On March 12 2011 11:23 Shikyo wrote: Btw ashe gets denied by Tryndamere at lvl 2. Boots first -> spin into autoattack spam with defensive masteries -> GG ashe. Eh that kind of style plays the same as my AP jax, leapstrike range denies many ranged carries, evne urgot if he misses his E but you're really weak to jungle ganks, even laning middle, because you'd have to extend rather far to zone, and you're always looking for times to harass.. Anyways point being is the other ranged carry will purposely let you spin to them and harass, while their jungling is ganking you. You would have eventually play passive when you suspect jungle ganks are possible, which is coincidentally around the time you hit level 2-4
FWIW I listen to ezpz on every matter regarding every ranged dps
On March 12 2011 11:21 HeavOnEarth wrote:Show nested quote +On March 12 2011 07:11 0123456789 wrote:On March 11 2011 07:09 HeavOnEarth wrote: fairly even. although ashe will never win .also ,. if trist has cloth+ 5hp pots and u dont, ashe gets punished also trist lovee to take ignite. So u have to have creep advantage for when he dives on you. Beat 0123456789 ashe vs trist a few days ago in ranked(so when i say ashe never wins i mean unless trist suicides onto you). He dives on me and realized that creeps actually do hurt. Also he took ignite + ghost , so my flash dodged one of his autoattacks, and a few ranged minion creeps Now you're just making up stories. Do not believe EZPZ. I never played vs EZPZ's ashe as trist before, and I beat him when I played corki vs ashe. EZPZ's ashe really easy, would never lose to ezpz's ashe. Although I did make a scrub blunder by overestimating ignite dmg lvl 3 with trist vs EZPZ's corki. I mean really, where did this rage even come from? Sure i made a mistake in the match up, but the point still stands, i beat a trist only because the tristana(you) messed up, which you admit. The lane would otherwise be a stalemate. The key is creep advantage , whether if im corki or ashe. Trist with ignite( like you take) is impossible to 1v1 straight up when you take traditional ghost/flash . Anyways my corki vs ur trist hpapened a few days ago, in an actual ranked match. I don't really recall playing ashe vs you, at least recently(are you talking about something that happened months ago..?), but i hardly doubt my ashe is easy to beat. 1v1 anytime. . .? Never knew u thought of me as that lowly of a player... i always ask for 1v1s in LiquidParty and i never decline. Anyways, as we're on the same ESL team, i hope you can put this behind us..? i'm irritated for being called a scrub ashe as she is one of my best carries and i play at 2k elo, ironically i also play ashe and the ranged carries for our ESL team... over you. If you want to play the ranged carries you're more than welcome to.. if this is what ur passive aggressively referring to? ... i'd rather not argue and leave the ESL team over something i think is silly, because i have fun playing whatever, i could easily jungle or sidelane roam. **Anyways hopefully you can see my tone is fairly nice, this is merely constructive criticism .. i hope you don't take it otherwise... So the game corki vs trist you messed up in 4 places 1) creep advantage, you could've easily held it more towards middle but my side started building up a bit more, very intentionally i might add 2) you actually jumped at level 2.. or something? unnecessary and lowered ur hp for the next time u tried to harass. I assume you thought id take w? and weren't expecting my E? Either way it was a poor move, and forced you to go back+ use hp pots, and not be full hp for your level 3 burst attempt. 3) you try to kite away from creep aggro. While this is good, you should avoid it in the first place( which is impossible sometimes, so you should just not jump) This is bad because i have flash, and you don't. I control who wins, because i have flash. If i am going to lose i can simply walk away, or possible flash if i need to. If i am going to win, i simply flash to you. This being said i recommend you take ignite/flash if you are going to run that on trist. Pretty sure locodoco runs ignite/flash as well. 4) is the obvious mistake
I'm sorry for my post, just very irritated after not taking a break while playing. Didn't mean anything by it. I'll apologize for my tone, didn't mean to have such a rude tone, didn't read what I was typing. Should just take a break instead of grinding, makes me play worse and makes me cranky. Don't want to cause a commotion for this, I was wrong.
1) I honestly forgot the reasons for letting creeps build up, but I'm pretty sure it was either because of jungle gank, or I was going waiting for the push back to make a move. I had spud trynd jungle. 2) Tristana has stronger burst than corki. I wouldnt' jump, just go for e harass techs, but I think I was just trying to get you killed with a gank. 3) If I jump on you and e I take no creep aggro. I only take the aggro when I auto attack. It's a personal preference for summoners In the more wide open baron and dragon terrain, it grants you better mobility than the flash. 4) I miscalculated ignite damage, you ended up getting killed by 1 tick.
Regarding creep dmg and push, my jungler was getting a fast red early on, and I let you push and to get you ganked. What ended up happening that game I think initially was you were going to get ganked, but bot was getting raped so spud ended up going bot instead of coming mid.
I don't think you're a week player, I wrote my post in defense for my recent fail and my weak belief that I am a good player. Deep inside, I feel that I am not a very good player, but I have to defend my gold rating.
So I laned against a kassadin who beat me mercilessly. I opened boots/3 hp pot, and he was running flat AP blue/purple (had 24 AP) so from lvl 1 he was hitting pretty hard. come level 6 I couldn't leave my tower, if I even inched out I was combo'ed ignited, I tried to lane switch but he just kept following me. How do I deal with this? Call for a gank?
You must harrass him when he's on CD. If he's really roflstomping you, call for your teamates for a gank (before lvl6 is best since he has a lot of escape afterwards)
Everytime he Qs you, you should sneak 1-3 autos on him and maybe a volley, since you opened with boots.
What Lanzoma said basically, you can't just let him freely Q you and not face any retaliation. You just have to make sure you are not missing any cs 1-5 while forcing him to trade hits everytime he wants to last hit (Making him Q for last hits is good for you). Then when you buy you hopefully have a large item advantage (2-3 doran's blades versus no catalyst). I'd recommend you push lane as hard as you can when he's getting near 6 (if he's low on mana and not backing you mine as well just stay and keep abusing him) to make for a good time to buy. If you delay the catalyst you delay the inevitable ball of rape Kass will give you with lane staying power.
Yeah, doran's blades are key to the matchup, you need to stay out of range of his burst and recover hp with auto-attacks.
additionally to ashe vs kass, you have to forfeit a few cs if your volley is on cd and he is threatening you with Q spam(early levels)
How the hell do you lane Ashe vs Kennen on mid? Couldn't stop his combo from pwning my face.
On March 22 2011 03:08 BouBou.865 wrote: How the hell do you lane Ashe vs Kennen on mid? Couldn't stop his combo from pwning my face. You try to survive.
Hide from Q behind minions, stay away when his autoattack is charged, generally stay close to your tower. Stay back when you have a mark on you. Stay at high HP, get some extra defensive items (a DBlade, a Null Magic Mantle or a Ruby Crystal) before Kennen hits 6. Also shop a bunch of potions. I suggest a DShield opening, though boots makes at least some sense (3 potions and easier dodging of Q/E).
Sadly even ganking Kennen isn't very easy. If you can, make him blow a summoner pre-6 with a gank and try to kill him with another gank once you hit 6. But that is quite the effort for some junglers, especially if your other lanes need ganks as well or if your jungler is more of a farming jungler like WW. And even if you kill Kennen, don't relax. He can still kill you with ease if you get too greedy.
So what exactly do I DO then, on mid, if I can't stop Kennen from farming like a boss?
On March 22 2011 04:25 BouBou.865 wrote: So what exactly do I DO then, on mid, if I can't stop Kennen from farming like a boss? You either aren't even in mid vs Kennen or you try to grab as many lasthits as you can without feeding Kennen any kills.
you farm like almost as much as a boss? He has to play really aggressively in the lane to deny you, and if he does that, your jungler should be able to gank, since Ashe is pro as shit at assisting ganks with ECA + perma slow. It's really impossible to fully shut down a passive Ashe in mid.
Just play like mordekaiser if you can't win your lane
How does mordekaiser play, then? Just spam random brasilian catchphrases in chat?
United States47024 Posts
On March 22 2011 15:51 BouBou.865 wrote: How does mordekaiser play, then? Always kill, never die.
I have some question about Ashe rune page. I run 3 Quint of Desolution, 9xDesolution Mark, 9xSeal of Clarity, 9xGlyph of Celerity. But I found that with 3x Quint of Desolution, I have so low HP early game and I dont like open with Doran blade, I normally boot and 3xHP pot.
Is this ok to switch to 3xQuint of Fortitude? That lower the armor pen alot early game, but early game I am not hitting anyone beside minions. How is it will affect mid late game Ashe?
Ashe can survive without fort quints. Affects Ashe all the way until she gets lw, so don't do it.
Canada11278 Posts
I have a question about Ashe. I'm pretty nooby, but I've gotten better at surviving the early game. However, I find when this happens and my abilities kick as I level up, my mana gets drained too fast and I can hardly do anything.
None of the builds I've read on LoL forums seem to deal with this (I've recently realized that excessive use of frost was draining my mana, but I ran into the seem problem after monitoring it.) I just ended up making up my own addition by getting Tear of Goddess (or the building blocks if I got killed early) in the mid game and delayed things like BF Sword/Infinity Edge because of lack mana. This was because I was getting frustrated with not being able to use any abilities once the mana was completely drained.