Ability 1: Stimpack. Jammer loses 35 health and receives a 50% boost to Attack Speed and Movement Speed for 10 seconds. Ability 2: Launch. Jammer Launches itself to a unit up to 7 Range away. 40 Impact damage and stuns the target for 3 seconds. Jammer is stunned for 2 seconds. 15 second Cooldown. Cannot Launch over Cliffs or Structures
Role: The Jammer is a slight adaptation of the HERC, but without the Hellbat overlap. Jammer has no splash, but becomes an Anti Massive specialist. It has a DPS of 15 Unupgraded but Stimmed, 10 Unstimmed. It prefers fighting by Launching itself forward into the Enemy army, disabling a key target and using its high DPS and resilience to give the Bio support army the time to deal damage. The Jammer will usually allow the bio army to take it's position without fearing massive damage from opposing key units. TvT: TvT the unit can be used to temporarily disable Siege Tanks and allow the Bio army to close the distance. Cyclones with their High DPS + Lock should be an excellent counter. Another way to defend tanks is by positioning them behind structures; Launch cannot circumvent structures (except lowered SDs). TvP: This is the matchup the Jammer shines. It can be used to deny Disruptors (the 3 sec Stun effectively wastes their attack, at the cost of Jammer health unless you have sick micro and do a hot pickup). The Jammer deals high damage and can disable key targets such as Immortals, Collosi and Archons in a deathball fight. It will be key for Protoss to have a hotkey of Immortals dedicated to sniping Jammers in lategame to prevent them from wreaking havoc on the army. TvZ: Jammers can be used to great effect against Ultralisk, but also against Zerg players that control their Banelings poorly. One Jammer can absorb 14 banelings, so Zerg players should keep their Banes on the move or on Hold Position. Jammers are also an excellent answer to Lurkers. Infestors, however, are a great response, as Jammers have short range and their Launch ability is their main selling point.
Visuals: The Jammer will be a very bulky unit. Think of the WoL campaign Firebat/Marauder Mercenaries. Additionally, they have a set of Launchers in their feet, allowing them to fly straight towards their target.
He is something like a special marine. This marine flyes and provides visibility in the battlefield. His ability is dropping a square holographic barrier that protects from banelings and other area damage units like high templars or colossus, additionaly this barrier returns 25% of damage taken to the enemy. The barrier last 10 seconds, and needs tech lab on barracks and engineering bay.
I really don't like the idea of another Mech supporting unit. I feel like mech already has the pieces it's just up to Blizzard to put them together. The main thing I'd like to see is replacing or redesigning the Thor and improve the Vikings ground form in some way, even if it's just lower the transition time. I wonder if they would be willing to add the Goliath in place of the Thor in addition to the new unit. As for the new unit, I think Terran Bio is missing something in the late game and I'd like something to address that.
Ok. I am reading some really crazy ideas. Blizzard asked for a unit coming from Barracks or Starport and I see lot of Factory Units presented... This is NO SENSE. If we dont take this seriously, the community will never be respected from the designers.
First of all I dont see the need of another T unit. Even the "Cyclone" seems to be a joke. It is OP or totally useless. In the last video he is much slower and es very difficult to use. I just dont see him fit in the T army. Maybe another niche unit like the reaper?
Instead of creating new unit for Terran I suggest to fix the actual ones and try to balance the game better.
Five years and still no Mech viable in Progames vs Protoss. How much time do you need Blizzard? I am Diamond Terran and play Mech every game. I use Ghosts in the TvP MU and got something like 80% winrate. Still feel Air transition very difficult and the production time is a great enemy in this TvP.
Give some kind of EMP to the Raven. Low the cost of the Armory to its Broodwar Price. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE keep the AIR and GROUND MECH UPGRADES COMBINED. Improve the Viking on the ground to help them protect tanks and hellbats when there are 30 zealost coming after huge warp in the end of a air battle.
Finally I would ask to add the Reactorlab addon from the T campaign been able after the construction of the Fusion Core.Will help a lot. Factory Units a built very slowly and we got no chronoboost.This reactor will help a lot even for the Air Transition, because you usually use banshees and need ravens and lot lot lot of vikings in late game.
I am just tired of 6 years of BIO TvP. Always the same...
Type: mechanical structure Tier: 2 Requires: Engineering Bay, Armory Cost: 150 minerals / 50 gas Build Time: 40 HP: 200 Armor: 1 (+2 buildings) Range: 6 (+1 ) Ground Attack: 4x8 (+2x8 Upgrade: Engineering Bay 200 minerals / 200 gas) Air Attack: None Cooldown: 8 Sight: 8 Note: burrowed when out of use
The upcoming idea of LotV to encourage players to take more expansion emphasizes the discussion about map-control: meanwhile protoss and zerg are able to build a decent defence line in free ground spaces, terran has to rely on Planetary Fortesses, mines and turrets or filled-up bunkers. Bunkers and mines cost supply what decrease the army size on the field while Planetary is too expensive and not designed to use for map-control. Turrets are decent for air deffence but makes no sense at ground control.
The Floor Gun Trap (FGT) was designed in Starcraft: Brood War but not used in the multiplayer. To point out some roles in Starcraft 2: - Because of multiple targetting it would have a role as a semi-mine-like ground controlling structure but still not considered as an unlimited AOE dealer - Supports the idea of tank-turret mechanic terran style with adding FDG to the army line - Adding to defend the expansions Terran would be able to build Orbital Command to play more economic based play, while the gas cost would limit the number of the FGT.
mechanical walking/jumping mech-style robot type thing, ideally with a hot lady pilot, about the same size as viking, in air and landed, but more beefy/less frail looking.
made from starport- doesn't attack while in air, can land on ground
has ability to "leap" forward and stun small-type units in a certain radius, this stun is also activated upon landing (which would be faster than a viking, would land fast and hard on the ground, causing the stun), can leap off of cliffs but not up them, since it's a big robot not a little reaper, and cooldown would be about the same as blink, slow enough so that it is not faster to just lift up and land again, or maybe it can only land once? i duno
slow, rock-em sock-em robot style melee attack called jab or something. extra damage vs massive, would suck vs crowds so obviously used mainly for the stun utility/could also land on tanks/immortals and punch the crap out of them.
i think it could make gameplay more dynamic by giving some interesting escape mechanism, could be used on a professional level but also by people who don't know how to split marines at 800apm, so you could just rally your bio home and stun the approaching lings/chargelots by suicide leaping into a pack of them. could also be used in mech against immortals or in tvt to break tank lines
edit: i guess it could have a more cleave-like aoe punch, but i think just punching massive units would make most sense, so that it doesn't get made just for destroying workers... also the stun could affect all units, i just thought of it starting from the starport since they need starport units, and the landing also using the leap effect i think sounds cool, i also thing something cool needs to happen to the sensor tower, but that's a different topic
The Command Fortress gives Terran some much needed map control, defensive options, and reliable inexpensive AOE. Its a direct upgrade from the Planetary Fortress and adds some much needed functionality to the concept while seeking to be a balanced design. It has offensive applications but is primarily intended to augment Terran's late game defense while creating interesting tactical and micro opportunities for the player and their opponent.
Function:I'd like for the Command Fortress to lose the ability to produce SCV's but retain the ability for them to return resources to it. This would be a bit counter intuitive for new players and goes against the direct upgrade pathing that Starcraft has, so I doubt it would happen. The Field Marshal is a hero unit that complements the Command Fortress. On their own the CF and FM are capable defensively but much more effective when complementing each other. Take out one and the other is limited.
Spells Tac-Link 75 energy, 30s duration The Command Fortress remotely links 4 Missile Turrets allowing them to fire anywhere in the designated area. + Show Spoiler +
Function: When selected it displays two radius': effect radius (used to select the Missile Turrets), and attack radius (new attack radius the Missile Turrets will have). When one linked Missile Turret is destroyed Tac-Link adds the next closest Missile Turret to the link. Use: Missile Turrets are effective in large numbers against airborn harassment, but deal poorly with Muta clouds and mass Phoenix. This requires a Terran player to split their focus between attacking and defending multiple bases and often a few seconds can mean loss of production or whole mineral lines. Tac-Link allows a Terran player breathing room to stave off an attack until their army can return, or just scaring off enemy air until it runs out. Its not free, however. The Terran player has to build the Turrets beforehand and position them smartly in order to get the most from them, AND do it in multiple bases.
Abilities Arm 330mm Strike Cannons 100 energy, 30s duration, 30s cooldown Builds 330mm shells that can be launched by the Field Marshal. Limit one per Command Fortress. + Show Spoiler +
Function: Works the same as arming a nuke in the Ghost Academy, except it requires energy. Has a shorter initial build time and the Field Marshal can launch a 330mm Strike quicker than a Ghost can a Nuke. This allows for reactionary use, but limits the consecutive use to prevent abuse.
Root/Uproot 06s cast, 1.0 speed The Command Fortress deploys legs in order to relocate itself. It cannot bunker, build, or cast while uprooted. + Show Spoiler +
Use: Since a Command Fortress is a serious investment in time and resources you should be able to relocate it. Since it walks instead of flying it's vulnerable to ground units. It's large size also means you won't be able to get it beyond certain ramps, which may force a player to defend further outside their base than they want during a series enemy push or base trade scenario.
Load/Unload The Command Fortress can load SCVs, Marines, Marauders, Reapers, and Ghosts, protecting them from fire. Has a cargo space of 5 (+3 with upgrade). + Show Spoiler +
Function: Works just like a normal Bunker: Units within can attack and gain +1 range. Use: The Command Fortress trades the Ibiks Cannon for its myriad abilities. Bunkers are not reactionary structures: they take long to build and use supply by requiring units to be loaded in order for it to function. They are easily destroyed by run bys and warp ins. Losing a bunker means losing 300 minerals at a minimum and they are often not effective mid to late game in securing a base. To add a more reactionary defensive structure to Terran's arsenal the Command Fortress can function as a Bunker(2 with the Neo-Steel Frame Upgrade). A quick enough Terran player can reinforce it enabling it to defend itself and a mineral line, or to be the center of holding off your opponent. To counter this an attacking player can stop this by focusing on the approaching units, or sieging it.
Field Marshal Description: Combat Walker Built From: Command Fortress Cost: ?/?, ? supply Attributes: Mechanical - Psionic Ground Attack Lance Rail Cannon 20 (+15 vs armored) 7 range Air Attack Viper Rockets x3 8 (+4 vs light) 0.5 splash 10 range Defense: 200/2 Speed: 2.75 Cargo Size: 4
The Field Marshal is blend of the War Hound and Thor. It seeks to be a fast unit that adds micro opportunity as well as defensive options. I don't want it to be too powerful, but it should have enough power to warrant it's use and to be taken seriously. On its own it's meant to provide additional firepower to any composition and provide some meaningful anti air options without stepping on the Thor and Cyclone. It has only one skill it can use on its own, a defensive shield. Otherwise it requires a Command Fortress to be effective as a support unit. Since it lacks energy it isn't affected by feedback or emp and isn't hard countered by any one unit. It should usually be behind your army but can be used aggressively, but is far from unstoppable. + Show Spoiler +
In my mind it would look something like this, only SC2 stylized.
Spells Dragons Teeth 75 energy, 9 range, 3s activation, 14s duration Energy is spent at the Command Fortress to launch a missile containing caltrops which are dispersed in a limited area. They attach to units passing through their radius, hobbling them. Unit is slowed by 25% and takes 10 damage. Effect lasts 15s. + Show Spoiler +
Function: Affected area displays clearly on the map. After being cast it takes 3 seconds for them to "activate", allowing a player time to move their army around, through, or off of them. Every time an applicable ground unit passes through them they take 10 damage, but the slow effect does not reset and expires after 15s. Use: Gives Terran some much needed map control and a way to slow massed Zealot, Ling/Baneling, Locusts, and to create choke points. It's primarily a defensive aid when dealing with melee units. The damage component can be scaled down but is primarily there to make both you and your opponent think twice about pushing through it keeping it a primarily defensive spell. It uses the Command Fortress energy to cast the spell for two reasons: prevent feedback, and to keep the synergy/dependence with the Command Fortress.
Aegis Barrier 15s duration, 30s cooldown Activates a 150hp shield that absorbs ranged damage. + Show Spoiler +
Use: An activated ability on a cooldown timer. When activated the shield absorbs all income ranged damage, but is ignored by spell and melee. Function[/]: The Command Fortress can use Tac-Link without a Field Marshal, and the only the skill a Field Marshal can use without the CF is Aegis Barrier. It further cements the idea that the unit is to be used defensively, with limited aggressive applications. It's effectiveness is ed against speedy melee units meaning it's not going to cut it in all situations.
Abilities Launch 330mm Barrage 10 range, 80 d/s for 6s (480) The Field Marshal calls down an artillery strike at the targeted spot. Artillery takes 10 seconds to land. + Show Spoiler +
Function: The Field Marshal laser designates a spot up to 10 range. A big bright exclamation point the size of the radius is displayed on the map (think sensor tower) Like with the nuclear strike an audible warning in sounded, giving the player time to find it and attempt to kill the Field Marshal or move their units. [u]Use: Terran damage dealing AOE has many problems when it comes to spell AOE. All of it deals friendly fire and is often used against the player (HSM, Widow Mine). The player has very little control of where the damage goes (HSM, Widow Mine), the exception being nukes and EMP. Nukes are expensive and only useful when massed and EMP is rarely seen outside of a the occasional TvP game. Both the Raven and Ghost are expensive units and take up production time better spent on more useful units. The 330mm Barrage gives Terran the ability to zone out enemy units and deal reliable, if limited spell AOE. It can be used reactionarily, aggressively, and defensively. Though it launches quicker than a nuke it does its damage over time and is much more forgiving, it's main purpose being breaking defense and map control. Since it stays on the field for 6 seconds it also acts to delay an enemy advance or cover a retreat. An enemy can choose to run through it, sacrificing health and low HP units to pursue. This creates micro opportunities for both players and fills a much needed gap in the Terran arsenal that isn't easily abused.
This is a skillshot AoE unit for Terran, I purposed already somewhere that they could change the snipe of the ghost to a skill shot which deals AoE in a small straight line. Though noone liked my idea with reasonable complaints. But i really love this Idea so here is what i came up with.
new building (that requires Barracks) in which you can build 2 support units which don't profit from standard upgrades: the widow mine (which is removed from the factory) and the MultiMissileThrower.
Mumi is a mobile multiple rocket launching system whose attack has to be targeted on ground (this is the primary and only attack it can do).
maybe even without autoattack so the player has to babysit it.
After manually targeting on ground It deals low damage (compared to tanks) with a bonus to light units on a big splash radius (I think of an old emp radius or even bigger) until you give it another command.
It is as fast as Marines
deals damage to friendly units
has only few hps, light, mechanical
Mumi can't shoot air. Their projectiles are very slow and Dodgeable easily. (I envision the rockets flying randomly around in strange curves until they reach the area of effect)
Mumi is a very flexible unit which can be built with mech and bio because it doesn't profit from standard upgrades.
The building, we can call it Supportfacility, needs a tech lab to build the Mumi but mines can be reactored.
The drilling claw upgrade is moved to the Supportfacility tech lab.
upgrade for higher range for the Rocketlauncher which needs a armory
Another upgrade which gives the rockets bonus Vs armored units, this upgrade needs a fusion core.
Unupgraded range would be something like 5 and upgraded like 7 but as it has aoe the effective range is even higher.
The unit costs something like 150/75 (this is really open)
has a very slow fire rate like the thor anti air (or maybe even slower)
This is how the onager in AoE was working. I wish we would have someth8ing like that in SC2. The raveger is a bit like that but not the kind of glasskanon unit with big AoE and the skillshot it is not his primary attack.
Justification of the design:
Firstof all I just love the high micro and counter micro possibilities this unit offers, and this is the main reason I suggest it.
The upgrades I chose are very important to keep the unit useful In all stages of the game,that is why there is for example a late game upgrade Vs armored units which is because there are not many light units in late game anymore esp Vs protoss.
The range upgrade is implemented to make it an investment commiting to a Mumi strategy. This way the cheese and early game Potential is not too high.
I think Mumis can help terran bio late game because you can defend areas very effective
Vs Protoss it is manly good vs clumped deathballs which is a good thing, except ghosts terran had no offensive AoE whith bio
this unit could maybe help meching players (not sure) and some allins like blink allin or dts.
The AoE damage will be not so efficent in early game offense because the enemy can dodge the shots with smaller armies. Together with the 2 upgrades, this is why this unit needs not to profit from upgrades to have a good balance in all gamesstages (that is what I hope at least).
By introducing the new building there will be more scouting potential for the other races and it is more of an commitment for terran to invest in an additional building, protoss can for example scout if Minedrops are comming. Or zergs know if terran plays hellbats or mines.
To be honest this unit is not invented by me for the sake of fullfilling a role, the main reason is just that it could be a fucking fun unit to play and to watch and it is something completaly different. I think first the units have to be fun and then they should balance around those units and maybe change them.
This unit would be very cool for bio mech transitions or confusing openings to keep zerg and protoss a bit in the dark whether Terran goes mech or bio. There could also be defensive openings involving Mumis combined with good building placement.
This unit also offers a nice strategic positioning tool even for bio. You could basically force the enemy to not engage in a certain area which you have targeted with 2 or 3 Mumis.
My conclusions and thoghts may be very wrong (i am bad), but does noone else like the idea of a unit with a really dodgeable aoe skillshot in the game? I think it would be so cool.
Some others have had similar suggestions, here is what I was thinking before reading anything else:
Space Combat Engineer (SCE) Builds at (naked/reactored) barracks. 50m/50g, 1 supply, 34s build time Armored, biological 5 dmg (+1) / 3.3dps / 1.5 cooldown (same as SCV, but upgrades) 50hp 0 armor (+1) Energy 50/200 Speed 2.25
Has ALL scv abilities except gather/return. Can build all terran structures as well as repair (note, SCE is NOT mechanical).
Ability: Weld (auto-cast) 2 energy per 5 hp, range 4 "Heals" close-by friendly mechanical units
Ability: Cloak, 25 energy (-0.9/s) *ONLY* When building, the SCE has the ability to build undetected (structure remains visible) until out of energy. (possibly upgradable with "personal cloaking" -ghost- to be usable beyond building)
Ability: Fox Hole, 75 energy, 3 Builds a 2x2 structure with 1 armor, 200hp and 2 bio slots. Lasts 180 seconds. *benefits from Building Armor, Durable Materials and Hi-Sec Auto tracking (think of this as a cross between an auto-turret and mini-bunker - and small part forcefield)
First, economy: It would be nice (as terran) to not waste scv time building... This would provide an additional "worker" without slowing SCV production. On the flip side, 50/50/34 (what I would start with) is a hefty gas and time investment for a non-fighting unit. So it shouldn't wreck early game economy (oh yeah, that's being totally changed in LotV already).
Second a rax unit that supports mech! (I think that's what most people are really after - my initial idea was some kind of bio AOE unit, but the tech would overlap with WM/hellion too much.) So, instead my second idea was for a mobile repair unit! I think having the option to behave like an SCV (without mineral pathing) as well as having a "mech-heal" (at a higher energy cost than medivac heals) was neat.
A caster? YES! However spells that have very different uses.
Weld is an obvious mech heal. You might think that having it in the early game would be OP (as a medivac would be). I'd argue that the high gas cost would slow down mech openings to a point that it would be very hard to use aggressively (poor synergy with hellions due to unit speed). So despite being an low tier unit, the ability comes into it's own more in the mid-late game.
Fox Hole is part Auto-Turret (minus the damage), part bunker (but smaller and without a range bump unless upgraded - hisec) and part FF. Anyone who's played with ravens knows it's not easy to land an auto-turret in combat (units tend to get in the way). This would almost require FH to be used before combat (especially since you'd still need to fill the fox hole for damage). With enough warning FH could be used to complete walls. Due to cost (75 energy) this can't really be spammed or cast on unit completion. This ability allows the SCE to play well with bio also.
Cloak is there cause I'm tired of having my SCVs harassed!! Purely a defensive ability (although some Korean will find a way to abuse this offensively) that allows a building to go up in peace.* *building still visible and subject to damage*
OH YEAH!! The unit skin is even in the game already...
Unit Type: Armored, Mechanical Production Facility: Starport w/ Tech Lab Cost: 200 Minerals & 100 Gas Build Time: 60 seconds Supply Cost: 4 Ground Attack: None Air Attack: 8 (+1) Splash (1.5x Thor's splash) +4 vs. Armored Range: 4 (Can attack while moving) Cooldown: 2 Air DPS: 4 (+0.5) 6 (+0.5) vs. Armored Health: 70 Armor: 5 (+1) Sight: 10 Movement Speed: 4.25
Abilities All Bomber's abilities have no effect on workers and share the cooldown. Carpet Bombing Cast Range: 15 Radius: 3 Cooldown: 30 seconds Damage: 30 (+70 vs. Armored) Travels to the target point bombing the ground. (Friendly units are unaffected) Smoke Reserched at: Tech Lab Reserch Time: 80 seconds Upgrade Cost: 200 Minerals & 200 Gas Enable Stategic Smoke and Tactical Smoke. Strategic Smoke Cast Range: 15 Radius: 3 Cooldown: 30 seconds Duration: 5 seconds Travels to the target point releasing a path of white smoke that slows the movement speed by 50% and blocks the sight. (Air units are affected as well) (Friendly units are affected only by the sight blocker) (The duration of multiple smoke stacks, the effects don't) Tactical Smoke Cast Range: 15 Radius: 3 Cooldown: 30 seconds Duration: 5 seconds Damage: 10 (+10 vs. Armored) Travels to the target point releasing a path of red smoke that slows the attack speed by 30% and deals damage over time. (Friendly units are unaffected) (The duration of multiple smoke stacks, the effects don't)
Name: MERC Produced at: Barracks Supply Cost: 2 Mineral Cost: 125 Gas Cost: 50 Movement Speed): 2.75 Damage : 30 Cooldown : 1.8 Range : 1 Defense: 160 Hp, Armor: 1, Biological, Light Collision Size : Same as Marauder Cargo Size: 2
Description: It has a special ability called grapple which allow the MERC to jump onto an other unit (ally or enemy or rocks) It will enable a lot of creative plays.
I propose renaming the Hellbat into the Hellbot. The new "Hellbat" will be another Hellion transformation that can be built in the starport. The transformation upgrade will be researched in the starport as well. It attacks using 2 laser-like flames that does small circular aoe damage on point of impact, because it has to be a different shape of flame from the hellion's and the hellbot's.
Stats: HP: 110 (differs from both hellion and hellbot) Air attack: 6 (+1) x2 (differs from both hellion and hellbot) Bonus: +2 (x2) vs light, +3 (+2) (x2) vs light with infernal pre-igniter (differs from both hellion and hellbot) Cooldown: 2.25 (differs from both hellion and hellbot) Attack range: 7.5 (differs from both hellion and hellbot) Attributes: biological, armored, mechanical (differs from both hellion and hellbot) Speed: 3.25 (differs from both hellion and hellbot)
You can also transport them inside medivacs to hide them. They escape from the medivac if it gets destroyed. Cargo size: 3 (differs from both hellion and hellbot)
The unit should be able to zone out mutalisks by wrecking them in straight up combat while not being fast enough to chase them. The longer range should prevent mutalisks from kiting them, however. It fits SC2's design as well as the terran motif. It is another hellion transformation with a different kind of flame that has different stats from other transformations. It also fills a very specific niche in the terran arsenal by hard countering a very specific unit.
Pre-Stim barracks unit that allows bio to stim without upgrade but will need to stay near to them once they stimmed. If the WW unit gets separated or killed off the bio will suffer from withdrawal and loose hp quickly over time.
Voice cast and dialog line are allready resolved :
I love Avilo's entry for the Boomerang. It would be fantastic !
Avilo wrote:
"Unit: The Boomerang The First Ever Mech Unit able to be constructed from both the Barracks and the Factory.
Built In: Factory and/or Barracks Cost: This is the first ever SC2 unit to have a different build cost depending on which structure it is produced from. Cost When Produced from Factory*: 100 minerals / 50 vespene gas / 2 supply Cost When Produced from Barracks*: 50 minerals / 100 vespene gas / 2 supply Life: 130 hp Build Time: 30 (same as the hellion) Build Requirements: Factory + Armory or Barracks + Ghost Academy Important Note: Boomerangs can be produced from reactored Barracks/Factories Movement Speed: Very Fast (same as the hellion/reaper)"
In case Blizzard has an issue with producing it out of different production buildings, you could consider:
- It can only build from the Barracks, not the Factory;
- It can build reactored;
- Add 50/50 quick research "Process Efficiency" (any name) to the Armory: Permanently changes the resource cost of the Boomerang from 50/100 to 100/50 (intended for Mech use only).
Otherwise exactly as Avilo described. All credit to Avilo - my comments are for Blizzard if they have an issue with the two buildings. I think Avilo's unit is perfect because it would bring alot of new dynamic to the seemingly rigid Terran race. Getting boosters and combined upgrades is nice, but... Terran needs an amazing and new idea.
Edit: Blizz said they wanted something from the Barrack or Starport. This should not nullify this unit concept since Mech floats in minerals and therefore you could just pump four units at a time out of two barracks.
Slow Long Range Infantry Unit - Spray's gatling gun on single line
No siege mode necessary but does have slower start up time to fire
Special Ability - Mow down - targets one unit or building
Has the ability to "saddle" on a hellion to increase speed while shooting
Another ability "Hellbat Shield," combines with hellbat, increases the hellbats defense/life and run's the hellbat into the fight (kind of like a stim for the hellbat)
I have summarized the first 5 pages of this thread. Double entries omitted. Names and contributors are omitted, ideas only. Someone else take over please!
A large force field projector that creates a barrier
A supporting mech unit: sensor, increase unit vision, detect cloak, emit EMP wave
A unit that rotates 360° before firing either a 200 damage bullet or an AOE hammer
A terran version of the swarmhost that spawns 2 small 'locbots' at a time
A hero infantry unit: lay electric fence, double damage of mech units, spawn short-lived 'observer' drone
A fast support mech-unit: deploy healing bot, create defense matrix, deploy spider mines
A bunker that takes 35 sec to build
A huge caterpillar truck: Drive over infantry, deposit indestructible rocks, build bridge
A drill tank: create underground tunnel for unit deployment
Warhound: A unit that eliminates the need for any other ground unit to ever be produced. Cost: 150 minerals / 75 gas Health: 220 (76% more than a Marauder) Armor: 1 DPS: 14 (40% more than a Marauder against unarmored units) Speed: 25% Faster than all bio forces Supply Cost: 2
Ability: Auto-cast 6 second cool-down missiles that deal an extra 30 damage to any mech unit in range (current target is prioritized). Effectively gives the unit 19 DPS against mech units.