not really. gb/b does terrible dmg to tanks and the longer the game goes on the more u nerf urself. singed rammus or w/e is just gonna park in front of your face. while u waste time tickling him with volleys the rest of your team will die
im not sure how or why this is difficult to understand but i guess to anyone else except for spine, its as simple as that
O... I go 9/0/21 on Ashe usually, but do the standard IE/whisper/zeal/PD build. How noob am I?
not terribly, but you should switch to 21/0/9.
I'm of the impression that every ranged carry can and should try to get away with 21/0/9 but if you get caught you're dead.
you still die if you have 9/0/21, just lets you be a little less judicious with your summoners and gives you extra MS and Buff Duration but weaker attacks.
Is ashe supposed to lose to tris?
uhh, sorta?
ashe doesn't really lose any matchups tbh. some are harder than others, but she should never be getting super zoned. I think ashe should end up a little back on CS vs. an equally skilled trist, but trist should be more vulnerable to ganks when playing to deny Ashe CS.
fairly even. although ashe will never win .also ,. if trist has cloth+ 5hp pots and u dont, ashe gets punished also trist lovee to take ignite. So u have to have creep advantage for when he dives on you. Beat 0123456789 ashe vs trist a few days ago in ranked(so when i say ashe never wins i mean unless trist suicides onto you). He dives on me and realized that creeps actually do hurt. Also he took ignite + ghost , so my flash dodged one of his autoattacks, and a few ranged minion creeps
In my Trist vs Ashe matchups I like to try and ding 6 RIGHT before Ashe does and do a jump -> e -> ult -> auto combo before she gets arrow even if it won't kill her just to get her to like 1/5 hp. From that point she really can't attempt an arrow kill any more than you can attempt a jump kill and it becomes a game of chicken seeing who will back first. The longer you delay her first back the better because Ashe with early items is much stronger than Trist with early items but Trist with levels is a bit scarier than Ashe with levels as far as early teamfights go.
dinging 6 before the other guy does in mid applies to nearly every matchup :o
On March 11 2011 23:32 HeavOnEarth wrote: dinging 6 before the other guy does in mid applies to nearly every matchup :o So true. However especially imo for champs like Ashe/kass. The instant you hit 6 just ctrl+r then r their face and if all goes well you can surprise the crap out of them.
What's ctrl+r?
EDIT: Haha woops, I'm an idiot ...
ctrl + r is smart leveling up, shift + r is smart casting.
On March 11 2011 07:09 HeavOnEarth wrote: fairly even. although ashe will never win .also ,. if trist has cloth+ 5hp pots and u dont, ashe gets punished also trist lovee to take ignite. So u have to have creep advantage for when he dives on you. Beat 0123456789 ashe vs trist a few days ago in ranked(so when i say ashe never wins i mean unless trist suicides onto you). He dives on me and realized that creeps actually do hurt. Also he took ignite + ghost , so my flash dodged one of his autoattacks, and a few ranged minion creeps
Now you're just making up stories. Do not believe EZPZ. I never played vs EZPZ's ashe as trist before, and I beat him when I played corki vs ashe. EZPZ's ashe really easy, would never lose to ezpz's ashe. Although I did make a scrub blunder by overestimating ignite dmg lvl 3 with trist vs EZPZ's corki.
On March 12 2011 07:11 0123456789 wrote:Show nested quote +On March 11 2011 07:09 HeavOnEarth wrote: fairly even. although ashe will never win .also ,. if trist has cloth+ 5hp pots and u dont, ashe gets punished also trist lovee to take ignite. So u have to have creep advantage for when he dives on you. Beat 0123456789 ashe vs trist a few days ago in ranked(so when i say ashe never wins i mean unless trist suicides onto you). He dives on me and realized that creeps actually do hurt. Also he took ignite + ghost , so my flash dodged one of his autoattacks, and a few ranged minion creeps Now you're just making up stories. Do not believe EZPZ. I never played vs EZPZ's ashe as trist before, and I beat him when I played corki vs ashe. EZPZ's ashe really easy, would never lose to ezpz's ashe. Although I did make a scrub blunder by overestimating ignite dmg lvl 3 with trist vs EZPZ's corki. I mean really, where did this rage even come from? Sure i made a mistake in the match up, but the point still stands, i beat a trist only because the tristana(you) messed up, which you admit. The lane would otherwise be a stalemate.
The key is creep advantage , whether if im corki or ashe. Trist with ignite( like you take) is impossible to 1v1 straight up when you take traditional ghost/flash .
Anyways my corki vs ur trist hpapened a few days ago, in an actual ranked match. I don't really recall playing ashe vs you, at least recently(are you talking about something that happened months ago..?), but i hardly doubt my ashe is easy to beat. 1v1 anytime. . .?
Never knew u thought of me as that lowly of a player... i always ask for 1v1s in LiquidParty and i never decline.
Anyways, as we're on the same ESL team, i hope you can put this behind us..? i'm irritated for being called a scrub ashe as she is one of my best carries and i play at 2k elo, ironically i also play ashe and the ranged carries for our ESL team... over you. If you want to play the ranged carries you're more than welcome to.. if this is what ur passive aggressively referring to?
... i'd rather not argue and leave the ESL team over something i think is silly, because i have fun playing whatever, i could easily jungle or sidelane roam.
**Anyways hopefully you can see my tone is fairly nice, this is merely constructive criticism .. i hope you don't take it otherwise... So the game corki vs trist you messed up in 4 places 1) creep advantage, you could've easily held it more towards middle but my side started building up a bit more, very intentionally i might add 2) you actually jumped at level 2.. or something? unnecessary and lowered ur hp for the next time u tried to harass. I assume you thought id take w? and weren't expecting my E? Either way it was a poor move, and forced you to go back+ use hp pots, and not be full hp for your level 3 burst attempt. 3) you try to kite away from creep aggro. While this is good, you should avoid it in the first place( which is impossible sometimes, so you should just not jump) This is bad because i have flash, and you don't. I control who wins, because i have flash. If i am going to lose i can simply walk away, or possible flash if i need to. If i am going to win, i simply flash to you. This being said i recommend you take ignite/flash if you are going to run that on trist. Pretty sure locodoco runs ignite/flash as well. 4) is the obvious mistake
Btw ashe gets denied by Tryndamere at lvl 2. Boots first -> spin into autoattack spam with defensive masteries -> GG ashe.
I can't imagine that working on any lane but top, and who goes ashe solo top?