On December 03 2010 01:31 Mogwai wrote: no seriously, I fucking hate veigar. I suck at landing his combo, have no idea what skills to level or items to buy ever and want to punch a baby right in the face every time he says anything. Stop laughing, i AM evil!
(btw even though i consider myself doing the best when playing casters i suck at Veigar too -.-")
what do you guys think of manamune on panth ? it gives both AD and mana, which he really needs
On December 03 2010 02:31 Taurent wrote: what do you guys think of manamune on panth ? it gives both AD and mana, which he really needs
actually if i run mp5 seals and glyphs i'm practically swimming in mana
On December 03 2010 02:31 Taurent wrote: what do you guys think of manamune on panth ? it gives both AD and mana, which he really needs my position has always been that manamune is only good on Pantheon when you're jungling because it lets you run Armor Yellows and MRes Blues without needing to hog blue buff late game. it comes too late to help laning Pantheon when he still needs the mana, so you can't use it instead of the runes, and with the runes you don't need the mana, which makes it a poor investment.
i used to do a weird build going manamune>Atma>Banshee veil>tank items, for a slightly stronger late game with good tanking power with decent dmg, but the thing is that pantheon's main strength lies in the early game, and if u do not capitalize on that, its pretty damn stupid. there are loads of champs out there that has a much more decent mid/late game.
anyhow i'm very confused with what riot has in mind for pantheon, its pretty obvious they want him to be strong early game, spear and W is enough power to have a strong presence, the problem is with pantheon's mid-late game, and coveniently riot has a room to tweak the champ by having an essentially useless nerfed to ground HSS to play around with...
so they corrected their initial "mistake" by making HSS worthless, now their plan of fixing pantheons late game is by partially reversing what they did in the first place? makes perfect sense! wtf do they exactly want to see in pantheon in the late game? an initiator? a semi carry? a semi tank?
from what it looks like riot has no idea what they want themselves -.-
not that i'm complaining, i get to relive the glory days of pantheon instant-gibbing squishies in lanes :D
um, Pantheon is your quintessential Melee DPS Carry. He is made to be a more durable damage dealer that hits like a truck and in this role he is very successful. Pantheon's late game is weaker than his early game, but I'm not sure what people are looking for when it comes to this anymore... With the LW change and the damage scaling buff to Spear Shot that came with season 1, his late game is pretty darn good.
Like most Melee DPS Carries, he has the choice between forsaking damage items and trying to outlast the opposing team and building damage items and hunting opposing carries in the late game. In theory this is really no different from the choice that someone like Xin, WW, Mundo, Udyr, etc has, but the practical difference is that Pantheon scales incredibly well with Attack Damage and without AD he's left doing considerably worse damage than those characters.
So basically he ends up being a Melee carry along the lines of Trynd/Yi/Shaco who actually builds primarily offensive and makes hunting the opposing carries a priority. What makes him so capable at it next to those guys is that while he's lacking an escape and isn't quite as good at autoattacking, he's got a stun jump to make catching up easier, has better stats for surviving vs. a DPS carry (armor and passive), and he has a global ult so that when he solo pushes the way those other jerks do, he still is a threat in teamfights (not to mention this also allows him to forgo the wall of tanks and support and get right to the opposing carry assuming you have good prediction and can place your ult where it needs to be). With HSS getting buffed as it did, he also has the remarkable trait of being able to fight through exhaust 100 times better than Trynd and Yi.
One of the things that people need to realize about Pantheon is that having Pantheon on your team makes having a ranged carry unnecessary. It's pretty hard to craft a team around Pantheon AND another AD champ because suddenly you're looking at 2 characters best on a solo lane and still need a jungler, a tank, AP damage, and support, which can only really be accomplished if you do something like send your ranged carry bot to be babysat by your support, with a tank in the jungle and an AP carry on the other solo. It makes it a pretty tricky affair, and while it's doable, I think too often people think they NEED a ranged DPS without thinking about how having Pantheon removes the reason they need a ranged DPS (as split pushing with a global ult lets Pantheon apply pressure that forces down towers or forces 5v4 fights, rather than needing a ranged DPS to chip away at towers in a standoff).
(12+56)x5!=700. Locodoco does not deserve to be asian.
But still, HSS hits for a fucking ton right now, it really feels like it got overbuffed. It's not even that everyone is used to the tickle strike of this summer, right now it just feels OP again.
(And on an unrelated note, any character viable without locket is OP.)
I don't agree that pantheon needs a solo lane, he's so good at shutting down duos with a partner.
On December 03 2010 08:48 r33k wrote: (12+56)x5!=700. Locodoco does not deserve to be asian.
But still, HSS hits for a fucking ton right now, it really feels like it got overbuffed. It's not even that everyone is used to the tickle strike of this summer, right now it just feels OP again.
(And on an unrelated note, any character viable without locket is OP.)
I'm pretty sure he was best with locket before, dunno after patch.
locket panth is dumb and you're dumb, I hate you all and your fucking lockets, lol.
With the changes is Jungle Panth still doable? or did lvl1 spearshot slow him down too much.
How quick do you think it'll take before his E gets nerfed again? lol
On December 03 2010 10:47 Yammiez wrote: With the changes is Jungle Panth still doable? or did lvl1 spearshot slow him down too much. it's still doable, but he's significantly better in lane now so I don't think you should.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
"whoops, sorry guys, we made a mistake--HSS is NOT intended to do damage..."
On December 03 2010 13:15 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: "whoops, sorry guys, we made a mistake--HSS is NOT intended to do damage..."
Hahaha, yeah, that's what it feels like. I'm actually quite surprised at the amount of QQ that has appeared on the council forums about Panth... Oh well...
A suggestion I heard was to turn his Q into a skillshot. I actually think this would be a good change. The reason Panth is so strong in lane (which is the main reason for the QQ from what I can see) is because before he hits lvl 3 he can Q spam you down to probably half life, even through a health pot or two. Then he hits lvl 3 and kills you with HSS. If Q was a skillshot it would be much harder for him to bring people down to low life, thus making it harder to kill people with his lvl 3 combo.
I would actually kinda like that because it would allow you to hit people in the brush hahaha.
Speaking of pantheon though, is it worth it to pour points into E before level 14? I've been going QWQE or QWEQ then R>Q>W>E and it's crushing people, but I wonder about trying to gib harder with HSS.
On December 03 2010 21:15 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Speaking of pantheon though, is it worth it to pour points into E before level 14? I've been going QWQE or QWEQ then R>Q>W>E and it's crushing people, but I wonder about trying to gib harder with HSS.
after maxing spearshot, ive actually been lvling aegis to 2 or 3 then maxing hss then finishing aegis lvls, its been working for me
gogo panth + janna lane troll like the old days!
On December 03 2010 15:37 LoCicero wrote:Show nested quote +On December 03 2010 13:15 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: "whoops, sorry guys, we made a mistake--HSS is NOT intended to do damage..." Hahaha, yeah, that's what it feels like. I'm actually quite surprised at the amount of QQ that has appeared on the council forums about Panth... Oh well... A suggestion I heard was to turn his Q into a skillshot. I actually think this would be a good change. The reason Panth is so strong in lane (which is the main reason for the QQ from what I can see) is because before he hits lvl 3 he can Q spam you down to probably half life, even through a health pot or two. Then he hits lvl 3 and kills you with HSS. If Q was a skillshot it would be much harder for him to bring people down to low life, thus making it harder to kill people with his lvl 3 combo. there's already a spear throw skillshot I don't think they'd do that. besides, that'd ruin his laning without making SS do too much damage which of course wouldn't work yaddayaddayadda, he's fine where he is stop bitching people.
On December 03 2010 21:15 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Speaking of pantheon though, is it worth it to pour points into E before level 14? I've been going QWQE or QWEQ then R>Q>W>E and it's crushing people, but I wonder about trying to gib harder with HSS.
On December 02 2010 15:18 Mogwai wrote: QWEQQRQWQWREEEERWW imo