On January 19 2011 10:44 TheYango wrote: How are XP quints on Warwick? I was watching Dan Dinh on stream the other day, and he said that he used them but didn't elaborate on why.
maybe to not have to put points on the utility tree? just guessing.
United States47024 Posts
On January 19 2011 12:45 freelander wrote:Show nested quote +On January 19 2011 10:44 TheYango wrote: How are XP quints on Warwick? I was watching Dan Dinh on stream the other day, and he said that he used them but didn't elaborate on why. maybe to not have to put points on the utility tree? just guessing. He still did get Awareness, though. By that logic he would be running movespeed quints, as he went 21/0/9.
Sounds like the ole "Rush level six so my ganks are powerful" Warwick.
I've started going cloth armor, I decided yesterday I didn't really care how fast my first jungle clear is, I just wanted absolutely zero risk. I'm fine with just farm farm farm with the potential for a jungle invasion early game as ww.
I tweaked my runes a bit to get an extra 3% movespeed (2 quints) and found I need a minimum 19% AS on the page to survive killing golem with sword + pot 9/0/21 build.
Its a dangerous lvl 1 golem but I found the extra runspeed to help chasing down kills the whole game.
AS red, flat armour yellow, mregen/lvl blue, 1 AS quint 2 movespeed.
Jungling seems hella slow now (partly cause I used to have 26% AS) but its mainly the hungers not finishing off creeps like before. Will take some getting used to.
On January 19 2011 12:03 arnath wrote: Post patch, what sort of clear times for a normal jungle path (blue to small golems) are people getting? Just tested two paths at summoner level 24, 1/2/21 build with APen, Flat Armor, Scaling MRes, Flat HP.
Blue -> Wolves -> Wraiths -> Golems -> Red was 4:35 with lowest health at 25% during Blue with QWQE
Wraith Jack -> Wolves -> Blue -> Wraiths -> Red -> Golems was 5:05 with lowest health at 50% during Blue with WQQE
Both cases used Long Sword + HP Potion opening and Smite was used on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th camps. Obviously wraith jack is slower since you clear 6 camps, but it's safer as long as the wraith jack goes smoothly.
On January 20 2011 10:50 Khul Sadukar wrote:
I tweaked my runes a bit to get an extra 3% movespeed (2 quints) and found I need a minimum 19% AS on the page to survive killing golem with sword + pot 9/0/21 build.
Its a dangerous lvl 1 golem but I found the extra runspeed to help chasing down kills the whole game.
AS red, flat armour yellow, mregen/lvl blue, 1 AS quint 2 movespeed.
Jungling seems hella slow now (partly cause I used to have 26% AS) but its mainly the hungers not finishing off creeps like before. Will take some getting used to.
Hmm weird, this wasn't consistant with my testing... managed to beat golem with 12%, but I did go very low (to about 50 hp or so). What's your exact setup?
Also, how do you guys feel about Atma's on Warwick as a last item?
edit: misread
Setup is in the post. Now that I think about it that may have been immediately after wraith jack, so smite was a bit late. Even so ive been going fairly low starting at golem (like down to 100). 12% is crap tbh what else u getting?
Better off with BC than atmas. Usually only end up with about 3k health in the end. By then ppl have insane armour/resists.
(i hate swype sometimes)
12% AS, flat armour yellows, mr/lvl blues, mspd quints, 9/0/21, sword + pot. Did it several, with sometimes ending up with a bit more hp due to lucking out on a crit. And normally, I do have full aspd reds, just removed some for this.
Still dont get how u only get 12 from reds..
Edit: ok I remember trying with only 15% AS probably starting with wraiths and dying to golem. Sounds like you were lucky with q. In any case its still dangerous but with good map awareness u should be fine.
I just carried the fuck out of Grackis on stream with WW after a sort of bad start
end score 16/3/19
Grackis would be pretty fucking forgettable if he weren't such a prick.
Went from Morgana to trying this guy out. Huge difference, and you need to be VERY map-aware. Liking the challenge, as Morgana is pretty ease. The guides on this guy basically tell me EVERYTHING I need to know about creeps and the jungle XP I've been so clueless as to what, when and why we should jungle or farm.
On January 21 2011 16:52 Odds wrote: I just carried the fuck out of Grackis on stream with WW after a sort of bad start
end score 16/3/19
way to go, allways hate when someone trash talks me, and I end up carrying their asses
I think I should watch Grackis' stream just listen to the hillarity
On January 22 2011 04:16 Mogwai wrote: Grackis would be pretty fucking forgettable if he weren't such a prick.
Very much agree with this. Any time I watch his stream (I don't know why I do it, but sometimes I hope to see a glimmer of skill there..), all I see is him blaming his team for either his mistakes, or for mistakes that were made by the whole team that he was a part of, ie. they're all standing in the brush near dragon, waiting for a fight, then it turns out the other team were doing baron (this happened today), so he just starts flaming them for how bad they are when he was making the same mistake.
Anyways, back on the subject of WW -
I'm having a little bit of trouble maintaining a good early-game presence on the map on my level 25 acc on the EU server. Is it likely that it's the lack of complete masteries and runes on a <30 account? Or is it more likely to be some fault in my play eg. map awareness, jungle routes, whatever? Or is it because I'm solo queuing normals?
Or is that question impossible to answer? lol.
I just feel like I can't really keep up with the solos and never really feel comfortable going for dragon. I can buy wards till I'm blue in the face (actually, WW is always blue in the face..), ping dragon and ask my team to come help, but it just never seems to work out.
Timing ganks without voice chat with random teams is pretty damned hard... Maybe that's the problem, not enough good communication...
United States37500 Posts
On January 22 2011 19:42 Cedstick wrote: Went from Morgana to trying this guy out. Huge difference, and you need to be VERY map-aware. Liking the challenge, as Morgana is pretty ease. The guides on this guy basically tell me EVERYTHING I need to know about creeps and the jungle XP I've been so clueless as to what, when and why we should jungle or farm.
Glad you enjoy the guide. imo, junglers are the hardest role to play. You definitely need to have great map awareness to capitalize on ganks. A jungler that fails to gank successful is actually set back a lot.
On January 25 2011 03:09 jtype wrote:Show nested quote +On January 22 2011 04:16 Mogwai wrote: Grackis would be pretty fucking forgettable if he weren't such a prick. Very much agree with this. Any time I watch his stream (I don't know why I do it, but sometimes I hope to see a glimmer of skill there..), all I see is him blaming his team for either his mistakes, or for mistakes that were made by the whole team that he was a part of, ie. they're all standing in the brush near dragon, waiting for a fight, then it turns out the other team were doing baron (this happened today), so he just starts flaming them for how bad they are when he was making the same mistake. Anyways, back on the subject of WW - I'm having a little bit of trouble maintaining a good early-game presence on the map on my level 25 acc on the EU server. Is it likely that it's the lack of complete masteries and runes on a <30 account? Or is it more likely to be some fault in my play eg. map awareness, jungle routes, whatever? Or is it because I'm solo queuing normals? Or is that question impossible to answer? lol. I just feel like I can't really keep up with the solos and never really feel comfortable going for dragon. I can buy wards till I'm blue in the face (actually, WW is always blue in the face..), ping dragon and ask my team to come help, but it just never seems to work out. Timing ganks without voice chat with random teams is pretty damned hard... Maybe that's the problem, not enough good communication...
Hard to say, since it's situation specific. A few pointers though: - Focus on farming jungle monsters. Ganking is great but only do so when you feel like you can ensure a kill for your team. Doesn't have to be you that gets the kill. - Only time I would solo dragon is in a 5 man premade. I would never risk solo dragon in a solo q after the Dragon buff. If you want dragon, force a gank or at least a retreat from the enemy. Then ping to have your team collapse on dragon. Sometimes you might have to say "let's gank, then do dragon when they run away". Have a vision ward before you start and sight ward if you can, to see when enemies are trying to come back out. - 9 times out of 10, after you've successfully done dragon, fall back. Chances are, your team will be slightly lower on hp and definitely lower on mana than the enemy team. You've completed a good team objective, don't force your own hand.
United States37500 Posts
Oh, and it's nearly impossible to match up with solo laners in levels. MR buff makes jungling noticeably slower this patch. It's better to compare your CS with the enemy jungler (whenever he shows himself, take a look at the tab screen) and compare your level with the bottom laners. Assuming you're successful with your ganks, you should be equal or higher level than the guys down at bot.
Is a full attack speed rune page meant to be optimal on warwick? and what path are you guys using now? after the MR buff i feel like if I start at golems its not actually that safe to do blue.
The OP doesn't really discuss those at all, it just states Neo's opinion. There's no real point to starting at blue since you can't rush dragon anymore and its not optimal for maxing exp/gold.