On January 04 2011 12:48 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Just a side note, I was right 3 months ago, razors -> boots -> double null magic mantle -> visage/merc -> HoG/Bloodrazors/Banshees.
Good, that's how I've been building warwick.. then I read this thread and got scared!
I actually think with all the tanking items getting nerfed that WW legitimately needs to tailor his build to games. I've been doing all sorts of shit recently from BR rush to GA rush to my old HoG + SV opening, it all feels situational.
Well to me all tank items are situational and are dependent on the game itself.
On January 05 2011 00:51 Mogwai wrote: I actually think with all the tanking items getting nerfed that WW legitimately needs to tailor his build to games. I've been doing all sorts of shit recently from BR rush to GA rush to my old HoG + SV opening, it all feels situational.
Well at my Elo BR rushing gains nothing. I can baron at any time in the game pretty much, and usually do so with one other person helping. I haven't been getting an early HoG in my games and I think that's a mistake, I'm going to try that more often now. But SV is definitely core for me.
United States37500 Posts
After the survivability buffs to Dragon and Baron, straight Bloodrazor feels like a pretty bad idea now.
On January 05 2011 00:51 Mogwai wrote: I actually think with all the tanking items getting nerfed that WW legitimately needs to tailor his build to games. I've been doing all sorts of shit recently from BR rush to GA rush to my old HoG + SV opening, it all feels situational. Quoted for emphasis, I almost always opt for either SV or HoG after razors/boots, but sometimes I straight GA or BR rush too.
What kind of rune page or even masteries would you guys suggest that works with both eve and ww for low ranked games?
aspeed reds, armor yellow,s mres/lvl blues, health or movespeed quints although i prefer health is standard for basically any jungler.
well the dragon / baron difficulty increase is a nerf to WW, since he excelled at doing it.
Can I use 1/8/21 for both eve and ww?
United States37500 Posts
I need to update all my threads to reflect the current patch.
But for WW, go 9 0 21. Smash has convinced me that CDR and Magic Pen helps Q a lot more than SoS off WW's small mana pool. Defensively, most WW go SV and HoG first before finishing Bloodrazor.
The 9 offense is for magic penetration right? When should ww dragon for the first time now?
On January 05 2011 23:47 zulu_nation8 wrote: The 9 offense is for magic penetration right? When should ww dragon for the first time now? after a successful mid or bot gank with help from teammates IMO.
The new 30% attack speed debuff from dragon is pretty ridiculous.
He hits a lot harder too as far as I can tell.
Its probably the damage part of the burning debuff.
what's the earliest WW can solo dragon now? I tried in a game yesterday w/out knowing the patch notes and got fucking rofl stomped at level 5.
you can still solo dragon at 5 with razor, at least 1 buff, recurve bow and a couple pots.
how in fuck's name do you have a recurve bow in addition to razor at level 5?
wraith jack and get first blood