[Champion] Skarner - Page 10
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Ireland23335 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
On December 23 2011 08:12 Vaporized wrote: what would be better then? you can farm up the tear so fast manamune provides a ton of ad + what might as well be unlimited mana. add the wits end and you are beastmode suddenly 20-25 minutes into the game. I'd rather just get an early sheen and glacial shroud after my gp5's&boots. Just those 2 items solve pretty much all mana problems, I rarely if ever have to b because of mana after getting that. Sheen's proc is pretty much up every 2-3 auto's, and glacial gives much needed cdr. Glacial also let's you dive towers with relative safety. I don't know the numbers, but I'd imagine that both sheen and glacial are more cost effective than manamune dps-wise. I build tanky skarner with the only dps item being a late trinity and sometimes wit's end though, so suit yourself. | ||
United States1945 Posts
edit: went back and read the whole thread, had no idea people built rageblade on skarner, first game with it seemed to hit a nice damage power level much, much earlier than triforce and with the gold for defense left over not seeing any real faults in it | ||
Mexico200 Posts
Philo -> Boots -> HoG -> mercs or tabi ->rushing to trinity (starting with sheen) -> shurelia's reveire -> raduins -> force of nature and finally warmogs or another health item Have never had mana problems. If I have a good tank on the team the best is changing nature and warmogs for rageblade and wit's end | ||
3534 Posts
Double AP: Philo > Boots > HoG > Wit's End > Mercs > Shurelya's > FoN > Triforce. Maybe throw in a Sheen after your Negatron. Bruiser top: Philo > Boots > HoG > Sheen > Tabi > Shurelya's > FH > Triforce / Randuins. Might do some adjustments here and there, but so far, that's what I like. Still struggling with runes, though :/ I'm currently running 7 ArP, 2 AS Reds, Armor Yellow, MR/lvl blue, 2 AS Quint, 1 ArP quint. Still wondering if the ArP is actually worth it or I'd be better off using MS Quints and 9 AS reds. Edit: anyone else feeling like Rageblade is EXTREMELY good on him in longer midgame fights, but you just don't have the time to build it? | ||
New Zealand4445 Posts
On December 31 2011 01:53 Shiv. wrote: Edit: anyone else feeling like Rageblade is EXTREMELY good on him in longer midgame fights, but you just don't have the time to build it? I still swear by Rageblade as my only offensive item on Skarner. I find TriForce too expensive coming out of the jungle, and I feel GRB has the edge over Wit's End due to Skarner's vulnerability to poke - I prefer grabbing an early Negatron if needed. I've also gravitated towards getting Kindlegem over HoG for CDr & an earlier Reverie (aside from the ganking advantages a quick Reverie provides during the laning phase, the mp5 jumps from 8 to15, useful when you donate your blues). Skarner does enough damage with just his kit that I find my post Philo/boots options depend on your team/your opponents - my last two or three ranked games w/him have gone something like Philo > Boots > (Mercs / Rageblade / Kindlegem / Glacial Shroud / Negatron) > Reverie > Frozen Heart Edit: Rune-wise, I've swapped from (IIRC) 3xArPen quints, 1xArPen red, 8xAS reds, armor yellows and AS blues to MS quints, ArPen reds, armor yellows and MR/lvl blues. | ||
United States20 Posts
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United States399 Posts
On December 31 2011 07:10 novalight wrote: problem with rageblade is that it's baaaaaaaaaaaad until you complete it i disagree. 1260 might be better spent on a sheen than 860 is on a blasting wand, but the blasting wand isn't BAD. you're still getting extra damage on either spells or autos from the components, and as soon as you complete it, the AS is fking awesome. | ||
United States17233 Posts
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United States399 Posts
it's double the cost of rageblade wit's is a fair comparison but i think skarner can (a)max the stacks easily enough on rageblade and (b)make use of fully stacked rageblade over the MR from wit's better | ||
United States1945 Posts
i guess it's a testament to the strength of skarner though that you can open wriggles, wit's end, rageblade, or sheen and do great with any of them. | ||
147 Posts
i was jungling today i went top, killed top, went right to mid, killed mid, then went right to bottom and killed bottom!! it was freaking amazing, this was pretty early, I believe i was around level 4 at the time. We were losing before that point ![]() Then i just ganked top and mid and usually we got a kill off of them or sent them recalling. Successfully denied them exp the whole time and we just steamrolled. skarner is just so strong with his slows and ult it makes him great. Get a kill or 2 early, and it is even more hectic. | ||
United States12704 Posts
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France777 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
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3534 Posts
I mean, yeah, when their teamcomp is double AP, Wit's is a no-brainer, but I'm really not sure what to get when they have a bruiser top. The reason I'm not getting both is because I feel like I sacrifice too much survivability. I usually Shurelya-Flash-Ult fools and need to survive their teams initial burst for doing so. Also, what do you guys think about Aegis on him? Personally, I don't like it all that much because I'd rather have a Shurelya's and a Glacial. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States1471 Posts
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United States222 Posts
I usually get really big just by farming my jungle and having two Gp5's. I don't gank until lvl 6 unless they are very overextended/stupid. I do get early kills sometimes when I catch people in their jungle. Skarner is a great counterjungler cause of how fast he can clear camps and his ability to shield and speed boost away if he gets caught. In teamfights I just run at their carry and ult him then do my permaslow. He will need to flash or use a blink ability to stay out of your ult range, so he will either die or burn a spell just to leave the fight. Only carry I have a problem getting is Ashe cause of her supreme kiting skills. IMO he competes with Rammus for being the best jungler right now. I haven't tried him solotop but I hear he wins most toplane matchups easily if you already have a jungler on your team. | ||
3534 Posts
On January 07 2012 09:00 Vaporized wrote: i just got counterjungled hard by a WW how. | ||
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