[Champion] Skarner - Page 9
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United States17713 Posts
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France1905 Posts
wolf -> blue -> wraith -> wolf -> red -> wraith -> golem --> gank or recall trying to go real fast to level 6 But as oddone was saying on his channel in the mid late game the neutral monsters gains a LOT of health so if you want to not fall behind in the farming area you need some damage items, and i still think that lantern is mandatory especially if ure not building a sheen | ||
3534 Posts
7x ArP Red 2x AD Red 9x Armor Yellow 9x AS Blues 1x AS Quint 2x MS Quint 0/21/9 Regrowth+Pot->Boots->Philo->HoG->Sheen->Mercs->Shurelyas->Randuins->Triforce Occasionally, I throw in a Wit's End or a Rageblade after my Shurelyas, but that's pretty much how I roll. The jungling route would be wolves->blue->wraiths->wolves->red->golems->gank. With this setup, I sadly almost never see me leaving my jungle early but rather farm it as much as possible. I usually hit my GP10s at around 7-8 minutes, which is pretty decent. Once I hit 6 I try to gank everytime my ult is off of CD. In teamfights, I will either shurelyaflashult one of their squishies or try to peel their bruisers off of my carries. Any optimizations? | ||
Mexico200 Posts
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United States693 Posts
attack speed giving you cooldowns is broken | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Personally I find it hard to not get a wits end in almost all situations. Something like wriggles-->Mercs-->Wits end --> Situational. Situational is usually -Frozen heart: Really good on skarner, scales with your passive and wits end, gives armour when you have mercs and wits for MR -Rageblade: Super good for DPS and sustaining long fights -Force of nature: The natural next magic resist item pretty good when poke is very high. Warmogs/atmas I've seen used, but don't fit with the spirit of skarner, with low CD W//E and wriggles with your passive you have great sustain to go along with your high DPS. Trinity is good for really late or if you decide your role is to go kill squishies, but I find if you're in the tank role generally you just want to get REALLY tanky because if skarner gets focused he's not that tanky and he loses his MS boost and if he's not hitting he gets no reduced cds as well so he's easier to focus than udyr, since udyrs shield cd and bear work fine when you're not hitting a target and taking damage. I was using my udyr runes and I found the damage lacking and I was running oom. I switched to 10% AS, 5 arpen reds, AD quints, armour yellows and mr/lvl blues and I felt like I was much more effective and had more options in the jungle just from the faster clear//less mana spent. Still running 9/21/0, feel like its still better than 21 offensive on skarner. Not totally sure though. I wouldn't look into the hybrid pen too much. On jungle skarner clearing speed is far more important than a small % damage boost later on. As such I'd prefer a decent mix of arpen/ad/as whichever is optimal for your DPS. My page is just standard generic AD jungle page which I kinda stole from smash. | ||
United States11378 Posts
Frozen Heart is my armor item of choice, but I like Banshee's Veil more than FoN tbh. There comes a point where stacking resistances isn't as good as just building health, so Warmog's can be good on Skarner. I use 0/21/9, jungle Skarner and I usually find myself playing straight up as my team's tank. Also for runes I use: 9 ArPen reds 9 flat Armor yellows 9 flat Magic Resist blues 3 MSpd quints I tried using 9 attack speed reds instead, and I got the same clear time as the armor pen, so I guess it's up to you which one to use really. | ||
Canada10567 Posts
I think even lategame, the only damage item skarner needs is trinity, every other item should go towards tankiness of some sort. His base values with trinity are high enough to always be a threat to carries, and still deal good damage to everybody else. wriggles+Gp5+boots>mercs>sheen>shurelya's>situational survivability with trinity finishing up fairly late is usually my rough outline. I like getting a fairly early shurelya's because with w+shurelya's, even a small positional mistake can be punished, and skarner's ult is pretty awesome for snatching some cowardly individual from under tower. 0/21/9 taking all the movespeed stuff. I take ghost+smite because ghost allows skarner to pull off lighning speed ganks, and regardless of warding punish people who push past middle of river. Some recommendations for runes would be appreciated though, currently still in the process of buying runes to optimize jungle. | ||
United States1471 Posts
so i started going meki pendent -> b when u have 1000 for tear and boots -> sheen -> manamune -> wits end -> tank items. ive been much more successful with these items. you are a mid game beast as soon as you get manamune, and then wits end puts it over the top. any thoughts on manamune on skarner or did i miss that phase? edit: jungle skarner btw | ||
United States17233 Posts
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9871 Posts
On December 23 2011 05:31 Vaporized wrote: i just picked skarner up the other day and have played 10-15 games with him. i tried the item builds on solomid and both wriggles and rushing triforce didnt seem very successful to me. he also didnt feel very tanky to me even when i build pure tank (no damage reduction besides the weak shield) so i started going meki pendent -> b when u have 1000 for tear and boots -> sheen -> manamune -> wits end -> tank items. ive been much more successful with these items. you are a mid game beast as soon as you get manamune, and then wits end puts it over the top. any thoughts on manamune on skarner or did i miss that phase? edit: jungle skarner btw There is zero chance you need mana that badly, worst case scenario you go philo or chalice and that solves your mana problems ten times as efficiently. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On December 23 2011 07:21 Craton wrote: I don't usually get Wriggles on Skarner. He has pretty good sustain just from sigils/e/w and it doesn't help his damage/tankiness much for its cost. I just like it because it basically guarantees you're coming out of the jungle for a gank with full health. You don't need full health, but it generally helps. | ||
United States1471 Posts
On December 23 2011 07:50 UniversalSnip wrote: There is zero chance you need mana that badly, worst case scenario you go philo or chalice and that solves your mana problems ten times as efficiently. i just went 11-4-30 in a 60 minute game. i sold the wits end for a starks, got banshees veil, frozen heart, and triforce late game to go with manamune and boots and i remained a force all the way to the end. the manamune benefits from the mana on banshee and frozen heart too. we were losing til i got manamune, the game ended like 48-25 kills for each team. felt like a solid build to me. | ||
9871 Posts
On December 23 2011 08:00 Vaporized wrote: i just went 11-4-30 in a 60 minute game. i sold the wits end for a starks, got banshees veil, frozen heart, and triforce late game to go with manamune and boots and i remained a force all the way to the end. the manamune benefits from the mana on banshee and frozen heart too. we were losing til i got manamune, the game ended like 48-25 kills for each team. felt like a solid build to me. your argument is that you scaled well with skarner? lol | ||
United States1471 Posts
you can farm up the tear so fast manamune provides a ton of ad + what might as well be unlimited mana. add the wits end and you are beastmode suddenly 20-25 minutes into the game. | ||
United States6533 Posts
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United States399 Posts
On December 23 2011 08:12 Vaporized wrote: what would be better then? anything, really the point people are trying to make here is who cares how fast you farm up tear? you're still building tear. that's 980 gold spent entirely on mana, mana that you won't even make use of past like 200 extra. you then put *more* gold into turning that into attack damage, the offensive stat that skarner scales least from that he still uses the offensive stats skarner wants in order are: CDR Attack speed AP AD lifesteal crit spellvamp so building an AD-centric item as your first item is silly (unless it's just a base item, like a longsword for wriggles or pickaxe for guinsoo's). the reason that you're doing so well with skarner, even using shitty builds, is that skarner is simply stronger than most other champs atm. OP? maybe not, but stronger than most other champs and all other junglers sans udyr? definitely. i've built madred's bloodrazer as a first item on skarner and gone 5-0 in a 1600 ranked game. it's not because BR is OP on skarner, but because skarner is just beastmode. likewise i've built pure tank items and been my team's first or second offensive threat. you can build anything on skarner and succeed. if you've found success using your manamune build, then by all means go for it. but just know that you'll reach a point eventually where the fact that you're building manamune will start to hurt you, and then come back to this thread and look at any of the better builds given and copy them | ||
United States4054 Posts
Assuming no wriggle build, you open regrowth and build philo your first trip back. Both items completely solve mana issues, but with philo you have better sustain, passive gp5, and builds into the best initiate item in the game (which also gives CDR, one of your best offensive stats). You should always get Shurelia, especially in solo queue, since it's hard to be in sync with your support. Shurelia+FH also puts you at CDR cap. | ||
United States47024 Posts
Manamune on Skarner is the same as Manamune on Ezreal--sure you get charges fast, but you do nothing with that mana. Unless having 1k mana translates into a real gain in damage (like on Corki who can spam out 700 mana worth of spells in under 10 seconds), you're better off buying straight damage items. | ||
United States5348 Posts
On December 23 2011 08:12 Vaporized wrote: what would be better then? you can farm up the tear so fast manamune provides a ton of ad + what might as well be unlimited mana. add the wits end and you are beastmode suddenly 20-25 minutes into the game. dont overestimate how much AD mana provides. It's a lot less than you feel like it is, i used to feel the same way about it you do until i sat down and really thought about the math, so if you're getting manamune for AD, it's not worth it. | ||
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