[Champion] Udyr - Page 30
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Ireland23335 Posts
I didn't say randunins wasn't great, but I much more often skip hog and get aegis than skip philo just because philo pays for itself in terms of gold/10 and regen so damn fast it seems silly not to get it especially when it builds into an item people often get on him without buying philo first. If I want a "stronger early-midgame" or whatever I'll skip both philo and hog and get mercs/wits/aegis if I'm going to get hog it seems stupid not to get philo first. | ||
493 Posts
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Australia2470 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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Chairman Ray
United States11903 Posts
On May 14 2012 01:24 miicah wrote: What about building something like gunblade on udyr, similar to how jax is built? Although Udyr has AD and AP ratios, he doesn't scale well enough off them to justify building them. The lifesteal and spellvamp you get from gunblade would probably net you less teamfight sustain than building tanky items. If you are going for an offense oriented build, I sometimes opt for Trinity Force + Frozen Heart. Trinity Force will net you higher dps than gunblade, while providing other useful things like the slow proc and a nice movespeed boost. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
seems kinda strong also like getting wriggles but thats more situational | ||
United States5348 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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Canada627 Posts
I always seem to have a problem with trying to gank too much, many times it is somewhat sucesful, not always kills wise, getting them to flash, heal, or back, giving my lane an advantage, but i know udyrs strength is jungle clear, and i seem to always forget about my jungle. I guess its just something I should work on, though at lower elo's teammates on't seem to understand the concept and are always yelling about ganks etc. I started with mundo and enjoyed him, but i seem to do better with udyr mainly due to the bear stun, its a great ganking tool. As a side note: As a top, how do you build udyr? I played against a renekton, and we split farm but their jungler camped so i didn't do great, but I was just building him like i would in the jungle. | ||
Deleted User 3420
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United States1723 Posts
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United States10531 Posts
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Deleted User 3420
24492 Posts
On May 14 2012 08:47 HeroHenry wrote: How does udyr do against nid? Do I turtle stance first? just ram your claws her buttuntilshe dies am i saying something halpeful i dont know where ami | ||
Germany11335 Posts
On May 14 2012 08:36 SMD wrote: How often Should I gank? Or is it always situational... I always seem to have a problem with trying to gank too much, many times it is somewhat sucesful, not always kills wise, getting them to flash, heal, or back, giving my lane an advantage, but i know udyrs strength is jungle clear, and i seem to always forget about my jungle. I guess its just something I should work on, though at lower elo's teammates on't seem to understand the concept and are always yelling about ganks etc. I started with mundo and enjoyed him, but i seem to do better with udyr mainly due to the bear stun, its a great ganking tool. As a side note: As a top, how do you build udyr? I played against a renekton, and we split farm but their jungler camped so i didn't do great, but I was just building him like i would in the jungle. People will ALWAYS complain, unless you gank their lane nonstop. If they get ganked, they will blame you. People also completely don't understand if you don't gank their lane because they are at the enemy turret every time you are on that side of the map. Generally speaking, i would always gank when there is a high chance of success, while valueing kills obviously far higher than forcing summoners or forcing people out of lane. I think a good estimate is that every gank you do while something in your jungle is alive costs you about 100gold which you could have gotten if you farmed camps instead. So if the estimated return is higher then that, go for it. And of course, if nothing is alive in your jungle and you can't counterjungle anywhere, either go back or gank somewhere. The way i do stuff at the moment is that if i see some sort of opening for a gank, i go there, but farm everything that is on the way there. If the opening is gone after you did that, it would probably be gone when you reached it anyways. If it is still there, go for it. Clearing the camps on the way won't take that long anyways, and this greatly reduces the oppurtunity cost of going for that gank. | ||
United States321 Posts
Also, do you have/know of any good replays or VODs of lane udyr? I'd like to pick it up and I think it would be less daunting to get started if I had a feel for how I should be laning as Udyr. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
-Always max turtle shield first. Always always always. -You usually play fairly passive until you get around level 7 and your first ad item, usually a wriggles or hexdrinker and boots. -Last hitting is insanely important because it's very hard to farm later on relatively especially if you don't have lots of items. (I suck at last hitting on udyr lolololol) Udyr is very strong against both nidalee and renek. You can get wriggles versus both then zone them off of creeps. Just make sure to use stances smartly and well, don't waste them but make sure you're not autoing champs in turtle or bear too much or anything. I believe I Have a couple of lane udyr replays in this thread if anyone wants to dig them up I think one of them I died twice before level 6 (I traded kills at tower second time but lost creeps) and still pwned him later on haha. Even against wickds renekton and malunoo constantly coming to dive me once I got past level 9 or so even though he was way ahead I started destroying him because udyr just wins that lane because reneks burst can barely break udyrs shield and you have insane lifesteal. | ||
Canada6208 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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United States5348 Posts
On May 14 2012 16:57 Slayer91 wrote: Some quick lane udyr tips: -Always max turtle shield first. Always always always. -You usually play fairly passive until you get around level 7 and your first ad item, usually a wriggles or hexdrinker and boots. -Last hitting is insanely important because it's very hard to farm later on relatively especially if you don't have lots of items. (I suck at last hitting on udyr lolololol) Udyr is very strong against both nidalee and renek. You can get wriggles versus both then zone them off of creeps. Just make sure to use stances smartly and well, don't waste them but make sure you're not autoing champs in turtle or bear too much or anything. I believe I Have a couple of lane udyr replays in this thread if anyone wants to dig them up I think one of them I died twice before level 6 (I traded kills at tower second time but lost creeps) and still pwned him later on haha. Even against wickds renekton and malunoo constantly coming to dive me once I got past level 9 or so even though he was way ahead I started destroying him because udyr just wins that lane because reneks burst can barely break udyrs shield and you have insane lifesteal. i have to disagree, to an extent. I think if you can get away with maxing tiger/phoenix (i personally prefer tiger in lane), then you should go for it, it's just that turtle max first is simply invincible, but I feel like it doesn't pressure the enemy all that much. For example, I played against a riven, and got a kill on her at lvl 2 with a gank, then proceeded to stomp her face in with tiger procs and fairly effectively prevented her from farming for the first 15 mins of the game. I think if you're ahead, and it's a good matchup for you (or your opponent is an idiot and underestimates you) then you should press your advantage by investing more in offense early on. | ||
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