Just to add to the Tristana discussion:
Max W early. You want Q maxed (or at least lvl 4ish) once you get your IE, before that (aka in lane), prioritizing E over Q is completely fine. Trist is a burst caster early game and once you pair her with a reliable stun (aka Taric/Alistar) you can W in, E/Auto in flight and R to finish people. You can't avoid pushing the lane anyway, so it pretty much means you have to push a lot to reset lane and threaten W/E/R combo.
If you think Cait has the highest raw dps out of all AD carries then please tell me about her hidden steroid.
Cait is "so insanely strong" because: a) she punishes bad positioning the least of any AD carries midgame (late Trist takes that spot) b) shes probably the strongest AD carry if behind in lane c) she's not as reliant on her support as other AD carries (e.g. a bad stun from Taric that's baiting a bad W from Trist might lose you the lane right there.
For "raw damage output" Ez (and pretty much any AD carry besides Ashe) eats her all day every day.
Also... Ez #1 counter pick vs Morgana mid/top.
edit: actually fuck this, i dont want to discuss trist skillbuilds in ezreal thread
So the build I was talking about has now had a few days of refinement. I'm still not sure if it's amazing but it feels way better than a straight AD ez build.
You start with a normal bootsnpots opening into a trinity force, and then get a malady, wit's end and rageblade. Last item slot is the usual choice of more damage, more sustain or some health. I find this is a super versatile build, it really makes use of all ez's skills, it's effective in a lot more situations than straight AD and it's frightningly good at late game cleaning. Plus it's cheapish to get running compared to other builds. It still doesn't save the main problem I have going TF ez which is that there's a period where you are crazy weak even compared to other carries (around 7-12). You only start getting relevant once you have your TF fully up and running and another item as well.
Still, this one gives you a great mix of stats to work with and if you survive the first five seconds of a TF your damage ramps up to ridiculous levels with full stacks of RSF, guinsoo's and malady applied.
Suggest 21/0/9. Also, tried building Sheen first and no Doran's? Just Crystal and 2 health pots in beginning. I like it. And dominate.
On September 08 2011 22:05 barbsq wrote: that actually sums up what i've thought about corki and ezreal in bot lane pretty well. they're monster solo laners and 1v1'ers in lane, but aren't as strong in 2v2 situations somehow.
the reason trist isn't as popular imo is that the optimum skillbuild (as far as i've seen) is r>q>e>w with 1 in w at lvl 1, which is a bit contrary to how one would skill her in a solo lane (with variations on how much w and e are skilled, but q is almost always taken at like lvl 8 or later). q and e really maximize your safe farming and the two are good at outputting pretty decent dmg without being in dangerzone with w. Typically, i still end up seeing solo lane skillbuilds on trist where they're leveling w first when, lets face it, you're not really going to ever use it to harass.
I still do WEWEWR R>W>Q>E
So um, I have had Ez for around two months now. Most of my games I own shit up in mid/bot but that is not the point. I have heard that late game, Mystic Shot can do 600dmg. How? I usually get Sheen after 2 Dblades and overall list of items I have late game are Triforce, Bloodthirster, Last Whisper, Infinity Edge, Boots (depends on the other team) and my 6th item, well, never had the chance to buy it but I would go for another IE (good choice?). And the damage I can produce with my Q is usually 400 :/
Also, on Ez, is having both Black Cleaver and LW beneficial?
You need to go AP and have a Lich Bane to do that.
Black Cleaver and LW counteract each other's effectiveness. Pick one accordingly. If they have at least 1-2 armor stacking persons go for LW. If you think you can capitalize early and take objectives fast, rush BC somewhere in your progression towards triforce. BT is usually the more reliable BF Sword upgrade though.
for uberqs try going gunblade+rageblade+deathcap+lichbane for all your exploding the fuck out of people needs. possibly not the best build though it is hella fun if you can actually farm it up. I find going for a fast rageblade + sheen makes you surprisingly good in that mid period where ez has a bit of trouble (like 6-12 or so)
I'm mainly an Ez player (just too cool, and Haruhi~), and have some pretty good success. Usually bot with support, sometimes mid for kicks.
I've been building DBlade - Boots - Sheen - CDR boots - BT - TF - Defensive item. Running ArPen reds, armor yellows, flat CDR blues, health quints, standard AD offensive mastery, Ignite/Exhaust or Exhaust/Flash.
What does TL think of this? Notes on build?
Do you really need CDR blues? Q reduces the CD on everything anyway. Everything else seems fine. Bot lane against some supports I would run MR blues. Also, while first blood summoners are funny, double flash is simply too strong to give up.
On October 11 2011 04:41 dnastyx wrote: Do you really need CDR blues? Q reduces the CD on everything anyway. I don't play Ez so I have no idea whether it's worthwhile to run CDR blues or not, but Q's cooldown reduction makes CDR items/runes significantly stronger than they would be otherwise. Reducing 1 second off of a 3 second CD is better than reducing 1 second off of a 4 second CD by quite a lot.
The flats (in my mind) are mostly for early game, where I feel weakest. I play aggressively with CDR blues, since I can spam Q so fast in those early fights. CDR is so strong on him, and if you're going against another AD, MR doesn't feel as important.
Ignite is so useful against many champs, I don't really like giving it up :\ But double flash over two walls is funny.
On September 25 2011 17:14 Ayush_SCtoss wrote: So um, I have had Ez for around two months now. Most of my games I own shit up in mid/bot but that is not the point. I have heard that late game, Mystic Shot can do 600dmg. How? I usually get Sheen after 2 Dblades and overall list of items I have late game are Triforce, Bloodthirster, Last Whisper, Infinity Edge, Boots (depends on the other team) and my 6th item, well, never had the chance to buy it but I would go for another IE (good choice?). And the damage I can produce with my Q is usually 400 :/
Also, on Ez, is having both Black Cleaver and LW beneficial? I've had 450ish autoattack damage on Ez before (it's with Baron + pots and like 2 BTs) so it's not impossible to reach 600 damage with Ez's Q just going plain AD.
101.2 (base damage) + 151.8 (triforce proc) + 115 (Mystic shot base damage) = 368 Mystic Shot damage at level 18 with no bonus AD. To hit 600 you (only) need 232 bonus AD. With BT/IE/LW/Triforce you already have +240 bonus AD so your Q's should be 600+ damage. Of course if your Q hits a 200 armored target, the actual damage value it shows up will be less than 600.
Black Cleaver is terrible, IE is bad.
3 thirsters, trinity and LW is the best build you can have.
Unless you're out of position/getting caught all the time in which case you might wanna get banshees.
IE isn't bad if you can't get the farm to fill up BT. Gunblade is also an item I'd recommend later on, the sustain you can get from it during the later stages is very nice. Ult straight down mid lane for half your health lol.
When you die n'revive you can charge about 20% of your bloodthirster by shooting an R.
Then its only 13 dmg away from IE with more usefull stats for his skillset. Critchance & damage arn't good enough to warrant risky autoattacks.
On October 11 2011 19:20 Therealdevil wrote: Black Cleaver is terrible, IE is bad.
3 thirsters, trinity and LW is the best build you can have.
Unless you're out of position/getting caught all the time in which case you might wanna get banshees.
Either one of those BTs should be an IE or all three should actually be Gunblades. The former is better auto-attack damage. The latter is better if you never auto-attack.
1 gunblade okay but 3 is stupid cause they don't give more AD then a bloodthirster. And you'll barely need spellvamp because 1 Q gives back 400~ hp at that point.
Brutalizer and lucidity really should be the first two items on Ez. Everything else I see is strictly bending over and conceding that you can't beat someone who scales harder than you anyways (stacking dblade, getting wriggles, and all that).
Anything less than 40% cdr isn't playing to Ezreal's strength. You need that 1.4second Q, which incidentally brings his E's cooldown to 4.2seconds. How you get that 40% cdr depends on you though; there are quite a few ways including runes, blue buff (unlikely), or soul shroud from your support (a very nice, seldomly explored option).
I don't really like Brutalizer first on Ez. It's a good early/mid game item, but Ezreal really is more of a mid/late game champ, so it's very super situational to me. Like you said, CDR runes work nicely.
Sheen is the first item I get on him. It does more damage than Bruta (by a noticable amount) in the early game, and TriForce is pretty darn good on Ez.
1 gunblade okay but 3 is stupid cause they don't give more AD then a bloodthirster. And you'll barely need spellvamp because 1 Q gives back 400~ hp at that point. He gets a decent amount from AP though. If you're spamming abilities, AP affects everything, AD only Q and R (and autos of course). AD scales harder, though. I'd agree, though. 1 Gunblade max.
You said earlier that you don't want to risk autos. That's kind of bad, I'd say. If you never auto, and only rely on abilities, you shouldn't be stacking BTs and instead go for hybrid build because you don't get anything for W and E out of AD or lifesteal. If you are stacking BTs, you almost need to auto to take advantage of all that AD you're getting. You'll be in range for autos later on, anyway, as you need to be to land E and W.