On October 21 2011 03:45 AwayFromLife wrote:Show nested quote +On October 21 2011 03:34 ArC_man wrote:On October 21 2011 03:20 AwayFromLife wrote:On October 21 2011 03:07 ArC_man wrote:On October 21 2011 02:49 AwayFromLife wrote: Honestly, just play Graves now. He's essentially the same thing, but much, much better. Didn't know Graves had a 4 second CD poke that has 1000 range and only costs 50 mana. Who needs it when you have a 450 range dash and 750 range cone of fuck everything? Graves' Q doesn't get blocked by minions and demolishes, Ezreal's Q gets blocked half the time (or more), is easier to dodge, and is single target only. Graves has a great utility spell rather than Ez's W that does little damage and eats all the mana. Ezreal's E is only slightly longer, cooldown only affected by Q. Graves' is reduced by autos and gives, essentially, Trist's Q buff that synergizes with itself to lower it's own CD faster. Ults are too different to compare. Both are good, Ez's hits harder and is global, Graves' is easier to land and shorter base CD. Graves' passive makes him tanky, which you need as a ranged dps. The only thing Ez has on him is range, which isn't that strong anymore with every single champ having a gap closer. lol I'm commenting at the fact you said Graves is "essentially the same thing, but much, much better". Then you just said that they really have nothing in common other than the fact that they're both AD carries. People play Ezreal because they like him, ever since the big Ez nerfs people have played Ez because they like the character. Don't try to dissuade people with inaccurate arguments (Graves isn't anything similar to Ez in playstyle). They really are. They both have: - A ranged poke (Q/W and Q) - An attack speed steroid (passive and E) - A mobility spell that can be used as both escape and chase (E and E) - And AoE ult skillshot that hits really hard - Built in CDR reduction on at least one ability The only difference in their skillsets is that Ez has the mostly useless attack speed debuff/buff from W and Graves gets Smokescreen, which is fucking awesome. Ez's Q and W are basically just rolled into Graves' Q for a skillshot that deals a fuckton of damage and goes through targets. They both have playstyles that reward the player for spamming and using autos, and they both have skillshot abilities for burst. The actual differences are rather minor, and heavily in Graves' favor. Think about how the two characters play. How do you play Ezreal? You consistently poke with Q from a range that only Cait/Kog can possibly match and once you know you can win a fight you go in for the burst kill.
Graves is more of a bruiser/AD carry since he has an incentive to keep auto-attacking in order to keep up stacks of his passive. Ez has no incentive to auto-attack someone unless he knows it's a fight he can win, he's purely a poke/burst AD carry.
Oh man, I just take Ez mid anymore. If the enemy "follows the meta" and puts an AP carry there, Ez can crap all over almost all of them with poking power and better creep killing prowess. Unless they do assassin mid, he's crazy good there, with very few exceptions.
I think Ez is one of the best AD carries, honestly. I love seeing one on my team, assuming they know how to play him. His harass is one of the best in the game, he's slippery with his E, and his R is amazing if coordinated. He seems to be one of the harder ones to play (all skillshots, short auto range, what not), but he can't really be stopped once he starts snowballing.
On November 09 2011 05:23 Requizen wrote: Oh man, I just take Ez mid anymore. If the enemy "follows the meta" and puts an AP carry there, Ez can crap all over almost all of them with poking power and better creep killing prowess. Unless they do assassin mid, he's crazy good there, with very few exceptions.
Can you explain to me your playstyle when going up vs an AP mid? I've always found it hard as I only feel stronger quite early, during which time they can hide in minions and play slightly more defensively to avoid being Q'd. Not long after this, their AOE begins to kick in and I find the wave pushed in my face constantly, making it hard to get anything done.
How do you get around this? Play hyper aggresively from level 1 and start clearing the wave right out of the gate to set up more early opportunities?
That's pretty much it exactly. Early levels, they only rely on their autos for last hitting, of which yours are stronger by far (thanks to runes and what not). Zone them out with good positioning and Q and just push/last hit as well as you can. Once you hit 2 and have Q-E, you can put out, maybe not as good burst damage, but pretty good burst on them and then follow it up with strong autos.
Also remember your E is one of, if not the, best positioning tool in the game. It's a built in Flash, so don't be afraid to use it both offensively and defensively. I like getting W at 4 as well, so you can put some pressure on through the wave. Poke with Q constantly, it has a longer range than most spells they can throw at you.
Ez needs to psych out his opponent. You're strong early, but it starts to even out as levels go up. You need to be in their face and make them afraid from the get go. If they're scared, you have the definite advantage.
However, having said that, there are a few matchups that don't go in his favor. Xerath can outrange you, gets armor, and can hit you through the creepwave, for instance. There are others that are pretty good for him. Viegar, for instance, as you should never get stunned by him, and if you zone him out his Q won't get too out of control. Take it case by case, and don't be afraid to call for a lane switch.
Got my ezreal groove back after a few games. 6-3-1, 9-3-10, 7-3-10 after going a lousy 3-3-3 lol. still, found a fairly decent build on him that i like so i'm happy
Ez is my go-to ad carry. Been using him for a long time and he's by far the most fun carry imo. I went bot with Blitz the other day against Cait and Taric. Granted, Im stuck in 1300ish ELO, but we utterly destroyed them. Our lane was winnig like 10-1 after 20min, and my score by the end of the game was 13-0-14. The build I use tend to work pretty well. I get a BF sword, sheen, BC, Triforce and a BT with some defensive items inbetween if I need any.
Had to face Akali mid as Ezreal. She dived me at level 3, got first blood, snowballed from there.
That is why you don't send Ezreal mid against Akali.
On November 12 2011 00:25 57 Corvette wrote: ._.
Had to face Akali mid as Ezreal. She dived me at level 3, got first blood, snowballed from there.
That is why you don't send Ezreal mid against Akali. If Akali is beating your ass that hard pre 6, you're playing mid Ezreal horribly horribly wrong.
On November 12 2011 00:25 57 Corvette wrote: ._.
Had to face Akali mid as Ezreal. She dived me at level 3, got first blood, snowballed from there.
That is why you don't send Ezreal mid against Akali. I don't see how Akali can win against Ezreal mid before lvl 6...
Right now, i'm going double dorans triforce BT LW QSS BT or wriggles triforce etc. if i'm struggling also i'm 1650ish right now so i dunno lol. i just like this build better than getting something like bruta on him
On November 12 2011 00:25 57 Corvette wrote: ._.
Had to face Akali mid as Ezreal. She dived me at level 3, got first blood, snowballed from there.
That is why you don't send Ezreal mid against Akali. Yeah. definitely no. akali outharrasses ez and can burst him down so easily makes me sad
I have on days and off days with him. Maybe it's lane enemy or team comp, but some games I demolish, some games I fail so hard.
On topic though, Akali out harasses ~80% of squishy champs, better to make someone tanky lane against her. You either need to harass her out or out sustain her. Ez can do neither.
I also have yet to try a Wriggle's opening on him, but the lane possibilities seem nice.
@ level 6, sure, but pre 6... man, I just don't see how Ez loses pre 6. Akali should never be able to trigger her Qs, which makes her like, strictly worse than Pantheon in the matchup. And Ezreal was the only ranged carry that didn't get his shit pushed completely in by Pantheon. If you made Pantheon's Q hit weaker, took away his jump, and took away his passive, I just don't see how Ez loses. And as far as I can tell that's what the pre 6 Akali matchup should be like.
On November 12 2011 00:35 Mogwai wrote: @ level 6, sure, but pre 6... man, I just don't see how Ez loses pre 6. Akali should never be able to trigger her Qs, which makes her like, strictly worse than Pantheon in the matchup. And Ezreal was the only ranged carry that didn't get his shit pushed completely in by Pantheon. If you made Pantheon's Q hit weaker, took away his jump, and took away his passive, I just don't see how Ez loses. And as far as I can tell that's what the pre 6 Akali matchup should be like. In that regard, it's basically like this (from my ELO Hell experience): Akali sits in/behind creep wave, last hitting and throwing Qs at you. You can't really retaliate without autoing or running around behind her creep wave, so you just try to farm and stay alive. Once you both hit 2, she'll Shroud and get free harass/last hits, forcing you away whenever it's up, or you lose around a health bar from Q + proc. You basically have to turn it into a farming game with your Q, until you both hit 6, then you're kinda fucked.
Why aren't you autoattacking her? Akali destroys all ranged AD's except urgot after 6 but she should have to do it from a 20 cs deficit.
With a decent item advantage and good usage of exhaust you could even beat her at level 6 if she plays too aggressive.
Her Q range is actually longer than your auto attacks, and once she gets Shroud (level 2), autos become useless. And if they're properly glyphed/runed, they'll start with boots and be faster than you, so getting that Q proc is easy for her. And of course, the obvious minion aggro.
That said, it's not... impossible to lane against her, but she is definately one of the most difficult for Ez or any AD carry to lane against.
I'm sure in a straight fight, Ezreal could beat Akali if perfect kiting and landing all Qs, but that's pretty difficult when running through creep waves and she goes stealth. Like I said, possible, but not the easiest, and she definitely has an advantage given equal skill levels I'd say.
No she doesn't have the advantage. At level 1 she's trading 1 unprocced Q and a couple of minion attacks for 2-3 ezreal autoattacks, unless she doesn't plan on farming, and if she tries to come up and proc her Q, mystic shot to the face. Proper shroud usage will only take Akali so far and it sucks vs Ezreal of all ranged carries since Q will still hit if she tries to zone you with it.
Hm, I suppose I'm usually just too cautious to engage her knowing the burst she can put out. However, unless you do a Wriggle's opening, I'm fairly certain she can out sustain Ez with her spellvamp passive.
Not that I'm an expert on the matchup, while I love dominating mid in normals as Ez, once you get to ranked and people try to force in the meta, if I get to play Ez I'm generally bot and any Akali is usually top. So sad
She's gonna be able to kill you if you aren't careful, but being careful is not the same as played scared :<
On November 12 2011 00:56 Requizen wrote: Her Q range is actually longer than your auto attacks, and once she gets Shroud (level 2), autos become useless. And if they're properly glyphed/runed, they'll start with boots and be faster than you, so getting that Q proc is easy for her. And of course, the obvious minion aggro.
That said, it's not... impossible to lane against her, but she is definately one of the most difficult for Ez or any AD carry to lane against.
I'm sure in a straight fight, Ezreal could beat Akali if perfect kiting and landing all Qs, but that's pretty difficult when running through creep waves and she goes stealth. Like I said, possible, but not the easiest, and she definitely has an advantage given equal skill levels I'd say. if you open boots and she opens boots, how the hell is she actually going to catch you? She needs to close 600 range over the distance of mid lane. She only has 20 movespeed on you and you have the fastest non-targeted blink other than flash in the whole game. I just don't get how this is how you see this working out.
Also, shroud is only 40% up time. Totally melodramatic to say it makes your autos useless.