On May 14 2012 23:29 barbsq wrote:Show nested quote +On May 14 2012 16:57 Slayer91 wrote: Some quick lane udyr tips:
-Always max turtle shield first. Always always always. -You usually play fairly passive until you get around level 7 and your first ad item, usually a wriggles or hexdrinker and boots. -Last hitting is insanely important because it's very hard to farm later on relatively especially if you don't have lots of items. (I suck at last hitting on udyr lolololol)
Udyr is very strong against both nidalee and renek. You can get wriggles versus both then zone them off of creeps. Just make sure to use stances smartly and well, don't waste them but make sure you're not autoing champs in turtle or bear too much or anything.
I believe I Have a couple of lane udyr replays in this thread if anyone wants to dig them up I think one of them I died twice before level 6 (I traded kills at tower second time but lost creeps) and still pwned him later on haha.
Even against wickds renekton and malunoo constantly coming to dive me once I got past level 9 or so even though he was way ahead I started destroying him because udyr just wins that lane because reneks burst can barely break udyrs shield and you have insane lifesteal.
i have to disagree, to an extent. I think if you can get away with maxing tiger/phoenix (i personally prefer tiger in lane), then you should go for it, it's just that turtle max first is simply invincible, but I feel like it doesn't pressure the enemy all that much. For example, I played against a riven, and got a kill on her at lvl 2 with a gank, then proceeded to stomp her face in with tiger procs and fairly effectively prevented her from farming for the first 15 mins of the game. I think if you're ahead, and it's a good matchup for you (or your opponent is an idiot and underestimates you) then you should press your advantage by investing more in offense early on. oh such a silly bear. always turtle, turtle OP.
Teemo's still the only real counter I've found to Udyr and even that is jawkward. I seem to always stomp them with Pantheon, but I'm still not convinced that that's a good matchup, I just think I'm gawdly with Pantheon and every other 2K player sucks.
Udyrs Q doesn't do all that much more damage with levels and if you're trying to zone someone udyrs W maxed lets you tank towers to get Q procs down and then heal up again whatever damage went through your shield.
And you'll never accomplish anything other than farming creeps and maybe invading their jungle if you went pheonix max first.
Not to mention turtles far superior against ganks.
i don't think the increased mana return from turtle levels is irrelevant either if you're trying to "pressure" your opponent
haha, i stand corrected then. I guess I overestimated the dmg/lvl of tiger (50 dmg per level), tbh the vast majority of the dmg seems to come from the 1.5 AD ratio on it. Also didn't realize that the mana and hp returns on turtle increase with lvl, somehow I thought they were static.
so i suppose those few games i maxed tiger first i woulda won pretty much regardless of what I did. udyr such a dumb champ
edit: also how does udyr do vs ww? I've mostly just been beating him with top lane fizz, vlad, and panth, but i don't have any particularly tanky champs to deal with him.
Udyr slaps him around unless you fall behind early.
Is Udyr's first few jungle clears as fast as mundo, and shyv?
On May 15 2012 01:53 wei2coolman wrote: Is Udyr's first few jungle clears as fast as mundo, and shyv? Should be equal or faster id think. he gets the aoe per second off phoenix activation with the damage burst proc so id say faster?
I play all of them, and it is pretty similar. There are probably minor differences in speed, but i think they are neglectable. All 3 are very fast.
Their jungle clears are within single digit seconds within each other, depending on masteries/runes
Speccing a game where TOO is playing udyr jungle and maxing Tiger with no points in pheonix. Any advantage to doing this?
Faster up-front damage in ganks. Tiger charged bear rush + second tiger hit does a lot of damage. But your clearing speed is so much worse. TOO has been trying it here and there for a couple of months but I don't really recall him having much success with it. SV and TOO had a conversation about tiger udyr one time and SV was absolutely adamant that tiger sucked dick in jungle and made fun of TOO for trying to make tiger work.
Tiger jungling is just better for stronger ganks and buff clearing, Phoenix is for faster jungle clear times because you kill small camps so fast
What's up guys! Udyr is probably my favorite champ and I've been running him top lane a lot. Do you guys have any useful tips for laning against Jax? He is by far the most difficulty I've had in lane. It seems like if I make one mistake early he will crap all over me for the rest of the game.
I suggest running a heavy armor rune page as well as a 9/21 mastery page. And if you're still having trouble rush ninja tabi after a cloth 5 or boots 3 start depending on their jungler and go for a quick wriggles.
On May 18 2012 01:15 MooMooMugi wrote: I suggest running a heavy armor rune page as well as a 9/21 mastery page. And if you're still having trouble rush ninja tabi after a cloth 5 or boots 3 start depending on their jungler and go for a quick wriggles.
This is kinda wrong wtf. Jax does mostly magic damage especially after early levels.
I'd get: -->flat armour and mr blues yellows -->armour quints or mr quints if you have either Start boots+3 Rush hexdrinker, wits end, possibly a vamp sceptre if you really feel like it.
It's what always worked best for me,. Focus on farming up asap to get that hexdrinker at least before you try hitting him. Wrigglies is DOABLE but they nerfed it a lot and you're probably better off with MR. You can "kite" jax. You keep using W Q and E on cd on him and just run away in between. This minimizes the amount of physical he does and you get your tiger damage and turtle shielding off. It means he doesn't get to abuse his E, passive, and R when they're up also.
From what I recall, counterstrike will dodge the basic attacks, but he procs from bear and tiger will still go through, right? And bear bonus MS+stun is probably enough to kite Jax(es) that would want to start cutlass and use the active to stick on you. Jax has a lot of sticking power when E and Q are up, but if you kite he won't get that much more damage from using them and they will deplete his mana really fast.
Also, hexdrinker, yeah. I never thought about it before, but when somebody got a hexdrinker against me yesterday I was surprised at my inability to burst him even through AAs alone. Better to wait out the shield, but you can't always do that. Does Jax's passive on his ult count as "spell damage"? I think I recall some stuff not being considered as such because you don't activate them.
You don't kite him so much as stop him getting to you, you're fucking udyr, melee is where you want them it's just jax has higher sustained dps so you trade his W Q and R damage onto your shield with resists with your Q damage and whatever auto hits you get in. You can trade with Q up and 3 stacks of passive up but you don't want to stand and fight him when you're using E and W.
To be honest I mostly kite because his burst with R activated and E used is higher but once they are down you win the fight. You usually just turn around and fight him then.
If he goes bilegewater he won't have that much resists so hell be squishier, but harder to kite, you want to harass him with Q to force him to all in straight away. You can choose to try to kite/fight or just run away and sustain up again when his R is on CD.
The more I read knowledgeable people talking about Riven and Udyr, the more I ask myself "but who the hell do I beat these guys with and how do I do it without whining to my jungler". D:
Actually crying to your jungler for early levels vs udyr is very effective ISNT THAT RIGHT MR APWICKD
Udyr's pretty unbeatable as a Melee Champ that's not Pantheon and even Pantheon has a tiny tiny tiny margin for error where if he fucks up Udyr ruins him.
Riven's meh, you can stomp her with Pantheon, Udyr or any number of ranged dudes IMO.