Yeah I randomed udyr in normal so I tried to troll a bit so it wouldn't be a stomp. It was just a normal, ranked games are a lot more complicated. Always go flash on deer.
I go wolves blue wraith wolves red buff then I can gank if its needed in the timing else I just do golems and back to wolves. I assumed that was the optimal route.
I didn't try to be #1 cs it just works out like that. Early aegis and hog makes you tank towers like a beast. If I'm raping I just build armour and CDR so you can tank towers for your team so you don't fuck up games by tower diving when you're ahead.
Anyone tried Ionic Spark on him? Seems like that + Phoenix would be silly levels of pushing power.
Wits end seems better for udyr though, he prefers his defensive stats to be resists rather than HP because of his spammable shield.
On January 19 2012 03:28 sylverfyre wrote: Wits end seems better for udyr though, he prefers his defensive stats to be resists rather than HP because of his spammable shield. Well yes, but I was thinking more as an offensive option. AS + that proc seem like they'd be pretty good on Udyr, with the health just being a nice bonus.
Wits end is a better offensive option most of the time I would say, as well as a better defensive option.
On January 12 2012 23:00 zulu_nation8 wrote: i read somewhere you can proc tiger twice or something? This refers to the fact that the first time you activated tigerstance in the game, he'd get into tiger, but the CD for the skill wouldn't trigger.
This would only happen on the default skin, and led to ridiculously fast kills on blue and the possibility of stealing their red.
Was patched out.
Normal path opening boots+3 is wolves > blue > wraiths > golems/red (I prefer golems first for smite to be up for red) > wraiths > wolves. You can gank after red or your second set of wraiths/wolves. Depending on enemy jungler and path, you may also be able to steal wraiths after either the first or second set of wolves.
This path has pretty much 0 downtime on every camp (assuming you're blue and bot lane took golems, you'll actually wait a few seconds for golems and wraiths to respawn), and your health remains very high the whole route.
Ionic Spark is not a bad item, but it pales compared to the OP that is Wit's End. And you'll never want both Wit's End and Ionic Spark; if it's late game and you want more damage, Phage->Triforce would be a better option than Spark.
Not necessarily, in a game with lots of assassins and bruisers the aoe damage and attack speed from ionic spark combined with another tank item say an aegis might outperform triforce which is largely a mobility/burst item more than a DPS item.
The pheonix stance aoe+ the procs with +like a total of 135% or so increased attack speed + the ionic spark procs should give you considerable aoe while your single target damage is still great.
Is there some bug where Monkey's Agility lasts less time than the buff icon shows? I'm not 100% sure because I haven't tried it in a practice game yet but I'm pretty sure there were several times in my game last night where (at low levels at least) it ran out well before the buff spiral had reached the end.
Also, unrelatedly, does anybody know what masteries Saintvicious uses on Udyr?
That's happened to me sometimes when I'm lagging at the start of the game.
On January 25 2012 04:26 arnath wrote: Is there some bug where Monkey's Agility lasts less time than the buff icon shows? I'm not 100% sure because I haven't tried it in a practice game yet but I'm pretty sure there were several times in my game last night where (at low levels at least) it ran out well before the buff spiral had reached the end.
Also, unrelatedly, does anybody know what masteries Saintvicious uses on Udyr? Saint runs 0/21/9 with all the usual suspects in defense and mp5 in util.
Pretty much no other option than 0/21/9 on pheonix udyr. 21/9/0 on tiger, most likely.
spark (100 per unit ever 4th proc) plus wits end (54 per proc single target) plus wota. tryed it out and thats all the dps + sustainablity that you'll ever need. I just stacked warmogs on top and I was unstopable if they didn't focus me down.
The Lane Elk is back.
On January 25 2012 04:50 Slayer91 wrote: Pretty much no other option than 0/21/9 on pheonix udyr. 21/9/0 on tiger, most likely.
21/0/9 is far stronger on tiger. You're dependent on your movespeed and buffs to clear quickly and gank. Isn't worth it to drop those benefits for a piddling amount of resistances.
Its so sad how useless Udyr is when teammates are bad.
He can't carry a damn game like Lee Sin can.
Yes it is.
Lee Sin does far more damage than Udyr. You build him tank after Wit's End (thats what I do) and then run around stunning people and protecting your carries/going after theirs.
On February 04 2012 08:39 Cloud9157 wrote: Its so sad how useless Udyr is when teammates are bad.
He can't carry a damn game like Lee Sin can.
I don't think that is true. If you realize that your team is derping I usually ensure I grab every kill and then just build more like a carry.
You just need to change up your build if you think you need to carry. If you end up with like Triforce/Atmallet/wits you can just kill things so fast compared to your typical tanky Udyr.
I also like switching to tiger when you need to carry, I dunno if it is good, but I feel liek things die way way way faster.
On January 25 2012 04:57 sermokala wrote: spark (100 per unit ever 4th proc) plus wits end (54 per proc single target) plus wota. tryed it out and thats all the dps + sustainablity that you'll ever need. I just stacked warmogs on top and I was unstopable if they didn't focus me down.
The Lane Elk is back.
does wota even proc on item-based damage?
On February 04 2012 09:11 Cloud9157 wrote: Yes it is.
Lee Sin does far more damage than Udyr. You build him tank after Wit's End (thats what I do) and then run around stunning people and protecting your carries/going after theirs.
That's because you're buying more damage items on Lee. Lee sin has trouble doing damage when teamcomps group up tighter and you can't easily Q into their squishies.
I mean normally, if you're doing well, you just kill their squishies and still have enough damage to clean up their tanks. You're probably just better at lee sin, honestly.