basically lck got a 5th seed for worlds and na lost a seed
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Australia8601 Posts
basically lck got a 5th seed for worlds and na lost a seed | ||
Belgium4529 Posts
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Netherlands4118 Posts
On December 07 2022 20:19 evilfatsh1t wrote: tl has 5 players that all speak korean and a korean head coach with a korean coach. basically lck got a 5th seed for worlds and na lost a seed So about that... | ||
Australia8601 Posts
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United States19573 Posts
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Australia8601 Posts
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Germany4194 Posts
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Australia8601 Posts
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United States19573 Posts
On August 20 2023 13:51 evilfatsh1t wrote: if it werent for steals games would be incredibly boring to watch. game 5 was awesome. tense and dramatic until the end Nah. Lots of games proceed without them. Baron and Dragon (after 3) are too valuable for there to even be a 10% chance to trade them for 300g, 50s and a flash. If we want to keep steals they need to drop in value by like 90%. Nothing is less hype than a G5 like what we had, except if T1 hadn't stolen back to make it feel "fair". KT winning based on 2 steals would have been trash. SKT barely winning despite losing the steal game 2-1 is still rare. They were 99% better than KT that game. On August 20 2023 21:00 evilfatsh1t wrote: yeah gen g drafting was on point today. i think t1 paid the price for not having faker for half the split. it was pretty clear that t1 didnt have the versatility in drafts and relied on a few staples + their general ability. i imagine if faker wasnt away as long as he was then there would have been some more explorations as to which picks the team could use during the split. T1 seems like a mediocre team right now that is held together by Faker's gamesense. Unless he does decisive things they look like crap, which is what happened in the Jayce game. He played an adequate Jayce, but the rest of the team couldn't force anything with early lane advantages, and Jayce is just like a "I slowly crush your soul" sort of champion. Which they can't play around. They need those 4 man pop blossoms. | ||
Australia8601 Posts
steals are the only thing that allow a losing team to claw their way back into the game. i get the point about how it sucks for a team to lose off the back of a steal if they were the better team for 99% of the game, but thats just how the game is. you could argue that the winning team should have done a better job in preventing the steal from happening, or not choosing to coinflip the objective at all. i agree on the point about their reliance on faker to do something though. its why i noted that if they had more time they might have been able to adjust their gameplay a bit to allow faker to play picks that arent "playmakers". they were starting to struggle with these issues before he left and they didnt really have any time to address the problems by the time he came back. i dunno whats gonna happen during the off season but imo t1 should let go of guma. i think hes the weak link because hes average at short range adcs (kaisa/zeri/ezreal etc.) and he just doesnt have that 1v5 carry potential that guys like ruler/peyz have. its probably why faker has to play a playmaking champion, to make up for gumas inability to kite and outplay difficult teamfight scenarios. guma seems to excel with champions that keep him at arms length (jinx, caitlyn, aphelios) or have good survivability in their kit (xayah), but thats about it. its unfortunate that zeri especially is the epitome of busted 1v9 ad carry and guma sucks with him. | ||
United States19573 Posts
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Belgium4529 Posts
G3 they had a good shot but became desperate and forced things. 4k lead should pretty much net you a win most of the times. | ||
Australia8601 Posts
On August 22 2023 00:23 cLutZ wrote: There are more non steal comebacks than steal comebacks, so that is just not true. in na maybe. i exclusively watch lck and you rarely see a team outplay a gold deficit without a steal, with the exception of teams like gen g, t1 and kt this split. those 3 teams being straight up better than all their opponents anyway. in the reverse situations for example, you will pretty much never see kdf/ns/bro come back from a 10k gold deficit against a top team without an objective steal. besides, my point wasnt that comebacks arent possible without steals, because obviously throws exist. my point is steals add hype and drama and bring excitement to games that would otherwise be boring because if winning teams dont slip up, which top teams hardly ever do, there is no point of watching in the hopes of any other outcome | ||
Belgium4529 Posts
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Canada22817 Posts
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Australia8601 Posts
On August 22 2023 02:20 Uldridge wrote: I always wonder what the idea is behind taking baron in the opponent's face. Because often times it's such a volatile situation you basically heighten the chances for the enemy team to win in that moment. multiple reasons: 1. you have a comp that wants to force a fight and so the easiest way is to just start an objective and hope the opponents contest. 2. you are winning but you have an inferior comp and so you need to push your advantages before you get outscaled, therefore needing to take objectives quickly in order to end. you might commit and the opponents decide to contest. 3. you are getting out split pushed either because your split pusher is inferior or tp is down or w/e, and you start an objective in order to force the opponent to group if they wish to contest. 4. you are ahead with superior map and vision control and you try to sneak a baron. maybe you get caught out but you commit anyway because the lost time in investing multiple guys to hit a baron might have cost you something (towers, opposite objectives, etc). 5. you've come out better in a teamfight and so the objective looks "free" because the opponents cant properly contest. even with the risk of a steal you might want to commit instead of taking your chances on another teamfight and hoping for an ace, or at least a dead jgler. 6. youre behind and you need the objective if you want to come back at all. some examples quickly off the top of my head where any one of them could easily lead to a coinflip if both teams commit too much. | ||
Belgium4529 Posts
Often times it seems like they just want to flip it because they wabt to brute force with their wallets. Maybe they had a gameplan going into it but baron seems to always mess up everything. People become complacent in the play (turn, or heist) or they split their calls and calamity ensues. I put seems in italics because I can't know as an observer what the team actually knows, unless they toggle vision. But you have to expect that, when 6k ahead and you just starting baron, you have a gameplan, no? | ||
Australia8601 Posts
the objectives are there to give a team either a huge advantage to close a game out or provide leverage in a macro play. whatever the reason is a team utilises an objective, theres no scenario where a winning team wants to coinflip an objective, while losing teams are usually happy to do so. it just so happens that in a game like lol where subtle positioning and skillshots can be the difference between a fight breaking out or just having a stand off. the other thing is that in almost all the scenarios, it requires a team to actually start hitting baron rather than just standing around, because if you dont show the intention of taking the objective you just get called on your bluff. in the scenarios where the winning team starts an objective when the opponents are alive, its obvious what the gameplan is. the opponents are dodging fights somehow and so the winning team wants to force the opponents to a 5v5 at the risk of otherwise giving up a free baron. the winning team should set themselves up around baron, have some guys start to hit it, bait the opponents in and then ditch baron and jump on the opponents. at least thats how the theory goes, execution is trickier as is seen often in many fights around baron | ||
United States19573 Posts
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