[Champion] Udyr - Page 6
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Australia330 Posts
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United States1631 Posts
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Marshall Islands3404 Posts
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United States1631 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
pros: you can just walk into their jungle any time and take camps, cause what are they gonna do about it? fight you 1v1? LOL super fast jungle time and honestly, with flash up, pretty alright ganks BEAR STANCE if you actually get someone in melee range, they drop instantly cons: gets kited to all hell. seriously janna and/or ashe and cait can just ruin the entire game for you. booo those champs flash is his #1 enemy without a true gap closer i probably picked the wrong time to get into udyr what with leona coming out next patch but i'm having fun for now AD reds + quints ar/level yellow MR/level blue (though i'll be getting AS yellows/blues when i have the IP) wriggles, triforce, FoN, randuin, IE if necessary | ||
United States1631 Posts
I find just a plain madred's razor is enough to keep his sustainability up because turtle + madred's proc is more than enough. He doesn't need the lifesteal. Usually keep the madred's in your inventory until late game and just build bloodrazor as your only dmg item. oh, and always bait with turtle shield lol | ||
United States9109 Posts
i haven't had a problem with dying yet, i'm only averaging a little over a death per game, hence why i add the situational IE lategame for more damage bloodrazors seems really bad on udyr. it doesn't give hardly any AD so it won't make tiger hit hard, it doesn't proc a slow so you can get consecutive hits, it doesn't add crit damage or knock down towers quickly, etc etc. it's also hella expensive. much rather have triforce | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Bloodrazer is good lategame, but I find that they are better items earlier. (wits end) Triforce is great, more specifically movement speed, sheen proc isn't that cruicial to your damage. Infinity edge seems really dumb, if you just get atmas and then get warmogs or something it should work out better for you. Movement speed lets you just right click people and not worry about wasting time using bear everytime its up. Went 11/2/18 last game yay. Had to do everything a little. Protect carries from nocturne/ww, dps the swain or nocturne because he had some retarded ghostblade zerkers build, finish the tristana if akali didn't. Had to help intiate fights. At one point I was extremely fed with wriggles/mercs/randuins/wits end/redpot/qss and I barely survived focus fire by QSSing and flashing away. No idea how you can get away with trinity force unless you have a reliable tank (i.e not solo queue) :O | ||
United States9109 Posts
ruken is definitely one of the best udyr's i've ever seen and he advocates sheen first into triforce a lot of the time (but not every time) i just feel like triforce + negatron + chain mail + turtle stance is enough to survive anything. if it's not just press flash and voila you're fine. i'll try wit's end some though | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Turtle stance isn't a factor at all in what I'm talking about. I'm talking about you try to run in and if they nuke you instead of a carry and let the hard tanks soak up the carries they can just burst you down before you get more than 1 turtle stance. However, I used to ghost, so maybe flash might make it easier if they burn their CD's. I don't see why everyone is in love with sheen really. You don't need mana any more, while I find the health/slow on phage and the movement/attack speed on zeal to be both WAY more crucial for udyr, You don't have problems straight up dpsing that getting an extra 100 damage per stance change in important. Usually when you want damage you are in tiger and spamming out attacks for a good 5-6 seconds and if you switch to get sheen procs its a waste unless you really need the stun/shield. | ||
TL Blazeraid
566 Posts
On July 03 2011 09:17 gtrsrs wrote: i dunno it just works ruken is definitely one of the best udyr's i've ever seen and he advocates sheen first into triforce a lot of the time (but not every time) i just feel like triforce + negatron + chain mail + turtle stance is enough to survive anything. if it's not just press flash and voila you're fine. i'll try wit's end some though I disagree. I've been having infinite more success with phage->sheen | ||
United States13684 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
in fact i had much worse stats (only 2-0-0) than normal, but only cause they surrendered at 20 it just seems like you can build w/e on udyr and raep faces | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
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United States4611 Posts
He starts Cloth Armor+5 or something else (can't remember what he starts when facing magic damage... ![]() Edit: Or get a Warmog's after tabi if they're mostly phys damage. | ||
United States37500 Posts
On July 03 2011 13:18 hasuprotoss wrote: TheRainMan's lane Udyr is pretty fucking dominant. Holy shit. He starts Cloth Armor+5 or something else (can't remember what he starts when facing magic damage... ![]() Edit: Or get a Warmog's after tabi if they're mostly phys damage. We haven't seen it as much but Udyr is WW lite. I wonder how Noc is in lane now too. zz | ||
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
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United States13684 Posts
On July 03 2011 13:20 NeoIllusions wrote: We haven't seen it as much but Udyr is WW lite. I wonder how Noc is in lane now too. zz Lane noc is pretty beast. Not as much sustain, but q hurts a shit ton, especially before the nerf to it. Toss in a spell shield and a ranged disable, he is pretty damn good in lane. Ulti is kinda useless pre 11 though. | ||
United States37500 Posts
On July 03 2011 13:55 Two_DoWn wrote: Lane noc is pretty beast. Not as much sustain, but q hurts a shit ton, especially before the nerf to it. Toss in a spell shield and a ranged disable, he is pretty damn good in lane. Ulti is kinda useless pre 11 though. Wish we could convert some of this theorycraft into practice for TL, hurr. But yeah, great farming skill (Q) and heal from passive. As long as his passive hits all 6-7 minions per wave, he doesn't even need vamp scepter early on. | ||
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