On November 08 2011 02:09 Sabin010 wrote: Wiggles, hex drinker, brutalizer, tabi, wits end, and aegis jax is pretty good at low level, but eventually people build frozen heart and you must sell something for last whisper.
Jax should really really be opting for VOID STAFF late instead of LW when the enemy team starts to stack MR... unless you are so incredibly fed and rich that you buy both LW and VS but if you have that kinda $$ you already won
Reason behind this is that although Jax is a hybrid champion, a very large portion of his damage is magic: Q is a HUGE AP nuke late game, especially when combined with W..... E is AOE stun AP nuke, and the R procs scale off AP and deal magic damage. Your AD damage is really just your autoattacks, which if you really think about it, sure you get godly AS to go with your high AD for devastating autos, but what REALLY makes you scary late game are the giant nuke openings + lots of R proc from your AS, Void Staff just makes more sense. In fact you can think of him as more of a magic damage dealer with magic spells that scale off AD and AP instead of just AP.
And yes people build FH against Jax for the AS debuff, not the armor, thats why I just straight up wreck dumb enemy teams that try to build Thornmails against me when I get fed... Sure it's not bad but I dont frown upon it nearly as much as when i see FH but the 30% bounce back... late game I have MR and have so much lifesteal and vamp that it doesnt really bother me that much
Forget gunblade imo ninja - ryleis wringles - rageblade - then depends ( maybe atmogs ) gun blade isnt worth it anymore and since jax dmg , in lategame , comes from auto attacks mostly wringles will give ridiculous hp back let alone the added armor .
spellvamp is really good on Jax though, keep in mind that his auto attacks also deal a lot of spell damage due to W and R. In fact for lane sustain I love going Wriggles --> Revolver...... now you can argue for WOTA Rylai instead of gunblade or whatever but I personally love the 700 range 300 extra damage nuke with a slow
When playing Jax, I find it good to use your "Who wants a piece of the Champ" taunt (I have it binded to shift+2) inbetween last hits to get enemies to come at you so you can wq them. This psychological warfare wins games, as the 3rd or fourth time you do it they may start raging at you in chat, and if they're qq'ing about Jax they're not playing their best game. This can set you up for a superior mid game.
On November 11 2011 01:00 Sabin010 wrote: When playing Jax, I find it good to use your "Who wants a piece of the Champ" taunt (I have it binded to shift+2) inbetween last hits to get enemies to come at you so you can wq them. This psychological warfare wins games, as the 3rd or fourth time you do it they may start raging at you in chat, and if they're qq'ing about Jax they're not playing their best game. This can set you up for a superior mid game.
So, new Jax. What do you guys think? He does an insane amount of damage when fed/itemized, but can we actually get there? I've only laned him a couple of times, but didn't do so well unless I was left alone. Maybe he's better in the jungle now, but he seems kinda slow. Might be used to AoE junglers too much though. He might be a better/faster "carry" jungler than GP etc.
What about builds? Because all his abilities scale with AP (and only auto's and Q scales with AD) I am tempted to go the Rumble build: Wota/Rylais, then follow it up with Atma's. Does decent damage and you need the tankyness without the old passive. Wota is a lot cheaper than gunblade and helps your mid. You give up a lot of autoattack damage though (in comparison to gunblade or wriggles), meaning you will need to burst in and run out to trade, instead of trying to force auto attack trades.
Without the old passive, he can't really build pure offensive and stay tankish, so my intuition is that he's more similar to Irelia now (so Jax could also build something like Wit's end and probably Triforce and then tank items). The difference is that Jax seems to scale quite good with AP.. so I'm not so sure it. However, these items' AS buff and procs are quite nice as it synergises with his stacks passive and ultis proc, making him more like a tanky guy relying on procs.
Wota/rylais seems like a nice option for the spellvamp + ap + hp. This would make him more like burst+tankish champ.
Have you thought about the newly buffed Nashor's? It might still be expensive but the AS buff can give him better sustain dmg. Something like revolver + nashors (and maybe rylais too) and finish with tank items.
I'd say, by priority : AP AsPd AD Resists Vamp Health Mana
So, what would an optimal 6 items build be ? I think RoA/Rylai are very strong contenders for AP/Health. Wits has very strong synergy with his kit, and offers resist. Rageblade is a very powerful offensive item. For vamp, I hesitate between WotA and Gunblade. WotA is wonderful and gunblade is very expensive. Triforce obviously seems a must buy...
So much items @_@
EDIT : After a few tries, here is the build I like atm : Boots/Wriggles opening Revolver Wits Giants belt Atma Frozen mallet Finish WotA Sell Wriggles for Triforce very late.
The other one I'm having kinda success with is : Boots Revolver (into WotA later) - RoA (order depends) Wits Atma Triforce
Works quite well ! I find lifesteal not that important when I play him, compared to spellvamp. And his AP ratios are just monstruous with a little bit of Aspd.
On January 19 2012 01:12 Makavw wrote: I tried him a bit in jungle and he is pretty rubbish. Slow clear, average ganks and he requires alot of farm to acctualy do anything.
Riven is a lot better in jungle and fufills the same role.
Phreak made him seem really quick, but I haven't been able to replicate that. His new passive improves his jungling, but it is still not very fast. Not even in comparison to single target junglers.
Some kind of AP + AS build is my favorite at the moment, like the folks above. Triforce is really really good, but it does not give enough defensive stats to be able to rush it. I think you need items that give both offense and defense. If you can get away with building Triforce, go for it! You'll do insane damage. The major ones have already been named: Wriggles, Atmas, Frozen Mallet for AD; Wota, Gunblade, Rylai's, RoA for AP, Wit's End for the AS.
He really seems like a hybridy Irelia. She also likes Triforce but usually can't rush it without dying in lane, so she builds some combination of Phage/Wriggles/Chain Vest/Wit's End/Defensive Boots to survive her lane instead.
Stonewall vid. If you go off his numbers, Jax is only about 5 seconds slower than Skarner, but with no innate sustain. Vamp start and AS runes keep him pretty safe, though.
I'd be pretty interested with a Morde/Rumble-esque style tanky AP champ build on him. Rylai, WotA, DC, etc, maybe Nashor's. Full combo would hit so hard, and his autos would still be scary thanks to his ult proc.
On January 19 2012 05:12 Hidden_MotiveS wrote: Jax's counterstrike has no damage cap. Can't you jump into a group of minions and return 900 damage?
Yep. It actually makes him pretty scary to lane against, if you push or even just go in for last hits, he'll jump in, Counterstrike all the minion hits, and smack you around. Pretty funny stuff.
On January 19 2012 05:38 starfries wrote: Anyone tried maxing counterstrike first? I've been doing max W so far.
I'd max W first and Q second. Counterstrike is too situational as a damage skill. More often than not, you're only using it for the stun. Even if you're jungling, you only need level 1 counterstrike.
On January 19 2012 05:30 Alaric wrote: Does counterstrike still hit you if he's stunned? It doesn't seem like a channeled ability nor an auto-attack enhancer.
I think it does, it should just be a countdown timer type thing.