On August 19 2014 21:04 Maluk wrote: Why are people not building Black Cleaver on Yi ? It seems like it has everything that Yi wants to get. A bit of health on an offensive item helps Yi as he's forced to build tons of offensive stats but has problems of survivability. CDR on an offensive item is the same : CDR helps a ton on Yi but your choices are limited as you need to prioritize offensive items. The armor reduction is very good too and you will get to 5 stacks very fast when your ult is activated.
One of the problems that I see is that BC cannot be a "core" item on Yi as you absolutely need Blade of the Ruined King and Youmu, which forces you to build BC as a third item which is kind of late. IE/Shiv/BotRK/Ghostblade/Zerks are pretty core
What are you replacing out of that? And LW is just better straight up imo. Cleaver costs about a BF Sword worth of gold to upgrade and it doesn't do much for you besides give you stacking armor pen. You should be 3-shotting people anyway. Most of the time that last item will be defensive in nature (GA, Mercurial, Banshees, Randuins).
Also, back on the Ashe topic, if you're using Arrow to initiate fights you should 100% win the fight if it hits someone. If it doesn't 100% win you the fight then you should probably just save it because it's essentially your way of dealing with gapclosers.
That's why I get confused when people say Ashe doesn't have a way to self-peel. She does, you're just using it badly.
General answer: becaue Ghostblade is way stronger. In your case, LW is stronger. 200 HP and 10% CDR mean nothing for an autoattacking champion as if the passive has any value then the additional damage you'll get from the immediatly active %ArPen on LW on your alpha strike and first 4 autos will beat it anyway.
Yeah initiate on a bunch of BV's with ECA, you tell me how that went. Ashe needs someone to pop BV's for her now while previously she was able to initiate from long distances. There's also stuff like Braum and Yasuo who can pretty much negate it, and Crucible (although it's been nerfed). Remember when actual cc existed and Cleanse was a thing? ;_;7
As for "peeling", it's a 1s stun when used at point-blank range, and she's not mobile enough to cover a lot of ground in the meantime then kite people.
black cleaver helps your teammates at the expense of some of your own personal dps, if that kind of thing was appealing to you then you probably wouldn't be playing master yi.
On August 19 2014 19:45 Capped wrote:Show nested quote +On August 19 2014 19:42 Alaric wrote: Well yeah, you kinda have when it's so in line with most of your recent, serious posts. What recent posts were those? Because the only one in "My Posts" in here that was relevant has been about amumu. This has revealed just how little i post in here tbh and 99% of the time its offtopic replies to people now. Im becoming a lurker t.t -- Lets make this ontopic! My mechanics really suck. Like my CS blows chunks, i've gotten to gold off support/jungling so it hasn't been an issue. How do i improve my CS / Laning ? Just playing games doesn't seem to be cutting it, i'm probably doing something wrong.
Practicing is good for leading to CS but won't help you for the games when you're not ready or doping poorly for some reason.
The proper answer is that if you get the role that you're not good at csing then don't farm. If you have a choice between fighting and CSing, fight. They way you win lane is not by having a lot of CS it's by having more than the other guy. This can be because you're good at csing or it can be because you won the trades. Well if you know you're going to lose the farm game to a passive lane, make sure the lane isn't passive.
On August 19 2014 19:45 Capped wrote:Show nested quote +On August 19 2014 19:42 Alaric wrote: Well yeah, you kinda have when it's so in line with most of your recent, serious posts. What recent posts were those? Because the only one in "My Posts" in here that was relevant has been about amumu. This has revealed just how little i post in here tbh and 99% of the time its offtopic replies to people now. Im becoming a lurker t.t -- Lets make this ontopic! My mechanics really suck. Like my CS blows chunks, i've gotten to gold off support/jungling so it hasn't been an issue. How do i improve my CS / Laning ? Just playing games doesn't seem to be cutting it, i'm probably doing something wrong. For csing, just go into custom games and practice, I remember scip once told us to go into a custom game with no items, and a sharp pencil in hand, and stab yourself in the leg whenever you miss a cs. Normal people can just train in bot games though.
For laning (mid/top) itself, if you're able to get most cs easily in an empty lane, then just practice 1v1's with people better then you as much as possible. Find someone and just spam a champion as many times in a row in 1v1's (just play til the lane seems decided, then restart) until they get bored, then find someone else and keep going. Go for all the risky all ins, harass and everything, even if it doesn't work, so you can learn the limits of when you can do what.
Then you go into solo q vs people at your level and suddenly you'll see all the openings you didn't recognize before.
I just recently got back and was curious why trundle fell off being played top. Seems like with this new maokai top, he should do fine in lane, and excel in team fights. (Shredding mao's defense when he jumps into your team?)
I think he's still good in this meta yes, it's not the first time a champ has been "forgotten" when it could very well still be viable. After a few month he will maybe come back and everyone will be "omg trundle op" even though he didn't change, this happened to mundo very recently.
There are a lot of good top picks at the moment, the reason for that is that the current FOTM tops (alistar mundo maokai...) are not very strong laners so it opens up a lot of possibility on what you can pick but obviously it's easier to just pick a fucking tank maokai that does more damage than a fed tristana or an alistar with 70% damage reduction at lvl 6 than do some research on what other picks could be good.
Isn't Trundle bad against Maokai and Gragas?
only because shoving him is one of the best ways to contain him, not sure how post nerf gragas is for him, but since his pushing got nerfed it might be ok?
both do %hp magic damage so sunfire rush won't help, you could go hydra I guess but then you are building sub-optimal to win lane (hydra isn't bad on trundle, but it isn't op lategame like bork+tank is)
Trundle excels against tanky champs that stack resists and/or raw HP like Shyvana or Mundo. Currently, none of the fotm top laners do that. Lulu, Gragas, and Nidalee all build pretty squishy. Maokai and Alistar do build tanky, but rely mostly on their ultimates for damage reduction, something Trundle can't steal. Trundle's best as a counterpick to the tanky top laner meta, which has rotated away.
Ashe is my most played champion in ranked Gold 2 this season. She has an excellent level one burst (crit/volley/600 range) that nearly everyone under estimates. However volley starts to fall off after level 3 and it doesn't regain its potential until almost level 13 when you have Q maxed. During this mid-game time you are fully reliant on hitting your ult for a good stun/burst.
I find Ashe works best with a support who can peel (Thresh), not poke (Zrya does both), for her until she can max her Q. Once Q is maxed she can self peel anyone with a gap closer on CD.
Ashe is a monster if she gets ahead with two or more items but really really suffers when behind. Even if she gets ahead in lane it doesn't really shine until she gets two items unlike other carries who can run away with their lead just based on a level advantage.
I read this really good article about how to rework Ashe to bring her back into the LCS. The author makes many good points and I completely agree with his thoughts and the whole theme it brings to Ashe. Rework Forge - How to make Ashe viable in S4
~edit: There are also two other really good articles about the future Soraka and Diana reworks.
in gold league just pick leona ashe and all in constantly after 6 with both your ults effectively being targeted stuns. ashe working against people who have no clue is nothing new. theres something specific to low league players about absolutely bricking it to hard engage, and so just running until they die.
that doesnt prove ashe viable as she isnt even top tier at ult based all ins either.
On August 20 2014 02:30 Ryuu314 wrote: Trundle excels against tanky champs that stack resists and/or raw HP like Shyvana or Mundo. Currently, none of the fotm top laners do that. Lulu, Gragas, and Nidalee all build pretty squishy. Maokai and Alistar do build tanky, but rely mostly on their ultimates for damage reduction, something Trundle can't steal. Trundle's best as a counterpick to the tanky top laner meta, which has rotated away.
trundle actually does great vs high damage ADs too as his q steals AD and his ability to still deal good damage with full tank means he can just smash your face in.
the only thing he struggles with line lane is dashes imo. trundle has been good for a while now, everyone on here was talking about him when it was the mundo vs shyv 5eva top lane and hes not been touched since. but even then when he was a strong pick he was still barely picked up. hes just not a popular champion, doesnt have any flashy plays he can make or whatever so people just dont like him i guess.
(Also Darius totally shits on Trundle super hard tho)
All the Amumu talk got me wondering. Has anyone else tried the Quill Coat into Rod of Ages build? I tend to win against AP Amumus (who go spectral wraith) but that RoA build seems like a really strong balance between tankiness and damage and it has beaten me a few times. I tried it in some normals but the damage fell off pretty bad later on, maybe because I went sunfire and bv rather than haunting guise and rylai. Just curious if anyone else has been trying it and how they build.
I often hear that ap amumu is freelo but idk I always see it lose because we blow him up so fast, unless he gets a huge 4-5 man ult with some good wombo follow up. But if that happens it's my team's fault for grouping so tight.
why would you buy a rod on him when you can just get rylais scepter?
you dont need the mana or the level up gains.
quill coat is shit. th only reason to ever get it is because ancient golem is nice just go spirit stone into spectral and then get hp instead of buying mana items when you can buy a jungle speed sustain item that gives more damage and cdr
AFAIK the addition of quill coat only helped rammus and pretty much shafted everyone else. 5k+ HP rammus on top of his W is so swag. Other than that it's pretty horrible.
On August 20 2014 06:15 Ethelis wrote: AFAIK the addition of quill coat only helped rammus and pretty much shafted everyone else. 5k+ HP rammus on top of his W is so swag. Other than that it's pretty horrible.
I see Nightblue using the Quill to RoA build on Maokai when he gets to jungle Maokai. He seems to like that the extra HP goes nicely with all the healing you get from Mao passive.