[Patch 10.12] Ghostin' Em General Discussion - Page 2
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United States19143 Posts
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Germany4194 Posts
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Belgium4602 Posts
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Australia2380 Posts
On June 13 2020 17:59 Uldridge wrote: Did they just say their item system is difficult to understand? Oh boy, they're out of touch if they think so. Or I'm vastly overestimating the average intelligence of the people playing the game. The item system always felt like one of the easiest aspects of the game to understand. Certain champion interactions are more difficult to grasp than the entire item shop. I will say, as an outside observer who has played like 2 games ever but follows the proscene, the items feel more complicated than say DotA and the way items are discussed it seems like most champions have what is essentially an obviously optimal base item build. That is very different to items that function like "okay I'm an ADC, what attack damage item fits my playstyle?" and I imagine is somewhat offputting to new players. | ||
Denmark2771 Posts
On June 13 2020 17:59 Uldridge wrote: Did they just say their item system is difficult to understand? Oh boy, they're out of touch if they think so. Or I'm vastly overestimating the average intelligence of the people playing the game. The item system always felt like one of the easiest aspects of the game to understand. Certain champion interactions are more difficult to grasp than the entire item shop. I think it's because you're looking at it from the perspective of someone with experience. For instance my brother and nephew both with no MOBA experience just recently started playing League and the item (and rune) system is what they are/were the most confused about. They enjoy discovering or seeing new champion interactions and combos. Basically learning how to actually play the game is fun, learning to read what's essentially a spreadsheet is not. Should be noted both have a ton of high Elo Overwatch so it's natural for them champions function completely different have unique patterns and playstyles. A pretty fun note is my nephew a dirty Tracer main loves playing support especially Lulu or jungle Ivern, he feels like it need more snap reactive creative play (like Tracer) than the other roles, while my Brother a tank main only play dive champions. Hardly surprised by my brother but I'm baffled by my nephew not being a Lee Sin main: he even bought him and learned a ton of the combos so fast it's stupid. | ||
Germany4194 Posts
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United States11944 Posts
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Belgium4602 Posts
On June 14 2020 02:21 chipmonklord17 wrote: I assume that what they're talking about isn't the shop interface but the differences in items themselves. For example, unironically, Morellos vs Liandries or Thornmail vs Frozen Heart vs Randuins. I know I still spend time in my games debating whether or not the enemy adc has enough crit to justify randuins over thornmail's grevious wounds or frozen heart's attack speed debuff, these things are all often game specific and really really nuanced Yeah I get that, but it's mostly a gut feeling right? If you see a lot of life steal on the adc + on the enemy team (or the adc is super fed and lifestealing) you go thornmail, otherwise I go Randuin's. I almost never take FH because of the zero hp on it, and my gut might be very wrong here (400 or 500? mana and 20% cdr is a big deal). There's probably strong cut offs with math to back up which situations require which items, but I'd be interested to see if I'd buy the actual correct item more often than not or if I'm just a total moron in itemization. | ||
United States11944 Posts
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France45622 Posts
On June 14 2020 02:21 chipmonklord17 wrote: I assume that what they're talking about isn't the shop interface but the differences in items themselves. For example, unironically, Morellos vs Liandries or Thornmail vs Frozen Heart vs Randuins. I know I still spend time in my games debating whether or not the enemy adc has enough crit to justify randuins over thornmail's grevious wounds or frozen heart's attack speed debuff, these things are all often game specific and really really nuanced I rarely felt that in LoL in the last couple years I played, and right now in pro play it looks like people are set in item builds from the second team comps are locked in, rarely deviating either items built or even their order, no matter what happens in the game. On the contrary I've felt like that happens a lot more in the DotA tournaments I watch, when a carry is behind and needs to make an impact now over going for the powerful but still far away big item. Even something as simple as finishing a mid-tier item right before a baron siege to get the power spike, as opposed to just buying the basic component needed for the big item you're currently buying, is something we almost never see. And since the champs played in pro play (and, bigger than that, the patterns they follow as groups of champions) have so little diversity, knowing that no more will come from the item choice or ability leveling order in the games themselves participates to making them even blander. | ||
United States11944 Posts
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Germany4194 Posts
people are set in item builds from the second team comps are locked in This is very true: People ping champs in the first 2 min of the game and say stuff like 'build heal reduction, they have Vlad and Soraka', or 'they are AD heavy, build armor'. It is unlikely that building those items is wrong. And a lot of roles have fairly strict item choices, like AD carries never build BT to win lane (except Draven, and he's trended away from BT first item) at the cost of poor mid game scaling. something as simple as finishing a mid-tier item right before a baron siege to get the power spike That's because Riot removed mid tier items which don't build further, like Wriggle's lantern and Brutalizer. These items were incredibly gold efficient but not slot efficient. Now everything builds into a T3 item, and T2 items are less efficient than them. | ||
United States19573 Posts
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France45622 Posts
On June 14 2020 17:50 DarkCore wrote: That's because Riot removed mid tier items which don't build further, like Wriggle's lantern and Brutalizer. These items were incredibly gold efficient but not slot efficient. Now everything builds into a T3 item, and T2 items are less efficient than them. Not even that, I meant something as simple as finishing Zeal over buying the Pickaxe because you already have BFS for your IE/BT/whatever, for example. | ||
United States11944 Posts
On June 12 2020 03:17 Jek wrote: Just play Soraka or Janna for around a week or so. Broken soloQ supports and ez honor 5. :^) Just a fun update related to this, I just went 8/0/33 on Yuumi, said literally nothing all game, and got 1 honor lmao | ||
Canada10660 Posts
Imagine how much easier the game would be if Riot wasn't constantly having to deal with rotating strengths of Keystones and kits. Like how much of a hassle has trying to balance just Ezreal with Keystones been? | ||
Belgium4602 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
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United States19143 Posts
I normally just bit the bullet and pick Maokai w/o complaining but with the exception of like 1in10 I think the adc player would play out the lane better . Anyone else have a way they deal with this or ideas? | ||
Denmark2771 Posts
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