[Champion] Kassadin - Page 13
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Canada5484 Posts
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United States3216 Posts
How to do double cast. I need to practice this and become #1 kassadin, but spamming e doesn't do double cast, even with smart cast | ||
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
On June 14 2011 12:42 0123456789 wrote: Time to abuse this to death. 2 E's... OMG so godly! How to do double cast. I need to practice this and become #1 kassadin, but spamming e doesn't do double cast, even with smart cast Apparently it's a lot harder than Lee Sin. If you don't have a bad enough ping it's literally impossible, even with macro keyboards/software. So EU->US or US->EU OP. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On June 14 2011 14:49 Seuss wrote: Apparently it's a lot harder than Lee Sin. If you don't have a bad enough ping it's literally impossible, even with macro keyboards/software. So EU->US or US->EU OP. Naw, playing on US servers from Taiwan so OP. Every game I have red ping trololololo | ||
Germany14079 Posts
Passive mana restore increased at earlier ranks to 8/11/14/17/20 from 4/8/12/16/20 Active changed to 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.15 ability power) bonus magic damage dealt on hit instead of 7/15/25/38/50 armor penetration Welcome to the tanky dps meta, dear Kassadin? | ||
United States9109 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
On June 22 2011 15:45 gtrsrs wrote: honestly i think that kass change will be nice. not game breaking but nice. gives him a bit more umph. i could be wrong. he was already in a pretty good spot depending on lineup. this might push him over the edge. but arpen obviously unnessary on kassadin. 20 extra damage on autos at level 2/4 will definitely up his laning though imo I think with EU meta of double AP solo laners Kass should find a very strong position. His Q was always great against champs that relied on skills for harass and counter-harass. He just fell out of favor when the roaming meta with tanky dps solos took over. I think he should be a nice pick now imo. His old passive was just retarded. But now, more dps for hitting shit. It'll help his last hitting a bit too if you level his W at 2 or 4. I still don't see it being leveled much until later levels tho. | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
Will you now go into melee range to auto with Kassadin? Because imo it's pretty obvious that you won't. They are making his W better every time they rework it (remember when it was passive and just stole % of max mana of it's target?) but the core design problem is that you're not going in to auto in melee with a ranged mage champion. Tank Kassadin maybe, I don't know, but for the regular Cata - Deathcap mage build this skill still does nothing. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On June 22 2011 16:50 BluzMan wrote: Now please look at the numbers and ask yourself: Will you now go into melee range to auto with Kassadin? Because imo it's pretty obvious that you won't. They are making his W better every time they rework it (remember when it was passive and just stole % of max mana of it's target?) but the core design problem is that you're not going in to auto in melee with a ranged mage champion. Tank Kassadin maybe, I don't know, but for the regular Cata - Deathcap mage build this skill still does nothing. Well I remember when I used to play Kassadin you'd sometimes get 1-2 autos off on your target when you riftwalk in for you Q-E combo. With new W you'd get in a bit more damage. It won't do much, but it's better than apen at the very least. Helps for lane sustain too, but philos are still pretty strong so iunno. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
On June 22 2011 16:55 Ryuu314 wrote: Well I remember when I used to play Kassadin you'd sometimes get 1-2 autos off on your target when you riftwalk in for you Q-E combo. With new W you'd get in a bit more damage. It won't do much, but it's better than apen at the very least. Helps for lane sustain too, but philos are still pretty strong so iunno. For early game harassment it seems to be actually quite good. The only issue now becomes leveling order. Do you still level up Q for harass or do you put some more points in W now? Maxing E to clear lanes depending on the matchup would probably be the same. | ||
United States9109 Posts
On June 22 2011 16:50 BluzMan wrote: Now please look at the numbers and ask yourself: Will you now go into melee range to auto with Kassadin? Because imo it's pretty obvious that you won't. They are making his W better every time they rework it (remember when it was passive and just stole % of max mana of it's target?) but the core design problem is that you're not going in to auto in melee with a ranged mage champion. Tank Kassadin maybe, I don't know, but for the regular Cata - Deathcap mage build this skill still does nothing. lol you definitely go into melee range with kassadin during laning throw on 20 magic damage to my autos (half a wit's end and it restores mana yes please) at level 2, combined with a .15 AP ratio for that early NLR, and yes, i'm going to be pretty fking aggressive with kassadin's auto attacks. you already can't run from him thanks to E, you can't use skills on him thanks to Q, and now you can't afford to stand and fight thanks to W. definitely a good buff to his laning. | ||
United States9316 Posts
On June 22 2011 17:11 gtrsrs wrote: lol you definitely go into melee range with kassadin during laning throw on 20 magic damage to my autos (half a wit's end and it restores mana yes please) at level 2, combined with a .15 AP ratio for that early NLR, and yes, i'm going to be pretty fking aggressive with kassadin's auto attacks. you already can't run from him thanks to E, you can't use skills on him thanks to Q, and now you can't afford to stand and fight thanks to W. definitely a good buff to his laning. ^This exactly The addition to the mana restoration on early levels is a big help too imo. It's like every wave you get ~30-40 mana back if you last hit them all with autos. Fuck yes. That's double what you used to get, and you're only going to put 1 point into it anyway. His q and e are still his bread and butter. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On June 22 2011 17:34 BlackPaladin wrote: ^This exactly The addition to the mana restoration on early levels is a big help too imo. It's like every wave you get ~30-40 mana back if you last hit them all with autos. Fuck yes. That's double what you used to get, and you're only going to put 1 point into it anyway. His q and e are still his bread and butter. So you're thinking it'll probably still go Q-W/E-Q-E/W-Q-R into R>E>Q>W? I don't wanna be definitive 'til I can play him, but if you go something like Q-W-W-E-W you could be doing some pretty damn good damage to melee solo laners...Obviously, his burst potential will be much lower, but laning should be a lot stronger. | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
On June 22 2011 17:11 gtrsrs wrote: lol you definitely go into melee range with kassadin during laning throw on 20 magic damage to my autos (half a wit's end and it restores mana yes please) at level 2, combined with a .15 AP ratio for that early NLR, and yes, i'm going to be pretty fking aggressive with kassadin's auto attacks. you already can't run from him thanks to E, you can't use skills on him thanks to Q, and now you can't afford to stand and fight thanks to W. definitely a good buff to his laning. Lol screw laning. Getting this skill high during laning means you don't level E and make your teamfight presence even worse. So, if you go for a caster build and take early levels of W, in the first fights you're basically going to act as a teleporting silence bot and still won't be able to auto unless you like being instagibbed. If you take W last, well, nothing changes because that's exactly what you've been doing with pre-patch Kassadin. It's nice as a 1-point wonder, but I don't see anyone leveling W before E with an AP build. If you build tanky, this might work, but don't forget that it's only 5 seconds which probably means around 3-4 autoattacks, not that good. Tank Kassadin has been borderline viable lately, but I don't have enough experience with it to tell if it's gonna become good. EDIT: I've played a few games of Kassadin after the E nerf (I used to main Kassadin before that) and he just didn't work. His E was the only thing that made him viable outside of assassin role and after it's nerf he became just a glorified version of LeBlanc that teleports more often but deals less damage, and with a crappy laning phase. I don't see AP Kassadin working well atm, and I don't see it working with the W remake. | ||
United States9316 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
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United States11761 Posts
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United States17077 Posts
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Switzerland3257 Posts
Now I'am picking him up again and I try to figure out a new build on him that works well with his new skill. Leveling: R>E>Q>W with 1 level W at the time i feel i can be more aggressive with spam and engagements. I get E over Q because: 1. its an AoE 2. the damage gain/level is higher Q's 3. the cooldown is lower than Q's and when the teamfights start you have the stacks up all the times anyways. runes+masteries would be 0/9/21 with SoS and mpen,manareg/lvl,cdr/lvl,mpen items currently are: 1. roa because he needs mana and he explodes too fast with just AA. His W, E and R are all close range spells so he actually needs the HP more than anything else. 2. deathcap because he has insane ap ratios (consider the W 0.15 is actually alot because you hit 4-5 times without AS items) 3. mercs because disables are his worst enemy 4. nashors tooth (i get fiendish before dcap actually) and from then on the standard stuff like voidstaff etc. Why I find nashors good on him? I allways had the opinion that cdr is soooo good on him and with this build your ~capped at lvl 18 and have good cdr midgame. the manareg is never wrong on kass and the attackspeed can possibly increase his damage quite alot (I'am not yet sure though). The Idea is that with the lower cds you have W allways up when you can use it and have higher utility through your disables being spammed more. Also R works very well with cdr because you can get away with more aggressive stuff like that. the attackspeed on it basicly means that his W is 50% stronger. I call it the "steroid kassadin build" lol | ||
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