyone. Like seriously. Even if he is outshined by Meteos and absolute synergy of Cloud 9, you just can't ignore that Balls NEVER loses in 1v1 situations. Last time i saw him losing, it was when he went 0-5 on Elise in laning phase against Cris on Rumble. Still wrecked later. Dyrus is really consistent this split, with his huge fanbase i really expect him to go for Allstars if TL isn't going to unite with reddit and cheer for Balls like forever. Nien is such trick pony that you never know what to expect from him. He has amazing mechanics to succeed but with new CLG playstyle he's roaming a lot and always losing in farm to Renekton's opponents. Even though, he's bad in 1v2 situations and tower change really made him stronger because dexter now can be sure that everyone won't towerdive Nientonsoh like forever with 3 people. InnoX is really interesting for me because he reminds me of sOAZ. He is playing everything, he doesn't like tanks and he almost never loses in farm at least with each pick. Sometimes it doesn't work sometimes it works but you need to give credit to him. It's one of biggest uprising stars in NA right now. Benny was almost untouchable last split, now he lost a bit of ground but he always preferred tanks to anyone, so he's just stable top-tier NA toplane, nothing flashy. He's like...kev1n in NA but kev1n has Creaton to lean on and SychoSid has only half of mancloud. ZionSpartan is just flashy. You see his plays with Riven, Jax or Yasuo and you're hyping him instantly with all heart. But he can't match consistence of Dyrus or Balls or some other guys. So, it's like total hit or miss especially in 2-threat team like Team Coast. Quas is mechanical beast. But Curse are playing as mid-challenger now, so he struggles a lot because i feel like they're forcing him to do things which he doesn't really want. I really hope he will succeed later or find success in other team. And Cruzerthebruzer. Dignitas say that he's their shotcaller. But he's losing his ground a bit too much. He has games where he really shines, but in big bunch of them he really doesn't do anything. Like Mimer does in EU. | ||
United States6894 Posts
On February 23 2014 09:50 NeoIllusions wrote: BearFish is the ADC XDG needs, obv doesn't deserve Is BearFish the same FlappyBearFish from the challenger scene earlier this year? | ||
United States37500 Posts
Edit: yes, it's FlappyBearFish. idk if he changed his name in homage to DkBnet, another really good ADC solo q player/fun police | ||
Poland7525 Posts
On February 23 2014 09:52 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: Even if he is outshined by Meteos and absolute synergy of Cloud 9, you just can't ignore that Balls NEVER loses in 1v1 situations. Gambit vs C9. FNC vs C9 (worlds). | ||
Vietnam3530 Posts
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Australia948 Posts
On February 23 2014 10:03 iKill[ShocK] wrote: link forcing 2 potential bans (leblank, luluuu) is great for CLG, most improved player in this split so far. I don't know about most improved lol. He's always been a beast laner, and he was playing jungle for 3 (?) weeks of the current split. Edit: It's more so that CLG used to place Doublelift on such high carry responsibility such that Link's 2nd position carry was so far behind in farm and/or focus, that we never saw enough of Link solo carrying games. Link would control the tempo of the game as much as he could with a sub-par jungler and CLG would hope that Doublelift would have the farm to carry from there. This season, CLG is playing far more mid-game and objective-centric that Link can really shine and control the game with Dexter. | ||
The land of freedom23126 Posts
Even if he lost lane he did singlehandedly won game 2 for C9. And in game 3 everything fell apart for them since start + he played Vladimir against Zac, won lane but was useless as well as every one :D I don't remember first game except thing that sOAZ did play Lissandra but losing to sOAZ isn't bad. And he played Rumble against Darien's Shyvana, that's not best matchup for him. And let's be completely honest, C9 almost never have someone with outstanding score or performance when they're losing. I'm not defending Balls though just facts. On February 23 2014 10:20 1ntrigue wrote: I don't know about most improved lol. He's always been a beast laner, and he was playing jungle for 3 (?) weeks of the current split. It's just like people never hyped him as Liftlift or Nien so he never was target for other team to shut down. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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France45622 Posts
... 'k now I'm on TSM vs Coast, wtf is that start, TOO. ._. And the second drake fight was such trash wtf, Xpecial didn't even use his stun, rushing in melee range of NintendudeX to get ulted instead. Wtf. That was so bad, especially after the first fight. Bjergsen's positioning in the second drake fight and the push for inner mid was horrendous too (killed himself the first time, killed Xpecial the second one). Geez, looks like a shitty day for me, getting expectations and teams I root for play so bad. 'k shit as hel nashor call. Ffs TSM. Just switching to the next game, this is way too shit to keep watching. | ||
United States19143 Posts
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United States12612 Posts
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Canada2869 Posts
On February 23 2014 10:29 Alaric wrote: Started watching Dig vs EG. 8 minutes in I already want to switch to the next game. Cruzer's such a dead weight in a good half of the games, and even in the others he's invisible at best... ... 'k now I'm on TSM vs Coast, wtf is that start, TOO. ._. all the games are pretty bad today, ending of the TSM game is entertaining for being a derpfest by everybody | ||
United States2548 Posts
On February 23 2014 10:38 Louuster wrote: all the games are pretty bad today, ending of the TSM game is entertaining for being a derpfest by everybody NA LCS is best LCS; see Hai interview from today. | ||
The land of freedom23126 Posts
IF FROGGEN COULD PULL IT ONCE YESTERDAY LOL. On February 23 2014 10:37 Yorkie wrote: IMO the all star team should be Balls, Meteos, Bjergsen, Doublelift, and Xpecial (from what I've seen so far). They seem to kinda be the obvious choices They have no alternatives basically. Dyrus will contest Balls and Lemon probably can contest Xpecial, that's all. I hope at least WT's fanboys won't get him to Allstars ahead of Liftlift, that's all. | ||
Chile4253 Posts
On February 23 2014 10:41 oo_Wonderful_oo wrote: Yasuo just did carry the game with this dash-knockup-ult lol. IF FROGGEN COULD PULL IT ONCE YESTERDAY LOL. They have no alternatives basically. Dyrus will contest Balls and Lemon probably can contest Xpecial, that's all. I hope at least WT's fanboys won't get him to Allstars ahead of Liftlift, that's all. I'd rather have Balls on NA's all-star team mostly because he'll probably bring out a Rumble out of left field and just roll over everyone one game, and then draw out bans. Balls' Rumble is the most consistently dominating top lane NA, and unlike Zion's Jax, Balls is also really solid on all the standard top laners as well. So yeah, I agree with Yorkie's list. | ||
Cayman Islands24199 Posts
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Austria1544 Posts
Frankly as much as I like the idea of "trans continental showmatches" All-star formations only work if all players within a team speak the same language. I'd much rather they fly the top 2 teams from spring split somewhere and make them play a short tournament, that could actually mean something or be a pleasure to watch. | ||
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