W>Q>E Start cloth+5 or regrowth or whatever. Max turtle shell, spam it versus harass and just life and mana leech. When you feel comfortable you can harass with Q, or E-->Q. Philo+Hog or wriggles lantern to start you off. Wriggles procs on W to give you insane mana and hp. Then just make standard items. After a while you just kill anyone coming into creep range.
I've heard soome people going boots first udyr in the jungle - does it require anything special runewise (probably just armor yellows? and maybe some defensive masteries?) Or am I confusing it with lane udyr?
so i got smoked by an akali as top lane udyr
is this common?
what level did she visibly win the lane at?
Akali is really really strong early vs melee heroes, if I were gonna guess what happened you probably took too much damage in the first few levels?
well i accidentally took turtle at 1 instead of tiger so i couldn't effectively fight her at 1. she got off a Q->auto on me when i went for a last-hit and from there threatened to zone me with more pots than i had (i opened regrowth + 1, she boots + 3). she hit 2 first and just shut me out of creeps with shroud and threatened Qs
i got a kill on her when she tower dove me (and i lived) but she was soooo far ahead it didn't matter. eventually i called for a switch and we won but holy shit she shit on me so hard
open cloth 5 pot and laugh at her 3 pots
yea, you really shouldn't ever level your first skill on lanedyr til you actually get in lane. bear stance is awesome for lvl 1 fights, tiger rapes in general. but if you dont' get tiger lvl 1 and let akali get a large lead, it's kinda over.
you should also always open cloth+5pot or boots+3pot imo. you don't need regrowth/philo 'cuase even after wriggles nerf you still regen like a mofo
the regrowth opening is also atrocious for the first few levels, if you are disadvantaged vs a pretty good laner at level two - you took damage at level one, or they hit it before you - you will often lose your lane right there
On August 02 2011 13:29 gtrsrs wrote: so i got smoked by an akali as top lane udyr
is this common? I've seen three solo top udyr attempts go on feeding sprees against akalis pre/post turtle fix. but then it was always regrowth openings
Just picked this guy up, is the jungle guide in the OP still up to date?
United States37500 Posts
Madred's first, Wriggle's if you want but it's not mandatory. Gives you the option of Bloodrazor later if you really incline. I typically go Wriggle's => Trinity nowadays. Tanky afterwards.
Only need 3 levels max in Bear.
Unless I intend to open pheonix and use it all game until switching to tiger lategame I'll put 3 points in bear. Otherwise I never use pheonix because its terrible lategame compared to tiger anyway.
My builds are tending toward something like wriggles-->hog-->possibly philo if you can get away with it-->wits end-->randuins-->fon-->shurleyas-->atmas or something like that.
Get trinity if you feel you won't loldie or are really fed. Rushing trinity is like ehhhhehadfafagajdfsf because you're gonna get raped by any AP carry that can output consistent damage like anivia or brand, or any AD carry who is farmed.
Depends on teamcomp though, if your job is strictly to let someone else pwn carries and you stay back and defend trniity is viable. I need to test it more. I usually want to get Hog and maybe phage fast so I don't get raped in any midgame teamfight by some random brand/annie 1 comboing me because he's 2-3 levels higher.
You can also start vamp sceptre if you are certain you are getting wriggles. Bloodrazer seems like an option if you expect they will 1-2 ppl getting atmogs. (Having solo top and jungle getting atmogs isn't too uncommon these days).
EDIT: The way I started doing the randuins/shurelyas thing is I just applied Jatts pheonix udyr and copyed it and then started doing it was tiger udyr since tiger is flat out better. I tried that kind of thing before but I never settled on it for sure.
i dont understand why he isnt nerfed harder, i find it impossible to lose a lane with udyr, in my 5s team, he is 100% first pick for our team, if we get him then it means top lane will win and i will take top turrets. if vs an ad champion get cloth armour 5pot, you rarely use these pots even, level turtle and tiger, tiger over turtle, if u struggle at all and take any damage, just level turtle once or twice extra, get bear at level 4, 2/3 hits with tiger hits for an unexpected truckload, then when u go b and buy that wriggles lantern you literally become unfucking stoppable in lane, you will not fucking die, you will push turrets, you will need 2 people in your lane to hold u off towers, cos eventually u will just turtle/tiger your way up to turret enough times, that you will just kill it. oh yeah if your not getting cloth armour, get boot 3pot methinks, it should be enough pots to get you to the 1600 gold threshold you need to win your lane with wriggles and with level boots wriggles, solo top udyr is so hard to gank, stupidly sustained and very very powerful in a 1v1.
imo udyr is THE BEST solotop char and i havent seen a char that can take a turret off me even with repeat ganks.
United States47024 Posts
On August 16 2011 10:53 matthewfoulkes wrote: i dont understand why he isnt nerfed harder, i find it impossible to lose a lane with udyr, in my 5s team, he is 100% first pick for our team, if we get him then it means top lane will win and i will take top turrets. if vs an ad champion get cloth armour 5pot, you rarely use these pots even, level turtle and tiger, tiger over turtle, if u struggle at all and take any damage, just level turtle once or twice extra, get bear at level 4, 2/3 hits with tiger hits for an unexpected truckload, then when u go b and buy that wriggles lantern you literally become unfucking stoppable in lane, you will not fucking die, you will push turrets, you will need 2 people in your lane to hold u off towers, cos eventually u will just turtle/tiger your way up to turret enough times, that you will just kill it. oh yeah if your not getting cloth armour, get boot 3pot methinks, it should be enough pots to get you to the 1600 gold threshold you need to win your lane with wriggles and with level boots wriggles, solo top udyr is so hard to gank, stupidly sustained and very very powerful in a 1v1.
imo udyr is THE BEST solotop char and i havent seen a char that can take a turret off me even with repeat ganks. 2 things:
1) Many champs don't have to beat you in lane. Lots of champs have a much better lategame than Udyr, so if they can force a stalemate where you're just trading farm, they win in the long run because they scale better.
2) What do you do vs. lanes that can sustain/deflect your harass and then exert map control elsewhere by ganking mid, going down for dragon, or disrupting your jungler? Morgana is an example--you can't engage on her through Binding and Black Shield, and past level 5 or 7 she just puts down a W and leaves the lane; she gets all the CS and does things in other parts of the map for 30 seconds while you have to either tank the 6 creeps she left, or lose a wave of XP/gold to follow her.
On August 16 2011 11:04 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On August 16 2011 10:53 matthewfoulkes wrote: i dont understand why he isnt nerfed harder, i find it impossible to lose a lane with udyr, in my 5s team, he is 100% first pick for our team, if we get him then it means top lane will win and i will take top turrets. if vs an ad champion get cloth armour 5pot, you rarely use these pots even, level turtle and tiger, tiger over turtle, if u struggle at all and take any damage, just level turtle once or twice extra, get bear at level 4, 2/3 hits with tiger hits for an unexpected truckload, then when u go b and buy that wriggles lantern you literally become unfucking stoppable in lane, you will not fucking die, you will push turrets, you will need 2 people in your lane to hold u off towers, cos eventually u will just turtle/tiger your way up to turret enough times, that you will just kill it. oh yeah if your not getting cloth armour, get boot 3pot methinks, it should be enough pots to get you to the 1600 gold threshold you need to win your lane with wriggles and with level boots wriggles, solo top udyr is so hard to gank, stupidly sustained and very very powerful in a 1v1.
imo udyr is THE BEST solotop char and i havent seen a char that can take a turret off me even with repeat ganks. 2 things: 1) Many champs don't have to beat you in lane. Lots of champs have a much better lategame than Udyr, so if they can force a stalemate where you're just trading farm, they win in the long run because they scale better. 2) What do you do vs. lanes that can sustain/deflect your harass and then exert map control elsewhere by ganking mid, going down for dragon, or disrupting your jungler? Morgana is an example--you can't engage on her through Binding and Black Shield, and past level 5 or 7 she just puts down a W and leaves the lane; she gets all the CS and does things in other parts of the map for 30 seconds while you have to either tank the 6 creeps she left, or lose a wave of XP/gold to follow her.
in a solo lane vs morgana i'd be buying a spirit visage after my wriggles and merc treads, means im even more sustainy, by about level 10, if she is going off to do other things i can turtle tiger the tower down, and if she isnt i still can, the minions will push and i will take the tower vs morg, i tink maybe finding a good medium between ganking the shit out of udyr early and deflecting/farm trading is a good idea, but udyr is so powerful at tower pushing with/without minions, also with tele he can get into fight or get into towers real fast and get alot of things for free, also is the fact that udyr gets the ability to solo baron reasonably fast, with a madreds, wriggles, boots and triforce you should be ok to take your baron buff, if you have a blue then it wont even be close you will kill it with full health.
udyr is also a ridiculous dragon soloer, he can take that thing at such an early level with turtle tiger, im sure as soon as you have a wriggles you can solo it.
i just think that the free towers will take if they have a weakish top, outgain any late game another top holds, i try to think which chars are better later game than udyr and i think of mages, or maybe jarvan/irelia, you will outfarm and q these people down, you will escape ganks easier, you will have constant warding due to wriggles being broken with its free ward. i havent soloed top udyr in like 12 ranked 5s where i didnt take top turret first.
United States47024 Posts
On August 16 2011 11:17 matthewfoulkes wrote: in a solo lane vs morgana i'd be buying a spirit visage after my wriggles and merc treads, means im even more sustainy, by about level 10, if she is going off to do other things i can turtle tiger the tower down, and if she isnt i still can, the minions will push and i will take the tower vs morg, i tink maybe finding a good medium between ganking the shit out of udyr early and deflecting/farm trading is a good idea, but udyr is so powerful at tower pushing with/without minions, also with tele he can get into fight or get into towers real fast and get alot of things for free, also is the fact that udyr gets the ability to solo baron reasonably fast, with a madreds, wriggles, boots and triforce you should be ok to take your baron buff, if you have a blue then it wont even be close you will kill it with full health.
Your strategy is to push with minion advantage against a champ that it's virtually impossible to build a minion advantage against?
To say that one champ is the ABSOLUTE BEST solo top is kind of silly.
I see your Udyr and raise you T-Mo.
wriggles -> HoG -> merc treads -> spirit visage
after that i usually go bloodthirster if im farming well. you want to abuse the ratio on his Q and since he is so ridiculous in lane its not hard to get it stacked
with sv/mercs/wriggles you are over 100/100 armor/mr and have decent HP. after that can build tanky (fon or atma depending) or trinity
your teemo will hold for a time, until i reach wriggles, and then i will not lose i promise, i become an unstoppable force, you need to see it, udyr will constantly call people into the lane, making it not uncommon for 2 people to be in udyr's lane to hold him, and running him with tele and bear makes him able to b reguarly and escape ganks easily.
Is Udyr banned due to the recent buffs and his ability to solo top so well? He never seemed to be a big deal and now is banned almost 100% of the time. What am I missing that makes him so ban worthy?