On January 06 2011 05:25 gtrsrs wrote: you can still solo dragon at 5 with razor, at least 1 buff, recurve bow and a couple pots.
I actually think I was level 4, but I had razor, both buffs and pots. Good to know though
On January 06 2011 05:30 gtrsrs wrote: wraith jack and get first blood Are you skipping boots or wards?
Ehhhhh, rushing to spend 1050 gold yourself to get 950 gold for the team does not sound like the best strategy to me. Especially since it slows down your SV/HoG, is risky to do it solo in the first place, and you could simply do it with your teammates. Sure you'll use the recurve bow eventually to finish MBR but early on where you spend your gold is more important.
I actually think recurve is an amazing boost to your dps early on if you can afford it and you don't need your HoG/SV off the bat. It helps with dragon soooooo much and getting dragon for your team is sooooooo huge.
Yea totally changes my gameplan to jungling now. I was rather greedy but now I try to focus on early ganking more. Dragon can wait.
Btw still using same item build as before. Not much has changed. Razor, boots/treads, SV, BR, veil, wits end etc. Usually in a weird order though lol.
Tempted to get BC in there but almost always need to build tank.
Was playing a 3v3 against a whole magic team few days ago. Got 279 MR somehow lolol. FoN ftw!
On January 06 2011 07:23 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:Are you skipping boots or wards?
if i get first blood i skip boots but with wraith jack + first blood (assuming long sword start so you don't waste $ on 5 potions) you can afford madreds, 1-2 pots, recurve and one ward by level 5
On January 06 2011 07:26 BlackPaladin wrote: Ehhhhh, rushing to spend 1050 gold yourself to get 950 gold for the team does not sound like the best strategy to me. Especially since it slows down your SV/HoG, is risky to do it solo in the first place, and you could simply do it with your teammates. Sure you'll use the recurve bow eventually to finish MBR but early on where you spend your gold is more important.
recurve bow is phenomenal for taking down towers and ganking (assuming you have red). your AS with recurve and W activated is like 1.5 at level 6, no one is getting away from you with that kind of AS, then you take tower for free.
i'm no WW pro but i feel like every time i play him is a free win. my path if i know there are wards or our lanes are always too pushed to gank: wraith jack (leave 1 wraith) -> your wolves -> wraiths -> golem (b to buy cloth armor) -> blue -> wolves -> wraiths -> red -> golems -> wolves -> wraiths puts you 1 creep's worth of experience until level 6. go to mid/top to gank, you hit level 6 during the middle of your gank and finish it with infinite duress, red will just be ending during your gank too
long sword + 1 pot, clothe armor when noted, madreds + boots + pots + wards first buy, second buy is recurve + pickaxe, third buy is BRs, you can have them by 17 minutes with just a kill and an assist iirc. everything after that is survivability - mercs, randuin, wits end, thornmail, force of nature. i don't like spirit visage in this build because i get it too late, past it's prime imo
Don't skip boots, get boots + null magic mantle + wards on first b if you have that much. Recurve is nice but it's only working because your opponents are terrible.
I tested several times in practice games and I can still solo dragon at level 4 with relative ease using dual buff + razor + 1-2 pots. One time my blue buff even ran out when I started dragon and I ended up with <100 hp. I do have flat armor yellows though, maybe that's the difference.
Honestly though dragon is such a dangerous objective now that it's not even worth it to take it that early. It's so nice that they can't just force a dragon when one is down because dragon will totally fuck up 3 champs at level 4-6.
Are you supposed to press w then ult? Or does w have no effect on the ult?
w has no effect on the ult. I ult -> Q -> chase and hit W as chasing.
when you chase do you right click then attack move like for example microing bw zerglings or do you just keep attack move clicking the hero?
just like bw zerglings unless I have red buff. if they have no way of recovering health and I'm confident in my ability to just chase with Q, I'll usually do that though because ww's attack animation isn't the greatest and you'll lose ground by auto-attacking which might cost you a Q.
If you have red buff, shouldn't you always autoattack before Q to proc the slow? I've seen a lot of people miss getting the red buff proc because they Q'd and then enemy used an ability to get away and wasn't ever slowed.
your ult applies red buff proc.
just played a game of WW. Pretty much do the exact same stuff Straight BR into hog SV radiuns etc.
You always Q before you ult whenever possible since the ult will eat up like 3 seconds off Q's cooldown.
also because if you q+ auto then ulti, you can do more dps, rather than going straight in and using R. unless then can escape, you'll burst them down within the stun anyways, u need the lifesteal , etc.