Lots of European players play on the NA servers.
Kog is not better than cait... it's take soo much to support a kog through.. and not meaning that he just needs a support jungle would have to help bot way too much and that'd mean top and mid for enemy team would have soo much of a field day.
@joe miller.....gimme ur shirt NAO!
On October 04 2011 16:20 l3ird wrote: Kog is not better than cait... it's take soo much to support a kog through.. and not meaning that he just needs a support jungle would have to help bot way too much and that'd mean top and mid for enemy team would have soo much of a field day.
Nah, Kog can win lane against Caitlyn. Cait is really fucking strong now and if you want to win lane against her you need to run either Urgot or Kog. Anything else and the best you can do is just try to go even and farm all day. Or break meta and run a crazy bot lane.
Kog is perfectly fine against Caitlyn bottom though. I just don't think Chauster has as much practice on Kog to feel good about playing him in tournies.
Joe you need to use nidalee to taunt hotshot.
Wow all kinds of shenanigans early from CLG, taking red and wraiths, level 1 roamstun from taric, standard level 2 gank from lee sin.
They never keep the score screen up long enough for me to parse all the farm, level and items
Vancouver14381 Posts
Huh, CLG giving a lot of focus on bot lane but doesn't accomplish too much while letting Wickd take top tower for free.
On October 04 2011 16:21 d(O.o)a wrote: Joe you need to use nidalee to taunt hotshot.
That would have been the best joke this whole weekend :-p
SK playing really well. Combined with CLG playing really dumb.
Ashe pick isn't working out. :/ CLG needs to get to late game quick. But at this rate, it won't matter since Wickd's Irelia is so strong.
so who here was talking about how flawless clg is?
On October 04 2011 16:42 1oo wrote: so who here was talking about how flawless clg is?
They got outpicked. They don't have enough damage.
On October 04 2011 16:42 1oo wrote: so who here was talking about how flawless clg is? I actually didn't see anybody say that, and this is one game...
Did Saintvicious just safeguard a Zilean ulted Cho? ....I actually facepalmed in real life.
SK outplaying CLG really hard.
Vancouver14381 Posts
Haha. jiji tries to block Caitlyn ult but underestimates the damage and dies himself...
idk why saint continues to pick lee sin...he just cant play it right.
"CLG are ponies"
Great ward coverage and tanking winning the game for SK. No ward sweeping at all.