It's always worked for me!
[Champion] Kassadin - Page 4
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Canada321 Posts
It's always worked for me! | ||
United States789 Posts
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Canada1188 Posts
Chalice Guinsoo's Rageblade Nashor's Tooth Hextech Gunblade To do loads of physical, magical, and burst damage. It may not be optimal, but I intend to try it out tonight after I get home. Has anybody else done this? | ||
United States13274 Posts
P.S. I started playing Kassadin recently. | ||
United States1317 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
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Canada1188 Posts
On December 21 2010 01:54 Mogwai wrote: because he never dies unless he makes a conscious decision to die. And if he packs Cleanse, he can change his mind! \o/ | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States11761 Posts
![]() 'cause some people asked what I do on Kass now. I still do the same damn thing and it's still awesome, even if I don't win. | ||
Canada4122 Posts
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United States11761 Posts
On December 30 2010 09:38 Abenson wrote: 2 RoA because uta was prolly the only person doing dmg and needed more hp =.=" It's more that one of the strongest things about Kassadin is his ability to abuse positioning, and the best way to do that is to have a lot of survivability. Kassadin does a lot of damage over time elapsed (as opposed to straight burst or DPS) so it behooves you to stay alive as long as possible. I know there's a lot of glasscannon builds (Smash prefers Cata -> Tear like Anivia, for instance) but I just don't play like that. Be aware though that this is also a solo-queue-derived mentality and habit that Neo constantly teased me about, so you may not have to bother about it. If you noticed during that game during teamfights I was constantly juking and running the Malphite around - he'd be Q W E Ring me all fight and I'd be jumping back and forth nailing targets while maintaining range on Malphite as much as I could - this is in addition to all the random shit Fiddle Veig and Cass would throw at me to try to keep me off them (which often ended in failure) - the tragedy was that I couldn't actually hurt the Malph/Olaf, especially because I accidentally made Zhonya instead of Void (if you remember me going "SHIT wrong item T_T"). But AP heroes tend to struggle taking down tanks anyways (save for Malz, but that's also why some, myself included, feel Malz is the only true AP "carry" in the truest sense of the word) so there's nothing I can really do about that regardless. I was also initiating teamfights by jumping in, snaring people, and then forcing them to either hit back (combat open) or risk being picked apart (which is what happened every time they attempted to retreat - I'd pick them down as they ran back, and eventually whittled enough for me to engage and kill them, hence the constant chain kills as they attempted to back off). Hence Kassadin one-man-army, and the basis for my terrible nuker-initiator habits regardless of which nuker I played (ie. Anivia, Malz, and so on and so forth). Neo (half) joked that I should run SS 4RoA ZRing, and I responded in dead seriousness that I probably would if I had the farm. Edit: Also some people (mainly Smash, I guess) wondered what I did sidelane at one point, and I was like, well you could do the old-Uta/Statikk build of SS -> Tear -> GA -> Arch (or some sort of similar), or you could do the ghetto Uta Snarebotankassadin with double Cata. Yes, it works. And it's hellishly effective, too. So yeah. | ||
United States3216 Posts
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United States11761 Posts
Of course, if you play Vulture Kassadin (ie. not that strong-adin) the only skill you need is patience and the ability to 1a2a3a... or the LoL equivalent thereof. | ||
9871 Posts
On December 31 2010 05:48 Southlight wrote: Positioning and knowing everyone's limits. There's a lot of intricate item, CC, and damage balancing you do and you have to do a lot of juking and kiting. He's got a huge ceiling in power (as he literally does not die until you make the conscious decision to risk it) but because he's got a combination of short-ranged blasts you always "risk dying" by getting in position to output your damage. For every game that I look like a god, there's probably a game where I cost a game by making one terrible decision. He's VERY stressful in that regard. Of course, if you play Vulture Kassadin (ie. not that strong-adin) the only skill you need is patience and the ability to 1a2a3a... or the LoL equivalent thereof. You should really pare down your walls of text. summary, positioning. tbh as long as you have some hp and ap and a little mana you can build whatever you want, just have to be more or less paranoid depending. basically you just kite and then every once in a while you take a huge risk, if you mess up one of them your entire game loses steam, if they were all good ones you rape. It's zero risk 90% of the time and 100% risk 10% of the time. | ||
United States730 Posts
~1300 ranked but I feel im better Reasoning behind this build is great laning that can out CS other player 90% of the time followed by a tanky midgame/lategame. Summoner Spells: I do cleanse and ghost. Sometimes replacing cleanse with teleport. The cleanse I will need vs any serious stuns you need to avoid, you can decide based on the team comp. Theres a cool trick where you can ult a bunch of times, teleport somewhere then ult and do unexpected burst damage. Also helps to be everywhere and snipe squishies, you are an assassin. I do ghost so that in team fights I can land my ult ontop of people who are running away and/or get away from people chasing me easier. Who needs flash, kassadin's flash has like a 3 sec cd. Masteries: 9/9/12 I do (Magic pen/strength of spirit+2 in armor/experience mastery, mana regen) Runes: magic pen reds, mana regen per lvl yellows, cooldown reduction per level (or ability power per lvl) blues, flat HP quints (or ability power per lvl, or flat ability power if you plan to poke early) Skill order: QEQEQRQ then R>Q>E>W could think about throwing in an early W to help charge E. If you are in side lane you probly want to max E over Q. I prefer a solo with this build, top or mid both work. Laning:lvl 1-4 dont take a ton of damage just to get a few last hits, use your Q and E if charged just for last hitting if you are forced to. Lvl 5 you can poke your opponent with Q and E, do it earlier if your opponent went a squishy opening and cant regen much and/or punish you. Lvl 6 I love to zone my opponent whoever it is (my runes/mastery/catalyst gives me great laning mana and hp). Ult toward your opponent but off to the side to throw a Q, its a way of making the range of your Q twice as long at the cost of roughly 2x the mana, add an E if its charged and try to E before Q to get another charge. Items: open up dorans ring+health pot, heal after you have money for catalyst, then if you are doing well in your lane or have confidence you can get kills get soul stealer then rush rod of ages. Spell pen boots if there isnt a ton of notable CC, merc treads otherwise. Then banshees (if lots of CC), free cleanse magic resist thing (the name escapes me) vs a warwick/malhazar as they will probly aim for u, then zhonyas, then archangels. Void staff if more than 2 enemy heros have more than 100 magic resist. Reasoning behind item order is I want the catalyst for laning, if i get tear i feel really squishy if the other team has something that can catch you (tear is good in some situations). Rod of ages and banshees because I'm always getting focused, soul stealer to make them try to focus me more. I could think about opening up mana crystal to help get catalyst faster but I prefer the hp and mana regen for better laning, i feel i make it pay for itself. I tend to hog a lot of my team's kills so I have no issues being the first one in the fight. I'll usually run up and E or ult in then E and run back to my tank, whichever is ideal. The CC of your E will slow down the opponents enough for your team to pile ontop of people. Your job is to do sustained damage every time your stuff is off cooldown. You dont dive in and blow your wadd then die. NoNoNo you Q+E then get out, go back in Q+E then get out ect. You will do a lot more damage by going in and out and you may pull the enemy's attention away to help your allies. If however you are in the situation you arnt focused feel free to sit in as long as possible then blink out. You are kinda tanky if need be. Did 32/3/23 in a ranked game just yesterday. Enjoy kassadin hes super easy ![]() In love with kassadin right now, message me questions/comments or just post after this | ||
664 Posts
How do you feel about this opening? Last week I was watching Bigfatjiji's stream and he played kass in a normal game. He opened with a rejuv bead with a bunch of health/mana pots rather than the doran shield+health pot combo. I pretty much went that build for my last 10 kass games and dominated mid when I soloed. Note that I'm only level 27 so obviously this might not work at higher level elo. Jiji's opening actually makes a lot of sense to me. When I use the dorean sheild combo, I always feel like I need a tiny bit more health/regen or mana to put enough pressure on the opponent to zone them out or make them play more passively. With Jiji's opening, I can spam Q to get them super low by level 5, and if they don't back, it's usually a free kill at level 6 or 7. The only time I lost a lane in those 10 games was when I faced a malhz who had clarity and he literally dot+silence me on every cooldown. Also the mana pots will let you skip that level of W and go straight for QE for max damage. Also, what is the "optimal" way to harass? Usually I use Q about 3 times at level 1 to keep my mana below 100% and then I wait for level 3 when Q is level 2. Then I harass until level 4ish (I stop when my mana is at 60% or so), at which point I wait till level 5 before I mass spam until I run oom, Am I better off just pooling my mana until level 5 before I start mass harassing? | ||
United States13274 Posts
On a separate note, I think one of the most underused aspects of Kassadin is his imba passive attack speed coupled with his fucking retard base DPS stats. At low levels, I find myself picking a lot of auto-attack fights with people because he's just better than nearly everyone at it. He's got one of the best attack animations in the game too, which sure helps you stick to someone once they realize you're kicking their ass. for instance, a couple nights ago, this malphite wanted to trade Qs with me, so he did and then he apparently thought it was a good idea to come up and ground slam when silence wore off. Well, with his Q buffing my AS and activating my nether blade I tore him a 2nd asshole before he could waste even more mana to do paltry damage and barely affect my AS through my imba passive + take creep aggro. Like, 90% of what makes me good with Kass in lane is understanding my damage output from auto-attacking and abusing my passive. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
I usually find myself laning against ranged champs if I play Kassadin, and against those autoattack fights usually put you in range of his creeps while he is out of range of your creeps. Not very favorable despite the ASpd bonus imo. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On January 11 2011 06:14 spinesheath wrote: By the way, how much ASpd do you get anyways? Is it based on the damage, or is it a flat amount per each chunk of magic damage you take? What's the cap? According to this, it's 15% of the magic damage taken (e.g. equal to the amount that the passive stops), and overlaps but doesn't stack. 4. If you get hit for 500 magic damage, your attack speed is increased by 75% for the next 4 seconds. If you get hit for 200 magic damage 2 seconds later, your attack speed will still be 75% for the next 2 seconds (to finish out the initial 4) and then it will go to 30% (from the 200 damage) for another 2 seconds. A lower attack speed % will never overwrite a higher one. So in a level 3-5 exchange, it's probably something around 15-20% attack speed. On January 11 2011 06:16 Slayer91 wrote: You don't bother getting W as kassadin until like level 13 and even then you never use it. Play him like your typical AP champ. An early rank in W is really good for laning. The passive component helps your mana sustainability quite a bit, and the active lets you trade autos in situations like the one Gizmo described above. QWQE is a perfectly acceptable start. And 25 mana to add a charge to E is situationally useful even later on, so I wouldn't say you "never" use it, even past laning. | ||
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